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The Magic Of Betrayal

Page 14

by Britt Andrews

  "That day I lost my moms and my only brother. Since I was only fifteen years old, I moved in with Fischer and his family. Our parents had been very close and he lived across the street. Sometimes, it still feels like a bad dream, like I could just close my eyes and reset everything."

  Tears were trailing down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. This was a heartbreaking story, no wonder he didn't like to talk about it. The way he told it, I could tell he was trying very hard to detach himself from the emotion, but his voice had cracked several times and each one felt like a fissure to my heart. This was a life event that shaped him into the mage before me.

  "I'm so, so sorry..." I breathed and ran my hand up and down his broad back. This was why he was so protective of the other guys and me, this was why he has to be in control of every situation, so he knew the probability of the outcome. This was why he exuded daddy vibes and made me feel safer than I ever had in my life. I knew it wasn't his intention, but damn it if I didn't feel like shit for how sick with worry he must've been yesterday when my phone was dead.

  "So, you see, I have some control issues and it doesn't take a shrink to figure out where those stem from. I've been like this with the guys ever since, but for some reason, when it comes to you, it's just an over the fucking top reaction. There's this pull, in here," he took my hand and pounded it against his chest, "and I can't fight it. A stronger man would tell you to stay away from me, from us, but strength left me the moment you sassed me, disobeyed me, cussed at me, fucked me, called me daddy... you're my own personal storm that I didn't fuckin' see coming."

  “Cam.” His name was nothing but a breathy sigh from my lips.

  “I can’t lose you, baby girl. I can’t lose anyone else.”

  I watched this beautiful, broken man, tear down his walls and show me his heart with his bare hands. Cam reached out to me and cupped my cheek in his massive palm. We didn’t speak, we just connected; our eyes saying everything that needed said. This moment was transcending all words. Our souls were twisting around each other, he was giving me this part of himself. I felt his thumb brush a tear off of my cheek, his pupils suddenly dilating into black endless pools. He looked sharply away from me and gazed out across Emerald Lake, pain etched across the planes of his face. Suddenly, everything I knew about Cam clicked into place and it was like I was seeing him for the first time. He was so, so much more than just an alpha asshole; he needed vengeance, and I was going to help get it for him.

  My ears popped suddenly as Cam pushed himself up off of the spot we were sitting on. I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. He was radiating energy, and the air was becoming more and more pressurized. I could hear the sounds of the teenagers across the lake laughing and enjoying the late evening sun.

  A boom so loud erupted from the heavens, I was positive the gods themselves couldn’t have recreated it. Laughter turned into screams as the thunder kept coming, louder and louder. Cam tipped his head back and looked to the dark skies above us, he opened his mouth in a roar, the thunder an extension of his pain and his inner turmoil.

  Fat raindrops began falling to the earth, the sky splitting open as purple and blue electricity began coursing up and down his hands and forearms. He had been dancing between heaven and hell for so long and now the devil was calling for him, reaching out for his heart. The devil could fuck off. Cam is mine.

  The rain began falling in waves, unrelenting and savage in its escape from the clouds. I stood up and wiped my now drenched hair out of my eyes. Cam was moving towards the lake, every purposeful stride sending out aftershocks of thunder. Everything felt slow, I was moving toward my big guy before my brain processed the movement, I felt like his magic was pulling me directly to where I needed to be. His hand reached behind his neck as he roughly grabbed a hold of the collar of his henley and ripped it up and over his head, revealing his naked back to me.

  I inhaled sharply. How I hadn’t seen his back yet was a mystery to me, but I knew without a doubt this was the first time. I think that was on purpose on his part.

  The cabin.

  In full technicolor, was forever enshrined across his entire back and shoulders. The blues of a beautiful lake with a dock started at his lower back, a stepping stone pathway leading up a sloped bank through a sparse pine forest. The simple a-frame cabin’s slanted roof was illuminated with twinkling white string lights. Above the beautiful vacation scenery was a sky that was an exact mirror of what I was living in real life right this moment. Harsh, unforgiving lightning was streaking across his expansive shoulders, purples, blues, whites, and golds. The detail was so realistic, I was concerned I may actually get shocked if I ran my fingers over the beautiful artwork.

  Cam heard me behind him, and he spun around. His breathing was ragged, water pouring off his face, his arms lifting as he grabbed his top knot and his soaked hair fell to his shoulders. My eyes tracked the water that was pouring from the ends before snapping my eyes back to his. Water was dripping down my face and he brought his hand to my mouth, his thumb tracing my bottom lip, pushing the tip of it inside my mouth when I opened for him.

  This was happening. My stomach flipped as his arm snapped out, his hand closing firmly around my throat, tipping my face up toward his and then everything just exploded. The lightning crashed down around us, lighting up Cam's face, the look in his eye should have scared me. It should have had me trembling with fear, but instead, a loud moan came from my mouth and he stared down at me with a burning intensity that I'd never seen.

  My hands went to his belt, trying to get his fucking pants off as quickly as possible, but he smacked my hands away, grabbing the hem of my shirt and dragging it over my head and I launched myself at him. I needed this. He needed this.

  He caught me, his large hands finding my ass and lifting me easily so I was able to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Cam carried me quickly back to the little hideaway we'd been in before underneath the willows and I released him from my hold as his hands unclasped my bra, I worked on my boots and my pants. All I knew was that I had to have him, and the storm he'd created was so powerful, even if there were still people out here, they couldn't see anything more than five inches from their face.

  When I stood after getting my jeans and panties off, he was standing before me like some kind of fucking viking god who bent the rules of the atmosphere to his will. Electricity was coursing over his skin, his hair curling from the water. The sky lit up with a bolt of lightning behind him and I whimpered as his eyes trailed down my generous figure with the hunger of a predator who'd just spotted their prey.

  "Baby," he growled and my cunt clenched.

  My chest was rising and falling rapidly, my breasts shaking with the effort.

  "Lay down on the blanket. Spread those delicious thighs and show me what's mine."

  By the stars...

  My brain short circuited, but I found myself dropping onto the blanket, my eyes locked with his as I laid back and kept my feet flat, spreading my legs open.

  "Wider. I wanna see how wet you are."

  Well, if he keeps talking like that, my pussy is going to put out a downpour that will rival this storm. I spread my legs as far as they would go and thunder cracked loud enough that I jumped.

  "Touch yourself, show me. Show me how badly you need me, baby."

  My hand slid down my stomach and I felt immediately how turned on I was, my fingers slicked easily up my slit and I circled my clit, never breaking eye contact with him. My hips began grinding and my other hand found a hard nipple that I tugged on and Cam cursed under his breath.

  "Please," I begged.

  "You need me, baby girl? You need Daddy to fuck you, is that it? You want this inked, pierced cock inside you? Tell me and you'll get it." I watched as his hand gripped the cock in question and he pumped it a few times.

  "I need you, Daddy." I bucked my hips up into my hand. "I need you right the fuck now. Give me your pain."

  His eyes flashed and then he was on me, pressing
me down into the wet blanket beneath me, our mouths tangling together, nipping, sucking, licking. My head was spinning and just feeling his dick grinding against me was nearly enough to set me off.

  "Gonna taste you, need your sweetness all over my face. I've been thinking of almost nothing but your pussy for the past week," he grunted against my neck and all I could do was moan in encouragement as he slid down and threw my legs up over his shoulders, he put his hands under my knees, spreading me wide and completely at his mercy.

  He ate me like a starved animal. My head rocked back and forth and I sank my hands into his hair, shamelessly fucking his face and guaranteeing that mouth of his wasn't going anywhere until I came in it. Thunder rolled when he slammed three fingers inside of me, and I cried out at the fullness, but if I could take his cock, I could handle his fingers.

  Pulling his face back, I opened my eyes and looked down at him between my thighs, like he was at the altar, worshipping me, or maybe he was damning me with him. Whichever it was, when the sky flashed with light and I saw my cum glistening on his mouth and chin. A part of me wanted to feel embarrassed, but then Cam flashed a savage smile before his tongue licked his lips clean and I found that I really didn't give a fuck. Fucking. Hot.

  "You taste like heaven. Be a good girl and give Daddy all of it, little witch. Come for me." He lowered his mouth and twisted his fingers, I saw stars explode behind my eyelids as I jerked and thrusted my cunt against his mouth, screaming out his name as his tongue swirling and lapping at my clit, ensuring I rode out every soul shattering moment.

  "I'm going to claim you completely tonight, baby. Right here with the stars and moon as witness, I will make you fucking mine," he promised and my body shivered with desire.

  "I need you, Daddy. I'm yours, but I need to taste what's mine. It's only fair." I raised an eyebrow and crooked a finger at him as I sat up and he moved toward my face, his cock jutting out and ready for my tongue.

  "Kiss it."

  Smiling, I grasped his hip and rose up onto my knees, pulling his tip right to my mouth. I pressed a feather light kiss to the crown, his piercings flashing in the storm.

  "Lick me, baby."

  Leaning down, I ran my tongue from his balls, over the barbells I could feel under the smooth skin, and up to the tip, swirling around his crown, tasting his unique flavor that I needed more of. Looking at him from under my lashes, I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue out, waiting for his next instructions.

  His hand landed on the top of my head and he moved swiftly, sliding his dick deep inside of my mouth and I loosened my jaw, giving him free range to fuck it however he wanted. His head was thrown back and water ran down his abs, and when he hit the back of my throat I gagged slightly but when he went to pull back, I held his hips there, letting myself adjust to the feel of him in my throat. Relaxing, I swallowed.


  His thrusts became short, but deep, and I swallowed every single time his cock hit the back of my throat. My hands squeezed and toyed with his balls, and I wasn't sure how he would react to this, but I really wanted to try. Slipping my hand further back, I brushed his taint and he grunted, but didn't stop me from advancing further. Everything was wet, and I just wanted to see how he would respond. I'd never done anything like this with a guy before, but the idea of it excited me. A lot.

  My other hand cupped his sack and I pushed my finger between his ass cheeks, hitting his hole and he shuddered. Still didn't stop me, and my intentions were clear. Fuck, I was so turned on. Applying a little pressure and swirling the tip of my finger against him, I pushed in and he groaned. He was so tight, and hot. Fucking hell.

  "No, not coming in your mouth." He stepped back and my hands fell away from him as he dropped down to the blanket and flipped me around so I was on my hands and knees. "You're a filthy girl, and now I'm gonna fuck the hell out of you."

  A scream tore from my throat when Cam pulled back on my braids and slammed home all the way to the hilt, not giving me a moment before he was fucking me so hard, my back arched as he pulled my hair harder, my hips angling so he hit me so deeply, all I could do was make incoherent noises. His chest pressed against my back, and I opened my mouth when his fingers sought entry. Cam pressed his fingers against my tongue and then retreated. A crack on the ass had me squeezing his cock and squealing at the sting, but his palm came down again and again and I knew I wasn't going to last long.

  "I'm going to fuck you here, little witch." His wet fingers pressed into my tight ass and I squirmed, looking back at him with wide eyes. "But not tonight. I'm going to stretch this hole out nice and good so my cock will feel so fucking good for you, baby girl. And then maybe Kai can fuck your cunt while I'm buried back here." He slipped a second finger in my ass and the image he'd created of both of them fucking me at the same time set my orgasm off like a rocket.

  "Daddy!" I shouted, dropping down to my forearms, ass straight up in the air as he continued to fuck me relentlessly.

  "Say it. Fucking say you're mine, baby girl."

  "I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours," I chanted, eyes rolling back in my head when he spanked my ass so hard one last time, it set off another orgasm, and he bellowed out his release as his seed flooded my greedy cunt, squeezing him as if I needed all of it painting my walls, marking me as his.

  Cam pulled me up, still inside of me, and wrapped his arms around my body, kissing my neck as our bodies quivered with the aftershocks of our passion.

  "I'll never get enough of you, little witch," he breathed against my throat before he ran his tongue from my shoulder to my ear.

  "Good, because I love the way you fuck me with your fancy peen," I replied and he barked a laugh, falling over beside me, bringing me down with him. The rain continued on for another half an hour while we just laid there, tangled up with each other, naked, and all the things we felt for each other were raw and out in the open. Nothing could touch us here, and I think we both needed the time to connect and solidify our relationship. I was falling hard for Cam and I just hoped that when he learned the truth about what had happened to me the night before with Bryce, that he'd understand I was only trying to keep him and the others safe. Because as much as he couldn't bear to lose me, I couldn't lose them either. Especially not to Bryce.

  My muscles burned deliciously as I held my one handed tree pose, breathing deeply through my nose, focusing on the center of my body, feeling my strength, and letting the air in my lungs flood life into me. I loved yoga. I'd started doing it as a teen after my affinity manifested and it had helped me immensely with my angsty teen moods and anger issues that stemmed from the constant battle Bagheera and I had been locked in for dominance.

  Lowering myself down to my mat, I switched hands and moved fluidly into the wounded peacock pose. Whenever I decided I was done with Radical life, I had dreams of teaching yoga, and maybe offering cooking classes. My two loves. And that thought had my mind turning to my beautiful mate and how I'd like to fold her up like a fucking pretzel. Smiling, I pushed into an upward dog, stretching my hamstrings and arms before sliding down into downward dog, the stretch in my spine and chest making me groan.

  Cam hadn't returned last night, so I hoped that meant he and Saige had worked through whatever the fuck happened between them the other night. I didn't like when my girlfriend and... well shit, what exactly were the others now? My boyfriends? A laugh slipped from my mouth as I sprayed my mat down with disinfectant and wiped it down. Regardless, I didn't like them fighting, and I didn't like having to get in Cam's face, either. But, by the moon, the man was stubborn as a bullfrog on the best of days and I didn't need him standing in the way of his own happiness.

  This worked. This thing we all had going on, it was everything I could have ever hoped for and if I needed to be the glue that held everything together when one of us wanted to try to self sabotage, then you might as well call me fucking Elmer. I was going to make sure we were all stuck together forever. There was no other option for me, not after the mate bond sna
pped into place and Bagheera and I still loved the fact that the others were loving on our girl.

  As I stood, Johnny cleared his throat and I glanced over to where he was sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

  "Hey man, sorry, didn't even realize you were there. I zoned out," I explained, rolling my mat up and walking over to where he was.

  "You're pretty flexible for a guy," he commented, swirling his coffee in a mug that said ‘Good chives only!’

  "See something you liked, Johnny boy?" I winked and his eyes snapped up to mine narrowing slightly.

  "I'll let you know when I do," he grumbled.

  He'd been a moody fuck since he got here and I wasn't sure why, but now was as good a time as any to ask him some questions.

  "What's up with you? You seem off. Are you not sleeping? I know the couch bed isn't exactly the greatest..." I grabbed a cup of coffee for myself and slid beside him at the island.

  "No, I haven't been sleeping that great, but I don't think it's because of the bed. I'm just trying to work out this puzzle so that I can get the fuck out of here."

  "Hmm, well, so far nobody has any information on a Laura Walker, but we have to be discreet about who we ask because the last thing we need is for word to spread that we're here looking for someone. That would blow our whole fucking cover."

  "True, but couldn't Fischer just erase the memory of the conversation afterward?" He wondered and I paused for a minute to think about that, but then the door downstairs opened and closed, and the stairs creaked and groaned with the weight that could only be from one of us.

  "Daddy's home!" I shrieked, and Johnny spit his coffee out over the counter, choking and coughing.

  "Gods dammit, Kaito," Cam chastised me, but a grin was on his face and he looked good. Happy. Really fucking happy.

  "'Daddy'? Did you just call him 'daddy'? I knew you guys were into some freaky shit, but this takes the cake," Johnny sputtered as he snagged a paper towel and began mopping up his coffee mess.


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