Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories) Page 3

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Phoebe, please.”

  “Stay away from me!” Phoebe had torn her necklace off and thrown it at him. “I hate you, Stefan Youngblood!”

  And that had been just the beginning of his hell. Over time, there were times when Stefan thought it might work and he could try again but then Phoebe would have a boyfriend. Then came the night of a Santorno International benefit dinner and they had made love. Then she had walked out again, leaving him heartbroken once again. Yet here he was again trying to be with her. He couldn’t stop loving her no matter how hard he tried.

  He was startled out of his memory by a pair of headlights. Phoebe was home. He waited for her to get out of the car and saw she was kissing Travis.

  Yeah. That hurt.

  “Thanks for dinner, Travis.” Phoebe smiled.

  “I wasn’t done.” Travis pulled her back against him.

  “I am now, thanks.” Phoebe grabbed her purse and Travis grabbed her around the waist.

  “Come on, baby.” Travis smashed against her mouth and his hands went to her breasts.

  “Get off of me!” Phoebe screamed. She kneed him and tried to get out the door.

  “You bitch!” Travis slapped her hard.

  The next thing he knew, he was yanked out of the car and Stefan Youngblood was on top of him, beating the shit out of him.

  “Grandpa!” Phoebe screamed. “Stefan, stop it! You’re going to kill him!”

  Stefan and Jordan ran out of the house with Damon and Colin following. The scene was like a horror movie; Stefan was all over Travis and the guy didn’t have a prayer of escaping.

  “Wow.” Damon watched his cousin kick Travis’ ass.

  “Damon!” Jordan remonstrated.

  “Oh!” Damon grabbed Stefan and pulled him off, but it was like trying to hold on to a wild horse.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Stefan growled at Travis. “Don’t you ever touch her again! I will rip your fucking head off and shit down your throat!”

  Damon chuckled and Colin put his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh at the look on Travis’s face. The front of his jeans was becoming wet as Stefan growled at him again, trying to get loose.

  Jordan was checking Phoebe’s face. “Did you hit my granddaughter?”

  Travis looked at them and sneered trying to cover the evidence of having peed his pants.

  “I don’t need this shit.”

  Jordan looked at Stefan and Little Stefan getting ready to pummel the shit out of him again.

  “Don’t.” He turned to Travis. “Get out of here now. Her father will deal with you.”

  “He’s not a nice man sometimes.” Colin smiled wide. “You do know that’s my sister, right?”

  “Huh?” Travis looked at Colin.

  “Buh-bye now.” Colin wiggled his fingers in a wave.

  Stefan returned from the house with an ice pack and everyone else went back inside. He held it against Phoebe’s face.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t need you to protect me, Stefan. You do know what half our uncles do for a living right? I think you’ve seen me in action.”

  “Yes, and yes, but you appeared to not be making much progress just now.” He laughed and said, “Could you imagine them all going after Travis? Uncle Vince alone would give him a heart attack.”

  “Well, thanks.” Phoebe stood up and started walking. “Goodnight Stefan.”

  “Jesus Christ! You have to be the most stubborn person on the whole planet, Phoebe Greystone!”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, I have paid and paid for my actions that night with Jaime years ago, but you really take the prize. I have tried and tried to work things out with you only to have my feelings thrown back in my face while you prance around dating ever jackass in the area. Is this what you want? Do you want me to walk away for good, Phoebe? Because after Paris, I think I should.”

  Phoebe stared at him and really listened to his words. They were like a bucket of ice water. He was right. She had been stupid and proud and wasted so much time. If she didn’t speak up now this was it; they were at a standoff and she needed to be the one to beg for him. He had played that role too often. She noticed the ring on his finger.

  “You kept it.”

  “Of course, I did. My heart has always belonged to you.”

  Phoebe suddenly couldn’t stay away from him anymore. After everything she had done to him, he still wanted her, still loved her. She flew into his arms and held him. Stefan’s strong arms wrapped around her and held her close.

  “I missed you,” Phoebe whispered. “I’m so sorry, Stefan. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me? I love you so much.”

  “God, Phoebe.” Stefan ran his face through her hair; he really had missed her. “I missed you, too. I love you, Phoebe.”

  Stefan lifted her off the ground and put his lips on her neck, leaving light kisses down her throat.

  “Stefan!” Phoebe’s breaths were shallow.

  “I missed you so much.” He caressed her cheek where Travis had slapped her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I should go in, though.” Phoebe watched his face fall. “But we can see each other tomorrow?”

  Stefan smiled wickedly. “I don’t know, I might be busy.”

  “I deserve that.” Phoebe grimaced. “I mean it, Stefan. I will beg.”

  Stefan took her in his arms and began to kiss her until Phoebe let out a soft whimper. He pulled away and looked into her eyes.

  “Goodnight Phoebe.”

  “Uh huh.”

  chapter two

  “Joshua Reynolds!”

  Josh looked over at his son. “You think he means me or you?”

  “Have you seen the cell phone bill!” Jason Reynolds shouted from the office.

  “And, I’m out.” Joshua got up. “Later, Dad!”

  “Chicken shit,” Josh chuckled.

  “Glutton for punishment.” Joshua smiled at his dad. “I’m going to go pick up Landon from the airport.”

  “Midnight curfew.”

  “I am aware.”

  Josh watched him leave and quickly put on his serious face as his husband, Jason, entered the room. “Where is he?”

  “He went to pick up Landon.” Josh smiled and grabbed Jason, pulling him into his lap.

  “Are you trying to get my mind off our chatty son and his propensity for abusing his phone rights?” Jason demanded playfully.

  Josh pushed him down on the couch and kissed him, pulling away slowly. “Is it working?”

  “Come here,” Jason growled.

  Josh shocked when, within seconds, he was naked on the couch and Jason was sucking his cock and fingering his ass. He had a grip on Jason’s hair, and was trying to hold back his orgasm as his husband sucked his cock as his fingers rubbed his prostate.

  “Fuck, Jason!”

  “Come on baby.” Jason sucked his dick harder, satisfied as Josh exploded in his mouth.

  “Jason!” Josh pulled him up and kissed him enthusiastically until they fell off the couch “Hot damn, babe!”

  “I feel better now.” Jason chuckled.

  Landon Reynolds looked exactly like his father Jay. He had the same brown hair and saucer-sized brown eyes. He wasn’t big and muscular like his father, but his father had assured him he would end up looking like Jay and his brother, Josh. If that was the case, he couldn’t wait for that day to get here.

  Joshua pulled up in his Jeep and Landon laughed at the look on his face.

  “You ran away.”

  “Dad got the cell phone bill. I told him to include unlimited texting,” Josh laughed.

  “All those late-night phone calls and sexting with a certain girl?” Landon punched his arm.

  “I do not sext anyone. Eww.” Josh rolled his eyes. “And most of the time I’m talking to you, jackass.”

  “So, where to?” Landon asked, fastening his seatbelt.

  “Where’s your girlfriend?” Josh waggled his eyebrows.

  “Katiana is no
t my girlfriend.”

  “You definitely need to get her away from that jock first,” Josh agreed.

  “Where’s Katarina?”

  “On her way to get Katiana. Juliet comes home in two days for the joint birthday party for Juliet, Stefan, and the rest of the May babies.”

  “So, Stefan and Nico are back?”

  “Yep, yesterday.”

  “Then why are you asking me where I want to go?” Landon looked at him.

  “All right. Let’s go!”

  Katarina Greco was at the mall to pick up Katiana Russo. She headed to the food court and found her eating French fries with her boyfriend. She sighed heavily and joined them.

  Katiana smiled at her. “Kat!”

  “Are you ready? We’re meeting Landon and Josh at Grandpa’s house.” Katarina eyed Kat’s boyfriend, Joe Weiss.

  “Landon’s back?” Joe smirked. “I thought he was going to keep hiding at his little prep school in New York.”

  “Shut up, Joe. Don’t talk about Landon like that.” Katiana stood up.

  “Oh, come on Kat.” Joe rolled his eyes.

  “I’ll see you later.” Turning to smile at Katarina, she asked, “Ready?”


  Katiana Russo looked exactly like her father Dante. She and Katarina had gone to the same high school, along with Joshua, Colin, Damon, and Tanner. When Landon left, she had felt a void in her life. She had missed him a lot.

  Katarina looked exactly like her father Parker and boys were very attracted to her. The two girls had trouble every time they wanted to date someone. Their fathers had made it a point to make it difficult for them to get a second date, although they had no problems with them going out with either Landon or Joshua. When Katiana had asked her dad about it, he had given her a slight smile.

  “You and Landon couldn’t be separated as babies; you would cry until you found each other.” Kyle smiled at the memory.

  “So, you guys would have no problems at all with me dating Landon Reynolds?”

  “Nope.” Dante smiled.

  “But anyone else, yes,” Kyle piped up.

  “Not going to happen, sweetheart.” Kyle smiled.


  Katiana smiled at the memory as they pulled up in front of their grandfathers’ house and she and Katarina got out of the car. The front door opened and Heath came out to greet them.

  “Wow, look at you two!” Heath grabbed them in a tight hug.

  “You just saw us a week ago, Uncle Heath,” Katarina giggled.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the two Kats.” Stefan leaned against the doorway, arms folded.

  “Little Stefan is not so little anymore!” Katiana jumped on him.

  “Hey, Uncle Caleb.” Katarina hugged him. “Where’s Lily?”

  “At the house getting ready for her date with Damon,” Caleb said, dropping the bomb.

  “Lily said yes to Damon?” Katiana’s jaw dropped.

  “Yep.” Stefan winked.

  “Are pigs flying?” Katarina looked around her.

  “You sound like your father,” Heath cracked up.

  “Oh, that was just so wrong, Uncle Heath.” Katarina smiled.

  Joshua and Landon pulled up in the Jeep just then, and Katiana lost her concentration as Landon jumped out. He had filled out a lot. He was taller than Josh’s Jeep and it had a lift kit! Oh, Lord, he was absolutely breathtaking.

  “Hey!” Stefan dashed out and plowed into Landon. “Look at you!”

  “Look at you!” Landon cracked up.

  “What the hell, Stefan?” Joshua looked him over.

  “Oh, you know. I missed you, too.” Stefan hugged him hard.

  “Where are your dads, Landon?” Caleb asked.

  “On their way.” Landon smiled somewhat shyly. “Hey, Kat.”

  “Landon. Where’s my hug?” Katiana inquired, eyebrow arched.

  “Well, excuse me.” Landon smiled, put his arms around her and picked her up.

  “It’s so good to see you.” Katiana held him hard. She could feel the muscles in his abs and arms.

  “I missed you.” Landon couldn’t believe she had gotten even more beautiful.

  “Again. What about me?” Joshua looked at them.

  “We see you all the time,” Katarina laughed.

  “Pffft. Fine.” Joshua waved them off.

  “Well, come on in guys. Damon should be here in a little bit to get Lily for their date,” Caleb laughed.

  “Wait. What?” Landon looked flummoxed.

  “Welcome home, Landon.” Heath laughed.

  Damon was checking himself over for the hundredth time. Things had been strained with him and Lily since the annual family trip to Ireland. She had been hurt when he had turned her down, and he had known that. But when he made love to Lily, it was going to be when they were both ready to be together, not just because the opportunity presented itself.

  His dad poked his head into the bathroom. “What is wrong with you?” Tyler inquired, trying not to laugh.

  “I’m taking Lily out.” Damon looked at his dad.

  “Really?” Damon poked his head into the bathroom as well.

  “Yes, Dad.” Damon was exasperated with his fathers.

  “You’d better behave or I’ll let Uncle Caleb and Uncle Heath whip your ass.”

  “It’s not like that, Dad.” Damon rolled his eyes. “Especially after what happened.”

  “Well, that was in the past and she’s obviously let it go. You really like her.” Tyler smiled.

  “Yeah.” Damon blushed.

  “Awwww.” Damon mussed his son’s hair as he tried to duck away. “Tanner’s getting ready, too.”

  “Yeah? Nico’s coming, huh?”

  “Yep.” Tyler smiled. “Your uncles are at your grandfathers’ house.”

  “They are?” Damon looked at his father. “So, I not only have to deal with Uncle Heath and Uncle Caleb, but the grandfathers, too?” Damon looked panicked.

  “Good luck.” Tyler chuckled.

  Caleb watched his son get ready to go out with Tanner. He looked nervously and Caleb smiled and took his shoulders. “Relax. It’s Tanner.”

  “I know. I just hope I don’t screw this up.” Nico smiled.

  “You won’t.” Caleb took his hands. “You needed help Nico, and you got it. You’re ready now.”

  “Hey, I’m out of here! Going to go see Phoebe.” Stefan leaned around the doorway.

  “You.” Heath grabbed him and brought him face to face. “Don’t do anything stupid, please?”

  “Such as what? I like breathing, Dad.” Stefan almost choked on the words; no one knew what had happened in Paris except for Nico. And Phoebe, of course.

  “Yeah? I hope so because you won’t be breathing anymore if Paul gets hold of you.” Heath grinned.

  “Uncle Paul loves me,” Stefan answered, ignoring the little tremor in his voice.

  “I do, too.” Heath kissed his forehead.

  “Dad!” Stefan raised an eyebrow.

  “Hey! I’m allowed to kiss you and spank you until I can’t anymore.”

  “You never spanked me,” Stefan clarified.

  “I can start.”

  Katiana watched Landon joke around with Joshua and smiled to herself. He had gotten a lot taller and broader. He was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt that showed off every muscle. She knew what she had to do now; had known for quite some time. After her time in the hospital and the pain of watching Landon leave again, she knew what she had to do. He was back now, and things were going to change.

  “Stop drooling,” Katarina whispered.

  “I’m not.” Katiana slid her a look.

  “Oh, please.” Katarina smirked. “Even I can admit Landon is hot.”

  “Yeah?” Katiana eyed Landon up and down. Hot damn.

  “Oh, yeah.” Katarina smiled. “But you have a boyfriend, so….”

  “Don’t you dare.” Katiana narrowed her eyes.

  “Hmmm.” Katarina smile
d and walked over to Josh and Landon. “How about pizza tonight?”

  “That sounds good,” Joshua agreed.

  “You coming, Kat?” Landon looked hopefully at Katiana.

  “Oh, she can’t.” Katarina exaggerated a pout. “She has a date with Jim.”

  “Joe.” Katiana shot daggers at her.

  “Whoever.” Katarina smiled.

  “I just got home, Kat.” Landon took her hand. “Can’t you go out with Jim or Joe or whomever on another night? Please?”

  That face. Those eyes. That body. Katiana almost sighed just looking at him.

  “Okay,” she said grudgingly.

  “Perfect!” Landon picked her up. “Let’s go.”

  They were walking out as Damon was driving up and Landon grabbed him and hugged him hard. “Hey!”

  “Damn, Landon, did you eat a wrestler?” Damon laughed.

  “Very funny, Damon. I hear you have a date.” Landon smiled at him.

  “He does.” Lily walked out of the house, smiling.

  “You look incredible, Lily.” Damon couldn’t stop staring.

  “Thank you.” Lily turned to Landon. “You,” she pointed, “Behave.” Lily hugged him.

  “Since when have I not behaved?” Landon cocked an eyebrow.

  They heard a short cough and noticed Caleb in the doorway looking at them.

  “Damon, midnight.” Caleb met his eyes.

  “I will have her back by eleven fifty-five,” Damon promised.

  “Yeah? You got enough gas? All four tires have air?” Heath tried not to laugh.

  “I swear, I will behave. This is really hurtful,” he muttered, trying to actually look offended.

  Lily rolled her eyes. “Come on Damon.”

  Nico’s hands were sweating as he pulled into the driveway of his uncles’ house. He was going to be alone with Tanner, on a date. He paused at the front door, took a deep breath, and knocked. Tyler opened the door and smiled.

  “Hi, Nico, come on in. Tanner’s almost ready.”

  Nico came in and looked around. Their house had never changed, although now there were pictures of Damon and Tanner as teenagers on the wall next to the ones of them as kids. Tanner had always been beautiful. From the moment Nico had looked into his eyes as a baby he’d been hooked.


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