Ever Lost: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance

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Ever Lost: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance Page 9

by L. E. Bross

  I waggle my eyebrows and she laughs, then locks her arm around mine.

  “I really like you, Ever Darlington. And I love a good fireworks show.” Her nails dig into my arm. “They’re getting ready to go. Stand on the hay, you’ll get the best view.”

  She climbs to her feet and pulls me up just as the light flashes green.

  We’re sitting at the second hill, in a spot that that lets us see the bikes as they hit the top and go airborne. The first time it happens, I scream and almost pee my pants. Holy shit do they get air. When they hit coming back down, I can’t believe they can keep control. Meri points out X as he flies by and I keep my attention on him and his red bike as he races around the course.

  It’s amazing to watch him, as if he’s one with the bike. Lying low on the curves, getting more air than anyone else on the jumps.

  “Holy shit!” I yell at Meri.


  Around and around they go until there are clear leaders that keep pulling further and further away from the rest. I don’t know what I expected, but it’s nothing like what is happening. I jump up and down screaming when I see X fly by. He’s ahead by a bike length and I will him to go faster.

  “Last lap,” the announcer says and all the guys amp it up even more.

  I gasp as some guy juts out his elbow and shoves at X, making his bike wobble. As soon as X regains control, he drops low and guns it, coming up on the asshole so fast there’s no way they aren’t going to crash.

  At the last second, X swerves around him and holds up his middle finger as he crosses the finish line ahead of everyone.

  I open my mouth and scream with the rest of the crowd. Holy fuck this is fun. My cheeks hurt from smiling and I’m parched as hell, but I don’t care. I’m not moving an inch until it’s over.

  Once all the bikes have crossed, new ones pull up to the line at the top of the first hill.

  Meri grips my hand and squeezes.

  “This is the race everyone wants to see. If you thought X looked good, wait till you see Riot ride. I mean, Trey races in this heat, and I’m not saying that I don’t watch him, but Riot is on a whole other level. That boy was born to ride.”

  Her eyes dance with appreciation and I strain my neck to see the guys getting ready to go. I’m already addicted to the rush that comes with watching the races.

  My skin prickles when I hear them rev the bikes. The countdown starts and then the light goes green. Bikes rocket off the starting line and dive down the hill.

  I forget how to breathe when they crest right above us and go airborne.

  My eyes are drawn to the leader and I know immediately that it’s Riot. If the blue bike and skull helmet didn’t give it away, it would be the fuck all attitude of the rider.

  Because Riot rides like the demons of hell are on his heels and he’s planning on outrunning every single one.

  Taking the jumps higher than anyone else, going faster around the corners, he is fearless. Dirt flies from under his back tire and I hold my breath every time he jets further ahead.

  I have to admit it’s a complete turn on to watch him dominate the track.

  I’ve developed a new appreciation for guys in racing gear riding dirt bikes.

  Judging by the way Meri’s lips part every time Trey circles by, she feels the same. It’s like bathing in testosterone and motor oil and it’s sexy as hell.

  I watch the guys zip around the track over and over, the whine of bikes ebbing and flowing.

  A bike pulls up right on Riot’s rear tire.

  “That’s Luc!” Meri shouts. “He’s the second best rider.”

  I study the way he maneuvers his bike. It’s more controlled, even though he’s trying to keep pace with Riot. I hold my breath when they both hit the hill by us at the same time. There’s really no contest, Riot gets more air and soars a bike length ahead midair. I’m frozen waiting for gravity to yank them both back to earth, time seeming to move in slow motion.

  When they touch down sound returns and everything speeds back up, including my pulse. They fly around the corner and the horn sounds, signaling it’s the last lap.

  I have no idea where the time went.

  How the hell have they gone around nineteen times already? On the straightaway, Luc edges up and they are neck and neck racing toward the finish line. I hear myself scream at Riot to go faster and he jerks ahead at the last second, crossing just in front of Luc.

  The crowd goes wild, including me. I jump down off the hay and throw my arms around Meri’s waist, pulling her down and spinning her around.

  “Oh my god, that was amazing!”

  The crowd thins as people move toward the finish line to congratulate the winners. I can’t see them anymore, so I climb back up onto the hay and see two riders, helmet to helmet, facing off with what looks like heated words.

  A couple guys pull them apart and then the crowd surges and I lose sight of them again. I’m sure it was Riot and Luc. My eyebrows draw down as I fight to get my breathing under control.

  “So what’s the deal, anyway? Why do Luc and Riot hate each other? Is this like a lifetime rivalry thing?”

  Meri shakes her head and helps me off the hay.

  “They all used to be best friends, actually.”


  We weave around people but head against the flow instead of with, walking away from the riders. I crane my neck but there are too many bodies to see anything.

  “Riot, X, Baz and Luc. Their families were tight and they all ran together,” Meri continues as we finally break free and find ourselves back by the Jeep. “Freshman year they all sort of took over and ruled the school until almost the end of junior year. The guys all wanted to be friends with them and the girls just wanted to be with them. Trey and some of the other guys were part of the circle, too, just not the inner part.”

  She reaches into the back and opens a cooler, pulling out two bottled waters. I twist off the cap and guzzle, surprised at how thirsty I am. It must have been all the yelling.

  “So what happened? Why do they hate each other now?”

  Meri looks over at me and shrugs. “No one knows. Last year after summer break, Luc was just...out. And then right before school started this year, Wendi went missing.“ She gnaws on her bottom lip. “They weren’t the same after that. They got into fights, got suspended, until Peter stepped in. I mean, I get it, that must have been awful, losing their mom and not knowing what happened to her.”

  My skin tightens and I lean closer.

  This is why I’m here, to take something from Lucas’s house that will help Peter find Wendi. Which will get me the information I need on Belle.

  “No one knows where she is?”

  “Nope. There were whispers, Mom said that she thought there might be trouble between Wendi and Peter when he stopped coming to the board meetings, but Wendi told her it was because Peter was so busy with his company. And if you ever saw them together, they were the perfect couple.”

  I open my mouth to ask more questions but she squeals and runs to a rider that just pulled up. He yanks his helmet off and she jumps into his arms as he straddles his bike.

  His gaze meets mine over her head and his eyes narrow.

  “Great race, baby,” she gushes.

  I guess Trey isn’t in the doghouse anymore.

  Another bike pulls up alongside Trey, cutting him from sight. The driver plants his feet on the ground and when he pulls off his helmet, I see it’s Luc. It’s time for us to officially meet. He meets my stare and his lips turn up in a flirty grin.

  “Hey, new girl,” he says, dragging his fingers through his hair. It must be wet from the helmet because it sticks up in dark blond spikes that give him a sexy disheveled look.


  He walks his bike over until he’s right in front of me.

  “So, I heard you wanted to meet me.” His grin turns cocky, though he scans the people around us as if he’s looking for someone better. I’ve got his number i
n the first five seconds. He’s the type who likes the chase. If it’s too easy, it won’t happen. Which is why I have a plan.

  I shrug. “Maybe I thought you were someone else.”

  Now I let my gaze scan the crowd but come back to him. Eventually. I give myself a high five. Now I’ve got his interest. His cocky grin proves it and he rolls his bike closer, still straddling the seat. He leans his forearm against the handlebars and leans closer.

  I get a whiff of oil and sweat and cologne and it’s not unpleasant, but it makes me think of someone else. I grit my teeth and force myself to pay attention.

  “Since I already had my hands on you today, I’m Luc Hook.”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes but I also want to laugh. He’s got this crooked smile that makes his come-on seem almost kind of cute. For a man whore. Which he is according to Meri, but I assured her I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, just a distraction.

  “Ever Darlington.”

  His gaze roves down over my body, taking in every single inch, lingering on my chest. The hint of disappointment in his eyes makes me grit my teeth. Of course I have to get close to a breast man.

  “So you live with the LB, huh?”

  Right to the point. I guess I can admire a man who comes right out and says it.


  “Maybe you should call her Little Orphan Annie,” Trey says with a smirk.

  He grunts when Meri elbows him in the gut, but I keep smiling. Bullies want a reaction and he won’t get one from me. But I also won’t just stand by and take it.

  “Oh my god, that’s so funny. Did you think that up all on your own?” I say in my best dumb blonde voice.

  Luc snorts out a laugh and I smile until the smirk falls away from Trey’s face. Darkness flashes through his eyes but I don’t look away. I hope Meri isn’t pissed at me for making her boyfriend look like an ass. Though he really doesn’t need a lot of help. At least Luc is looking at me now.

  “So,” he says, leaning closer, “anything going on with you and the LB or are you fair game?”

  At least this will be easier than I thought.

  I open my mouth to tell him that there's nothing happening between the guys and me when my voice gets drowned out by a bike. Someone rolls up and pushes between Luc and me, making Luc back his bike up or get bumped. I recognize the helmet in an instant and bite back the expletive on the tip of my tongue. His timing could not have been worse.

  “Get on.” I hear the familiar growl even through his helmet. The guard is down and so black I can’t see his face, but I don’t need to see him to know who it is.


  “I’m taking you home.”

  “No, I’m here with Meri.”

  Riot slams the visor up and now I can see the hard lines of his face. His eyes are blazing with fury.

  “Get the fuck on my bike, Peep. You don’t belong here.”

  I hear the warning in his voice, but it only enrages me. Curious stares turn to watch us, but I cross my arms over my chest. Riot’s gaze drops to my barely-there manmade cleavage and his jaw hardens even more. Fucking hell, is every guy at Neverly a breast man?

  “Now,” he barks out.

  “No.” I’m not leaving just because he told me to.

  And definitely not with him.

  “Meri, can you take me home?” I ask her even though I don’t take my eyes from Riot.

  “I can take her home,” Luc says, pushing his bike around Riot so that he's next to him now. They're pretty evenly matched size wise, but where one is light, the other is dark.

  Riot swings his head around. “You stay the fuck away from her, Hook.”

  “Ever’s a big girl. She can make her own choice. What do you say, Ever? You want me to drive you home?”

  The emphasis that he puts on some words makes my cheeks heat. It’s not that innuendo embarrasses me, it’s just that he’s doing it in front of a crowd of people, purposefully to rile up Riot. And it’s working too well.

  “Shut your fucking mouth, Hook, or I’ll shut it for you,” Riot growls, swinging his leg over the bike and setting it down on its side. He yanks his helmet off and tosses it to the ground before biting the finger of his glove and pulling his hand free. It joins the helmet.

  The crowd murmurs with excitement.


  I have no idea what's going on between them but their history is definitely in play, and it isn’t a good one. I’m not naïve enough to think Riot is starting a fight over me, but he’s going to use it as an excuse.

  I saw the challenge in Luc’s eyes, so I know this isn’t about me for him either, but maybe I can use this situation to make it so. Luc’s the kind of guy who loves the chase, so that’s what I’ll give him.


  I don’t raise my voice but he freezes then turns his face in my direction. His eyes are hidden in the shadow of his hair but I can feel his stare as it settles on me.

  “I’ll go.”

  My words and a middle finger thrown at Luc end the showdown. Riot stands his bike up again and someone hands him his helmet which he promptly shoves at me. I can hear the whispers though no one is loud enough for the actual words to be clear. I meet Meri’s gaze and give her a sorry.

  Text me, she mouths and I nod.

  My gaze slides to Luc who is watching me. I lift an eyebrow and send an it’s your move message that makes his lips quirk up.

  Challenge thrown down.

  I slide the helmet over my head and fasten the strap. The visor is still up so I can see as I climb behind Riot, then realize my mistake. Dirt bikes aren’t meant for two riders and I have to move very close to him in order to sit on the seat. He settles back between my thighs then reaches back and grabs my hands, pulling them around his waist. He presses them against his hard stomach and pats them.

  I have no choice but to hold on.

  This all happens under the watchful gazes of the crowd.

  Riot starts the bike and I squeeze him. Tight. My entire front, from the vee between my legs to my breasts, are plastered against him. Even through his suit, I can feel the heat radiating from him. Where the scent of sweat and oil on Luc was pleasant, it’s downright intoxicating coming from Riot.

  I bury my face against the back of his neck under the guise of fright when he rolls forward.

  He leaves a different way than Meri brought us in. The road is dirt but smooth and much to my dismay, he slows down all too soon and makes the turn onto the main road.

  Seconds later we’re through the gate.

  He pulls up in front of the garage and after a moment, I climb off and stand on shaky legs. Once I get the helmet off, I hand it to him, and he shoves it onto his head. I open my mouth to say something to him, but nothing comes out. I’ve got nothing.

  Riot doesn’t have the same problem.

  “Stay the fuck away from Luc and the track.”

  Before I can react, he revs the bike, slams the visor down and the back tire squeals as he spins the bike around and takes off back down the driveway.

  “Fuck you, Riot!” I shout, but he’s long gone.

  A few minutes later, I’m in my room when my phone buzzes. I check and see a text from Meri.

  RU ok. Riot came back alone. He didn’t kill you and bury the body did he?

  I’m fine. Bruised pride is all.

  ;P Luc asked for your number.

  I smile to myself. Tonight wasn’t a total bust after all. I knew I had him pegged right. As if on cue, my phone buzzes again.

  Thought you weren’t with them?

  I’m not.

  You trouble Ever Darlington?

  You know it Lucas Hook.

  I toss my phone onto the bed and head out to the balcony. The stars are bright and fill the entire sky. Settling back into the chair I look up, feeling more settled than I have in a long time. Things are finally falling into place. Going my way for once.

  As soon as I turned eighteen, my foster parents kicked me out. I fucked
up and tried to take Belle with me. I even got her out of the house and hidden away for two days, but the bastards called the cops and they eventually found us at Nate’s house.

  I’ll never forget the sound of Belle’s screams as they dragged her away to the social worker who put her in a strange car. I begged and pleaded for them to stop, but they slapped handcuffs on me instead. I spent the night in jail and as a condition of my release, couldn’t go near my sister.

  It was bullshit. She was my family. Of course I didn’t listen and went back to Chuck and Carol’s house but Belle was gone.

  I camped out at social services for weeks until the same woman who had taken Belle away finally came out to talk to me. With my juvenile record, no means of support, and Nate’s gang affiliation, no judge out there would let me take my sister.

  They’d sent her to a new foster family.

  Alone this time.

  Without a fucking high school diploma or a money to fight it, it was hopeless. The only job I could get was waitressing or stripping, and thanks to a lifetime of undernourishment and shitty genetics, the better paying stripper gig would never work for me.

  I begged, but Nate refused to help me, beyond letting me stay in his bed. He didn’t understand why I wanted to saddle myself with a kid. I only stayed because I had no place else to go, but with every passing day, I had to accept that I might never find Belle again.

  That’s what led me to Panchard, which had brought me here. I was living a life that didn’t belong to me while my sister was out there somewhere, with strangers who could be doing anything to my sweet Belle, and I wasn’t there to protect her. Because of my own selfishness.

  I clenched my fingers and slammed them against the arm of the chair.

  Fuck Riot if he thought he was going to screw up the only chance I had at finding her.

  He didn’t want me near Hook? Well, fuck him. If he thinks he can push me into a corner and I’ll cower in fear, he’s dead wrong. I’ve got nothing left to lose and the thing about desperate people? We don’t fucking listen to anyone.

  I’ll do what I came to do and after tonight, thanks to Riot’s bullshit macho act, I’m a step closer. I lean my head back and look up at the stars, comforting myself with the knowledge that Belle could be doing the same thing.


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