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The Magic Of Betrayal

Page 26

by Britt Andrews

  I noticed the steady pumping of my heart, the rustling of the pine needles all around us as a breeze swirled through the forest, Bram's scent. Picturing my horns, wings, and tail, I imagined them disappearing. Hiding. Hide! I ordered and opened my eyes to Bram clapping.

  "Great job, tiny warrior. Look at you, in control of your own shit." He grinned and I beamed back. I was on a fast track of no return with his crazy ass.

  "What's next?" I bounced on the balls of my feet, excitement flooding my senses.

  "I know we discussed this a while ago, but demons don't have a specific affinity like you. Although, we do have basic powers that every demon has. Then there are specialties, and you can have more than one, or you could have none. It just depends on the demon in question. There is shapeshifting, which means you can alter your appearance to anyone else. Now, before you ask, everyone in Besmet usually takes preventative measures to ensure nobody can steal their appearance, but it happens. There are charms, usually worn on the person, that blocks a shapeshifting demon from being able to copy their identity. Obviously, this is a power I possess since I was able to parade around as Johnny," he explained and I nodded, desperately trying to remember everything he was telling me. I was gonna need a serious notebook.

  "Next, there's dream walking. Another specialty I possess. I'm able to move from my dreams into someone else's. I suspect this is an ability you have as well since the first couple of times you astral projected, it was while you were asleep. I believe it was just your powers not knowing what the fuck was going on and that's how it manifested. Just like with shapeshifting, others can protect their dreams from walkers by symbols, charms, spells, and a whole slew of other things," Bram explained and then chuckled at my wide eyed look.

  "You following, princess?'

  "Yes, it's just fascinating and I want to remember everything though I already feel like my brain is about to explode," I admitted. "But please, continue. Tell me everything."

  Bram sat down and tugged me down so that we were sitting across from one another. Guess there was quite a bit more to know.

  "So, these next powers are incredibly dangerous. Biokinesis, which is the ability to psychically manipulate someone's anatomy, physiology, or internal body regulation. It's somewhat similar to Fischer's affinity, though he can alter, erase, and plant memories. I once saw my father make someone's heart burst within their chest just by narrowing his eyes," Bram cautioned, another warning to never underestimate King Thane.

  "Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate inanimate objects. Like that creepy kid in the Matrix who bends and twists that spoon with his mind? Telekinetics can levitate objects, move them, warp them, whatever they want. Demons also have our own version of seers, they harness the specialty of clairvoyance and we call them that exactly. Clairvoyants. Aside from being able to do basic demon powers, if a demon is given the power of clairvoyance, that is their only specialty. It's rare, and incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands.

  “Perhaps the most risky of all though? Deal making. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and there are demons who thrive off of others’ willingness to do whatever it takes to get what they want or need. Poor demons who cut a deal to make sure their children are fed, demons who get too deep into gambling and cut deals to try and work their way out of their debts... a lot of deal making demons run in gambling circles. The stakes are always high and the deal maker almost always wins. But just like any other kind of gambling, it sometimes becomes an addiction," Bram explained and I felt a shiver run through my body. No deals. Never make a deal with a demon, Saige. No. Matter. What.

  "Wow," I muttered, feeling one hundred percent overwhelmed.

  "Feel free to ask me anything as you think of it, okay? I want to tell you anything and everything you can think of," Bram grabbed my hands and squeezed them reassuringly.

  "And you don't think I'm going to lose my green magic?" I swallowed roughly, not prepared to hear any answer other than no.

  "Not a chance. Your magic is linked to your soul, Goldie. It's who you are as a being. If anything, it will be stronger now. The reason you were killing plants before was because of all the changes going on with you behind the scenes. We can practice a little soon, but first, I want to teach you something else that's very important," Bram smiled widely and my heart raced a little at how beautiful he was.

  "Okay, what did you have in mind?"

  He smirked, standing and extending his hand to tug me to my feet.

  "Flying," he told me conspiratorially.

  My mouth opened and he wrapped his arms around my waist and jumped up, his powerful wings beating against the air as we rose toward the sky.

  "Oh my moons, oh my stars, oh my gods," I chanted as we went higher, well above the trees now and the whole of Naryan spread out below us. There were rivers and streams that intersected all across the terrain and it was beautiful.

  Bram was chuckling at my theatrics, his hold still tight on my waist. Was he going to release me up here?

  "I'm not gonna let you go, don't look at me like I'm a monster, Goldie. I'm going to hold onto your waist, I want you to extend your wings out, like mine. They will take over, it's like when you stand to walk, you don't think about telling your legs to do it, they just do," he encouraged and I did as he asked.

  Looking back over my shoulder, I admired my wings in the sunlight. They were a gorgeous light green color and Bram was right, they did kind of resemble leaves with how the darker emerald color worked its way through them, like veins in a leaf. They were so thin, sunlight came through them with ease, but they were damn near indestructible. I knew, because I'd tested out trying to tear them in private. I needed to be sure I wasn't going to get in the air and have them blow out like a failed parachute.

  "They're gorgeous, just like you." Bram kissed my throat and I swallowed my fear, working up the nerve to try and fly. The wind caught my wings and pulled us higher, making me squeal and Bram barked a laugh.

  "Good, now flutter them. Like this," he demonstrated and I copied. We were doing it.

  "I'm doing it!" I screamed and he smiled, pulling his hands off my waist.

  "Wait, wait!" I started dropping down to the ground like a rock. Fuck!

  "Flutter, Goldie! Open your wings and let them do what feels natural. They won't betray you," he directed and I let them span out to the fullest extent, squealing when I hit a pocket of wind that sent me upward at high speed.

  "Bram! Look! Oh my gods, I'm fucking flying!" I cackled hysterically, swooping through the air and Bram chased me, taking part in my excitement and happiness.

  He flew up beside me and we looked out over the rolling countryside, a huge mountain range in the background, the sun was hitting the water below and making it sparkle like millions of tiny diamonds.

  "It's beautiful," I commented, awestruck.

  Bram's hand slipped into mine.

  "I know," he breathed, but I knew his eyes weren't on the landscape.

  Hours later, after we returned from the forest where Bram had taught me demon basics 101, I was exhausted. Despite my wings being light as a feather, it still required a good bit of strength to use them and they were muscles that I hadn't used in my entire life. And I don't work out. Like, ever. So I knew I'd be sore as shit tomorrow.

  Bram was sitting across from me on the bed, flicking through the TV, looking for something to watch. But I had more questions and now, I was starved for information. It was like my brain had needed that total shut down to put myself back together, kind of like a fail safe.

  "Well?" Bram cocked a brow at me as he side eyed me.

  "Well what?" I asked.

  He sighed deeply. "Just ask me. You can't sit still. I know you have more questions."

  "Okay, but can I ask them in rapid succession because I feel like that will be best for both of us and we can get this over with quickly? I'm getting hungry," I warned. Because my hanger needed a warning.

  "Go for it."

  Taking a gulp of air
, I asked the first thing that popped into my head because of our earlier conversation on knotting.

  "Does your dick shift into a demon dick?"

  Bram threw his head back and laughed so loudly, I couldn't help but join.

  "I'm not answering that. Next question."

  I scowled, but whatever. I bet it fuckin' does. But, I probably should ask something not dick related...

  "Do demons prefer cold or warm milk?"

  "Are you high? Did you eat some of those mushrooms in the woods I told you not to touch?"

  Shrugging my shoulders, I motioned for him to answer the damn question.

  "We don't drink milk."

  "I don't either. Guess that makes sense."

  "Can I go make dinner now? I want lasagna," he questioned, looking at me full on now. I'd tucked my wings and tail away, but my horns were still adorning my head.

  "One more question, then you can go cook me dinner. Can you, ya know, use that tail as a spare peen or whatever?" I wondered, dead ass serious.

  He choked, coughing into his elbow as he hopped off the bed.

  "I'm done with you. You're awfully interested in sexual questions, princess. If you want a physical demonstration of exactly what I'm capable of doing with my 'demon dick' and 'spare peen'" —he actually used air quotes— "then I'd be happy to show you. But you might want to clear your schedule for a few days because I’m totally making a fuck nest to keep you in for days." Winking, he sauntered out of the room and I flopped back onto my pillow.

  A fuck nest? So. Many. Questions. Wonder if there's demon porn around here somewhere...

  "And don't bother looking for porn!" Bram shouted from the kitchen and I huffed.


  "Get up, man. We have work to do."

  Growling, I rolled over and buried my face into Sprout's pillow, her scent surrounding me and making my throat constrict.

  "Kai. You've been in bed all morning, it's one in the afternoon. You need to get up." Cam's voice was understanding, but firm. I just didn't have it in me to move today.

  "Can't. Nothing is working."

  "It's only been four days, K. We knew this was going to be an uphill battle, right? We’re all battling our issues, man.” Thunder rumbled from the sky and he pointed overhead, making his point. “There’s a mile wide storm cloud hanging over everywhere I go, everything sets me off. We’re lucky the area isn’t under a fucking flood warning.” He reached out and clapped my shoulder. “I get it, K. I fucking get it. We’ve all seen Fischer, who knows what the fuck planet he’s living on right now!” Cam ran his big hands through his golden hair, looking like he might just rip it out. “Something is going on, Kaito. We all know that, but I can barely help myself right now. Our girl needs us to figure this out. Laurie has some spell she wants to try later tonight. She went to The Pig to get supplies, and if it works, we could have eyes on our witch as soon as tonight."

  He was still hopeful.

  I felt dead.

  For three, well, I guess four days now, we'd done nothing but scour every old and falling apart text Laurie could find, we'd run through every possible scenario, considered finding a rogue demon that we could force to open the portal, but that was quickly dismissed because most rogues had been stripped of the ability to open the gateway, and what if she came back and we weren't here?

  Three days without a single word from Sloane. That was cutting me up, too. I tried to stay angry, and it wasn't difficult at first, but the longer it went without hearing from him, the further I sank into the eager open arms of deep depression. Was he okay? Despite being appalled at his behavior, the thought that he might be hurt, possibly by his own hand, made me sick.

  I hadn't talked about him with the others though. Cam and Fischer were on another level right now. Fish was downright scary, the evil glint in his eye hadn’t broken once, the darkness gripping him days longer than I had ever seen. He was cold, detached, methodical. Often sitting alone, silently studying those books or looking at information on his phone, barely saying a word to us.

  Bette was in full fledged denial. There was no way Saige wouldn't be coming home. She wouldn't, or couldn't, even entertain the idea that we may not ever get her back. Fuck.

  Surprisingly, Laurie had stepped up. Big time. She'd told us all how she gave Saige up to keep her safe, figuring that if she wasn't near her, it would be harder for Khol to find her. Laurie had directed us on different articles and texts to look up online, plus she’d been giving us a crash course in Demonology that far surpassed anything we’d learned at Radical. Even Bette listened attentively to everything Laurie had to say, and I saw the pride shining in her eyes as her daughter used her knowledge for something Bette deemed worthy. There was no doubt that Laurie had a brilliant mind; she retained information like a sponge and I wondered if she had a photographic memory. It was impressive, but nothing had paid off yet. And I was sick of waiting.

  We'd returned to the apartment early the morning after Sprout was taken and packed our bags. Maven was missing along with Sloane. It looked like he had been at the place to grab some things, but most of his shit was still there. That's just what we need, for Saige to get back and her beloved fox be gone. We couldn't even do that right.

  I could feel Cam's presence, he wasn't going anywhere.

  "Fine," I snapped, "I'm going into town though. I want to get some things from the store." I rolled off the bed and pushed past him heading to the bathroom. I was being a little bitch, but I was fresh out of fucks to give.

  The hot water pelted my skin and my arms hung loose against my body as I leaned my head against the cool tile in the shower. Why was everything so exhausting? I was always bursting with energy, and today, it was taking so much effort to just wash my hair. Crushing sadness. An unwanted blanket that weighed me down and stole any desire to shove it away, so instead, I pulled that bitch up around my neck and let it squash the pain.

  Some time later, I got out of the shower and threw on some basketball shorts and a tank, grabbing my bike key and heading downstairs. Chatter from the kitchen and the sounds of dishes told me they were probably eating lunch, but I didn't want to socialize. At all. So I hung a sharp right and headed out of the house, eyes focused on my bike.

  Nobody came chasing after me.

  Rolling into town a few minutes later, I saw Frank and Arlo through the big window at the front of The Pig. Thankfully, they were able to pick up a lot of slack, and yesterday, I'd worked for a few hours to give them a break. It was weird as hell being in the shop without Sprout around. It was weird as hell being without Sprout around.

  Even Bagheera had abandoned me. Whether it was the depression that pushed him out of my mind, or if it was his doing, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that it was radio silence and it made me feel even more empty.

  I needed to refill the beer supply at the house, so I rounded the corner and parked on the street in front of Dinner Thyme. Hooking my helmet on the handlebars, a gust of wind whipped through the building lined street and I caught a scent that I hadn't in a while. The water mage. I inhaled deeply and frowned when another scent mixed with his. Laurie?

  My nose led me past Dinner Thyme, past the bakery, Earth, Wind, and Flour and I peered around the corner into a narrow alleyway between the two stores.

  Laurie and Douchemage were having a heated, yet hushed, discussion. What was she doing talking to him? I suppose she would know who he was, Sprout had dated the bastard for two years after all, but didn't Laurie know what he'd done to her?

  Suddenly, her palm shot out and the clap of it catching his cheek echoed against the brick walls on either side of them. She said something else, the distance too far for me to hear, and took a step in my direction so I spun backward quickly and made my way to Dinner Thyme. Guess she does know how he treated her and gave him a taste of his own medicine. Good.

  I loaded my cart up with a couple six packs and a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, because what the hell? Perhaps the biggest testament to my mental stat
e was that I walked past the fresh cut meat counter and didn't get a semi over the massive tomahawk steaks that were chilling in there. Grilling would require effort. The only effort I had in me today was stuffing my face with these spicy devils and getting my buzz on.

  The cashier, Joanne, smiled brightly when I put my items on the counter for her to ring up. Ever since I'd throat punched douchemage in front of her, we often bantered whenever I came in here. Which was often enough with my penchant for cooking and trying new recipes.

  She was speaking to me, but I wasn't hearing it. I nodded, not caring what I was agreeing to and handed her forty bucks, mumbled “keep the change” and stalked back outside.

  On the way out of town, I did a double take when I spotted Sloane and Maven walking side by side down the sidewalk, Sloane's arms full of books. What the hell? I probably should have kept driving, but I just couldn't. Sloane's eyes widened as I pulled my bike over and stopped right in front of him.

  "Kai," Sloane started, moving toward me as I got off and stepped up onto the sidewalk. His ice blue eyes were full of pain and the dark bags beneath them told me that he likely hadn't been sleeping.

  "You found him," I commented, pointing at Maven.

  Sloane looked down at Maven who was sitting beside his feet obediently. "Yeah. He was in the apartment, that's where Red left him when we..." he trailed off, not needing to continue that sentence.

  Shifting my weight to my other foot, I nodded, "Good. I was worried he was gone.”

  "Is she... has anything happened?" he asked, looking at the ground.

  "No. Everything is a dead end."

  Sloane nodded gravely. "I've been searching for information, anything that might work."

  "And why haven't you contacted us? I thought you were gone," I scowled.

  "I didn't want to until I had something useful. I'm going to do everything I can to make this right, K. I'm so fucking sorry. How did Larson hide his true nature from us for so many years? I swear, I never would have taken her there if I had known he was a threat."


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