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The Magic Of Betrayal

Page 16

by Britt Andrews

  Swallowing a growl I hadn’t known I was capable of, I bit out, "Let me grab an ace bandage and wrap your ribs, okay? It'll help."

  Ugh, my headache was escalating, and I never got headaches. My skin felt itchy and tight. I'm probably just disgusted by what Sloane lives with across the street. It was absolutely unacceptable, but my parents had already called CPS, and so had the school, and so had Fish and Cam's parents. Nothing ever changed. He was stuck in that house with that monster, and since Mr. Sullivan was also Sheriff Sullivan, it wasn’t likely to change any time soon.

  He stood when I approached with the wrap, holding his arms above his head with a wince.

  "I'm going to kill him one day, Kaito. With the stars as my witness, I swear it. He will pay for what he's put me through, what he puts Mom through," he vowed, and I finished wrapping him up.

  "I'll help you. One day, we'll be the toughest assholes around and everybody will fear us, and you'll be the scariest of them all. You already have an excellent scowl, at least Olivia thinks so." I winked at him and he pushed me playfully. "Come on, you can stay over, my parents are at some party with Fish's parents tonight, and the girls are at a sleepover. We can stay up late and sleep 'til noon tomorrow."

  "Kai... thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you," Sloane declared, and when I turned back to face him, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me fiercely. Sloane Sullivan didn't hug, or do feelings, so he must have been really off his game tonight.

  "Love you too, Sloaney Baloney." I chuckled and he shook his head in fake annoyance. He claimed to hate that nickname, but I knew that was bullshit. He fucking loved it.

  I stumbled on my way to my bed, pain flaring up my spine, making me cry out.

  "K? What's wrong? Did you stub your toe or something?" Sloane's concerned voice came from behind me, and his fingers rubbed nervously over the rough denim of his jeans, his heartbeat increasing with each passing second. "Are you okay?"

  The scratchy feeling intensified to an unbearable feeling, and I fell to my knees and rolled onto my back.

  Sloane's face came into view. "Holy fuck, K. Your eyes. They're... yellow."

  That was the first time I shifted. I still think it was the emotional reaction to seeing the full extent of damage that had been done to my best friend's body, him telling me how much I meant to him, the two of us swearing to one day kill his deadbeat dad... the perfect storm. The first shift was excruciating, and Sloane held me, soothed me.

  Even after it happened and Bagheera was standing in my bedroom, Sloane took care of him, too. He didn't back down, or leave me. He was my brother, through good and bad, and I loved him with all my heart.

  "Ya know, we still have to kill him one day," I murmured and Sloane's eyes flashed with fire.

  "Trust me, I think about it often. If the bastard wasn't locked up in Seventh Circle, we would've done it a long time ago."

  He wasn't wrong, but I still was convinced that he wouldn't ever be whole until that asshole was nothing but a pile of ash in the wind.

  His gaze went to his book again, but I couldn’t let it go. He was self-sabotaging and what kind of protector would I be if I didn’t try to protect him from his own miserable ass?

  "Don't push her away. She's good, and you deserve something good. Don't self-sabotage this, I can see the way you hold yourself back. She could be perfect for you, Sloaney Baloney."

  Before he could respond, I hopped up and left him in the living room. His dad had been locked up for a long time, the only thing standing in the way of his happiness now was himself.

  Bryce hadn’t spoken to me since last week at Dinner Thyme, and as much as I appreciated that, it also made me feel more on edge. I’d see him at random times, catch his face in the crowd, or walking down the street, and each time I had to push my panic deep down. He was probably plotting. And that was enough to make me want to puke. I was also feeling pretty guilty about not telling the guys about what had happened… but I was terrified of what Bryce would do to them.

  I also hadn't seen much of Sloane, or their new roomie, Johnny. I’d seen a bit more of the latter, but I couldn’t read him at all and every time I felt like I was able to look at him a little closer, he suddenly had something he needed to go do for work, especially if one of the other guys was near me. The way he scowled in my direction led me to believe he wasn’t a big fan of mine, but I had too much shit going on to deal with yet another man.

  Being iced out by Sloane stung, though. He'd seemed to revert right back to his true self and I wasn’t even sure why. I guessed I should just be thankful that he was showing his true colors now, before I got involved any deeper with him. I didn't ask Fischer about him either, I didn't want to put him in the middle. Fish assured me many times that he and Sloane weren't boyfriends, or in any kind of relationship, aside from their BDSM sessions they did together, but I wasn't so sure that feelings weren't involved.

  My fingers traced the pentagram that hung around my neck and my heart ached a little when I thought of Bram. The necklace did its job well, and I hadn't had any more projections since the last one that had put me in a comatose state. Surprisingly, I found myself missing Bram and his crazy ways. Hopefully, he wasn't too upset when he realized I'd given him completely fake information about myself.

  "What are you thinking about, child?" Gran asked, sipping on her mimosa as we took a break from gardening and kicked back in the lounge chairs on the patio.

  "Oh, just everything. The guys. My birthday."

  She chuckled, "I'd be thinking about the guys too." She held up her index finger and thumb in a circle and jammed her other index finger through them and I snorted.

  "You're ridiculous, you know that, right?" I asked, shaking my head.

  "You love it. I can't believe you're going to be twenty-eight in a few days! What's the plan? Party? Low-key hang out? Strippers?"

  "Okay, settle down. I need to call Miranda later to sort out the rest of the details, but we're going to Magic Stixxx, so strippers are happening."

  Gran squealed and clapped. I swear, she was worse than a teen.

  "Well, call her now, we can get this planned out!"

  Pulling my phone out, I called her and put the call on speakerphone.

  "Hey girl, what's up?" My bestie's voice had me smiling and excited for my birthday.

  "I'm sitting here with Gran and she's impatient to get my party planned, and since we're taking a gardening break, we figured we'd give you a call and see if we can sort it out," I explained, sipping on my coffee.

  Miranda laughed. "Hey, Gran! Long time no see, how have you been?"

  "I'm spectacular, as usual." Gran flipped her hair even though Miranda couldn't see her and we all laughed.

  "Your birthday is Saturday, so that’s perfect!" Miranda exclaimed, and I heard the sound of papers ruffling so I knew she was about to start taking notes. The girl had a serious pen and stationery obsession.

  "I'm ready to cut loose." I smiled thinking about how much fun it was going to be with the guys at the club.

  "Let me check Magic Stixxx’s calendar of events quick." Miranda went quiet for a few minutes and then her loud squeal had Gran and I chuckling. "Oh my gods, this is perfect. They're having a Neon Night across all three levels. One cover charge gets you entry into all three clubs. This is epic."

  "You're going to start laughing like an evil genius any moment, I can feel it..." I teased, and then she did a perfect impression of Dr. Evil.

  "I'll be in the strip club! Maybe I'll venture upstairs if I'm feeling extra," Gran commented.

  Miranda fired back, "When aren't you feeling extra?"

  "Okay, okay, so Saturday, we'll meet at the club at ten. Sound good?" I asked, and she agreed.

  "This is going to be the best birthday, I can feel it." I squealed and we ended the call. Gran and I stood and danced around the patio to nothing but the music in our heads.

  "I only have a few days to get my outfit picked out," Gran grinned wickedly a
nd I was only like… sixty percent scared of what that might look like. "I'm going to go see what I have to work with, I'll see you later." She stood up and practically sprinted across the lawn to her house. Gran is a spry bitch.

  My phone went off, and I smiled when I saw who it was.

  Guppy: I miss you, sweetheart.

  Me: I know, I miss you too, I feel like we haven't had much time together lately.

  Guppy: It's been a crazy few weeks.

  An idea formed in my head and it was perfect. So perfect. Closing out of the messaging screen, I pulled up the number I needed. After making sure that tonight would work for my idea, I texted Fischer back, my heart racing with excitement.

  Me: Guppy, will you go out with me tonight?

  I chewed on my bottom lip waiting for a reply. Instead, my phone lit up with an incoming call.

  "Hi, Guppy."

  "Are you asking me on a date, sweetheart?" His deep, smoky voice filtered through the line and my stomach flipped with butterflies.

  "Are you saying yes?"

  "Of course I'm saying yes, I can't wait to have all of your attention on me for the night. Is that greedy of me?" His tone dropped an octave deeper and I squirmed on my seat.

  "Maybe, but if you're greedy, then so am I."

  His chuckle was so sexy, and I could picture him running his hand through those thick curls of his and shaking his head.

  "What are we doing?"

  "Can't tell you that, it's a surprise. Wear something comfortable but nice."

  "You're a little sneak, but fine. I think I can work with that dress code."

  "Did you guys get a rental car yet? I don't think I'll be able to make my outfit work on the back of your bike... " I trailed off and smirked when he groaned.

  "Well, my curiosity is officially piqued. Yeah, I picked the car up this morning, I'll let everyone know it's unavailable tonight. I’ll swing by and pick you up, what time?”

  "Six. I’m so excited!”

  I heard his smile through the phone.

  "Can't wait, sweetheart."

  “Gotta go, see you soon.”

  Ending the call, I stared up at the blue sky and let the sun's rays heat my face and rejuvenate my body. Not using my magic had been a struggle, but to be honest, I was kind of terrified of it. Made it easier to push down the desire to give in.

  Maven trotted around the corner of the house and nudged my hand with his head.

  "Hey, buddy," I cooed and scratched him behind his big ears and he hopped up onto my lap, putting his paws on my chest and his nose an inch from mine. I laughed. "You're nuts. What do you want? Are you hungry?"

  I'd never met another animal who could scowl quite like Maven. If it was an art form, he'd be a master.

  "Are you giving me attitude?" I asked him and he huffed.

  "Fine, let's go inside. I'll hook you up, maybe it'll improve your bad attitude." I scooped him into my arms and he grumbled while we walked into the house and I deposited him on the floor in the kitchen.

  Remembering that I had some lunch meat in the fridge that was close to expiration, I figured I'd give Mave something he didn't normally get. He tap danced across the floor in excitement as I mixed the salami and turkey in with his regular food, slamming his little paw on the floor when he felt I was taking too long. Bossy as hell, I tell you.

  Heading upstairs, I wanted a nice long bath. Fischer and I hadn't been intimate since the mind blowing erotica that happened out in the garden with Sloane, and his little touches and kisses were building me up so much that when we finally did have sex, I was probably going to come as soon as I got a look at his dick. Hopefully tonight, but first, a soak, and then, I needed to pick out some lingerie.

  Settling down into the steamy bath, I leaned back and let my eyes close. The smell of my bath salts and the heat of the water felt so good, I must have drifted off.


  My eyes snapped open and my hand flew to my neck, breathing a sigh of relief that my necklace was still in place. I must've imagined that I'd heard Bram's voice.

  Settling back, I closed my eyes once more and ran my washcloth over my stomach and breasts.

  "You lied to me."

  Shrieking, I almost threw my washcloth in the air.

  "Bram!" I yelled, "What the fuck... how are you here?"

  "Ah, it's nice to see you too, Goldie," he replied, walking over to the vanity and hopping up to take a seat. Thank gods for bubbles, at least I was mostly covered.

  All I could do was stare at the demon who was in my house, where no demon should be able to be.

  "Imagine my surprise when I texted you for weeks and called and got no response. I thought something horrible had happened to you, because never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my Goldie would give me a fake number, and maybe worst of all, a fake name." He narrowed his amber eyes as he glowered down at me.

  "Bram, listen—"

  "No. You listen. I told you that I'd find you, and now that I have, I'm not sure what I want to do with you. Something that was even more disturbing was that I was watching, waiting to see who your lover is, but you don't just have one, do you, Goldie?"

  My mouth dropped open, he'd been fucking spying on me?

  "Maybe I should go find myself a group of hot women to fuck? What do you think about that? It's been a long fucking time, but I do remember what to do with my cock." He raised an eyebrow in challenge and the thought of him putting his dick in anyone had the heat inside of me flaring to an immediate wildfire. I was fucking pissed. How dare he?

  "Fuck you, Bram!" I slapped at the bathwater and bubbles flew out of the tub. I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped my mouth when a big clump of suds landed right on his stupid face.

  "I've seen some pretty women down at the park. They eye fuck me every chance they get, you know? Kind of like how you pretend you don't. Can you picture it, Goldie?" He sneered my name and I gripped the edge of the tub. "Imagine me thrusting in and out of them while I feast between another's legs. How does that make you feel? Think about how they'd squeeze me and be the first women in fifty years to take my cum."

  "Shut up." I was starting to sweat, and not because I was turned on. Oh no, I was disgusted and livid. There was no rationalizing it either.

  "Nah, I don't think I will. Do you have any single friends? What about the woman with the dark hair and the little girl? She's got a banging body and I wouldn't mind—"

  Flying up out of the water, I launched my soap covered naked self at him and he grabbed my wrists before I could get a swing in.

  "I'm going to kick your ass!" I screeched and he chuckled darkly.

  "I'd like to see you try." He snorted, smiling at me in a mocking manner.

  "How dare you come in here while I'm bathing and, and..." I stuttered, unsure of where I was going with that line of thought.

  "And what? What? Tell you how I'm going to go lose my secondary virginity card to some random chicks? Why does that bother you? You didn't even give enough of a shit about me to tell me who you really are or give me any way to contact you! You're unbelievable. Here you are, fucking how many guys and you think you have a right to get pissy with me?"

  "You are infuriating. I'm going to call them right now and they'll get rid of you. You shouldn't even be in my house!" I shouted in his face and he laughed.

  "No, I don't think you will be calling them,” he grabbed my throat and I swallowed a moan. “What are you going to say? A demon who shouldn't be in my house is and I'm insanely attracted to him but I keep lying to myself about it. How do you think the truth would go over, Goldie?" He leaned forward, his breath hitting my neck, releasing a chill down my spine.

  “You’re acting like a spoiled, entitled brat!” I growled, my mouth against his while his grip remained firm around my neck. “What person in their right mind would give a man they don’t know all of their contact information? I had no idea I wouldn’t be coming back to see you and I did what I felt was best. You can’t just call someo
ne your soul mate and not have them be wary! It’s about a five thousand on the creep-o-meter, Bram!” I shrieked, exasperated.

  “So, you won’t give your mate your phone number, but you will hop into a car with a stranger? I think you’re full of shit, princess.”

  “Yeah? Well, I think you’re an asshole, so whatever. I’m done with this. I have a date to get ready for and you need to leave."

  His eyes narrowed and flared with possession that had my core clenching and I internally cursed my inner witch for being such a cock lover. He released me and I stepped back, momentarily forgetting I was butt ass naked. He didn't forget though, his eyes took in my body that was covered in bubbles and soap suds, I quickly slapped an arm over my tits and used my other hand to cover my vagina.

  "Gonna need a bigger arm to hide those mountains from me." He smirked and hopped off the counter. "But fine, I'll go. Next time I see this body naked though, you'll be begging for me, mark my fucking words, Goldie. You and me? We're fated and it will happen."

  I blinked at him and in a flash, he was gone, and I was left standing in a puddle of quickly chilling water, questioning my own sanity. Maybe I'd imagined that whole thing, but the lingering scent of his cologne had me thinking that wasn't the case at all.

  Crunching gravel underneath car tires signaled that Fischer had arrived and I slipped on my Mary Janes that completed my pin-up girl look to perfection. Bright red lipstick, a black retro dress in the same style as my lemon dress that I'd worn the last time we'd been intimate... what a memory. This dress though, had black lacey cap sleeves and a matching black lace overlay on the flared skirt. I felt sexy as hell in this outfit and I hoped my guppy would appreciate it. Bet he appreciates what's underneath it even more...

  Snagging my clutch, I double checked that I had some cash, my lipstick, phone, keys, the essentials and then I pulled open the door and dropped the damn thing.

  "By the moon, you are stunning, sweetheart." Fischer openly ogled me, but I figured that was fair because I couldn't get a grip myself as I took in his appearance.

  Black on black on black. I think I might be dead right now. No, nope, I felt a flutter down below so I guess at least my vagina is still alive and well.


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