Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories) Page 4

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Relax.” Tyler took his hand and squeezed it.

  “I’m trying.” Nico gave a small smile.

  Tanner entered the room and Nico held onto the couch for support. He was wearing jeans and a tight blue shirt that made his eyes more pronounced.


  “Hi.” Nico blushed.

  Tyler looked from one to the other and smiled. “Okay, then.” Tyler pushed them out the door. “Have a good time!”

  Damon came out and watched the two of them walk to the car. Nico opened Tanner’s door for him and moved around to his side.

  “Oh, I almost forgot, Uncle Caleb – what time should I have him home?”

  “Midnight is good,” Damon answered for him. “Or whatever.”

  Tyler snickered. “Yup, whatever. You’re nineteen, Tanner.”

  “Really?” Tanner poked his head out the window. “You told me to be back by eleven.”

  “That was before you were going out with Nico.” Tyler winked.

  “I’ll have him home by midnight, I swear.” Nico smiled.

  “Have fun.” Tyler watched his son’s look of complete love and smiled.

  They watched their son drive off and Tyler took Damon’s hand and waggled his eyebrows. “We are alone until midnight.”

  Damon picked him up in his arms. “What will we do?”

  Stefan was making his way up the steps to Mark and Paul’s front door, Phoebe had gone home to spend time with her dads after spending the night with her grandfather’s and she had called and said they could spend the evening together after she had spent quality time with her dads.

  Paul opened the door with a smile. “Nice to see you again, Stefan.”

  “Hi, Uncle Paul.” Stefan felt himself being hugged tightly and smiled. “Air. I need air.”

  “Oops.” Paul laughed. “She’s out back by the pond.”

  “Feeding the ducks?”

  “Yep.” Paul smiled at him. “By the way, I had a nice chat with Travis Miles’ father this morning.”

  “Yeah? How is ol’ Travis?” Stefan chuckled.

  “He looks like he got ran over by a car.” Paul smiled. “Now, as a parent I’m supposed to say I don’t condone violence. But we both know that’s a load of shit, so I won’t bother.”

  Stefan laughed loud and put a hand over his mouth. “Sorry.”

  “But I will say, nice work.” Paul smiled.


  Stefan went out back and found Phoebe on the dock, surrounded by ducks and swans. He sauntered down.

  “Hey, Snow White.”

  “Hey.” Phoebe turned and smiled. Stefan got hotter every time she saw him.

  “I brought you something.” Stefan dropped down beside her on a bench.

  “You did?”

  Stefan pulled her necklace out of his pocket. “I had it repaired. I was hoping you would consider wearing it again.”

  Phoebe had missed wearing it and her neck had felt naked.

  “Of course.” Phoebe pulled her hair up.

  Stefan put it on her and let his hands trail down her soft neck. Phoebe looked up at him and he wanted to kiss her so much. “Stefan.”


  “I know I’ve been stubborn but when I saw you kissing Jaime I thought maybe it was because we hadn’t done much physically, that you were going to dump me for her. It hurt so much watching you kiss her and then, well, I let my pride stand in the way of us getting back together. There’s no excuse for how I left you in Paris. God, I’m so sorry. I really have been a bitch.”

  “Not even close. But yes, you hurt me more than anyone ever has, Phoebe. I tried so hard and you wouldn’t even give me a half a chance to make things right. I loved you then, I still love you now, and I’ll love you forever.” Stefan palmed her face. “I really want to kiss you.”

  Phoebe looked in his eyes. “I missed you too.”

  “Can I?” Stefan looked at her lips.


  Stefan leaned in and their lips touched softly. He had missed her so much. He pulled away slowly, looking into her eyes. “I love you, Phoebe.”

  “I never stopped loving you.”

  Damon was nerve racked. They were sitting at Sal’s and Lily was happily eating her chili and cornbread. He didn’t want to screw this up. Lily had kept her distance ever since Ireland. He figured most of it was her pride, offering herself to him only to have him turn her down. That had taken a lot strength on his part but when he and Lily got together, he wanted it to be permanent.


  Damon was pulled out of his thoughts. “Yes?”

  “Are you not going to eat that?” Lily pointed at his cornbread.

  “No, do you want it?”

  “Can I?” Lily smiled.

  “Sure. Wow, you have an appetite.”

  “I take after our grandfather,” Lily giggled.

  “Can I ask you something?” Damon looked at her.


  “How come you asked me out?”

  Lily smiled. “Did you not want me to?”

  Damon looked at her. “Of course, I wanted you to. But you’ve barely spoken to me since that night. I just want you to understand – to know why I made the decision I did.”

  “I do understand, Damon. It took some time, but I do.”

  “You do?” Damon sat back in shock.

  “Of course, I do.” Lily she knew why he had said no when she offered herself to him. It had taken time but she figured it out, realizing that, instead of a negative, it meant Damon cared a lot about her.

  “So, we can go out again?”

  “Yes, Damon.” Lily took his hand. “I’d like that.”

  “Good, because I plan on us dating a lot.”

  “So do I.”

  Katiana was watching Landon eat slice after slice of pizza in near awe. He was huge, at least six-foot-two, and she had to look up at him when talking to him. His hair was cut short and his brown eyes were still nearly irresistible.

  Her heart raced.


  “You look like you’ve never seen me eat before.” Landon smiled.

  Oh God that smile. “I’m just trying to get used to your new size,” she teased.

  “Yeah. According to my dad, I’m not done yet.”

  “There’s going to be more of you?” Katiana’s eyes went wide.

  “Have you seen my dad?” Landon cocked an eyebrow.

  “Yes. I have. He’s huge.”

  Landon smiled. “Yep.” He picked up motion behind him.

  “So, you blew me off to go out with someone else?”

  Katiana’s head snapped up to see Joe glaring at her.

  “I decided I wanted to go out with Landon, you know the friend I haven’t seen since Ireland?”

  “Landon?” Joe looked at him in astonishment.

  Landon stood up and almost snickered, as he realized Joe was shorter than him. “What’s up?”

  “Holy shit, dude.” Joe still looked stunned.

  “Nice to see you, too.” He glanced at Lily. “I can hang out with Joshua and Katarina if you guys want to be alone.”

  “No!” Katiana said it before she even realized it had come out. “I can see Joe anytime. I want to spend time with you.”

  “I’ll bet.” Joe cocked an eyebrow.

  Landon looked from Katiana to Joe. “Really, it’s no big deal.”

  “You invited me out and I’m sticking to what I said. Now goodnight, Joe,” she said firmly.

  Joe shook Landon’s hand.

  “Wow I just can’t get over how big you got, little Landon Reynolds.” Damn. He was even taller now than he had been when they fought at the hospital, not to mention bigger and more muscular.

  “Now it’s little Joe, huh?” Landon laughed.

  “Uh huh.” Joe turned to Katiana. “I’ll talk to you later.”


  Landon sat back down. “If you want to go after him, I’ll understand.”

  Katiana took his hand and felt a small current run through her. “No, I really do want to spend time with you.”

  “Okay.” Landon smiled. After everything Joe had done to him, he wasn’t going to let him piss him off. No matter what.

  Joshua and Katarina were sipping sodas at the counter and discreetly watching Katiana and Landon.

  “Wonder how long that will take,” he mused

  “If he plays his cards right, not long,” Katarina assured him.

  “Meaning what?”

  “He needs to act disinterested. Trust me, she’ll come running.”

  “And a little jealousy never hurts either does it?” Josh guessed.

  “Oh, you saw that?” Katarina snickered.

  “Um, yeah.” Josh smiled.

  Katarina hung onto the counter for support. Josh’s smile…oh, hell.

  “What’s next?” Katarina asked, finishing her drink.


  “Yep, and you’re buying.”

  “Don’t eat all my popcorn.” Josh flipped her hair.

  “Don’t drink all my soda.”

  Smiling, he took her hand and they strolled to where Landon and Katiana sat.

  “You guys want to head out to the movies with us?”

  “Sure,” Landon agreed.

  “Come on, Landon.” Katarina pulled him out of the booth and put her arm around him as they walked out.

  Katiana watched them walk out and jealousy swept through her. She sensed Josh’s gaze and snapped, “What?”

  “You ready?”


  Nico was about to blow his fucking load in the restaurant. Who would have thought eating spaghetti could look so damned sinful? Tanner’s slurping and twirling tongue was turning him on he was pretty sure his dick was banging the bottom of the table, before realizing it was his nervous knee bouncing. He put his hand on it to keep it still.

  “Problem?” An innocent smile played at Tanner’s lips while his tongue wrapped a noodle around it.

  Nico coughed and squeezed his knee; the damn thing was still bouncing.

  “Nope.” Fuck. His voice had come out a little too high-pitched. He cleared his voice and tried again. “No, of course not.”

  Tanner speared a meatball and put it in his mouth, letting it roll around on his tongue. He swallowed it and make a huge show of licking his lips.

  “Are you not hungry?” he inquired.

  Nico arched a brow. Fuck yes, he was hungry. But Tanner wasn’t on the menu. He was going to be, however, unless he stopped what he was doing.

  “You’re punishing me, aren’t you?”

  Tanner slid a breadstick between his lips before sliding part of it out. He licked the end of it commenting, “I really like the garlic and butter.” His tongue licked it again, flicking it before taking a bite. “How am I punishing you? And for what?”

  Nico’s teeth were clenched as he fought for control. His dick was so hard it was drilling a hole in his pants. Nico lowered his voice. “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?” Tanner smiled wickedly and rubbed his foot between Nico’s legs, up and down his dick, Ah, Nico was hard as a rock. Mission accomplished.

  Nico smothered a groan and closed his eyes. At this rate, he’d be taking Tanner under the table. He opened his eyes to find Tanner still playing with the breadstick.


  “Yes?” This was fun.


  The minute they were in the car, Nico was on top of him. The seat tilted all the way back and they were halfway in the backseat, both of them too tall to actually get prone. Tanner’s foot was on the console and Nico’s hand was down his pants. Tanner was groaning obscenely as Nico stroked his cock. They were so involved they didn’t realize people were parking next to them until a door slammed shut.

  Nico’s head shot up and he rolled off of Tanner.

  “Yeah, we need to get out of here.”

  Tanner’s cock was crying at this point. He needed relief and fast.


  The drive to Lookout Point had calmed them down just a tiny bit. Tanner was ready to crawl out of his skin, though. Studying Nico’s raging hard on was making his mouth water. Damn, he was horny. He slid his hand across Nico’s thigh, grazed his cock and the car swerved.

  “Tanner, I don’t want to explain why we drove into a tree!” Nico hissed between his teeth.

  Tanner chuckled. “It would be a good story for our kids, though.”

  Nico couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, God! You are telling them that one, then.”

  Tanner’s eyes widened. “Oh no! You’re going to be the ‘PowerPoint sex presentation’ dad!”

  Nico cracked up. “I’ll get the slides from Grandpa.”

  They pulled in to the Point and Nico parked all the way at the end. He got out of the car and came around to Tanner’s side and opened his door. Just the touch of his hand made his cock twitch in his pants. Nico palmed Tanner’s face and kissed him, tightening his hold when Tanner began to whimper. The kiss became more passionate and Nico was walking them backward to the car. Tanner was nearly gasping for air; he couldn’t get enough. The back of his knees made contact with the car’s bumper and he pulled Nico down so they were both lying on the hood of the car with Nico on top.

  Tanner slid his hands up Nico’s shirt and he massaged his strong muscles. They moved around to his back and he pulled Nico flush with his body. Nico was sliding his hand up Tanner’s thigh and he palmed his ass, pulling him into him. The kiss was so intense, Nico forgot to breathe. He pulled away and stared into Tanner’s eyes.

  “God knows I want to do dirty things to you right now.” His heart was beating a mile a minute.

  “Please tell me we aren’t going to backslide.”

  Nico planted a hard kiss on his mouth, his tongue searching every of Tanner’s delicious mouth. He couldn’t stop kissing him, he just tasted so good. He reached for Tanner’s hard cock and rubbed the outside of his jeans. He broke from the kiss and studied Tanner’s face as he continued to rub his hand across the front of Tanner’s jeans.

  “No backsliding.”

  “Thank fuck!” Tanner’s relief was tangible.

  “Soon, maybe.” Nico winked and smacked his ass.

  Tanner’s hand was on Nico’s chest and sliding lower. He closed his eyes as Tanner fondled him through his jeans, his breath quickening as the fingers played with the button on his jeans. By now, they were standing and facing each other. Nico opened his eyes but Tanner’s were closed as he rubbed Nico’s dick through his pants, his mouth slightly open, tongue wiping his bottom lip. Nico pressed harder on Damon’s rock-hard dick and dipped his head, catching Tanner’s bottom lip lightly between his teeth. He suddenly picked him up and walked them backward toward a bench.

  Buttons were unbuttoned and zippers were coming down, followed by a lowering of pants before Nico sat on the bench with Tanner on his lap, his legs wrapped around Nico’s waist. He moaned as his hand wrapped around the velvety skin of Tanner’s cock. Tanner’s hand was doing its own thing as he grabbed Nico’s rock-hard prick. Fuck, but Nico was huge. He slid his hand down to the root and then back up, teasing his thumb over the tip and smearing pre-come around the tip. It moved slowly back down and Nico moaned into Tanner’s mouth. Fuck, it was so damned hot! Tanner wanted to fuck him on the bench. Both men still stroking, Tanner rubbed up and down on Nico’s lap, his hips bucking into Nico’s hand and both of them moved in time with the strokes.

  “Fuck, Tanner!” Nico’s balls filled and tightened, his back went rigid and he shot full force into Tanner’s hand. Tanner threw his head back and seconds later he exploded over Nico’s hand and stomach.

  They stayed on the bench, leisurely kissing. Nico’s hand was still holding on to Tanner. They broke from the kiss and looked down.

  “Oops.” Tanner laughed and got off of Nico.

  They walked back to the car, where Nico cleaned up Tanner and then himself, pulling
up their pants. He leaned in and kissed Tanner.

  “I love you, Tanner. I’m in love with you. I’m with you now; no more running away, okay?”

  Tanner brushed their lips together and whispered, “Okay.”

  “I am going to make love to you, when we’re both ready.”

  “I haven’t done anything like, um, that.” Tanner knew his face was turning five shades of red.

  “I haven’t either.”

  Tanner tilted his head. “You mean?”

  “I’m still a virgin. I’ve kissed you more than anyone else and your dick is the only one I’ve ever touched. Well, besides my own. You are the only one I have ever wanted, Tanner.”

  God help him but Tanner wanted more. He had so many years up pent up frustration that he wanted Nico to touch him again and do all sorts of things to him. Nico held his face while he kissed Tanner, and then his hands were on Tanner’s fly again, freeing his cock.

  Nico pulled Tanner’s pants down past his ass, and moved his head to the younger man’s lap. Just the sight of that cut head made his mouth water. He made long licks and hot swirls, working his tongue around the head and pressing down where it counted. He held Tanner’s ass firmly in place as he bobbed up and down, taking Tanner in as deeply as he could, his nose pressed to the soft patch of hair at the base.

  Tanner’s legs were shaking as Nico worked his tongue over the ultra-sensitive skin. It felt so fucking good. he was going to scream! His balls were already filling and he was pretty sure his eyes were rolled completely back into his head. He tried to warn Nico but came too quickly and emptied into Nico’s mouth, gasping, hands buried in Nico’s hair.

  The hot semen hit Nico’s throat and went down in one swallow. Nico kept at Tanner, licking the length of him and sucking on the now-sensitive tip. Tanner’s hips were still bucking into his mouth and Nico grabbed his ass, steadying him. He placed a soft kiss on the tip and eased back up, his tongue licking the cum from earlier off of Tanner’s stomach.

  Tanner was still holding onto the car, knuckles white. Nico pried him off and swept him into his arms to kiss him again. He couldn’t get enough. They finally parted and Tanner was trying to catch his breath.

  “You okay?” Nico grinned at his dazed look.

  Tanner blinked. “Wow.”


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