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Blood & Secrets: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 2

Page 23

by Helen Bright

  “Freya,” I warned as I tried to pull back and stop my impending release.

  Freya didn’t stop. Seconds later I was coming down her throat, my head thrown back and my eyes squeezed together tightly as wave after wave of pleasure swept over me. My legs were trembling, my knees feeling almost boneless.

  Freya stood up and kissed me deeply, letting me taste my come on her tongue. I wanted to reciprocate and make Freya come with my mouth, but she had other ideas. She pushed me onto my back on the bed and made me scoot up towards the headboard, following me as I went. Freya straddled me and slid my already semi hard cock inside her wet heat. I ran my fingertips over her breasts and tugged on her nipples. I heard her gasp so I did it again, harder this time before I took one of the firm nubs into my mouth. With every suck I gave it, I felt my cock grow harder, and soon I was fully erect once again.

  Freya began to ride me hard and deep, her sex seeming to suck on my cock like her eager mouth had. I slowed down the tempo, wanting to savour the feel of being inside my woman. I placed my thumb in her mouth and ordered her to lick it. She did so without question, and when it was wet enough, I pressed it against her clit and moved it up and down firmly. Freya moaned as she rocked against me and I pressed down even more on her pink pearl until she cried out her release, the spasms from deep within her tight sex began milking come from me once more.

  Before I could get my breath, she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up, so my chest was flush against hers. With her hand still in my hair, she pulled my head over to the side and licked up my neck towards my ear. Freya was still horny, but I needed some recovery time just then. I started to tell her that I would take care of her needs, but Freya silenced me by whispering in my ear the same words she said earlier.

  “Trust me?”

  “I do,” I replied, enjoying the feel of her tongue lapping at my earlobe, then lower, but seconds later I felt the two sharp points of her fangs as they slid into my neck, my body tensed and I sucked in my breath sharply.

  I was about to push her away, but when I felt the pull of her sucking my blood into her mouth, I held her even closer.

  Raw pleasure shot through my body making me instantly hard again. I don’t know who moved their body first but within seconds, I was thrusting up into her as she rocked against me. My cock throbbed with the impending release in less than twenty seconds, and although I tried to delay it, as soon as Freya sucked my blood into her mouth again I was done for. I came with a roar and many louder grunts and groans. My orgasm lasting longer than any other I have ever had before, only ending when Freya removed her fangs from my neck and licked the wounds closed.

  I collapsed back on the headboard pulling Freya with me. She placed little kisses on my jaw and up to my lips before murmuring, “Thank you, Dan.”

  I smiled up at her, exhausted and more sated than I had ever been in my entire life.

  “It’s me who should be thanking you for that Freya. I haven’t had such a speedy recovery time since I was a teenager, but when I felt the first pull of blood leaving me I was instantly rock hard. I came, and you carried on sucking. Oh wow, I felt that thrill everywhere on my body.”

  “I bet you never read about that in those books,” she giggled.

  I laughed along with her and said, “No you’re right, they never mentioned that.”

  Freya moved a little, and I felt the wetness sliding out of her and over my balls as I softened inside her.

  “I hope you’ve got spare sheets in here Freya because I came loads and it’s already sounding and feeling a bit messy.”

  “I know, I need to get up, but it feels so right to be in your arms,” Freya said, trailing her fingers through my chest hair.

  “It does,” I replied, feeling the rightness of what we had together wash over me. It was a good feeling to know that you belonged to someone as they belonged to you. And that’s how I felt about us, that we belonged together.

  “But we do need to get cleaned up,” Freya said as even more of my come left her body.

  “After three, okay,” I said, readying myself. She giggled but said “Okay.”

  “One, two, three,” I counted, then lifted her off my body.

  I laughed as she tried to walk to the bathroom without opening her legs too much, and I slapped her arse on the way past her.

  After a leisurely shower, we made the bed and then went downstairs for a bite to eat. I still wasn’t sure whether she was serious about the job offer and what it would mean for us if I took it.

  “What’s on your mind Dan?” she asked as she cleared our plates away. “You’ve gone all quiet on me since we came down stairs.”

  “I’m just wondering if you were serious about the job offer and how it would impact our relationship. And you don’t travel that often so if it’s just as and when required it just wouldn’t suit me. I need full-time employment,” I told her truthfully.

  “Well I usually go over to the warehouse once a week to check in on things there. When a shipment is ready to be dispatched, I’m normally running around between the designers, the warehouse, and offices for a few weeks beforehand, and it's anything up to eighteen hours a day. Most of that is spent with my designers as they panic over the nearly finished products. I would need you to be on call and ready to leave at a moment’s notice during that time. Obviously, I wouldn’t want you to appear as my bodyguard unless I was meeting with someone who warranted it, but I would appreciate it if you would be my driver and general go-to guy.”

  “I don’t know, Freya. I just get the feeling you are creating a job for me. And I don’t want to feel like I’m a kept man.” I told her this in all seriousness. I have always had a job, and it was important to me to pay my own way.

  “You have to accept that I am a very wealthy woman, Dan. I never have to work again if I don’t want to, but I have to do something, so I deal with fabrics and fashion. Alex has offered me a part share of Night Movers, but I don’t think it’s me. You could take over it for me if you wanted. After all, you know the business, Dan.”

  She seemed sincere, but I was never going to be a pen pusher. Warehousing I could do, office work was something I wasn’t smart enough to deal with.

  “I don’t think I could do it Freya. I’m not like Keeley, I hated school and didn’t leave with many qualifications that would make me suitable for a job in an office.”

  “It can all be learned, Dan. After all, my brothers and Nik didn’t go through the British education system,” She laughed.

  “Yeah but you’ve either got it, or you haven’t, and I don’t think I’ve ever had it.”

  “Oh I think you’ve definitely got it, Dan,” she winked.

  I smiled, but I was also a little sad at that statement. I wanted to be more than just good sex to Freya, but I realised I wasn’t being very helpful with her suggestions.

  I think Freya realised where my thoughts had gone because she took my hand in hers and said, “You have a lot of really great things going for you Dan. You are hardworking, have a great personality and are loyal to your friends and family. You are kind, generous and loving and for the first time in centuries, I feel like I could have a future with someone. If you ever want to be with me long term, then you will have to get over thinking that a man always needs to provide financially for his woman. There are many other roles in a relationship than the provider. A real man will fill as many of those roles as he’s able to.”

  She was right, I knew that, but it was still hard to change the ideal that I had been brought up with for so long.

  “Here’s a bit of information for you Dan,” she said in a very matter of fact kind of way. “In the late nineteen-seventies, Gregor told me about an up and coming venture which involved transporting gas from Russia to Europe. The project began construction in nineteen-eighty-two and meant that Western Europe could have a steady supply of gas from Russia. I invested what I could although not as much as Gregor and Sergei, and within a few years, my investment paid off. I also investe
d in fuels being exported from the Ukraine too, but I am glad I pulled out of that while the going was good.

  “Gregor was a star, managing all those investments for me, and I was glad I put my trust in him to do so, as from those investments alone I became a billionaire.”

  To say I was shocked was an understatement. I knew Freya was wealthy, I mean her home could house a small army, and she even has a cook and a butler for Christ sakes, but even knowing all that, I didn’t think she could be a billionaire. Freya didn’t act like you would imagine one would act. She was so lovely and down to earth and always had time for others. I ran my hand over my face and contemplated what it would mean to us as a couple. She obviously didn’t think that money was an issue, but I just didn’t know how it couldn’t be. I didn’t want her brothers and the staff at Night Movers to think that was the reason I was with her.

  As if reading my mind Freya said, “Don’t let what other people may think, worry you or stop you being with me. Earlier this evening you said we could make this thing between us work by us splitting our time between Barrowfield and here, so you could keep your job if you wanted. But the offer of being my driver, bodyguard and the guy who helps take some of the strain from my day by just being there when I need support still stands. If you aren’t opposed to me taking your blood, then it would make it easier for me when I travel to have you there, because I won’t need to take from anyone else.”

  I’m not normally a jealous person, but picturing Freya taking blood from someone else after the experience I had with her upstairs infuriated me.

  “You won’t be taking blood from anyone else, Freya, not anymore.”

  She laughed at me but shook her head.

  “Da, it’s only like that if you are intimate with someone. Otherwise, it’s just giving and taking blood.”

  “I don’t care. You are not having blood from just any fucking stranger Freya, and I really mean that. Don’t cross me on this,” I huffed, my knuckles clenching at the thought of her being so close to some random stranger.

  “I take blood from my staff, Dan. I feed from the wrist of one of them every few days and they, in turn, take a small amount of mine to remain healthy and ageless. There is nothing sexual in that at all.”

  “So if you took my blood every few days you wouldn’t need theirs?”

  “Well no, but if you aren’t here I may need to feed. Sometimes if we are overstressed or hurt, we will need to feed more.”

  “Then it looks like I will be taking the job then Freya because there’s no fucking way I will let you take blood from another man, staff or not.”

  “I didn’t know you had a jealous streak, Dan,” she teased.

  “Neither did I,” I said thoughtfully. “It’s never happened before. But then again I’ve never been in love before.”

  “I think being with vampires is starting to rub off on you. We are known to be very possessive after all.”

  “Yeah, I might have to be the one doing the biting later then,” I winked.

  “Well, that’s what bonded couple’s do,” Freya said, looking down at her fingers. I lifted her chin up, so she was looking at me.

  “Explain what you just said,” I demanded, curious to know what she meant.

  “Well, when an immortal decides to spend their life with either another immortal or human they create a bond by feeding from each other at the same time during sex. The bond is forever, and it creates a link whereby the couple can sense each other’s emotions and feelings and often they can communicate telepathically. If one of the couples is human, the blood they ingest from the immortal one will stop them ageing and keep them healthy, just like my blood does for my staff. Apparently, sex is off the charts good if both parties take blood from each other when they are intimate.”

  “Keeley tried to explain this to me, but she didn’t tell me everything. Is that what she and Josh will do? And has Alex and Julia, Nik and Gina done the same?”

  “Yes. Through the bond, they have committed to be with each other forever. There is no divorce or anything like that for a bonded couple. It’s a lifelong commitment, and as they never age or die as long as the human continues to take the immortals blood, then that really does mean forever.”

  I was quiet for a while, thinking about the enormity of such a thing. My mum and dad were so happy together and were great parents. When my mum died, my dad was never the same. He would have loved to have had forever with her. It always got to me when I found out people got divorced, although I know that often they had good reason to go down that road. But it seemed like a lot of people were always on the lookout for something better and didn’t appreciate what they had at home.

  “If I make a commitment to someone, you know, marriage and so on, then I want that to be forever. I think I would like to be bonded. My mum would still be here if she and dad had bonded, well you know, if he had been a vampire, and then she wouldn’t have got cancer, and my dad wouldn’t be a drunk.”

  “I know it’s early days for us, Dan but I think you would make a good bonded mate, and I would be proud to call you mine.”

  I stood and picked her up, twirling her around the kitchen until we were both dizzy.

  “I’ve always been yours, Freya, and now I get to show everyone that you are mine.”

  I kissed her softly then told her how much I loved her. I smiled at that because from now on I knew I would be doing that every single day for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I had been working with Gregor for the last three hours. We sat at the kitchen table, both our laptops and diaries open as we went through all the work we had missed over the last few days. I know that Gregor’s Russian P.A had been going over his overseas business dealings over the last few days, and I felt a little guilty that I was taking his hospitality and not giving anything in return.

  Ever the gentleman, Gregor had told me that I had been through a terrible experience, and I should take all the time I needed before getting back to work. I knew I needed this, though. That little bit of normality would make me feel like myself again.

  Just as we were finishing up the morning's business, I heard the noise of a vehicle pulling up the gravel driveway. While my new vampire hearing lets me detect that noise, Gregor’s went one better when he announced, “That’s Nik’s car. He and Gina have been strawberry picking, and she promised to bring some.”

  Gregor’s ice blue eyes were almost glittering with expectation, and his smile seemed to take over his whole face. I heard Josh open the front door, so I waited before I walked down the hallway to greet them. Gregor got there first and embraced Gina quickly before taking the strawberries from her.

  “Gina, my darling, you brought cream as well, you are so good to me,” he said kissing her cheek before darting off to the kitchen before anyone could steal one of the mouth-watering fruits.

  Gina smiled and said, “You are welcome Gregor, but save some for Keeley and Josh.”

  Since Gregor had let her go, Gina hadn’t taken her eyes off me. She stepped forward and threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I felt tears fill my eyes clouding my vision, but not before I had seen the way Nik tensed when I held her right back. He feared that I would hurt her. And the way Nik had tensed and grit his teeth I knew that he held himself ready to separate us in case I attacked. Gina was much shorter than I was and I didn’t know she was crying until I felt her tears soak through the front of my t-shirt.

  “Hey, come on girls,” Nik said as he came towards us and enveloped us both in one of his big, brawny hugs. “You will get there Keeley, it’s just going to take some time, but you will have lots of that now. You have a lot of support and more love than you could ever know.”

  Gina and I still couldn’t let each other go. It was the first time that we had seen each other since Gina had staked Maxim and tried to save my life. A few days ago I wished that she had let me die, but now I was so grateful for her intervention.

ank you, Gina, for saving me. I hope you are feeling okay now. Sergei has been keeping us informed about your recovery, and I know I did nothing but blubber when we tried to speak on the phone the other day,” I said as I took the tissue from Josh and wiped my eyes.

  “That was nothing,” replied Nik. “Gina cried for forty minutes after that call. It was awful; I’ve never seen so much snot in my life…ooww!” Nik yelped as Gina nipped him.

  “I don’t know why I love you Nik; you’re such a pig sometimes.” But she was smiling when she said it, and we finally let go of each other.

  “Do you all want a drink?” I asked as Josh took my hand and led me back to the kitchen.

  “Something cold,” replied Nik. “It’s not as sunny outside today, but it’s still hot and quite humid.”

  I agreed with him on that aspect. Even though my body temperature was lower now than it was when I was human, I still felt very warm today.

  “There’s a thunderstorm forecast for later this afternoon,” Josh told us as he handed us each a cold glass of lemonade.

  A good thunderstorm should settle this humid weather; although, I worried about Daisy being scared as she didn’t like thunder and lightning. I hoped the storms didn’t reach her at Aldbrough.

  I desperately needed to talk to my friend alone. Gina had been a little bit of everything to me over the years. First and foremost, she was my best friend, even with the nineteen-year age difference. She was also like a mother figure at times, especially with the help and advice she has given me ever since I got pregnant with Daisy. I’ve always had Aunt Mags and Freya, who had helped and advised too, but Gina had a way of giving help and advice. It was always given from experience and straight from the heart just like I thought my mum would have done.

  I could also talk to Gina about men and sex, something I don’t think I would have felt comfortable talking to my mum or Aunt Mags about. And even more so Freya, now that I am engaged to her brother. Gina’s daughter was my age and we were at comprehensive school together, although we had a different circle of friends so we rarely hung around with each other.


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