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The Magic Of Betrayal

Page 18

by Britt Andrews

  "Tell me what you want, tell me what you need me to do..." he begged, climbing up onto the bed between my legs, running his nose up the length of my torso to my neck.

  He's begging me? No. That's not what I want.

  Reaching for his face, I pulled his mouth over mine and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I need to see you, Guppy. Show me who you really are in there." Nipping his bottom lip, he groaned into my mouth.

  "I need you to tell me what to do, sweetheart," he whispers, but I shake my head.

  "No. There's nothing here I need to pull your mind away from, you're here with me. If being submissive is who you are, that's what I want. If you've never had the chance to find out what else you might enjoy, then I want you to figure it out with me. We can have our own little world, Fischer." I smiled before leaning up to lick his bottom lip.

  He's staring at me so intensely, I half expect to feel his presence in my brain at any moment, but he just holds my eyes. The need to be touched is traveling through my body, my hips started to lift, seeking out his body.

  "I want to see what you like, I want to watch your face while I do every last wicked thing in my head to your beautiful body. I'm going to make you mine," he promised, his dark curls falling into his eyes as they flashed black, and fuck if that didn’t make me wetter.

  Suddenly, his arms were under my back and he was pulling me upright, undoing all of the little eye hooks that ran down the length of my spine. My breasts tumbled out of the corset and he sat back on his heels, his thick cock jutting out from between his legs. Leaning back on my palms, my chest automatically pushed forward, his eyes tracking the movement like an animal on the hunt. His hands landed on either side of my hips, still not touching me, and the anticipation drove me crazy.

  "Lay back."

  I let myself fall back onto the pillows, my hair fanned out around my head, and a moment later, his hands were peeling my panties down my thighs and I felt lightheaded.

  "Fish..." his name nothing but a whisper in the quiet room.

  Fingertips moved from my throat down my breastbone, over the swell of my stomach, and softly over my pussy. He's going to kill me with his gentle brushes and smooth caresses. Lifting one of my legs up to his mouth, he pressed his lips to my ankle bone and watched my face as he kissed down my calf, so softly that I felt his breath more than the slide of his mouth.

  Whimpering, I reached for him and he shook his head.

  "Please, please touch me," I begged, reaching for his hand in an attempt to put it where I needed to feel him but he pulled back and slapped me right on my cunt. I practically leapt off the bed with a squeal.

  "Be still. I'm cataloging every square inch of this body, sweetheart, because I will taste every last part of you tonight. Be patient."

  Oh, okay, we're going to just ignore the fact that you slapped my pussy then?

  As if he could tell what I was thinking, his eyes glinted with darkness, and a sinister smile that I'd never seen on him before flashed, taking my gods damn breath away. And then in the blink of an eye, his face was buried between my legs, a dark chuckle vibrating against my clit.

  "Keep these legs open for me, I'm going to slide my tongue up so far inside of you, you're going to see stars."

  His mouth and tongue tortured me, nibbling, sucking, fucking. His groans drove me on and soon, my hips were bucking against his mouth.

  "Fischer!" My body wound tighter and tighter, and just when I was sure my head was about to explode, he pulled back and flipped me over, tugging my hips up and going right back to lapping at me from behind, his tongue licking a line of fire from my cunt to my ass, and I moaned because it felt so fucking amazing.

  "Oh gods, oh gods!" I called out into the pillows, unable to lift my head and give this the volume it deserved but then his fingers were there, pressing into my tight hole. It was impossible for me to know how many, but it felt like more than one, and then a smart slap to my butt cheek before he commanded, "Relax."

  Inhaling a shuddering breath, I willed my muscles to chill the fuck out and the moment that happened, he slipped his fingers right up inside of my ass again and an anguished mix between a cry and a moan exploded into the pillow.

  "Good girl," he praised me, reaching around to rub my clit while the fingers buried in me stroked and stretched. "Have you ever taken someone here, Firefly?" Fischer asked me, his teeth nibbling against my ass cheek.

  "Once," I panted while he continued his ministrations and I tried not to think about that one time and who it had been with. How unenjoyable it had been.

  His chest pressed into my back as he stretched up and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to fuck your pussy, and then I'm going to finish in your ass."

  "By the moon, Fischer," I moaned, my body temperature rising with each passing second. He pulled his fingers out of me and I pushed up onto my knees, his large hand turning my face to his so he could devour my mouth. With my back pressed to his front, he toyed with my nipples and ran his hands over every inch of skin he could.

  "Wanna taste you," I murmured against his lips.

  "You want to suck on this dick, sweetheart?" he rasped, running his tongue over my jawline.

  "Yes, please. I need to see how you fit in there."

  My head was pulled back and the slight sting of his fist clenching my hair sent a rush through my body. Lifting my eyes, our gazes collided and I sucked in a breath at the utter darkness that had taken over. There's the part of him that he doesn't like to let out.

  "Lay down, Guppy, let me lick you."

  Groaning, he flopped back against the pillows and I eased my way between his thick thighs, letting my breasts run over the hard length of him. Dark hair started at his chest and ran down straight to his dick, and it was sexy as hell. Puckering my lips, I pressed them on the large head, sighing at how smooth it felt against my skin.

  "Fuck," he cursed under his breath when I ran my tongue over his slit, tasting his unique flavor and needing more. I gripped the base of his dick and sucked the tip into my mouth, swirling my tongue all over and he groaned his approval.

  "Yes, sweetheart, suck my cock. Take it in as far as you can, I want to see it disappear down your throat," he growled, and I squeezed my thighs together, seeking friction. My sweet Fischer had a filthy mouth.

  Doing as he requested, I let him fill my mouth with his hardness; he was thick and delicious. When he hit the back of my throat, I coughed, and pulled back a little, but then his hand was there, gripping my hair and pushing my face right back down onto his cock. Shit.

  Trying to breathe through my nose before I passed out, I got ahold of myself and swallowed, locking him in and then I hummed.

  "Fucking hell, sweetheart. You suck dick like a goddess," he grunted, his hips began to thrust and he fucked my mouth with no hesitation. Tears started building from the onslaught, but holy moon maidens, I was fucking loving it. Glancing up at him, his eyes were black and his free hand moved leisurely over his nipple and I watched with total fascination as he squeezed it.

  "Gotta feel you," Fischer rumbled, pulling me up by the shoulders and smashing his lips against mine as he fluidly flipped us so that he was between my thighs and I squeezed him tightly, urging him to connect us in a way that we hadn't yet.

  "Please, fuck me. Get inside of me, I can't wait."

  His hand landed on my throat, his large fingers squeezing gently as he looked into my eyes and shook his head, like he was trying to clear his mind. The blackness of his eyes began receding and his features softened a bit.

  "Shit. Shit. Did I hurt you?" He sounded pained and when he realized he was gripping my neck, he pulled his hand back like I'd burnt him.

  "Hell no, you didn't hurt me. That was hot as hell, I want you. Just you..." I ran my fingers over his lips, his breaths hard and hot over my skin.

  "Sweetheart, I don't want to hurt you. I've never done this before."

  My eyes widened. What did he mean he hadn't done this before? Sex with a woman?

he shook his head like he'd read my thoughts. "I've been with women, I mean I've never been with someone that I couldn't read. Someone that I couldn't tell immediately that what I was doing was wanted. I can't tell what you're thinking, there's no bursts of ecstasy swirling in the air, there's no lust rolling off of your body, no excitement," he explained, looking sheepish, like maybe he was embarrassed.

  "Fischer. You might not be getting visuals or however it is that works for you... the ecstasy you usually see? Those are my moans when your hands are on my skin. The lust? That's every time you make me shout out your name and beg for more. And the excitement?" I grabbed his hand and pressed it against my cunt. "The excitement is right here. Do you feel how wet I am? I'm loving everything you're doing to me and there's nothing you could do in this bed tonight that I wouldn't fucking love."

  "Fucking hell," he smirked, dipping his fingers inside my wetness. "You really want me, don't you, sweetheart?"

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tugged him down and pressed my forehead against his "More than you know."

  His lips never left mine when he buried himself to the hilt and when I tried to tip my head back to scream, he bit my lips and whispered against my mouth not to fucking move.

  "You feel perfect, silky and hot. Jesus. Made for me." Fischer's mouth never quit dropping the dirtiest encouragements and my hips moved to match his pace, our bodies doing a different dance than earlier, and despite this being the first time, we moved beautifully together.

  He stretched me, filled me, his thrusts increasing in speed, and when his mouth sucked on one of my nipples, I came so hard, I couldn't help but call out his name.

  When I opened my eyes, his monster inside was back and he had a smile on his face that I'm positive Lucifer himself couldn't recreate. He pulled out of me and leaned over to my nightstand, the sound of the drawer opening let me know he was looking for something, but I couldn't be fucked to pay attention. Post orgasmic bliss was running through my veins. The drawer slammed shut and there he was, rising over me like a dark god, or maybe a devil.

  Fischer had a small bottle of lube in his hand, which he opened and squeezed onto his fingers, looking at me with so much intensity, I moved to close my legs and he smacked my thigh in warning.

  "Don't even think about hiding what's mine," he growled, and my stomach clenched with desire at his claiming words.

  "What are you doing?" I asked innocently.

  "You know what I'm doing, Firefly," he rasped out, his voice deeper than usual, his fingers rubbing together, getting nice and slick. "Put that pillow under your ass and then open those legs," he commanded, and fuck if I didn't slip the pillow under my hips in two seconds flat. I spread my legs but frowned when he shook his head.

  "Like this," he directed, pushing my knees back toward my chest. "Hold your knees."

  This was quite possibly the most exposing position I'd ever been in, it made me feel like I was serving myself up to him on a platter. I could still see him from between my thighs as he got closer and ran his fingers up and down my ass, getting me ready. When his finger pressed against my ass, I clenched involuntarily and he moved his other hand up to rub at my clit, the distraction enough to make me relax for him to push through the tight muscles there.

  "Oh stars, Fish..." I moaned, the feeling of him causing a slight sting before it dissipated into pure pleasure.

  "I need to stretch you out before you'll be able to take my cock, Firefly. And you will take it. All of it, nice and snug in your tight ass."

  Words weren't possible from me at that point and I lifted my hips in encouragement. Another stretching sensation, another burn, and then fuuuuuck. I'd had no idea it could feel like this. He'd barely been torturing me for five minutes and I was already climbing the mountain to pleasure peak.

  "Look how you swallow up two of my fingers, so hot," he murmured, his thumb still swirling on my clit.

  It was almost as though he had split personalities. The sweet, submissive mage who made me feel cherished and safe, and then this dominating, intense monster that he tried to keep chained up inside his mind. Why though? My thoughts were cut off when another finger pressed its way inside and I whimpered from the stretch.

  "Keep still, Firefly. Not much longer. Your ass looks so good stuffed like this. I knew it would. Can't wait to see how you squeeze my cock." Fischer teased me with pressure on my clit, swiping through my folds to gather more wetness that seemed to have no end in sight.

  "You're ready for me," Fischer informed me, his voice soft and calm. The voice of a predator. The voice of a man who didn't get riled up, the kind of man who knew what he wanted and was going to fucking take it without any theatrics.

  "Please," I begged. The need to feel him again was overpowering any anxieties about what was about to happen. I was too turned on, too addicted to him.

  Fischer leaned over me, desire burning in his eyes, his face shiny with a slight layer of sweat, he looked beautiful and dangerous, and when his cock pressed against my ass, I took a deep breath, I'd never get what I wanted if I didn't let him in.

  "Push when I push against you, Firefly. Let me in," he encouraged as he pressed against me and I pushed like he'd told me and then he was there. Oh gods, he was there.

  "Ahhh," I squirmed; it burned more than his fingers.

  "Shhh, sweetheart. Look at me, it will feel better in a minute, I promise."

  I wasn't so sure at that moment, but the look of pure bliss on his face and the trust I had in him, in all of them, had me nodding and tugging his mouth to mine. Our tongues lapped at one another, lazily, like we had all night. And I guessed we did, so when he moved further inside of me and I sucked in a sharp breath, his hand snaked between our bodies and found my clit again. The pleasure taking from the bite of pain, creating a heady fucking cocktail of endorphins and adrenaline that told me an earth shattering orgasm was in my future.

  My hands were gripping her hips so tightly, my fingers were leaving indentations in her skin. The beast inside perked up at that, loving every way that we were marking what was ours. I'd lived my entire life shoving this part of myself down into the deep recesses of my psyche because he made me feel out of control. Referring to a part of your own personality as another entity was highly fucked up, but he wasn't me... I'd done everything in my power to ensure that we never became one being.

  He was sick and depraved. Dark, twisted, hungry for blood and darkness.

  Sloane's domineering ways kept him away. In the past, when I'd been too far gone, when he'd taken the wheel, Sloane had been the only one who could dig deep and bring me back to reality. So why, in the name of Jupiter, was I sharing this sweet woman with him?

  Because you know we're the same person and she wants me just as much as she needs you.

  It wasn't often I heard his voice, I'd locked that shit down years ago, and yet, with my cock sunk to the hilt inside Saige's ass, his voice was loud in my head.

  ‘She wants the monster. Give it to her. Show her what we can do,’ he taunted.

  ‘Shut the fuck UP, Faris!’ I shouted at him in my mind.

  Grunting, I started snapping my hips against her ass, each cry that slipped through her swollen red lips spurred me to go harder.

  "Fischer, gods... yes. Fuck me harder!" Her hands squeezed my upper arms, the bite of her nails like kisses of fire on my skin.

  ‘Fuck her ass. It's yours. Make. Her. Scream,’ Faris growled and my balls actually shivered.

  "You want me to make you scream, little girl?" I taunted her, an inch from her nose, her feet tickling the hair on my head.

  "Yes," she moaned as she thrashed her head from side to side, my cock pumping in and out of her tight ass relentlessly.

  ‘Show her what she needs. Show her what we want.’

  ‘You’re a sick fuck,’ I snarled, disgusted.

  Pulling my cock from her body, I flipped her over so fast, she barely had a moment to protest before I slammed back inside of her.

  "Jesus, Fischer!"
she screamed and I gathered her hair in my hand, pulling her head back so that her curvy body bowed beautifully. Creamy white skin that was glistening with a sheen of sweat and the red marks from my hands lit up like a work of art.

  My free hand traced the curve of her spine, veering up over her shoulder and my fingers wrapped tightly around her throat. The devil inside me grinned wickedly and pushed himself to the front of our psyche when a squeak of surprise left her mouth.

  My actions, my movements were no longer only mine as we shared our body for the first time. It’s always been one or the other, either I’m in control, or he is. This was different and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it yet. But if she wants all of me, she’s got to experience him, too. This is me. This is us.

  "Do you like the way our fat cock stretches your ass, Firefly? You squeeze us so beautifully." We pulled her hair and straightened our bodies so we were both on our knees and our mouth pressed against her ear. "Now that we've had this ass, how are we not going to fuck it every day?" She moaned and we knew she was close to coming.

  "You'd love that, wouldn't you, dirty girl? Touch yourself. We can't wait to feel your ass clenching our cock."

  Our grip on her throat tightened and her fingers found her clit, and the sounds she was making were criminal. Absolutely fucking criminal.

  "You're a filthy thing. Look how needy you are. We’re going to fuck you all night long. Shit, maybe we'll video call the others and let them watch us defile your sweet ass."

  At the first flutter, we squeezed her neck enough to cut off her air supply and her hand clawed at our forearm in an attempt to pull our arm away, but not yet. And from the way she was furiously rubbing herself, she didn't really want us to. Dropping her hair, we snaked our arm around her hips and fucked her senseless, her orgasm tore through her forcefully and we let go of her neck just in time for an earth shattering scream that had our cum thundering through our balls and firing deep inside her hot ass.

  We continued swirling our hips slightly, ensuring she was thoroughly marked with our seed. Fuck, this witch was making us feel all kinds of crazy things.


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