Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories) Page 11

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “You could have him.”

  Hunter jerked his head up at Conner’s voice. “I know. I just don’t know if we’re there yet.”

  “I’ve been watching you guys since we were kids,” Conner groaned. “You’re ready, Hunter.”

  Hunter watched Juliet approaching. “Is it just me or is she moving in slow motion?”

  “No, it’s not just you.” Conner watched Juliet. It really was like watching a movie in slow motion, the way she moved, how her hair floated on the breeze. Conner was already hard.

  “Make a move.” Hunter smacked his back.

  “Hunter.” Juliet smiled.

  “Hey, sexy lady.” Hunter smiled and kissed her cheek. “Looking hot, girl.”

  “So are you.” Juliet winked.

  Conner helped her up on the dock and got a good look at her body. Oh hell.

  “We haven’t really talked,” Juliet pointed out.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I really missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.” Juliet looked at his lips.

  They both heard their grandparents calling them in for cake and Juliet reached for his hand gave him a stunning smile. Conner Greystone was the best-looking guy she’d ever seen and she had wanted him ever since she was younger, entranced by his black hair and green eyes.

  “Can we talk tonight, then?” Juliet asked.


  Nico was kissing Tanner when someone tapped his shoulder.

  “Can you guys come up for air long enough to eat cake?”

  Tanner blushed. “Um, sure, Dad.”

  “You two are so cute together. How about holding down the PDAs, though.”

  “Thanks, and we will, Uncle Tyler,” Nico promised.

  Stefan lit birthday candles for Juliet, Evan, Ryan, Nikolai, Hunter, and Jensen.

  “Make your wishes!”

  Stefan looked at Phoebe and took her hand. “I have everything I could ever need.”

  “Awwww,” Paul laughed.

  Juliet was closing her eyes and making her wish; she opened them and looked right at Conner when she blew them out. The rest of them took turns blowing out their candles and laughed at the amount of smoke in the kitchen.

  “Happy birthday!” The whole group sang to them and Stefan smiled proudly at his family. They had grown up together, gone to school together, bled, sweated, and cried together.

  “I’m glad we all got together today. I see all my friends, family really, in the same room and from what I hear, you’re all staying in Fort Worth.”

  There was a loud whistle and everyone looked at Paul. “What? I’m happy.”

  “We’ve grown up together, been kidnapped, rescued each other,” Stefan paused, “and broken some bones along the way.” He looked directly at Tanner and Nikolai.

  “I don’t really remember it,” Tanner said.

  “I do.” Nico wrapped his arms around Tanner’s waist.

  “The point is…” Stefan looked at all of them. “We were together then, we’re together now, we’ll always be together.”

  “Cheers to that!” Jordan called out. “Presents?”

  The rest of the day was spent talking about old times, Stefan and Jordan loved watching their kids, grandkids, and the friends who became family. In all the years they had been married they’d had kids in their lives. Now, their house was full again.

  chapter six

  Most of the fathers had taken off for the night. It was customary during the first week of summer vacation to have all the kids at Stefan and Jordan’s while the fathers would go home and have “special time,” as Little Stefan had loved to call it.

  Viktoriya was saying goodnight to her fathers out in the driveway. Andrei brushed back her long hair. “I have missed you.”

  “I’m home now, Daddy.” Viktoriya hugged him and then told her other father goodnight.

  She smiled when arms wrapped around her waist. “Hey.”

  “You okay?” Jensen smiled.

  “Sure. Are you?” Viktoriya turned to face him.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Hunter. Jensen, why are you holding back?”

  “I don’t know. What if it’s too soon?” Jensen sighed.

  “The way he looks at you, he’s ready.” Viktoriya gave him a sweet smile.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he said sincerely.

  “Don’t, Jensen. I had a feeling you were gay. I wasn’t surprised.” Viktoriya smiled.

  Jensen pulled her to him and hugged her hard. He did have feelings for her, just not the kind a straight man would. “How ’bout a kiss?” Jensen wiggled his eyebrows.

  Viktoriya laughed. “Why not? It won’t bother you.”

  “Ha ha.” Jensen picked her up and kissed her softly.

  “Yup. I got nothing.” Viktoriya giggled.

  Hunter was walking around the pond when he saw Vikki with Jensen. They were talking and laughing and then Jensen was kissing her. God. The pain that ripped through him was electric. He had known they dated but it still hurt. He and Jensen had worked so hard to get back what they once had and Hunter wanted to take it to the next level now. He was ready.

  “Jensen, go find Hunter and tell him. Please?”

  Juliet was walking in the woods when she heard a twig crack behind her. “I can kick your ass, whoever you are.”

  “I’ll bet you could,” Conner laughed.

  “I don’t know, you’re six foot what now?” Juliet giggled.

  “No idea, I stopped counting. You shouldn’t be this far out.”

  “Are you stalking me?” Juliet inquired.

  “Yes. I actually have Uncle Jake’s DNA as well,” Conner chuckled.

  “Jackass.” Juliet laughed.

  They both busted out laughing and made their way back toward the house. They noticed Hunter alone on the other side of the pond.

  “I wish those two would talk,” Juliet sighed.

  “You mean the way we should?” Conner turned her to face him. “I still love you, Juliet.”

  Even with just the light of the full moon she could see his beautiful eyes. Juliet ducked her head and looked back up. “I love you, too.”

  “Then why are we not doing something about it?” Conner took her hand and his heart raced.

  Juliet’s almost blew out of her chest. she understood now when she heard her uncles talking about that small electric current when you touch the person you were meant to be with. “I don’t know.” Juliet looked up at him.

  Conner leaned in slowly. He heard Juliet’s breath quicken at his touch. “Can I?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Conner leaned in the rest of the way and his lips met hers softly. Oh God. They were so soft. He heard Juliet’s small whimper and pulled her closer. His hand went to her face and he caressed her cheek. She was breathing hard and he hadn’t even used tongue.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” Juliet looked up at him. She couldn’t stop herself. She stood on her tiptoes and initiated another kiss.

  Conner moaned and picked her up. He wrapped his arms around her and responded. Juliet couldn’t stop. Oh, it felt good being in Conner’s arms, kissing him. They fit together perfectly. Conner’s tongue teased hers and her hands fisted his hair as though she thought he was going to leave.

  “God, you taste good,” Conner panted.

  “I want more.”

  Conner lifted her higher and his hand went to her ass; she wrapped her legs around his waist as Conner walked them into the woods.

  He backed her against a tree and Conner pulled her shirt aside to kiss his way up her neck He let his tongue slide up her neck and then kissed her again. He had missed this, being with her, kissing her, touching her.

  “We need to stop.” Reluctantly, Conner drew away.

  “I know.” Juliet was breathing hard. “God, I want you.”

  “I want you too.” Conner palmed her face.

  Conner put her back on the ground and tried to reposition h
imself. Damn but he was turned on. Juliet was looking at him with a sly smile on her lips.


  “Cold swim?” Juliet took his hand.

  “Oh, hell yeah.”

  Jensen was looking everywhere for Hunter. He wasn’t in the house or in their tent and he was starting to worry. He finally saw him on the other side of the pond, skipping rocks. He approached and dropped beside him.

  “Hey, why are you all alone?”

  “Thinking. But I’m done now.” Hunter stood up and started walking.

  “What’s wrong?” Jensen reached for his hand.

  Hunter pulled it away. “Nothing Jensen.”

  Jensen watched him walk away, and came to a decision. If Hunter wasn’t going to talk to him – well, he was going to start the conversation anyway. He grabbed Hunter’s hand and whipped him around. His hand shot to the back of Hunter’s neck and he yanked Hunter into his arms.

  It took two seconds of kissing him before Hunter responded. He held Jensen around the waist and tugged him closer. His mouth opened and he covered Jensen’s. They were kissing passionately as Hunter walked them into the woods. Jensen ended up flat on his back with Hunter on top of him. Their hands were everywhere, both of them wanting to feel the other one as closely as possible.

  Jensen’s shirt was off and then Hunter’s. Hunter was on top of him, kissing him. His hands slid to Jensen’s ass and he dragged his hips across Jensen’s. They both looked stunned as they broke the kiss.


  “I want you so much,” Hunter said breathlessly.

  “I want you too.” Jensen pulled him back down.

  They were kissing slowly now, each wanting to fully taste the other. Jensen could hear himself whimpering as Hunter kissed him quite thoroughly. His hand traveled up Hunter’s strong chest and Hunter’s hand was heading in the other direction, down Jensen’s thigh.

  “We should go to the tent,” Hunter managed to say.

  “Yes. We definitely should.”

  Neither spoke the whole way back and when they got into the tent Hunter stripped to his boxers. He drew Jensen closer and slid his hand to his ass. Hunter kissed his neck softly and then his jawline. Kissing Jensen was just as it was that one day – absolutely mind-blowing.

  Jensen closed his eyes as Hunter’s mouth and tongue explored his neck. One hand squeezed his ass and the other was raking through his hair. Hunter lifted his eyes to gaze into Jensen’s eyes. He caressed his cheek with his thumb and kissed him. They were making their way slowly to the sleeping bag where Hunter settled on top, kissing Jensen with everything he had. He had wanted him for so long.

  “Hunter,” Jensen sounded desperate.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Hunter pulled away.

  “No! I just want to know how you feel.” Jensen looked serious.

  “I’m ready, Jensen. I want you so much.”

  “I want you, too.”

  “Well, then we wasted a lot of time.” Hunter smiled at him.

  “Let’s make up for it.” Jensen’s hand wiggled into his boxers and Hunter moaned.


  “I can’t help it,” Hunter whispered.

  Jensen kissed him again and he stroked him slowly. Within minutes, Hunter came in his hand, groaning. Jensen licked Hunter’s bottom lip and bit it gently.

  “Are you ready for a relationship with me? That’s what I want, Hunter.” Jensen tensed.

  “I want that, too. I think we took the time we needed and I’m ready for a relationship now.”

  They sealed their commitment with another long kiss.

  “Okay, now let’s go to bed.”

  “Really?” Jensen gave him his most salacious look.

  “To sleep, perv.” Hunter rolled his eyes.



  Morning arrived and most of the guys had left for the community center their dads and grandfathers had built for them. Stefan and Jordan bought all of the vacant land around them when they bought their home. Gradually, they added homes for family members. Most of the fathers owned homes elsewhere but it was essentially a community of family.

  Landon smiled as he ran by Katiana’s house.

  “She’s not even there and you’re smiling,” Josh pointed out.

  “Oh, shut up.” But Landon was smiling.

  They were joined by Jensen and Hunter and not long after, Ryan and Conner. They jogged down the dirt path and finally made it to the community center nestled within the trees. They screeched to a stop, mouths agape. They now had an Olympic-sized pool equipped with water slides. They looked at each other and took off running, shirts flying. They all jumped in the pool, whooping and hollering. Landon went under and came back up, eyelashes sparkling with droplets.

  “God, that feels good!”

  Hunter came up and pushed his hair back. “It’s so cold but it feels good.”

  Jensen put his arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder before inching up to bite his earlobe.

  “You look sexy.”

  They heard the shouts and clapping and realized they had an audience. Hunter flipped them off and kissed Jensen hard. “There! Now you can clap, ya bunch of perverts!” Hunter laughed so hard he snorted in water.

  “It’s about time!” Joshua hugged his brother. “I’m happy for you, Jensen.”

  “What about me?” Hunter smiled.

  “Ah, you’re okay.” Joshua hugged him. “Don’t break my brother’s heart, though.”

  Hunter took Jensen in his arms and kissed him softly. “As if.”

  “Awww.” Conner smiled.

  “And what about you?” Landon looked at Conner. “Make your move on the lovely Juliet yet, little brother?”

  “Hey, I don’t kiss and tell.” Conner went under the water.

  “He just did,” Ryan pointed out.

  The rest of the kids arrived within the hour and the guys had started football teams. Colin sat with Phoebe and propped his foot up.

  “Not going to play?”

  “My cut’s closed up, but I think if I run it might open back up.” Colin grinned as Nikolai approached.

  “Good morning, Phoebe.” Nikolai kissed her cheek.

  “Morning.” Phoebe winked at him. “So, you and my brother?”

  “Yes.” Nikolai kissed him quickly. “Me and your brother.”

  “Go kick some ass, sexy,” Colin urged.

  The girls were all laid out on lounge chairs watching the guys play football. Juliet watched Conner’s muscles flexing and swooned. “Oh God, he is so gorgeous.”

  Phoebe smiled. “I’m glad you two finally talked.”

  “Yeah, well I’m glad you finally took my brother back.” Lily narrowed her eyes at Phoebe.

  “Well, I’m glad you still talked to me,” Phoebe smiled, not entirely joking.

  “I love you Phoebe but it was hard watching Stefan suffer, so I’m glad you finally pulled your head out of your ass.” Lily took her hand.

  Phoebe cracked up. “Pot calling the kettle black much?”

  Stefan came over for a drink and grew suspicious of all of them looking at him. “Okay, what?”

  “Nothing.” Phoebe tugged him over and kissed him.

  “I like nothing.” Stefan smiled and bit her lip softly.

  “Yo, Youngblood!” Jensen threw the ball at him.

  “I’m coming.” Stefan called back.

  “Maybe later.” Lily winked.

  “Oh, my God!” Katiana almost spit out her water. “Lily! That’s your brother!”

  Lily giggled and felt hands cover her eyes.

  “Guess who?”

  “Um, my boyfriend?”

  Damon came around and looked at her. “You have a boyfriend?”

  Lily looked at his face and smiled; he looked heartbroken. “Yes. His name is Damon and he’s so sweet.”

  “Really?” Damon smiled wide.

  “Yes. Unless you don’t want to be.”

  “Oh no, I w
ant to be.” Damon smiled.

  “Damon, come on!” Ryan yelled at him.

  “Tanner? You coming?” Damon yelled at his brother.

  “Nope.” Tanner smiled as he watched a shirtless Nico. He truly was drop-dead gorgeous.

  “Hey, Nico?” Damon yelled.

  Nico stopped mid-run and looked at him. “What’s up?”

  “Can you kiss my brother so we can play?” Damon laughed.

  Nico smiled, walked over to Tanner, picked him up in his arms, and laid a big kiss on him.

  “Oh, wow.” All the girls were smiling and fanning their faces.

  “How’s that?” Nico smiled.

  “I think I felt that.” Damon smiled. “One thing’s for sure. Tanner is very horny.”

  “Hey!” Tanner cracked up. “It’s not fair when you can feel what I’m feeling!”

  “Just what were you two doing last night?” Damon cocked an eyebrow.

  “Nunya.” Nico smiled and ran back on the field.

  “What were you doing Damon?” Tanner looked pointedly at Lily.

  “Aaand I’m out.” Damon smiled and dashed off.

  “Uh huh.”

  Phoebe looked at Tanner and said, “It’s so good to see you smiling.”

  “I can say the same to you.” Tanner held her hand and squeezed.

  Evan was watching Ryan and getting a hard-on. “Damn, that man is gorgeous.”

  “He looks so much like Uncle Alex.” Katarina smiled.

  “Oh, please don’t say that.” Evan made a face.

  Katiana giggled. “Oh, come on! At some point all of us have had crushes on our uncles.”

  “Uncle Mark.” Viktoriya sighed.

  “Oh, yeah,” they all said in unison.

  “Hey that’s my dad!” Phoebe giggled.

  “Your dad is hot,” Juliet laughed.

  “Both of them.” Lily giggled.

  “When are Lucy and Jordan coming?” Tanner asked.

  “In the next few days. Uncle Jacob was sent to Australia so they all went with him,” Colin informed them.

  “How awful. Australia.” Katiana sighed.

  Nikolai came back to get water and smiled at Colin lying on the lounge chair. He crawled up Colin, kissing his chest.


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