Book Read Free


Page 24

by Kipjo Ewers


  May 2017, eleven hundred hours military time, Bridgeport, California

  At the Ranch, the Regulator team sat once again in the debriefing room with Rogers and Erica in the front of the room all stared aimlessly at the pictures and data on the widescreen in a brainstorm attempt to piece together nine months of puzzle pieces before them with no solid clues.

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  Months before this, the backlash of Sir Knight Light’s death was worse than expected. It sent a ripple effect not just within the United Kingdom, but Worldwide especially within the superhuman community due to Major Henry Butcher being beloved on an equivalent level to Prince William and Harry.

  His televised funeral was estimated to be comparable to the passing of Princess Diana.

  As expected his death sparked questions that the government could not answer. The state of the Major’s body, time of death, as well as the theory of a shapeshifter impersonating from him for months was kept from the public to prevent panic.

  Captain Amanda Taylor who went by the call-sign Lady of the Lake was promoted to Major and became the team’s new leader with an oath to hunt down and bring the Major’s murderer to justice.

  Surprisingly the public worldwide which entailed Freedom’s critics demanded to know when she would embark on finding Sir Knight Light’s killer.

  This brought on an uncomfortable conversation between Erica and the world’s unofficial champion.

  Erica slowly exhaled as she looked back at Freedom via a video chat from her lab, while she stood not too far from the location of Sir Knight Light’s new tomb.

  “I was expecting and dreading this call.”

  “Me too,” Freedom sadly answered back.

  “Before you ask, there are a few things you should know,” Erica sighed. “MI6 is not asking for our help on this investigation.”

  “Can I ask the reason why?”

  “Conflict of interest, our mutual golden friend from the stars is a primary suspect. You almost made the list until I cleared you.”

  “There’s no way the Eye of Ra could have done this.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir,” Erica agreed. “But Director Mansfield is unfortunately not hearing it.”

  “You have a suspect already,” Freedom deduced. “The individual that drained the nuclear reactor in India.”

  “Major Butcher was killed without putting up so much as a fight,” Erica nervously informed her friend. “There are no EVOs currently on the planet aside from you who could have killed him so easily without a struggle. Even Kimberly would have had problems before she overcame him, mainly due to his experience. The only other likely suspect would be the Eye of Ra, and the only evidence tying him to the Major’s murder is the sand found underneath the Major’s fingernails which came from Luxor around the Valley of the Kings.

  And before you start talking about a road trip to Egypt, the team and I have already been there. We even went past the valley where we found sand, and an empty unknown tomb that for some strange reason dates before the Egyptian dynasty.”

  “By the look on your face, something was different about this tomb.”

  “It was dug a mile and a half down from the surface in a slant which is extremely unnatural for that time period. It also looked as if it was carved by a powerful energy weapon. The problem is the person who could verify it for me is off planet.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Freedom asked with furrowed brow. “I could have …”

  “I’m not supposed to be speaking to you about this, Sophia,” Erica swallowed.

  Her answer brought a glare to Freedom’s face that she knew was not directed at her.

  “Rogers …”

  “Is doing what he’s trained to do,” Erica verbally stopped her. “We’re not some fictional organization funded by a rich billionaire that answers to no one. We work for and answer to the United States government, which means when it comes to matters of national security, I am not at liberty to divulge classified information to a civilian, which you are.”

  “But this was an international incident,” Freedom said with narrowed eyes.

  Erica’s face became stern as an uneasy stalemate fell between her and her friend.

  “Like I said, I’m not supposed to be speaking to you about this.”

  “Erica …”

  “The base is on lockdown indefinitely,” Erica informed her while glancing at the floor. “I advise you not to come here for a while, especially since you have a clean bill of health.”

  It was a painfully awkward silence similar to their last disagreement. Freedom could tell that this time it wasn’t something Erica wanted to say. She had to say it.

  “I understand,” Freedom slowly nodded.

  They didn’t bother saying goodbye to one another. They did not have to. Freedom’s face read that Erica knew where to find her if she needed her.

  Erica’s face read that she knew.

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  Next to follow as an impromptu visit from Secretary of Defense Robert Graves along with his Executive Assistant Michael Mendes. They briefly toured the Ranch viewing the new upgrades to the facility, and meeting with the new and old members of the team.

  Erica kept her promise to Rogers remaining both cordial and respectful of the Secretary of Defense reeling in her usual wit and sarcasm whenever he was in their vicinity.

  After the tour and talk, Graves sat down for a private conversation with Rogers within his office.

  “I have it on good knowledge that you have been busy Sergeant.” Graves got to the point. “Mexico called you in for the Castillo case, then MI6 for the Major Butcher incident. Is there anything you need to fill me in about?”

  “I believe my report outlined everything,” Rogers gestured. “Based on the analysis and evidence both were related to superhuman activity, both had decided to handle the cases in-house.”

  Graves nodded accepting his answer. Rogers tilted his head noticing something off about him.

  “You okay sir?” Rogers asked. “You don’t seem like yourself today.”

  Graves quickly shook himself with a somber smile on his face.

  “Haven’t been getting much sleep, especially after the results of this damn election, which is also why I am here.”

  Rogers leaned back in his chair bracing himself for what he was about to hear.

  “I heard first hand on the Hill that you and your team’s jobs are secure,” Graves got to the point. “The five branches want you to stay on, and you have the support from the Senate and House who will put a ton of pressure on the new Administration to keep hands off of you. I’m going to advise you for the sake of yourself and your team to stay out of the politics. I’d even go as far as to advise that you severe whatever affiliation you have with Dennison.”

  “Oh?” Rogers asked with narrowed eyes.

  “I don’t think I need to go into detail about what a sore topic she’s been of late, especially with what went down in New York. You and I did not see eye to eye on a lot of things Rogers,” Graves said bluntly. “In the end, I hope we can agree that we do what is best for our country. Those are the reasons that I not only respect you and your team, but I know despite it all that I made the perfect choice when I picked you. So, I ask that you heed what I say next and take it to heart.

  With what was speculated to have happened with this election, and what is to come, your country is going to need you and your team more than ever. Whatever happens, keep your head down, and stay clear of the politics and shit storm that is coming. Freedom is a shit storm magnet. The difference between you and her is that she will survive it, you and your team won’t if you continue to stand next to her.”

  Rogers nodded respecting Graves’s advice.

  “Since you’re shooting straight with me. It is safe to say that you
’ll be heading the EVOlution project once you leave office?”

  Graves leaned back in his seat narrowing his eyes at Rogers. A slight smirk on his face formed before he answered.

  “It’s safe to say that.”

  Rogers nodded before he asked his second question.

  “Is it safe to ask, what the ‘Holy Grail’ is?”

  Graves’s face showed no surprise over Rogers’s question.

  “The Holy Grail was the body of an almost five-thousand-year-old Egyptian woman found by the Nazis regime during World War II in an experimental base underneath the Ohrdruf concentration camp. They believed her to be the ancient goddess Sekhmet. Her DNA and cellular properties were both the key and building block that created Project EVOlution, the D.E.A.D, and indirectly Sophia Dennison, which caused the Big Bang II incident. The body was eventually destroyed to bury the failings of the first project and also because its genetic material had become too degraded over the years to be of any further use. And if you’re asking why I decided to outright tell you this, I would prefer not to have you snooping around my operation like you’ve been doing once I leave office and take full charge of it. You can pass that onto Dr. Champion unless she is currently listening to this conversation.”

  Rogers remained silent keeping his trademark poker face.

  “As I said to you on the day you barged into my office and pointed a gun at my face. There are greater forces at work behind the scenes ensuring the safety of the Republic, Sergeant. They’ve been in place as safeguards by our forefathers and some of our former Presidents to guarantee that this great country remains standing, even with our new chief jackass taking office next year.

  Your job is to fight for freedom wherever there is trouble and to let our country see you do it so that they have something to cheer for, and know that they are safe.

  My job will be to continue to let certain people in the world know that the United States still holds the keys to the gates of hell, and will not hesitate to set the beasts loose right under their bed if they do not behave.

  It all works best if we do not step on each other’s toes.”

  Rogers remained silent as his eyes narrowed a bit, while Graves stretched in his chair preparing to get up.

  “Enough of this cloak and dagger shit,” Graves yawned. “We’ll no doubt be seeing one another one or two more times before my replacement is announced by the new administration whenever that is. You’ll also be getting a personal invite to the inauguration next year, attendance is mandatory. Happy Holidays, Rogers.”

  Rogers got to his feet snapping a salute and then extended his hand to Graves for a handshake, which the Secretary of Defense took.

  “Try and get some rest, sir,” Rogers respectfully said.

  “I will if you heed your own advice, Sergeant,” Graves smirked. “Superhuman does not mean invincible.”

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  On the flight back to Washington, Graves sat silently staring out the window of his private airplane. Mendes observing from the opposite side of him sat with a face of concern for his boss.

  “Sir, is everything alright?” Mendes asked. “You seem a bit off.”

  “I’m fine Michael,” Graves answered while still looking out the window. “When we get back, I want to discuss your options once I leave office.”

  His answer floored Mendes forcing him to fall back in his seat.

  “Sir, I thought …you were taking me with you to Project EVOlution?”

  “I was; however, I was advised to cut all personal strings to Washington before I take this position full time, including you,” Graves said bluntly. “You have served this administration and me without fail delivering stellar work from day one. I want to ensure that you are both taken care of and that your career continues to excel once we have parted ways. You are destined for great things Michael, just not under me.”

  Michael lowered his head swatting away the mist that formed in his eyes both saddened and appreciative of Graves words.

  “Thank you, sir,” Mendes said raising his head. “It has been an honor serving underneath your office, and by your side.”

  Graves nodded while still looking out the window keeping his composure.

  He did not want Michael to see the terror in his eyes as his heart pounded due to the voice drubbing in his head.

  “Very good slave,” Horus cackled. “Very good.”

  Mendes would never know of the horrific fate Graves saved him from that was far worse than death itself. A fate that made Graves a powerless instrumental pawn in the destruction of not only the very country and Republic he swore on his life to protect but possibly the world.

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  Rogers pacing back and forth began the rundown of the incidents that have taken place.

  “So, to recap our current workload, on one side we have two dead Apollo Class EVOs both murdered by the same individual, which may be related to an individual who drained the nuclear power plant in India last year. On the other side, we have someone supplying criminal and terrorist organizations with a booster that can turn a person into an actual EVO permanently within three months.”

  “And one Mexican Drug Cartel that was possibly wiped out by the same individual or individuals supplying the boosters,” Adrian added.

  “I think the first thing we need to figure out is whether these incidents are caused by the same individuals or not,” Oliver advised. “Clearly the draining of the power plant and the murders of Flaming Jay and Sir Knight Light could be related, but whoever is the suspect hasn’t made a move in months. The boosters, however, might be run by someone else. The only thing that is relatable in all of these cases is that the suspect or suspects we’re looking for operate like ghosts leaving very little traces or leads for us to follow.”

  “Oliver is correct in that,” Erica said jumping in. “As far as our energy drainer goes, I have every type of energy frequency tracker you can image scanning the entire planet for this person and have still come up with zilch. I’ve even been tracking Apollo Class EVOs with massive power readings in the likelihood that he or she will strike again. I am one hundred percent certain this person is a mutation.”

  “Someone with the ability to deflect your scans?” Sister Shareef asked.

  “Considering that I have a scanning system to detect that, no,” Erica answered shaking her head. “Whoever this person is can suppress the massive power output they currently have or is literally physically apart of the energy spectrum itself. I am more inclined to lean toward the latter because the former is leaning more toward fiction.”

  “You’re using the word fiction in the current world we live in?” Rosann asked with a scoffing tone.

  “I’m basing it on my current research of EVOs and praying that I am not wrong.” Erica narrowed her eyes turning to her. “Infected EVOs have physical limitations they cannot surpass, even ones with mutations. The ability to suppress energy means this person has total physical and mental control of it on a molecular level.”

  “But we manipulate energy,” Aashif said motioning between himself, Oliver and Teuila.

  “You don’t manipulate energy,” Erica corrected him. “You store, channel, and release it, which is all activated by your muscle contractions, adrenal glands, and specific neural triggers.”

  “This isn’t manipulation?”

  Oliver asked his question while focusing electricity into his hand creating a sphere.

  “Now try turning it into a sword.”

  Erica patiently waited as everyone watched Oliver attempting to shape the ball of electricity in his hand into an ion sword. He quickly dispersed the energy before it became unstable.

  “Holding a charge and creating a sphere is physical manipulation activated by muscle contractions, shaped by the way you hold your hand, controlled by the independent functions of you
r brain, and released by the way you position your fingers. The protective shielding you create works the same way based on how you position your body and tense up your muscles,” Erica explained. “Molecular manipulation is pure mind control. The ability to command the molecules within for example electricity or plasma to compact forming solid matter, and then creating any shape one can imagine with just a thought. There are only six infected EVOs capable of molecular control and manipulation, and only two level ten, one is in Africa, and the second lives in the Midwest.

  Their control is strongest with solid and liquid molecules, and air in the category of gas. Thermal, kinetic, and nuclear energy is not only gaseous, its fast-moving particles that no human mind could possibly be able to keep up with, which is the key to manipulating energy. The ability to see, feel, and connect with molecules moving near or at the speed of light is impossible.”

  “For a human mind,” Teuila respectfully retorted.

  “That is why I am praying that I am right,” Erica answered turning toward her. “The problem is if this person can psionically shift the cells and tissues in their body to change their physical appearance becoming an identical match for anyone they impersonate, then my theory which I am praying to be fiction will not be, and we now have a massive problem on our hands. It means this person’s abilities are almost limitless.”

  Erica’s grim notion silenced the room and lowered heads.

  “Let’s switch gears for a minute, and put this ‘limitless killer’ theory on the backburner for now,” Rogers requested. “Any leads on who could be responsible for the red booster?”

  “After nine months of hacking and surveillance that if ever found out could create several disastrous international incidents, and even land me a sizable amount of jail time,” Erica sighed while turning to him. “I can tell you it’s not the Russians, it’s not the Chinese, and it’s not the Iranians or North Korea. I even checked allied countries like the UK, South Korea, Japan, and private sector companies …everyone is working on their own version of a serum, but no one has come close to engineering something like this …accept for one company.”


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