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Until Brew

Page 8

by CC Monroe

  Her name makes me cringe, thank God she hasn’t made an appearance since that night. That’s not what JJ and I need as we start to grow this relationship.

  “I will talk to her and see if she’s ready for that.”

  “Of course, and please tell her there is no pressure and we understand if she needs time. She—where are my manners? What is her name?”

  “JJ Marie. She’s from New York. We met through Chrystal.”

  “A city girl. She must have a pretty good, take-no-shit attitude, which I think is exactly what you need.” She laughs.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Son, you need someone who can give you a dose of your own medicine and keep you on your toes. Just like I did with Daddy.”

  “She thinks she did, son. Anyway, I won’t speak too much on it, but I’m happy for you.”

  “Oh hush! You know I made you the man you are today.” There is a loud slap, and then my mother giggles, and I shiver in an uncomfortable way.

  “All right, I got to go. I’ll talk to you savages soon. Love you, bye.” They say goodbye, and I end the call as fast as I can.

  I’m about to put my phone in my pocket when it rings again, and I see JJ’s name. Picking up, excited to hear my woman’s voice, I answer. “Hey, baby. How’s work?”

  “Brew! I need you. I—I don’t know what to do. Please! Parker just…. He…. Damn it!”

  My blood boils at the mention of Parker. He has come up a few times over the past week. I learned about his behavior and lack of work ethic, and it has made me nearly lose myself with rage. I want to deck that pretty boy in the fucking mouth.

  “Hey, calm down. I’m on my way.”

  JJ gives an exasperated “thank you” and hangs up.

  “Boys, I’ll be back. My lady needs me,” I tell my team, and they don’t bat a lash, waving me off. I climb in my truck and head to the other end of the division, ready to manhandle that little bitch.

  What did he do to my woman?

  Chapter Eleven


  “Parker, I told you they want the desk in the center of the office, not against the wall.” I’m already about to pull my hair out and go postal on this man. Between his constant tardiness, attitude, his lack of listening and following my directions, he has been quite frankly a pain in my ass.

  “It’s hideous there. You picked a terrible design.” His comment is beyond inappropriate.

  “Parker, I’m not doing this right now. Okay? The Ericksons liked my layout, and they will be here in a few hours for the final walkthrough. So move the damn desk back,” I snap.

  The entire team stop with their tasks and watch the two of us stand off.

  “Fine. Have it your way. But whoever told you that you have a talent for this was clearly blind.” In his rage, he grabs the desk and pulls it across the carpet. The edge of it catches the freshly laid flooring, and a loud tear sounds out.

  “Parker!” I yell as I watch the carpet come apart.

  “Shit. JJ, I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

  “Stop! I want you out. You are fired. You are no longer on my team. Now get out of my sight.”

  Parker eyes me like I’ve gone mad. “You can’t fire me; I own this company.”

  “No, you don’t. Your father does, and how he has managed not to fire your ass yet is beyond me. Now, out!” His eyes draw into dangerous slits, glaring me down.

  “You dumb bitch, you will regret this.”

  I know what he means. He’ll go cry to his father, and I will lose my job. Meaning, I will lose this large client portfolio and the chance to start my own business sooner. Great. But in this moment, all I care about are the Ericksons and that they are happy with the final walkthrough tonight. He pushes past me, making it a point to hit my shoulder with his, and I almost drop his ass there, but I better stop while I'm ahead.

  “Oh my gosh, JJ, are you okay?” Hanna places her hand gently on my shoulder, as if not to cause me to jump. Taking a few deep breaths, I self-soothe and calm down. I have a team to keep calm and on track and clients to please. There is no time to fall apart. But I’m only human, and no matter how much I try, I can’t seem to hold back emotions.

  “Hanna, I’ll be fine. I’m going to take a minute. Can you all resume what you were working on?” A collective “yes” sounds off, and I make my way to the front door as the tears get ready to cascade. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, my immediate reaction is to call Brew.

  The phone rings, and I immediately start to cry when he answers, “Hey, baby. How’s work?”

  “Brew! I need you. I—I don’t know what to do. Please! Parker just…. He…. Damn it!” My emotions completely take hostage of the situation.

  “Hey, calm down. I’m on my way,” he tells me, panic evident in his voice, but there is an edge of anger. He ends the call, and I wipe at my tears and take a few deep breaths. There is no time for anything to happen here but for me to find a solution. Knowing I will most definitely be fired from this job, I still can’t let my clients suffer. I worked my ass off to be here, and I want the Ericksons to be happy with their forever home. At least I’ll go out with a bang. This is by far the best house I’ve ever completed.

  The canvas was beautiful, spacious, with more room and creative freedom. In New York, we mainly do upscale apartments and condos. Not luxury homes like this. Just as I’m about to go back in and face the team, Brew pulls up and jumps out.

  “Baby? What’s wrong? What happened?” He places his hands on my cheeks and studies me with intent.

  “Nothing. He just… he was being such an ass and going against everything I was saying. He has always been this way, but it seems like today, he just… snapped and changed. There was an edge to him, and he messed up the office carpet, and the Ericksons will be here in two hours. I don’t know what to do,” I ramble on until no breath is left and I’ve given him the rundown.

  Finally, I assess him, and he looks… murderous, his pupils dilated, his jaw ticking, and his face stone-cold.


  “You said he wasn’t a problem. How long have you been lying to me?”

  I step back, breaking our contact and looking affronted. “Seriously? I need you, and you are going to make this our first fight? He wasn’t a damn problem until today.”

  “Bullshit. Is that why you come home so emotionally drained?”

  His words are pissing me off more and more, and I’m about to snap on him just like I did with Parker. I grow so irritated that those tears start coming back, and they aren’t the hurt kind. They are the ones that find a pesky way of sneaking up on you when you are so angry you can’t help but cry in rage. Brew sees his mistake, watching my eyes well with tears and my face drop in disappointment and anger.

  “Fuck, baby, don’t cry. I’m an asshole. I shouldn’t be saying this to you just because I’m ready to handle Parker in a fucking back alley. Let’s not fight about him.”

  I debate standing my ground, but he is sorry, and honestly, I don’t want to fight. I need him, his help, and most of all his comfort and safety. The state of vulnerability I’m in is astronomical. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Stepping back up to me, he wraps me in his arms, encompassing me and drowning me with his large body and much taller frame.

  “But we will be talking about it later, and you are going to tell me what has been happening, then I will decide what to do with this punk-ass fuck.”

  Rolling my eyes, I lean back. “Caveman put away your MC side. He’s done, and besides, I might lose my job anyway.”

  Opening his mouth to speak, he almost gets out some angry rebuttal, I’m sure, but Hanna interrupts.

  “Sorry, JJ. Brew,” she greets with a small wave and gentle smile, her eyes swinging back to me. “Listen, the carpet is worse than it looks, and I think we need to call the company back.”

  “No need, Hanna. I’ve got it. I have connections. Let me look at the damage, and I will figure it out.”

g up at him as if he were an actual savior, I smile, mouthing “thank you” as we follow Hanna in. He is already on the phone before we enter the room.

  “Hey, D, can you meet me somewhere in thirty?” A brief pause. “Perfect, I will send you the address, with what I need and pictures. Thanks, brother.” Ending the call, he steps into the office, coming to stand next to Hanna and me where the damage is.

  “I can fix this in about an hour after Deacon gets here,” he says a few seconds after looking over the damage.

  “Really? And Deacon? Does he do carpet?”

  “Yes, he owns his own company. He should have this fabric in his warehouse. I will send it. You get to whatever it is you need to do, ladies, and I will take care of this. I need to get my tools.” As he pecks me on the cheek, the small gesture seems so much greater with his take-control attitude. I don’t usually do this, let a man full-on take control, but that’s never worked with Brew, and I hate to admit it, but his power and love for me is the biggest turn-on about him.

  The whole team stays busy, respecting the situation and not asking questions or talking about it. I wish I wasn’t going to lose this amazing team when I’m fired, but also when I decide to stay here and put down roots.

  My head whips up so damn fast when I realize what I just said in my head. The past few weeks, I’ve given into all my heart’s desires with Brew. There isn’t a moment outside of working that we aren’t together. We’ve touched, talked, teased, and fallen straight on our asses for one another. Even in our flaws, the vastness of my love for him is without bounds.

  “It’s your handyman calling!” Deacon announces, coming into the house. I’ve also gotten to know the gentle giant who likes to drink tequila like me and cusses like a sailor while bedding nearly anything with legs in Tennessee. I’ve fallen in love with Brew, and I adore his friends. We haven’t told our parents about one another, not really ready to do that just yet. We aren’t ashamed; we just like this love bubble we’ve created, and if I’m being honest, I think both our parents would be shocked that the two independent people who swore to never fall in love have done just the opposite and become dependent on one another.

  JJ Marie is still a badass, but she’s a badass in love with a badass biker. Oy vey.

  “Deacon, I’ve known you for a few weeks now, and I had no idea what you do for a living.” I give him a side hug. Brew steps out of the office. He has on his utility belt, and I swear that may be the bad-boy version of a police belt. My core tightens, and I’m instantly aroused.

  “It’s all right, J-Dog. Many women don’t take time to get me. They use me for my body or the seat of my bike… and face.” I slap his arm and gawk at him.

  “Oh my— ha!” A soft, embarrassed giggle comes from behind us. Turning, we look at Hanna, and the second her eyes lock on Deacon, I see it. That same desire I feel when I look at Brew. I mean, I get it; Deacon is very handsome, and Hanna is the innocent girl who has never seen men like Deacon and Brew before. Add his… bedside manner, and it can be shocking yet arousing.

  “Well f-fuck me, aren’t you a beautiful little thing?” Deacon chokes out, and I look to Brew, giving him wide eyes. Did the big, bad Deacon just stutter over his own words?

  “Oh, thank you. Um, my name is Hanna. You must be Deacon. JJ has told me about you.”

  He takes her hand, and the room practically ignites with sexual tension.

  “Hopefully all charming things.” He winks.

  Biting her lip, she tucks her hair behind her ear, the shy side of her becoming more noticeable. “Yes, but I didn’t know she was serious about just how… well, um, you know…”

  “Crass I can be?” he finishes for her.

  “Yeah, that.” She chuckles, and my face beams with adoration. Oh my God, I’ve never seen her like this.

  “Okay, well, Deacon, you can talk to Hanna, and I will get to work on the carpet for my girl.”

  Without breaking eye contact with Hanna, Deacon tells him it’s in the bed of his truck, and Brew goes for it, telling me he will be back. Nodding, I leave the two in peace, taking over her part of the office. Who am I too interrupt the adorable meet cute I just witnessed? Chrys was right; there is something in the water, and it makes the men in this town a different breed.

  Hanging the picture just right, I step back and look at the multidimensional wall and the way the artwork hangs on it. By far my favorite wall in the house.

  “That looks phenomenal. You’re right; the pictures you showed me didn’t do it justice. Great job, baby,” Brew announces himself, admiring the wall with me.

  “Thank you. I love to paint too, if you didn’t know. But the tape job I had to do on this wall, that was not fun.” They wanted an abstract wall with a unique design and a mixture of fun yet elegant colors. It took a lot of work, but I believe I will deliver it just the way they wanted it. I feel like a real Joanna Gaines.

  “I bet. I’m gonna get started.” As he kisses me on the cheek, I nod and start decorating the office apothecary table. This is one of the most expensive pieces of furniture in this house. It cost nearly what three months of my Upper East Side apartment rents for. Jolted out of my thoughts when I hear a loud bang, I turn around, and what I witness is something I can only explain as the most erotic sight that has no business being erotic. Brew is on his knees, holding the carpet in place, and some tool about two feet long is between his knee and the wall, the edge placed where the carpet meets the wall. Bringing his knee back slightly, he thrusts it forward onto the flat part of the tool with force, and I should be a puddle at his damn feet at this point.

  Brew does this over and over again, and I just stare, taking in the sight like a creep. But I can stare all I want, because that man is all mine. All mine.

  “Like what you see, baby?”

  Shaking my head, caught ogling my boyfriend, I bite my lip and nod. “How was that so sexy?” I question on a low, desperate-sounding moan.

  He stands, moving toward me with slow intent, knowing he is deepening my desire. “What? Me fixing that, or something else?”

  “You know what I’m talking about, Brew. You swoop in here, save the day, do some weird carpet thing, and boom—I want you.”

  He laughs deep in his chest at my description. “Save that fire for later. It’s been a couple of days since I’ve had you, and I’m starved.” He reminds me I’ve been so tired when I get home that it has messed with our normal sexual appetite, and I frown, placing my hands on his chest.

  “Yeah, I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just—”

  He stops me, placing his finger to my lips. “Don’t you say sorry about that. I’m not just here for your body; I’ve told you that. But tonight, after we have the party, when everyone leaves and you’re just a little tipsy on tequila, hanging all over me and begging for this cock, I will take you to our bed and let you do whatever you want with me. Be my wicked little naughty thing.” Reaching around, he grabs a handful of my ass and pulls me flush against him, right against his erection.

  “Brew…” I look around, seeing no one is within view.

  “Yeah, it will sound like that, but a little more screaming and begging.” I go full cherry-red in the face, my stomach knotted with butterflies, and my center turns so wet and needy I could rub my thighs together and come. That’s what Brew can do to me.

  “We have to stop, or I will need a release,” I tell him, my voice sounding like someone else’s. I sound desperate, almost like a cliché porn star.

  “You need it? That release?” he asks, leaning down and kissing my neck, sucking and nipping at it. I want to say no, but I can’t. Brew is in complete control of my body.

  “Where? Take me there, fast,” I beg him, and he smirks. The only place I can think of is in his truck. “Take me to the unfinished road behind the tree line.”

  “My bad dirty girl. Go to the truck, and I will be there in two minutes.”

  I nod, and on shaky legs, I hurry out, letting the team know I will be running a quick errand
and to finish up the last touches. I climb in his truck, and I can feel my core pulsing and nearing the point of combusting. Brew comes out a minute later and climbs in.

  “Pants and panties off, now.” Taking off, he heads toward the area behind where they’re still building, and I do what he says. I kick off my shoes and socks, then I maneuver myself to remove my pants and thong.

  “Fuck.” Looking up, I see him staring over at the spot between my legs. “Come here. Straddle my leg.” Confused by his odd request, I still don’t stop, too aroused and in deep need. I have to have him now. We’re still driving, and his eyes never leave the road. They stay there as I climb over to him. We are now surrounded by trees and behind the land that will soon have a ton of homes built by the man I’m currently straddling.

  Once I’m in position, he growls, “Ride my leg. Fuck it like you want me. You liked seeing me do that back there, and now you can get that sexy pussy off on it.”

  I cry out, immediately beginning to rock my hips, so damn desperate to have him. It’s not just the way he fixed the problem; it’s that he did… period. He took charge, took care of me, and now he’s giving me what I need right now—relief.

  He gets to a completely secluded place and parks, and I keep circling my hips, then thrust back and forth. Brew watches me, placing his arm up on the window seal and the other hand on the back of the passenger head rest. This is the most scandalous thing I’ve ever done in my life, yet it still feels so intimate and special. He watches me ride his jean-clad leg, his body relaxed as if he is unfazed, and that turns me on more. It’s like he wants me to beg him to want me, and in some twisted, sick way, I like it. Because I know Brew well enough to know he wants me and that this is an act. I know he’s crumbling inside, complete putty in my hands, but I like this control.

  “Oh God, I want to come, but I want to come on your cock, baby,” I whimper. He still doesn’t move and keeps his eyes on my face, staring at me with an inquisitive look. “Brew, please, I need it.” The longer he waits, the more I want to come but can’t. Brew has trained my body to be unwilling to come without him or his words and commands.


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