Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories) Page 9

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  ‘I wanted you to grow up, Landon.”

  Landon turned on her. “Me? At least I knew what I wanted and I didn’t play games. So, what, now you say jump and I say how high? No, thanks.”

  “Landon, wait!” Katiana grabbed him. “I’m sorry. God knows I was stupid and I know I hurt you, but I swear right now I want you. I want us to be together. Please tell me it’s not too late.”

  Landon looked at her and shook his head. He started walking back toward the house. “Even after all that, you still went back to Joe.”

  Katiana ran after him. “You’re right. I don’t know how many ways to say I’m sorry, Landon. I’m not above begging and I will get on my knees and beg if that’s what it takes.”

  She was already crying and he knew he was fucked. Landon reached out for her, kissing her hard, his hands in her hair as he deepened the kiss until he heard her whimper.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Katiana watched him making his way back to the house and sat down, she deserved it, she knew she did. God, she had been an idiot, Landon was special and now she was going to work for him, pride be damned she wanted Landon.

  chapter five

  With everyone else busy in the pond, Nikolai had Colin all to himself on the dock. Colin was watching all the kids in the pond, each in their own not-so-secret angst.

  “I can take you in if you want,” Nikolai offered.

  “I can’t get my foot wet.” Colin wiggled his toes.

  “I can take care of that.” Nikolai stripped his shirt off and Colin’s jaw dropped.

  “Wow, you’ve been working out.”

  “You like it?” Nikolai flexed his bicep.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Nikolai jumped in and put his arms out.

  “Come here.”

  Colin smiled and inched his way to the edge, where Nikolai picked him up and held him in his arms making sure his foot wasn’t in the water. “How’s that you cooling off?”

  “I think it just got hotter.”

  “I want to kiss you.”

  Colin motioned behind the dock and Nikolai took him underneath it. He pressed Colin up against it and kissed him softly.

  “I love the way you kiss.”

  “You’re really good at it,” Nikolai insisted.

  “So are you.” Colin looked into Nik’s eyes; they were mesmerizing.

  Nikolai leaned in again and kissed him until they were both gasping for air. Colin’s arms came around his neck and Nikolai was placing him onto the sand under the dock. He settled on top of him, and the kiss was a lot more passionate now. Colin’s hands slid up his chest and to his face before they moved apart.

  “I want you so much.”

  “I want you too.” Nikolai bit his bottom lip.

  “We need to get back.” Colin smiled. “I’m going to want to do things.”

  “We’re in the same tent.”

  “Oh, hell.”

  Katarina was watching Josh and the rest of the boys play when Juliet came up beside her. She Katarina’s hand. “You like him a lot.”

  “I do,” she sighed. “I really do.”

  “I’m glad you guys decided to try.” Juliet smiled. “I was getting tired of kissing him. Not.”

  “You are such the bitch Juliet,” Katarina laughed.


  Ryan and Evan were splashing each other and Ryan felt something go into his eye. “Wait, wait!” Ryan put his head back.

  “What’s wrong?” Evan sloshed to where Ryan was standing.

  “I think there’s something in there, maybe dirt.”

  “Well I can’t see shit in the dark.” Evan pulled his face down and looked at him. “Rinse it off in the water.”

  Ryan put his head under water, blinked, and felt the pain leaving. He surfaced and shook his hair.

  “Better.” Then Ryan splashed him.

  “Oh, hell no. I was worried about you.” Evan grabbed him.

  Ryan was pressed against his chest and Evan’s arms tightened around him, as they smiled at each other. Being in Evan’s arms was doing things to Ryan and he couldn’t help staring at Evan’s lips. If they were trying to hide their relationship, it was going to be blown in two seconds.



  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m feeling for broken bones,” Evan chuckled.

  Ryan laughed. “It was sand in my eye.”

  “It could be in your shorts now.”

  Ryan sighed. “You are so much like Uncle Chris.”

  They were all showered and finally ready for bed by two in the morning and Phoebe was leaning out her bedroom window kissing Stefan goodnight. They broke from the kiss and Phoebe whispered, “Goodnight, Stefan.”

  “Night, Phoebs.”

  Katarina was with Josh outside the side of the house. She was really trying to go back inside but Josh’s kisses were reducing her to a babbling idiot.

  “Josh.” Katarina felt his lips at her throat.

  “Mmm hmm.” Josh’s hands were at her waist.

  “I really should go. I mean, we have a lot to do tomorrow. Not that I don’t love kissing you.”

  “Shhh.” Josh smiled against her mouth, kissing her once more before moving away. “You were saying?”

  “I was talking?” Katarina put her arms around his neck and he picked her up and began to walk. “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you to bed.”

  They stopped in front of the bedroom window and Josh knocked on it. Katiana opened it and Josh helped Katarina through the window.

  “Goodnight, Josh.”

  “Night, Kat.”

  Tanner was on his back in the tent when Nico came in, shirtless. Tanner was never going to get to sleep now. They lay side by side and Nico found Tanner’s fingers and threaded them together. He smiled at Tanner.

  “Oh my God, it’s hot in here,” Tanner sighed.

  “You want me to unzip the door?”

  “It’s not the heat from outside.”

  Nico began to kiss him, pulling Tanner on top of him. He wanted Tanner, wanted him more than anything. Tanner was whimpering and moaning and Nico was getting more and more turned on. When they stopped, neither could breathe well.


  “No shit.” Nico sighed.

  Tanner rolled off of him and lay on his back, still trying to catch his breath. He had never wanted anyone the way he wanted Nico. He rolled to his side and saw that Nico’s eyes were closed and he was regulating his breathing. Tanner ran a finger down Nico’s chest and admired the hard muscles.

  “Tanner, you’re not helping.” Nico smiled.

  “I can’t help it.” Tanner’s hand was at the waistband of Nico’s boxers.

  “Tanner!” Nico’s breaths were coming faster, and his cock filled as Tanner’s hand went lower.

  Tanner leaned closer and Nico kissed him as Tanner slid his hand into his boxers, where it met with Nico’s very large dick. He gripped Nico solidly in his hand, moving it up and down from shaft to tip, running his finger over the wet tip. Nico’s hands were in his hair as he stroked him slowly.

  “God, Tanner. That feels so good.” Nico’s cock was leaking. Just one touch from Tanner and his balls were tightening.

  “What do you want me to do?” Tanner licked Nico’s bottom lip.

  “What you’re doing is just fine.” Nico moaned quietly when Tanner tightened his grip. They rolled to face each other and Nico was stroking Tanner’s flat stomach.

  “God I want to feel your hands on me, Nico!”

  Nico ran his hand into Tanner’s boxers and palmed his balls before wrapping around his cock. He covered Tanner’s mouth with his own as they stroked each other, kissing furiously.

  “I’m coming!”

  “So am I.” Nico could barely get the words out; he was so turned on.

  Tanner’s balls crawled upward and he reveled in the build-up to orgasm. He let out a sharp breath and explod
ed over Nico’s hand. Nico came seconds later and pulled Tanner against his chest. Tanner smiled at him and kissed his nose, snuggling into him.



  “That night we went out to play laser tag?” Nico looked at his face and saw he remembered it well. “I wanted to kiss you then but your friend Aidan said you should be with people your own age.”

  “The age thing never bothered me, Nico. You were the only one who had a problem with it.”

  “I know. I wasted so much time, Tanner.”

  “We’re making up for it now.”

  “Tanner, I’m so sorry about what happened in Ireland.”

  Tanner pulled him down. “It’s in the past. This is our future.”

  “We should get some sleep.” Nico kissed him softly.

  “Night, Nico.”

  “Night, Tanner.”

  Colin couldn’t stop kissing Nikolai. It was a full-blown make-out session in their tent and he couldn’t get enough. He loved Nikolai’s wight on top of him, their erections pressed together. Nikolai’s strong arms held him close and Colin knew he was going to come fast.


  “What? Am I going too fast?” Nikolai stopped and looked down into Colin’s amazing face.

  Colin chuckled. They had stopped and his urge to come had dissipated. “No, I was about to come.”

  “Really? Wow, I’m good,” Nikolai snickered.

  “You are.”

  Nikolai kissed him softly and ran his tongue across Colin’s bottom lip. “Which part turned you on most?”

  “Move your hips.”

  Nikolai slid his hips over Colin and felt his erection against his own. The kissing had resumed and this time Nikolai felt the urge to come taking over. He searched Colin’s mouth and their tongues met and wrapped around each other. Nikolai felt Colin’s hands in his hair gripping it tighter and tighter and the kiss was becoming more and more passionate. God, he couldn’t get enough of Colin! His hands rubbed up his inner thigh and Colin moaned again.

  “Oh God, Colin!”

  “Me too,” Colin gasped as they came at the same time.

  Colin was breathing hard and his face was flushed. He loved the weight of Nikolai on top of him and played with the younger man’s biceps. “Wow, you got buff.”

  “I started working out a lot more, especially after our phone calls.”

  “I had this dream about you the other night you were kissing me.”

  “What was better?”

  “The reality for sure,” Colin laughed.

  Colin was so happy. Being with Nikolai was the best feeling he ever had. Colin wasn’t short but he wasn’t as tall as Nikolai, or as built and Nik wasn’t even done growing yet. His dad was huge. Colin felt very small next to him and the thought made him chuckle.


  “I feel so small.”

  “You are perfect.” Nikolai rolled off and pulled Colin into his side.



  “Are you staying?”

  “I told you, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  Evan watched Ryan come into the tent, shirtless and still wet from his shower. Evan watched his body move in the dim light of the tent.

  “You’re scaring me,” Ryan laughed. “Would you like some A1 sauce?”

  “Can I put it on your ass?” Evan smiled wide.

  Ryan laughed loud and heard the shhhs from all around. “You shush!” Ryan called back.

  “Shup, you two.”

  “Stop talking, Damon.” Ryan suppressed a laugh.

  Ryan chuckled and lay on his back. The top of the tent flap was open and the full moon was out. Evan’s fingers stroked in his hair and he sighed. “

  I love that.” Ryan closed his eyes.

  “Well that’s why I do it, dumbass.”

  Evan was on his side, studying Ryan’s profile. He had a beautiful face and Evan ran his fingers lightly over his cheek. “Your skin is so soft.”

  “Moisturizer.” Ryan looked at him and winked.

  Evan sighed and lay back. It was hot as hell in the tent and it had nothing to do with the outside temperature. He took off his shirt and wiped the sweat off his back. He felt Ryan’s hand take his shirt and then he was wiping his back off.

  “You missed some,” Ryan explained coyly.

  Evan couldn’t help but stare at his lips and when he looked back up at Ryan, he saw he was looking at his lips as well. The next thing he knew, Ryan was on top of him kissing him and Evan couldn’t breathe. The shock of it had him moaning and hanging onto Ryan. The guy could kiss. They broke from the kiss slowly and Ryan palmed his face.

  “Goodnight, Evan.” Ryan winked.

  “Seriously?” Evan cocked an eyebrow. “That’s it? You lay that kind of kiss on me and it’s goodnight?”

  “What else do you want?” Ryan smiled and walked his fingers down Evan’s chest.

  “Do you have a pen and a pad of paper?” Evan smiled.

  “I’m ready to tell everyone, are you?” Ryan whispered.

  “Really? No more naked Web chatting? No more pretending we don’t have feelings for each other?” Evan smiled wide.

  “We never Web chatted naked.” Ryan raised a brow.

  “Oh, that must have been Hunter,” Evan snickered.

  “Yeah, not. Hunter is in love with Jensen.”

  “Oh my God, are we all gay?” Evan asked, louder than he intended.

  “No. We’re not. And could you please go to sleep now?” Damon sighed. “Or at least moan softly and keep the smacking noises to a minimum.”

  “I do not smack!” Ryan laughed.

  They heard a very loud sigh and Ryan laughed. He leaned in and kissed Evan again. “Now, where were we?”

  “Kissing. Oh, for the love of God!” Damon laughed.

  Ryan and Evan laughed.

  “Goodnight, Damon,” they chorused.

  Morning came too early for some and Jensen rolled out of his sleeping bag and out of the tent, stretching. Jensen Maddox was an exact replica of his father, Justin. He was already six feet tall and almost two hundred pounds of solid muscle. When he was smaller, his grandmother told him that his father had been small as a kid. Then he just torpedoed upward and outward.

  Jensen hadn’t believed her until now. There had been a great debate over who was going to be his biological father but in the end Brandon’s insistence intensified and Justin had given in. And he was the now the proud son of Justin Maddox.

  Jensen for the pond, grabbed hold of one of the tree limbs and began his pull-ups.

  “Lookin’ flabby, my friend.”

  Jensen dropped and turned. “Ass face!”

  “Fuck face!”

  “Oh my God, what the hell, Hunter?” He grabbed Hunter Trevino in a huge hug.

  “I figured I’d surprise you. You’re a little slow on the uptake.” Hunter smiled wide.

  “Ass. Well, clearly there’s something with my brain because I did miss you.”

  “Awww.” Hunter hugged him. “I know you did.”

  “Jensen, you got taller!”

  “Uncle Brett!” Jensen wrapped his arms around his uncle and lifted him high.

  “Oh, wow.” Brett couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Hey, you, unhand my man.” Roman Trevino smiled at him, eyes warm.

  “Uncle Roman! It’s so good to see you guys!” He put his uncle Brett back on the ground.

  “Where are your dads?” he asked Jensen.

  “On their way. Can I steal Hunter for a while?”

  “Yep. Is everyone up?” Brett looked around.

  “Grandpa Stefan was. I’ll see you guys in a bit?” Jensen hugged them.

  “Yep. Go have fun.” Roman smiled.

  Roman and Brett watched their son take off running after Jensen, and Brett smiled. They had spent a lot of time together over the years and had formed a very strong bond. They had worked for almost a year to repair the damage they had done by not t
rusting each other.

  “You think they’re ready?” Brett asked Roman.

  Roman tilted his head and thought. “I think so.”

  Brett smiled and hugged Roman to him. “I love you.”

  “I never stopped.” Roman palmed his face.

  Hunter’s mouth fell open as Jensen gave him the rundown as they sat on the dock. “No way!”

  “Yep. Katarina finally let Josh leave the friends zone; Katiana snagged Landon last night; Nico and Tanner are together; Colin and Nikolai finally took the plunge, and I think Ryan made a move on Evan last night.”

  “Wow! I leave for a few months and look what happens.” Hunter shook his head. “What about Stefan and Phoebe?”

  “Back together.” Jensen smiled. “Now if we could just get Conner and Juliet.”

  “Stubborn jackasses.” Hunter smiled at his friend. “I missed you.” Hunter studied Jensen. He had gotten taller and a hell of a lot hotter.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “So, are we both back now?” Hunter asked.

  “I am. I’m going to be working with my dad. What about you?”

  “Same. But no dangerous missions at first.” Hunter pouted.

  “Awww, poor baby,” Jensen laughed.

  “Asshole.” Hunter smiled and got up. “Food?”

  “Yup.” Jensen watched him walk and tilted his head. “Did you get fat?”

  “Fuck you,” Hunter laughed.

  “You wish.” As soon as it came out Jensen stopped in his tracks and mentally kicked himself. Aw, fuck.

  “What did you just say?” Hunter came back over.

  “Nothing, let’s go.” Jensen walked around him, but Hunter grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye.

  “Jensen.” Hunter looked serious.

  Jensen wanted to kiss him. “Come on, breakfast.”

  Tanner opened his eyes and smiled. He was snuggled into Nico’s chest and he could smell a faint hint of cologne on his neck. He kissed Nico’s neck and trailed his tongue along it. Nico moaned and he palmed Tanner’s ass.

  “God, I love this,” Nico said quietly.

  “My ass?” Tanner chuckled.

  “That and waking up with you in my arms.”

  Tanner looked at his lips and leaned in and kissed Nico, his hand running up his back and into his hair. Suddenly, was on top of him. They were kissing and Nico’s tongue was doing a slow, sensual sweep of his mouth. They rolled again and Nico was on top of him and they were kissing passionately.


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