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The Magic Of Betrayal

Page 32

by Britt Andrews

  "I love you guys. Forgive me," I begged, closing my eyes and letting my power manifest, letting it slink from my body toward the three men I loved like family. I would do this for them. I'd always known I wouldn't live a long life, not in this line of work, and not with my demons.

  ‘Fucking melt her brain!’ Faris screamed.

  ‘I'm too weak to penetrate her shields,’ I sighed.

  The fear of drowning had lowered theirs, though. My essence slipped right into their psyches with zero resistance.

  The meeting with Larson. Driving to Emerald Lakes. Meeting Saige for the first time. Her beautiful face and wild green eyes. The barbeque at the park. My magic flipped through all of those memories at a rapid pace, I didn't want to risk taking too long. When I reached this moment, I let them believe we were all doing a spell together. One that had gone wrong, very wrong. A spell that killed me.

  Did it make me a coward that I didn't want them to hate me when I was gone?

  You work for Montague Industries. You're going to stand up and leave with her and Bryce when she says. Those words burst from my head and slipped right into their brains, they wouldn't even be able to fight it. My shoulders slumped forward, my power was absolutely gone now. My heart already felt slower, exhausted. My eyes fluttered shut and my head bobbed.

  Sharp intakes of breath and coughing rang out around me and I grinned, happy that they'd be okay.

  "Let's go," Laurie commanded, her vines falling away from their bodies instantly and the three of them stood, like puppets. My heart ached, but one way or another, this would work out. Saige was safe with Bram, I don't know how I knew that, I just did.

  "Goodbye, Fischer," Laurie whispered in my ear as the rest of them moved behind me through the woods and tears fell down my face. A small gust of wind brushed against my skin as she moved away from me and I stared up at the stars, wondering if it was going to hurt, but even if it did... it's fucking worth it.

  Their footsteps faded to the point that I had to strain to hear them, the vines surrounding me were still holding me tight to the chair, until they weren't. Confused, I watched as they fell away and I stood quickly, looking around. Nobody was there, and I heard nothing in the forest.

  I took a step outside of the pentagram and that's when it happened.

  A vine snaked up my leg so fast I didn't have time to react before I was flipped in the air and slammed down onto my back, other vines converging on my body, wrapping, twisting, tighter and tighter. My pulse hammered when I felt them wrap around my neck, and my eyes watered when I was no longer able to take a breath. I would've clawed at my throat, but my hands were bound.

  I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I wish we'd had more time. I wish I'd told you how much you brightened my life and that you made me feel worthy of being loved. I was drowning when we met and you grabbed me by the hair and held my face above the water. Being good was never in the cards for me, but you made me great.

  Black dots exploded in my field of vision and it was getting harder and harder to cling to consciousness, but I just kept thinking of her big green eyes, and I didn't stop thinking it until oblivion claimed me.

  I love you, sweetheart, I love you.

  The three of us crashed into my kitchen like bats out of hell, and I guess we kind of were in a sense.

  "Will they follow?" I panted, my hands flat on the floor before I was hoisted up by Bram and righted on my feet. We all tucked our wings, horns, and tails away. The last thing I need to do is give Gran a heart attack.

  "They would've had to have been touching us to follow," Khol explained, looking around my kitchen.

  "Wait. How are you here? In Emerald Lakes?" I asked, remembering that he'd been unable to pass the town lines before.

  "Maybe the ward ended on your birthday?" Bram guessed.

  As my eyes took in the kitchen, I noticed there were a few empty beer bottles on the table and a nearly empty bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Kai must be here somewhere. My heart raced at the thought.

  "Hello?" I called out, smoothing down my dress and kicking my heels off. Sweet mercy.

  Barking from the little bathroom started and my brow furrowed. Why the hell is Maven in the bathroom? His tiny paws were scratching violently against the door as I darted down the hallway and pushed open the door. He was a blaze of white as he flew out of the room, running straight to the back door and staring at me.

  "Maven, what's wrong? Where is everyone?"

  He began whining, spinning in circles, scratching at the door. Khol and Bram exchanged a look and when I tried to pass them in the kitchen, Bram stuck his arm out to stop me.

  "Animals sometimes know more than we do, Goldie girl. Let us check it out first, yeah?"

  Unease settled in my stomach as I watched Khol and Bram move to the back door, pulling it open so Maven could dart out into the night. I trailed behind them, stepping onto the patio, the smell of smoke hitting me, making my nose wrinkle.

  "Something's burning," Khol murmured, mostly to himself as we all glanced around the property. A light was on in Gran's cottage. Gran. A smile spread over my face as Maven ran full out to her cottage.

  "That's weird. He usually can't stand Gran..." I told them and I led the way through the yard to her little home. Bram stepped in front of me before I could reach for the door and he pushed it open slightly, enough for Mave to slip through before opening it wider.

  "Gran?" I shouted, "Gran, I'm back."

  I stepped through the door after Bram and when Gran didn't answer, my heart picked up its pace. Where is she? Pushing past Bram, I came to an abrupt halt when I saw Gran lying on the floor of her kitchen, a large bruise forming on her head and a small puddle of blood beneath her.

  "Gran!" I screamed, running to her and slipping on some of the blood that was on the linoleum as I threw myself on her. She was so still. Khol and Bram were on their knees beside me, and I watched as Khol felt for a pulse.

  "She's breathing, wild one."

  Relief flooded my body and tears sprang to my eyes. If I lost Gran, I don't know what I'd do. Growing up without many people loving you, the loss of that... I couldn't imagine. She was okay. She was alive.

  "Who would do such a thing?" Bram questioned.

  I brushed her hair gently out of her face, her curls wild, just like she was. Her eyes fluttered and opened a tiny sliver, before she startled and tried to sit up, batting her hands at us, like she was scared.

  "Gran, Gran, calm down, it's us. It's me, Saige. You're okay," I soothed, and her wild eyes landed on my face.

  "My sweet girl," she breathed, almost like she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

  "Bette, who did this to you? Who hurt you?" Bram asked gently and Gran tried to scoot backwards to put space between them.

  “Gran, it’s okay. They’re safe. Tell us,” I encouraged.

  "Laurie," she bit out.

  "Laurie is here?" Khol growled, eyes flashing.

  "Why the hell would she do this, Gran?" I asked, horrified.

  "They were going to do a spell," she explained, shaking her head and wincing when the motion likely caused pain.

  "Who? Who was going to do a spell?" I urged as ice ran down my spine. Something is wrong.

  "Laurie and your men. To get you back, did you see them?"

  "Where?" Khol asked as he and Bram stood to their full height.

  "About a hundred yards into the woods, there's torches," she breathed, her voice weak.

  "We'll go check it out, stay here with your grandma, okay, princess?"

  My brain was at war. Laurie had fucking attacked Gran, she was obviously not in her right mind and I knew without a doubt the guys never would’ve allowed Gran to be harmed, so they didn’t know what she was up to. They were probably in danger, too. The urge to go with Khol and Bram was nearly suffocating, but Gran needed me right now. I’d help her first then get my ass out there.

  “Okay, I’ll be out there as soon as I get Gran situated.” I nodded and they left the room. Slipping my ha
nds under Gran's arms, I lifted her upright and got her on her feet before I threw one of her arms over my shoulder, guiding her to her bed. She needed to rest.

  "Let me just get you into bed, then I'm going to go see if the guys are out there," I told her, spreading an extra blanket down over her bedding so it wouldn't get blood on it. "I don't have time to get you cleaned up yet, are you okay?"

  I was anything but calm, but I didn’t want to upset Gran. She’d been through enough tonight. Her own daughter had harmed her, the least I could do was swallow my agitation and not add to her stress.

  She took my face with both hands and something in her face twisted my stomach.

  "I'm fine. Your mother... she's not right, child. Be safe out there, go. I'm fine. Go find your men,” she encouraged.

  “Gran,” I shook my head, ready to tell her I’d go soon, but wanted to make sure she was okay.

  “Go Saige. Hurry,” she ordered, her tone firm.

  With a lingering look, I turned and ran through her house, bursting through the open doorway, finding Maven waiting for me, pacing. When he saw me, he yelped and ran ahead, leading the way.

  I didn't hear any voices, why aren't there any voices? It was almost too silent. Even the forest was quiet.

  Maven led me through the forest to where the smoke was getting thicker and I almost screamed when Bram materialized in front of me through the fog.

  "Did you find them? Where is everyone?" I asked, trying to continue walking but his hands landed on my shoulders.

  "Is my mother still here? I'm going to fuck her up for hurting Gran like that. Who would do something like that to their own mom?" When Bram didn't respond to my questions, I tilted my head up and looked at his face at the same time I heard a howl from Maven that sent thunder through my veins. He sounded... mournful.

  "Bram?" I whispered as I took in his pinched expression, the way his eyes were shining.

  "S- Saige," his voice cracked.

  Why is he calling me Saige? He's never once called me Saige.

  "Don't call me that," I snapped. "Let me past, Bram."

  "I can't, you don't want to go over there right now, okay? Just– just stay right here with me," he pleaded, his pained eyes locking on mine. As if he were begging me. What's over there?

  "What's over there, Bram?" I choked out as I held my stomach.

  He shook his head, running both hands through his hair.

  "You're scaring me," I rasped as my chin trembled and the ache in the back of my throat threatened to suffocate me.

  "Let's go see your Gran, okay?" He took my arm and started to pull me with him, away from whatever it was he didn't want me to see.

  "No," I said, but he didn't stop, he picked up his pace. "NO!" I screamed, making a sudden break from him that he didn't expect and as soon as his hand left my arm, I was sprinting toward the smoke, and then I was in it. Bram was calling my name behind me.

  "Grab her, Khol!" he roared.

  My feet skidded to a halt when I nearly tripped over a chair. What the fuck was a chair doing out here? Adjusting my vision, I could make out three other chairs and then I saw a figure hunched over.

  "Khol?" I asked, walking toward him slowly as Bram nearly ran me over as he burst through the lingering smoke.

  "Saige, please. Don't," Bram begged and I felt sweat run down my back.

  My feet carried me the remaining ten feet to Khol and he turned his head to look back at me, tears on his cheeks.

  "Khol, what is wrong? What's happening? Someone had better start fucking—" my voice shriveled up in my throat when he fell back on his ass and I saw what they hadn't wanted me to see.

  "F- Fischer?" I croaked. He wasn't moving. "FISCHER!" I screamed and threw myself down to the ground beside him, looking at where he was hurt so I could fix it. There were bruises all over his skin, the kind ropes would cause. His beautiful eyes were shut, a soft smile on his mouth. He's not dead then. Dead people don't smile. Dead men don't fucking smile.


  There was no blood. There was no wound. How can I fix him if there's no wound!?

  My hands were shaking so badly when I brought them to his face, I was scared I was going to slap him accidentally. Cold. His cheeks are cold. Why are his cheeks cold?

  "Saige, baby, please."

  Someone was talking to me.

  "Fischer, wake up. Where does it hurt, Guppy? Tell me where it hurts so I can fix it," I ran my hands down his chest, but he didn't move.

  Arms wrapped around my waist and I tried to peel them off immediately.

  "Put me down, help him! Can't you see he's hurt? Why aren't you fucking helping him!?" I screamed. Why aren't they helping him?

  Khol's face appeared in front of mine, his features blurry.

  "Saige. I'm so, so sorry," his voice cracked.

  "No," I said. "No. No. NO! NO! Help him, Bram!" I squirmed in his grip like a wild animal that was trying to be tamed. I wouldn't be tamed.

  "Let her go, Bram," Khol commanded and once his arms fell away, I ran right back to Fischer.

  "Fischer, Guppy, no. Please, I can't, let me help you, baby. This isn't real, this isn't happening." I shook my head violently back and forth, my face felt numb. My entire body felt fucking numb and I collapsed over top of my sweet Fischer, wrapping my body against his still form. A horrible keening sound was in the air and it made me want to cover my ears, but I couldn't because then I'd have to stop holding him. I'll never stop holding him.

  My hands slipped underneath his body and I felt the dirt as it got wedged under my fingernails, but I had to get closer. Maybe if I hold him hard enough, if I love him hard enough, he won't leave me. He can't leave me.

  "Honey, he's gone. I'm so fucking sorry. He was a great man, he's a legend," Khol said solemnly.

  "He's not gone. He's right here, he's with me. We belong together. I love him! How fucking DARE she? I'm going to kill her. I'm going to hunt her down and fucking destroy her," I vowed, not removing my cheek from Fischer's chest.

  Heat was prickling at my body and I felt my tail elongate and my wings snapped out at the same time as my horns. My wings wrapped around both of us, like a cocoon. Safety. We were safe in here.

  Fischer's dead.

  The thought slammed against my skull.

  Fischer's dead. He's dead. She killed him.

  Magic exploded from my body, through Fischer, and into the ground. Golden light exploded around us, and it was all I could see. A cracking sound that was deafening filled my ears as the crashing of trees hit the forest floor. The ground shook and I gritted my teeth as my magic took over.

  They were calling my name, screaming at me to stop. I'd sooner be able to stop a speeding fucking bullet. This had to come out. Now.

  My chest was cracked, my heart shattered, my soul darkened.

  And all I knew in that moment as I pressed my face against my love's quiet chest, was that she would pay.

  I would get my revenge.

  Careful, Mother, you may have given birth to a daughter, but tonight, I was reborn a monster.

  And I will find you.

  Want More?

  If you're still breathing, click here to pre-order The Magic of Revenge.


  Are you punching me in the face right now? Did you break your reading device like I broke everyone’s hearts?

  Damn, I’m a freakin’ assshole.


  When I started writing this book, I knew kind of sort of where I wanted it to end. It wasn’t until I was about halfway through that I decided for sure what was going to happen. And side note: I fucking BATTLED with Fischer during his date with Saige. It took me days to figure him out. Something wasn’t right. It wasn’t clicking. Then I sat down and just wrote what he was telling me. Yeah, I sound crazier than a pile of bat turds, but that’s the damn truth.

  And thus, Faris was born. I legit
messaged my content editor ‘I DID NOT PLAN FOR THIS! WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!?” Then she read it. And my other alphas read it, and they loved it. I mean, holy shit. He mind fucked me just like every other enemy in his life.

  Fact of the matter is this: I couldn’t continue writing their stories if it weren’t for you. Not the general audience, not you all. You, right here, right now. You picked up the second book in my debut series and gave me another chance to let you escape reality and that means so much to me.

  The past eight months have been nothing short of a dream come true for me and every single time you recommend my book in reader groups, on your bookstagrams, your blogs, I see that. Each time you interact in the reader group and discuss these characters? I SEE THAT. And it is literally everything to me.

  I hope you’ll stick with me for the next book. Who knows what will happen.

  Thank You!

  Now for the sappy shit.

  Cassie Hurst, my development/content editor. My Jiminy Cricket who leaves things like, “TOO CRAZY LADY. TONE IT DOWN.” and then in the next paragraph leaves me the filthiest suggestions. I see you, ma’am. I couldn’t have done this without you. Book three is gonna be off the charts.

  Stacy, my book boo. My alpha bitch. Thank you! You were my first cheerleader and your support and friendship means so much to me. Also, the amount of TikToks and NSFW images you throw my way has really solidified you as a bestie for life.

  Polly and Dani, your editing and proofreading is next level. Polly, your thirst comments and reactions to my stories is literally something I CRAVE and I’m going to need that with every book I write. Thank you, ladies. Check out Proofs by Polly and Black Lotus Editing if you’re in the market for author services.

  Nicole Babinsack, my friend and PA. I’d be lost without you managing my things. Your enthusiasm for every single word I write is a bright light in my day that keeps me going. Thank you so, so much.

  To my ARC team, you guys are the freaking best. Also, the thirstiest crowd I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.


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