Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories) Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion


  “Thanks, Pops.” Nikolai smiled at his dad, who had a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Thanks, Uncle Vince.” Colin sat up.

  “How do you feel, honey?”

  “Groggy.” Colin licked his lips. “And thirsty. What did Uncle Reece give me?”

  Vince chuckled. “I’ll go ask.”

  “Are you okay?” Nikolai murmured.

  “Yes.” Colin smiled. “You look worried. I just cut my foot, Nik.”

  “I know.” Nikolai lay back and sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Colin sat up on his elbow.

  Nikolai shook his head. “I can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t.”

  Nikolai couldn’t stop staring at his gorgeous eyes and soft lips. God, he wanted to kiss him. He palmed his face and leaned in.


  “Huh?” They both looked at the door, where Vince was propped against the frame, arms crossed, grinning like a fool.

  “Well, a mild form of it just so you could rest.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Nikolai nodded at Colin. “Eat your food.”

  Nikolai took his dad out in the hall and looked at him. “You know if I didn’t know any better —”

  “You’d say I was cock-blocking?” Vince smiled.

  “Pops!” Nikolai blushed and looked around.

  “Maybe I am.” Vince winked. “Makes things more interesting.”

  “Oh my God, you’re annoying.” Nikolai sighed.

  “I get it from your father. Wrap the package if you’re going on a trip.”

  “Oh, my God! Pops, just go away.” Nikolai busted out laughing.

  Nikolai returned to the room and noticed Colin eating everything off his plate. He sat down and handed him his plate. “Hungry?”

  “I’m a growing boy.” Colin’s mouth was full of food.

  “You did get a lot bigger.” Nikolai observed.

  Colin felt his temperature rising. “Did you know Joshua kissed Katarina last night.”

  “Really?” Nikolai looked shocked. “I thought she put him in the friends zone.”

  “She did. He got out.” Colin laughed.

  “Speaking of kissing.” Nikolai looked at Colin’s lips and then their eyes met.

  “Yeah?” Colin looked at him.

  Nikolai leaned in and their lips met. Colin’s lips were like velvet and Nikolai wanted more. He backed away slowly, studying Colin’s face.

  “I want everyone to know we’re together, Nik. I’m so tired of hiding this. Do I sound stupid?”

  “No, you don’t.” Nikolai looked at the door and Colin arched an eyebrow at him.


  “I just keep expecting my dad to walk in.”

  Colin moved forward and kissed Nikolai; his hand went into his hair and he parted his lips, both moaning. Colin’s head was swimming. Nikolai was pushing him back on the couch and hands were starting to explore. Colin slid his hands up Nik’s chest, appreciating the muscles Nik’s hand was sliding up and down his thigh. They broke from the kiss breathing hard and Nikolai quickly sat up, blushing.


  “I know.” Colin was hard and he could tell Nikolai had a hard-on, too.

  “I think we should probably stop now,” Nik whispered. “One, I’m really turned on. Two, because I have a feeling we are going to have company soon.”

  “Then we really need to stop. I don’t want someone coming in here and seeing my dick like this.” Colin pulled a pillow over himself.

  “I want to be with you, Colin. Only you.” Nikolai took his hand and smiled at the ring on his finger.

  Colin palmed his face. “Good, because you are the only guy I have ever wanted.”

  “Then we tell everyone?”

  “Oh yeah.” Colin smiled.

  Juliet sat next to Katarina and Katiana, fuming. Both of them were watching the boys in a group, talking. Juliet was exhausted just watching them drool over guys they could both have at the drop of a hat. At least Lily had made her move on Damon. Katarina and Katiana were pissing her off.

  “Josh, what’s up for tonight?” Juliet called.

  “We could go out?” Josh looked at the group for assent.

  “Greystone’s?” Phoebe added.

  “That sounds good. Who’s in?” Stefan looked around.

  “All of us, I take it.” Ryan laughed.

  “Oh, and Ryan and I have something to show you guys later,” Landon added.

  “Jensen should be here in a few. We should wait for him.” Evan checked his watch.

  “Well, duh.” Damon smacked him.

  “Just remember, we have birthdays to celebrate tomorrow.” Conner mussed Stefan’s hair.

  Katarina was watching Juliet as she looked at Conner with love in her eyes. She nudged Katiana and smiled. “So, Conner, got a girlfriend yet?”

  “Nope. Too busy. But you will be seeing a lot more of me now.”

  “You’re staying!” Phoebe squealed and jumped in his lap.

  “Yes, Phoebs, I’m staying.” Conner hugged his sister.

  “Well let’s go in and eat I’m starving. That is, if Nik and Colin left us anything,” Josh laughed.

  Nikolai and Colin heard everyone come in and they smiled. “Here they come.”

  Within minutes they were all spread out in the den eating, half on the furniture and half on the floor. Colin smiled as Damon fed Lily a piece of chicken and she smiled at him. He had known they would be together some day. Phoebe was in Stefan’s lap and he was playing with her curls. They all looked up when the door opened and cheers went up. Jensen had finally arrived.

  “What’s up homies?” Jensen smiled wide.

  The screams and shouts could be heard all the way in the kitchen and Brandon and Justin Maddox laughed at the reaction to their son’s arrival. “It’s good to be here, Stefan.”

  “Our family is home,” Jordan declared.

  The kids went to Greystone’s and Stefan and Phoebe were the first to hit the dance floor. Stefan pulled her into his arms and they swayed slowly to the music. Stefan was rubbing his nose softly up and down her neck, inhaling her perfume. It was the one she always wore.

  Nico got up and put his hand out to Tanner, he smiled and took it and they made their way onto the dance floor. Nico pulled Tanner into his chest and held his hand threading their fingers together. He looked into Tanner’s eyes and smiled. “I waited so long to do this with you.”

  Tanner smiled. “We’ve danced before.”

  “But not like this, together. Really together, feelings out in the open.” Nico palmed his face and kissed him.

  “Oh wow.” Katarina watched them dancing. “Look how cute they are.”

  “They always were.” Katiana sighed.

  “How about a dance, Kat?” Landon put his hand out to Katiana.

  “I think that’s my job.”

  Katiana turned to see Joe looking at her. “What are you doing here?”

  “A friend told me you were here.” Joe took her hand. “Come on.”

  Landon retreated, dropping into a chair. Someone sat next to him and Juliet frowned at him. “Come on.”

  She took his hand and they moved to the dance floor.

  Landon pulled her close Juliet rested her head on his chest. They swayed to the music and Juliet peered up at him. “You are so much better for her. Why aren’t you fighting for her, Landon?”

  “She doesn’t seem to mind, Juliet.”

  Katarina was watching Josh and Evan talk and she made her move, tapping his shoulder. “You want to dance, Josh?”


  They moved to the dance floor and Josh held her lightly in his arms, smiling down at her.

  “What?” Katarina blushed.

  “You’re blushing.”

  “I’m just – things changed when you kissed me.” Katarina began.

  “Good or bad?”

  “Josh, just promise me we’ll always stay friends?�

  He pulled away. “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t lose you.”

  Josh stepped away and walked out of the club, with Katarina right on his heels. She caught up to him and grabbed his hand. “Where are you going?”

  “I can’t do this anymore, Kat! You don’t want to lose me as a friend but you don’t want me dating anyone, either! You can’t have it both ways!” Josh pulled away from her.

  “Josh, wait.” Katarina reached for his hand.

  “For what? Tell, me Kat. Tell me what the fuck you want because I can’t take this anymore.” His voice was raw with emotion.

  “I want you.”

  Katarina grasped him and kissed him hard, softening her kiss as Josh’s arms came around her and he picked her up, deepening the kiss.

  “I want you, Joshua Reynolds.”

  “Well, it’s about time.”

  They returned to the club and Josh tugged her against him. He leaned in and kissed her, tangling his fingers in her hair. Kat wrapped her arms around him.

  “Well, well.” Conner watched the couples on the dance floor.

  “Well, well, what?” Evan laughed.

  “Is Juliet still single?” Conner inquired.

  “Ooh, I think Conner has a crush, Evan.” Jensen smiled.

  “I see Kat and Josh finally gave in to their feelings,” Ryan commented as he joined them.

  “It’s about time,” Colin snorted.

  “What about you two?” Evan eyed Colin and Nikolai.

  “What?” Nikolai tried not to smile.

  “Oh, please. Everyone we know is gay. We can feel the hotness coming off you two.” Conner laughed.

  “Conner!” Colin punched his shoulder.

  He and Nik exchanged looks and he nodded. “We’re dating.” Nikolai smiled.

  “Seriously?” They heard a loud squeal and then Phoebe was plowing into them. “Oh, my God! That is so awesome!”

  “Colin, can we go dance now?” Nikolai laughed.

  “I can try.” Colin got up and started limping toward the dance floor. Nikolai’s strong arms came around him and picked him up.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Oh, that is the sweetest thing.” Lily sighed as she watched the two.

  “So, you two huh?” Ryan raised his eyebrows at Damon and Lily.

  “Yes, us two.” Damon held Lily’s hand.

  “Awwww.” Phoebe’s face shone with happiness.

  “It’s good to see you two back together.” Conner nodded toward Phoebe and Stefan.

  “Are we?” Stefan looked at Phoebe.

  “Yes, we are. You’re the only one for me, Stefan Youngblood. You were from the moment you held me in your arms.”

  “God, you were an awful baby! You put everything in your mouth.” Stefan rolled his eyes.

  “That would be a good thing now dude,” Evan snickered

  “Hey!” Phoebe back-handed his chest.

  Lily watched Evan and Ryan standing very close to each other, noticing a spark when their eyes met.

  She reached for Ryan’s hand. “Dance with me?”

  “How could I say no?”

  Evan watched as Lily took Ryan onto the dance floor, smiling when Ryan pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He and Ryan had been close since childhood, and Evan had missed him a lot. They had managed to make it work, even being thousands of miles away. He knew they would work it out.

  Ryan caught Evan watching them and smiled. He had missed him so much; they hadn’t even had time to kiss each other in private. Ryan was ready to tell everyone since their reasons for keeping quiet were no longer an issue.

  “Uh huh.”

  Evan turned to see Conner eyeing him. “What?”


  “What about him?”

  “Dude. You got it bad.”

  Evan grinned. “Yeah, I do.”

  Tanner was so wrapped up in Nico he didn’t hear or see anyone but him. “I want to be alone with you, Nico.”

  “That’s probably not a good idea.” Nico whispered, pulling him in tighter.

  Just touching Tanner’s hand did things to Nico. He had never dated; his heart had always belonged to Tanner Youngblood and it always would. Nico smoothed his hand into Tanner’s hair and held him closer. He kissed his neck and Tanner responded with small noises.

  “We need to stop,” Nico muttered. “I’m getting hard.”

  “I’m already there.” Tanner bit his bottom lip.

  The gang hung out until almost eleven and then headed back to Stefan and Jordan’s. They found all the adults in the living room, laughing uproariously. “Remember Dylan and Jay’s birthday at Greystone’s?” Jake laughed.

  “The stripteases.” Jay laughed his ass off.

  “That’s no big deal; you all strip for money.” Landon laughed.

  “And kiss each other,” Joshua added.

  “Hey!” Greg threw a pillow at him. “Only for charity!”

  “You guys have fun?” Paul changed the subject.

  “Of course, we did! It’s your club, Daddy! As always it was packed.” Phoebe winked.

  “Okay. We set tents up out back, guys. The girls will be in the house.” Jordan smiled.

  “Don’t you trust us, Grandpa?” Stefan asked a little too innocently.

  Jordan laughed his ass off. “No.”

  Heath and Caleb had taken Nico aside. Caleb smiled and asked, “I take it you are behaving?”

  “Nope. In fact, just now I ravaged Tanner in front of everyone on the floor of the club.”

  Heath smacked him upside the head. “Smart-ass.”

  They all hung out in Damon’s old room watching a movie before bedtime and laughing when they could hear their parents talking about the old days. One by one the parents came in to say goodnight to the kids and assured them they would see them come morning for the party.

  Lorenzo picked Juliet up and hugged her hard. “I will miss you.”

  “You’ll see me tomorrow, Daddy.” Juliet kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” Lorenzo kissed her cheek.

  “Night, hon.” Reece kissed her cheek. “Love you.”

  Juliet hugged her father. “I love you, too, Daddy.”

  As soon as all the parents were gone, Ryan and Landon retrieved their surprise. Landon couldn’t stop laughing as Ryan put the DVD in.

  Ryan put up his hands. “Seriously, guys, brace yourselves.”

  The DVD came on and it took everything for them not to laugh as they watched their fathers playing spin the bottle. Juliet cracked up watching her father kiss her Uncle Brandon. “Oh my God, they are so drunk!”

  “Look at them. Oh, my God! I never want to hear another lecture on alcohol.” Ryan wheezed, rolling with laughter.

  They heard voices in the hallway and Ryan shut the DVD off. They turned it to a channel and Stefan poked his head in the door. “Your grandfather and I are going to bed now. We’ll see you in the morning for breakfast.”

  “K, thanks, Grandpa,” Conner answered for them.

  “And if you sneak out to go swimming, please don’t break any bones. I’m not on call.” Jordan stuck his head in, too.

  “Got it.”

  “Love you guys.” Stefan smiled at his grandkids.

  “Love you, too,” They all said it at once.

  True to tradition, they said in unison. Stefan had always told them if they were going to go night swimming, they had to go as a group. They were all quiet as they exited the house and Nikolai picked Colin up.

  “I can walk, Nik.”

  “But you can’t go swimming, so I’ll keep you company.”

  “That’s so sweet.” Lily smiled, getting goosebumps as Damon’s arm encircled her waist.

  “So are you.” Damon kissed her shoulder and pulled her into the water.

  They surfaced and Damon caught her lips. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck. Damon smiled and pulled her into
deeper water. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he kissed her neck.

  “You’re so soft.” Damon ran his tongue across her shoulder.

  Lily kissed him, parting his lips with her tongue, grabbing his thick hair and more deeply. The kiss became more passionate and Damon broke it slowly, breathing hard. “I hate to say this.”

  “I know.” Lily was panting. “We have to stop.”

  “You’re gorgeous, Lily.”

  “Stop that! You’re turning me on more.”

  Katiana was swimming toward the other side of the pond when arms wrapped around her waist and she was pressed up against someone’s chest. Even though it was dark, she knew those hands.

  Then there were lips on hers and a hand on her face, traveling to her hair. The kiss was explosive. Katiana’s whole body responded and she kissed back, tongues tangling and hands threading through her hair. It kiss was about to get out of control as Katiana wrapped her legs around his waist. Finally, she broke the kiss and held his face in her hands.


  “I hope you don’t kiss everyone like that.” Landon chuckled. “How did you know it was me?”

  “What if I didn’t?” Katiana flirted.

  “You did know, though.”

  “I would know your hands anywhere.” Katiana leaned closer for another light kiss.

  “Why?” Landon smoothed his hands up her bare back and heard her breath quicken.

  “I’ve always thought you had strong hands.” Katiana pulled him to her lips again and kissed him. Landon deepened the kiss.

  “What does this mean?” Landon could barely see her face in the dark.

  “It means I want to be with you.”

  “Really?” Katiana felt so good in Landon’s arms.

  “I always have.”

  Landon backed away from her and looked at her face. “Let’s just say you’ve got a funny way of showing it. Why now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why not last year or the year before, Kat? I know you felt something when I kissed you at New Year’s and I know you love me. You always have.”

  “How — how do you know?”

  “When you were in the hospital, you told me. Then Joe came in and it was back to normal. Now, all of a sudden you want me.” Landon started to wade toward shore. “Now I’m just supposed to be okay with the fact that you made me wait years?”


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