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Page 10

by Kipjo Ewers

  Our other problem is those attempting to become perms. For half a million and up, people are paying for treatments to make the activation of the EVO gene within them permanent.”

  “Excuse me,” Aashif raised his hand. “From what we know of the failings of the original ‘drug war,’ what makes this any different? Aside from the abductions, if ordinary people want abilities like us, who are we to stop them from acquiring them?”

  With a dry smile, Erica projected her answer on the screen.

  “Kara Martin, age twenty-three, somehow snuck her way up to the 423 Park Avenue building in New York City with the intention of leaping off. Lucky for her, a local hero by the name of Sky Blast swooped in snatching her up before she jumped. Ms. Martin was cursing, punching, and kicking him on the way down. After she was arrested, she was asked if she was suicidal. She said no, she was attempting to activate her powers, and she was pissed that Sky Blast interrupted her.

  Peter Murdock, age nineteen, was arrested near the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository for trespassing. In his bag, they found a huge tarantula. He explained that he wanted a little bit of radiation to infect the tarantula with so that when it bit him, it would both activate and tailor his powers to his liking.”

  Oliver shook his head in disbelief, while Adrian cupped his mouth choking down his laughter, as imagines of the people Erica was speaking about appeared on the screen.

  “And those are the minor cases, Jonathan Snyder, age forty-two, and an engineer at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Generating Station literally walked into the reactor chamber, and died of extreme radiation poisoning. His home revealed he was a huge fan of Freedom.”

  The humor was wiped from everyone’s faces as she continued.

  “And then, we have incidents like this.”

  She switched the screen to a video camera feed taken within a Starbucks.

  “This was taken four days ago,” she explained.

  As everyone watched, a young man surfing the web on his tablet while indulging in a caramel macchiato began to display symptoms of shivers while swaying in his seat. He finally fell out of his chair going into convulsions. Fellow patrons came to his aide as his eyes lit up emitting a bright red color along with the veins underneath his skin. Smoke began to spew from his orifices causing some people to back up as he appeared to be screaming. The final thing everyone witnessed was the arching of his back before he detonated obliterating everyone and everything within his vicinity killing the camera feed.

  “The kid’s name was Bart Williams,” Erica turned addressing Aashif. “He was twenty-two years old. That blast took out four stores and killed thirty-eight people while injuring almost eighty others. This is the third incident to happen in the past two months on U.S. soil. Similar incidents have occurred in different parts of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.”

  Aashif swallowed and nodded now understanding how dire the situation was. Erica switched to a 3D diagram of a male human anatomy. The figure injected itself with a syringe displaying what happens to the body when a booster enters the system.

  “Regular humans are only infected with less than ten percent of the EVO virus which stays in a dormant state. Most of the percentile that is not dormant has found its way to the human reproductive system in both men and women, which is why regular humans are able to give birth to EVO children. ‘Human Boost’ and ‘Ascension’ are agitating agents created to target the EVO virus forcing it to activate temporarily granting human beings abilities. The problem is that normal human cells are not capable of withstanding the genetic information transmitted by the virus, along with the energy output of specific abilities.

  This is why so many people died when the EVO virus first spread. By my hypothesis, there were three types of virus infection of the population: Active, dormant, and defective.

  Active spreads throughout our bodies killing our normal human cells one by one while taking over their functions and becoming our new cellular structure.

  Dormant is what’s within the majority of the population, it does nothing and is only transmitted through sexual intercourse, which in turn produces EVO children.”

  She briefly glanced Rogers’s way before continuing.

  “Defective is the EVO Virus that did not complete the replication process for some reason and continued to transmit. Those infected with the defective virus eventually died because their bodies could not withstand the genetic information the virus transmitted, or as I stated earlier, the energy output their abilities generated.

  Which explains why there are more infected Titans and Mercurian classes than Apollos. Majority of people who died from the Judgment Virus had Apollo abilities.”

  From the corner of her eye, she could see Rogers drop his chin into his chest as his eyes went to the floor of the briefing room. Sister Shareef subtly looked at him with eyes of concern.

  “So even though these boosters are producing temporary abilities,” she concluded. “They are also causing the same effect of a defective EVO Virus, but an aggravated rate. Constant use of these boosters either causes the subject to burn out all of their cells and die or for a person’s body to become unstable and eventually spontaneously combust.”

  “So how does this tie into the red booster we captured during our raid yesterday?” Oliver asked.

  “Because this is not just a booster,” Erica answered flatly. “This is a serum capable of turning regular humans into EVOs permanently.”

  The expression on everyone’s face was ice cold concern; even Adrian didn’t have a quick wit to the bombshell she dropped.

  “How is that possible?” Teuila asked while shaking her head.

  “Maxine, pull up the specs on the serum please.” Erica requested.

  The screen switched displaying the chemical breakdown of the red booster serum. Everyone aside from Erica, Rogers, and Sister Shareef leaned back in their seats stunned at the results.

  “I identified twenty new chemical elements created to make up this serum,” she answered with a flat stern voice. “Five of these elements which make up the twenty is nowhere on the periodical table, we will get to that later. I then ran several simulations; basically, what it does is get the dormant virus to gradually do what the virus has done for each of us.”

  “Gradually?” asked Shareef.

  Erica projected her simulation on the screen for all to see.

  “Each time an injection is administered the virus not only activates, but it also kills normal cells and multiplies before going dormant again. With each injection, the virus spreads and remains more active, until finally it no longer goes into a dormant mode. The person becomes a fully blown EVO with continued full access to their abilities.”

  “But why gradually?” Sister Shareef pressed her question, “Why not with one injection, why not a steady dosage?”

  Erica projected the results.

  “A steady dosage results in certain, painful fatality. Each vial contains the right amount of serum that must only be taken within forty-eight hours of the last dosage. That’s why all of them had the vials on them, but only a certain number boosted, the rest did not complete the cool down cycle to take another injection. By my simulation, it took at least sixty vials for the process to stay permanent, which means a regular human can become a full powered EVO in three months.”

  “Three months?” Adrian choked.

  “That sucks in so many ways,” Oliver kneaded his brow.

  “Do we have an idea of who could have manufactured this?” Rogers asked.

  “Aside from me,” Erica shrugged, “Another Promethean with either the same, or a higher IQ than me, or someone off planet.”

  “Off-planet,” Aashif asked with a twisted face of confusion. “Surely you’re not talking …?”

  “Yes, I’m talking extra-terrestrials,” she looked dead at him, “As I said before, this serum was created by someone who created twenty new elements, and five of the original properties that created these new elements are nowhere on ou
r periodical table at all.”

  Everyone’s expression varied after Erica’s answer. The new recruits still had an obvious concern on their faces, while the original core team put on disgust and irritation.

  “So, you’re saying we might have aliens, arming ISIS terrorists?” Oliver asked with a visage of disbelief.

  “That sounds so messed up just hearing it,” Adrian shook his head.

  “Knowing what we know now,” Erica sighed. “There is a high probability.”

  Adrian displayed an annoying smirk before asking his next question.

  “Any chance you can call your golden boy …”

  Before he could finish, his seat was telekinetically ripped from underneath him causing him to hit the floor hard.”

  “Son of a …!” He gasped.

  “He’s not my boyfriend asshole,” Erica scowled.

  “Oh damn!” Teuila covered her mouth.

  “She warned you to stop f’n with her,” his sister sighed.

  Adrian used one of the other chairs to help himself up as he glared at Erica throwing dagger eyes back at him.

  “If everyone is done dicking around,” Rogers elevated his authoritative voice. “Erica, what is the probability that the first scenario is more possible than the second?”

  “It’s also highly probable,” Erica answered while fluttering her eyes. “All you would need is either a nuclear reactor or particle accelerator and someone with intelligence on a superhuman level with knowledge of chemistry and genetics, which would narrow our search down considerably because that would mean we’d be looking for a government-backed facility or someone with a shit ton of money.”

  “Considering who their clientele is we can narrow the number of governments willing to risk sanctions and going to war,” Sister Shareef interjected.

  “What about Iran?” Aashif asked with a raised hand. “The deal promised that they would not begin a nuclear weapons program, it said nothing of a superhuman program. Considering their track record with supplying known terrorist organizations they would be the obvious choice.”

  “That’s a good point,” Rogers answered while nodding in agreement. “But before we start pointing fingers, we’re going to rule out everyone else, including ET. This is something we have to be balls to the wall damn sure about. With what is going on with this election, I’m not giving either side any free talking points. Are we clear?”

  “I’ve already compiled a list of possible suspects,” Erica confirmed.

  “Alright, this gets put on the backburner for now,” Rogers ordered.” Our main priority for today is getting ready for the Vitruvian Absolute rally, so let’s get it done folks.”

  “Sarge, can I get five minutes?” Adrian asked.

  “Yeah, wait for me outside,” he nodded. “Erica, stay behind please.”

  She rolled her eyes walking over to him as everyone else got up and exited the briefing room.

  “Care to explain that little outburst?” Rogers asked with narrowed eyes.

  “He’s acting like a dick!” She snapped. “The Eye of Ra looks borderline my father’s age and probably older than Moses!”

  “Not a justifiable reason,” he lectured. “Especially when I hear the barbs, you throw at each other in the Rec room when you’re playing your little video games. Something you want to talk about?”

  “No sir,” she answered while cutting her eyes.

  “You don’t seem like you’ve been getting a lot of sleep.”

  “I got a lot of work on my plate between people creating serums that actually create superhumans, and someone draining a nuclear power plant and then disappearing into thin air without a trace.”

  “It’s been almost a year since that happened,” Rogers nodded. “Still no leads?”

  “None,” she answered while lowering her frustrated and fatigued eyes to the floor.

  He looked at her for a minute preparing to say something else but chose to change the subject. Rogers made a face not believing he was asking his next question.

  “Can you contact the Eye of Ra to confirm if the serum was made by an alien race?”

  “Based on the energy frequency he’s allowed me to track him with, he’s off planet,” she shrugged. “And considering he could be anywhere in the universe, I have no way of connecting with him until he returns to Earth.”

  “Keep me updated,” He nodded. “And I don’t want to see that shit in my briefing room ever again. Are we clear?

  “Yes sir,” she snapped a sarcastic salute.

  “Miss, Ms. Dennison is here for her final checkup,” Maxine announced over the audio system.

  Rogers fluttered his eyes in disgust at the announcement.

  “Someone needs to follow their own advice,” Erica whistled, “Especially when their …”

  Rogers gave her a warning glare that she was pushing her luck. She turned skipping out the door as he watched her leave with fatherly concern written on his face.

  “One more thing,” he raised his voice so that she could hear him. “Do not tell Dennison anything about this briefing.”

  She halted in her tracks and turned to him with a perplexed look.

  “Why not?”

  “Because she is not a part of this team, and does not need to know this information,” he said with an authoritative voice. “This is still a government facility, and she is a civilian. The information about the serum is officially classified, is that understood?”

  “Yes sir,” Erica said giving him a sharp disapproving gaze before walking away.

  “And get some sleep!”

  “Alright!” She howled.

  Adrian re-entered the briefing room walking up to him.

  “If you came to whine about her being mean to you, I already …”

  “Forgotten the second I walked out the door Sarge, although I shall have my revenge …”

  “Esposito …”

  “Why the hell are we doing detective work when we have the answers to our questions either sitting in black sights or GTMO?” Adrian got serious and to the point. “We captured over two hundred and eighty insurgents last week, with five high ranking ISIS officers. One if not all of them has to know where those boosters came from. Erica can figure that out just by …”

  “I know,” Rogers nodded in agreement. “But we’re not going that route. I’m not going to force her to dive into the mind of any of those animals, especially after what she’s been through. And we can’t go interrogating captured prisoners without divulging what we are interrogating them for.”

  “And why are we not divulging this information?” Adrian asked.

  “With what’s going on with this election,” Rogers said with a lowered voice. “Do you really want it to get out that there is a serum that can turn regular humans into superhumans in less than three months, can you imagine what would happen if something like this got out?”

  Adrian nodded while swallowing deep as he began to see the predicted bleak future in store for the world that Roger’s saw should such information be revealed.

  “For now, we have to take the long road to figure this out,” Rogers reaffirmed. “So, get your running shoes on.”

  Adrian gave Rogers his game face.

  “Yes, sir.”

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Erica waited in the Ranch’s hanger area as one of the facilities lift brought Sophia down. She stepped out wearing a simple blue and white Fabletics workout set with a Yankees baseball cap and blue flip-flops.

  “You look so suburban MILF right now,” Erica declared.

  “You look tired,” Sophia proclaimed.

  “Well we all can’t have limitless stamina like you,” Erica said with a Cheshire sneer. “Come on let’s get this over with.”

  “Is the crank a symptom of the fatigue, or are you not happy to see me?”

  “Crank comes with the fatigue,” Erica dryly answered while fighting to soften up. “I also
got a lot on my mind. Come on; let’s get you checked out for an official clean bill of health.”

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Minutes later Sophia stood still in just her underwear within one of Erica’s medical tubes as she completed her final scan of her.

  “All done,” Erica announced.

  As the long cylinder tube rose back into the ceiling, she stepped out while Erica pulled up the results of the last test on the screen for Sophia to see.

  “So, the good news is after almost a year you've completely healed,” Erica answered with an exhale while examining her scans. “Energy levels are still under ninety percent when compared to the first initial scan I took from you almost a year ago, but they are steadily rising. I’d say another six months, and you will be back full power. At these levels, you’re still the most powerful EVO on the planet.”

  “Bad news is, I have a limit,” Sophia stood next to her examining the yearlong progression of scans. “There’s been no physical change to my cellular structure to prevent the damage I caused to myself when I tapped my reserves during my battle with Peace.”

  “None,” Erica shook her head.

  In the historical record of scans, Erica expanded three in particular.

  The first one was when she fitted Sophia for her first outfit, the second was a couple of months after her battle with Peace, and the final scan Erica took several minutes ago.

  “As you can see from the second scan,” Erica pointed. “You literally burnt yourself from the inside out when you went into “World Buster mode.”

  “You’ve given it a name now?”

  “You shook the entire damn planet just by moving,” Erica glared at her. “Hell yeah, I am giving it a name. Unfortunately, the law of equivalent exchange pertains to even you. Your cells started to burn out one by one the longer you tapped your reserves, by the time it was done you had destroyed over forty percent of the cells within your body. I’m shocked you’re still alive and functioning after that.”


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