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Page 4

by Emery Skye

  "Fairmont Boarding School is one of the most prestigious high schools in the country." This bit isn't actually something I care too much about. I've tried to convince myself that I need to be a great student for years, albeit it never happens.

  Still, how can he act like it's a terrible place to be? He has a scholarship, so he must have wanted to come here? Surely, he doesn't have as jacked up a story as I do.

  Deciding not to question his motives for attending Fairmont, I go on the defensive. "I work my ass off to be at this school, thank you very much." That part is true.

  Even though I had worked my ass off in school, it isn't the real reason I was accepted. The school sent me an acceptance letter before I even finished the application; I had lost everything. Applications weren't exactly my priority. It was odd, I figured there had been a glitch with their system.

  "Right. Your parents proud of you?" His tone is deep and his eyes inviting, they're warmer than before. I almost jump freely into them.

  "They're gone." I regret it the minute I say it. I don't tell anyone here anything about my parents. No one really ever asks me anyway, except Pierce and when he asks, I usually brush it off and change the subject. But, now, after only knowing Hunter a few hours, he knows more about me than most. Shit, good going, Lexi. I wait for more questions to come, but nothing. Relief floods through my body.

  Instead, we stand watching each other for a minute. I don't know what to say, it's like his eyes can see right through me to my inner core. I don't want him to know the truth. God only knows what he would go around telling people, if he found out. That's why I left my old school and refuse to live with my grandmother; I don't want anyone who knows about it around me. The pity, shame, confusion; it's all too much.

  At Fairmont, I can be an angry, quiet girl and skim under the radar, or at least try. But, most of all, I don't want to relive the brutal deaths of my parents and the disappearance of my brother.


  I’m relieved and surprised Hunter didn't ask me to elaborate on my vague answer regarding my parents. Most kids would've dived in. He probably doesn't care and most likely wasn't even listening.

  That’s what I tell myself.

  After showing him to his class, I rush down the hall, leaving him standing by the door staring after me.

  I covered most of the school, except the gym. It won't be long till he has Ashley or Cayla or another Prep-Princess at his side to show him everything I missed.

  An odd feeling washes over me when I think about Hunter and Cayla together. Not sure if it's jealousy or nausea. Then again, a boy like that would never be interested in a girl like me. That's the way the world works. Yet, I seem to be bothered by it. It certainly isn't his charm or his amazing good nature, yeah, right, I’m attracted to.

  I'm pretty sure we both want to kill each other.

  That’s what I tell myself that for the next class, while I pretend listen to the teacher. Treacherous thoughts of Hunter invade my mind. The force field I’d created is like mush right now.

  Twice I am asked to read from the texts and find that I am on the wrong page.

  I realize that I want to know more about Hunter: his family, his past, why he's here at Fairmont.

  Kay, stalker, Lexi. Stop.

  My stomach growls. A girl nearby glares at me. I flip her off.

  I haven't eaten anything since early yesterday.

  I rush down the hall toward the stairs and run into Miss Lawry. She grabs my arm. I try and shake her off. What is with people grabbing me today! She's stronger than I gave her credit for, with her knobby fingers locked around my bicep and her rat claws digging into my skin.

  "Lexi, why didn't Hunter get to his class?"

  "What?" I stare at her in disbelief. "I took him…"

  "No, no, no. He never got to his class. I don't want excuses, Alexis," she hisses. I realize that this frail old woman is menacingly frightening and could probably kick my ass. The thought is entirely discomforting. That's the last thing I need to have going around the school. I can practically hear the whispers now; “Did you hear that Lexi got her ass beat by a grandma?”

  "I specifically asked you to take him around and show him where his classes were." Her fluffy white hair bounces as a unit as she violently shakes her head. She could be on the verge of snapping her chicken neck. However, the pain emanating through my arm tells me that this old lady has strong bones and I feel like my worry is ill-placed on her and should be directed to me.

  Drowning in defeat, I simply nod. "Yes, Ma'am. I'll go find him right away." Guess food and work can wait.

  I shuffle my way through the flocking groups of students and contemplate what Hunter could be doing that would be so important, he felt the need to skip classes.

  Maybe he went back to his room.

  Maybe not.

  I retrace our steps from earlier. The biting wind helps me forget my hunger. Well sort-of. I open my phone and send a quick text to Pierce.

  Have to find someone. Please pick me up an apple and granola bar so I can jet to the barn. -Lexi

  Right when I look up, I knock into something. No, not something.


  My stomach jumps into my throat at the sight of Hunter.

  My phone falls through my fingers like quicksand. Hunter catches it before it hits the ground.

  "First, I save you, now I save your phone." He hands me my phone with a cocky grin plastered on his face. His hair’s a little bit more disheveled than earlier; he smells so good.

  "I would have caught it myself. Better yet, it wouldn’t have even fallen if you hadn’t run into me." I shove the device into my back pocket.

  I glance around and notice it’s quiet. Too quiet. Usually, at the seniors’ lunch period, kids are all over the path, rushing to their apartments or something, but not today. Today, I hear the torrent of water nearby and the falling of snow from tree branches. Our breathing mixes well with the song nature is playing, like a steady encore.

  "Where have you been?" I stare at him and he falters under my stern eyes.

  "Out." He tries to walk past me. There's a fire raging in his deep, blue eyes. They're darker than normal, almost black.

  I shove him back. Only he doesn't really budge and I nearly shock myself to death in the process. My fingers tingle as I rub my hands together. I'm not sure what this electricity thing is, but it's ridiculous.

  He growls low. Yes, like an animal, he growls. Are you kidding?

  "Look, I got into trouble when you didn't show up to class. Somehow, your lack of responsibility is my fault." He wears a condescending grin on his face. It's infuriating. "What?!" I nearly shout.

  "Nothing," his face falls into a comfortable, lazy smile. "It looks like you need something from me." He turns his head in a way that shows his perfect profile and strong jawline. It's a good thing humans can't smell pheromones because I'd be polluting the air right now.

  My mind races with all sorts of obscene thoughts. I feel safe and weary around him; I'm angry and excited. The one thing I don't feel, is sadness and I’m guilty for not feeling sad, but I can't help but like the freedom from the stone-cold haze that so often numbs me. No matter how right he is, I don't want him to know it.

  "I don't need anything from you," I declare.

  Nonetheless, I stick around.

  "Well, if I don't behave, won't it look bad on you?" He's avoiding my eyes, but I can tell from his tone that he's enjoying this. He's no longer clamping his hands into fists by his side.

  I want to scream obscenities at him about how it wouldn't look one way or the other if he went to his classes. Only one problem, he is sort of my responsibility. Ugh. I hate high school.

  "If you don't go to your classes, it'll get you kicked out, not me." My voice cracks and I stare up at the flurry of braided white and blue with a look of defeat. If there is a God up there, he sure has a funny sense of humor.

  "I'll make you a deal." He turns back toward me and tilts his chin down. A s
ly and pleased look slides across his face, like he's figured out the solution to a calculus problem. "I'll be on my best behavior, if you promise you'll show me around. You know, keep me company. I'm a very lonely guy here, being new and all."

  I am not sure what he's insinuating, but it seems like it could be something sexual, or not. Still, I don't want there to be any chance. "You're crazy if you think...."

  "No, not that, Lex. You're not my type. I only want you to be my friend. And, your first friendly task is to tell me who drew that picture?”

  One second, he's pushing past me, doesn't want to talk to me and the next, he's black-mailing me into being his friend. Yep, he’s a lunatic. I bet he killed someone at his old school, maybe even burnt the whole thing down.

  Not seeing any other way, "Fine," I say. I turn and walk toward the dining hall. I have no intention of telling him about Caity, but I’m not going to let him know that.

  "Where ya' going, Lex?" He shouts into the wind. I roll my eyes.

  "I'm going to the Dining Hall to grab some food," I shout in the wind.

  "Well, you’re not going to leave me, are you?" He pouts.

  You have to be freaking kidding me! "Are you coming, then?" I say with as much irritation as I can muster. I walk cautiously along the path. There are places that shine with ice and I know for me, ice means instant death. Hunter is a few paces ahead of me as we pass the path that leads up to the Admin Building.

  "Is snail speed your normal speed, then?" he jests. I bite back a not so nice remark.

  We come across a small pond of glass that blocks the path and I wince at it. Hunter slides across like he's a figure skater. Glancing around and seeing that I have to take the path like a normal person; I step onto the icy sheet in a slight crouch. Taking another step, I realize that I have this.

  I'm not falling.

  I rise out of the crouch too fast and nearly fall. Heat pulses through my body and I know that Hunter has caught me again. I readjust my hand in his and a current of electricity pulses through my arm.

  I glare at him; his dark brown hair has fallen into his eyes. I hit him hard. His faces scrunches in anger and the muscles in his neck bulge, but he still holds me tight. “What was that for?" he growls.

  "Stop shocking me!" I yell at him.

  He squints his eyes and the muscles in his neck become less visible. He leans away from me. "What do you want me to do, Lex? Control static electricity?" he sneers.

  "Let go of me!" I snap and regrettably pull back from him. I lose my balance and Hunter tries to grab a hold of me, but I grab the bottom of his coat and sleeve awkwardly, causing us both to hit the ice, our limbs braid together, forming one.

  He grunts as he adjusts himself, so our legs are no longer knotted together. I laugh hysterically; he scowls, causing another eruption of laughter. He joins in, but quickly stops. My stomach hurts.

  Kids pass us, staring down at the mess in utter disdain as if we could possibly taint their precious sidewalks. Flurries of snow, like cotton in July, fall into my eyes and Hunter's hair, giving it the salt and pepper look.

  "I don't see what's so funny!" he barks and gracefully gets us both to the other side of the path. The storm brews in his eyes, darkening the pools of blue. He's got some creepy mood-ring eyes going on.

  "Your face," I tell him, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. He seems perplexed by this.

  "What's wrong with it?" his seriousness is hilarious. He brings his fingers to his face and touches his cheeks and chin. I laugh again, harder this time. I'm hunched over as my stomach muscles clench together and I fight for breath to come.

  "Vain much?" I laugh.

  He turns away. I straighten when I notice that he’s serious.

  I pull the hair out of my face. "You need to loosen up," I tell him because it's the truth. I wonder if this is how I act with Pierce and Caity. I hope not. I don't think it's possible to act so uptight and cocky. Then I think back to Hunter and my earlier conversation and realize I am actually pretty uptight...and maybe, come off as cocky.

  He sighs and I realize I may have hit a spot. "Sorry, it's just, I guess, you're not used to falling. It happens to me a lot, so I've learned not to take it seriously," I explain casually and smile awkwardly.

  He genuinely smiles back and I love the sweetness of it, not at all cocky like the grin that’s stained his face all day.

  "I’m not sure why, but I don't want you to get hurt. I don't like the thought of you falling," his deep blue eyes are apologetic and concerned.

  I swallow the tension. "It's cool. I'm starving."

  As we walk, Hunter clears his throat and says, "Will your friend who drew the picture be there?"

  "Designed," I correct him, "and, yes, she'll be there," I admit. I wonder why he's so enthralled with the picture, but don't push it. I also wonder why the heck I’m okay with introducing him to Caity, when before I was dead-set against it.

  Everyone is already at a table eating when we walk into the Dining Hall. I smell beef and green beans in the air. Ugh, I hate beef. There's a great salad bar though and I salivate at the thought.

  The Dining Hall never serves anything remotely unhealthy for breakfast or lunch, but somehow kids seem to find a way to smuggle in doughnuts and other sugary snacks...usually with my help.

  Pierce and Caity sit at our usual table by the window and Hunter walks with me toward it.

  "Are you hungry?" I ask turning around to meet Hunter's blue eyes.

  He nods his head in reply and I have to shake myself out of a trance. I walk with him to grab a plate and fills his with every meat imaginable; even one that looks like the leftover marbling from steak. I taste vomit at the appearance of the nasty sliminess, like worms slithering on porcelain. Bleh.

  "Not a fan, huh?"

  "I'm a vegetarian," I explain.


  "I like animals. I don't eat them."

  "So, if you didn't like animals would you eat them?"

  "Absolutely not," I tell him. "If you didn't like humans, would you eat them?"

  His eyeballs roll upward in his head and it's like he's actually thinking about this.

  "That's cannibalism," I tell him awkwardly. "...and illegal."

  "I don't like humans."

  "Neither do I, but...that's gross. I can't believe we are having this conversation. Ewww." I shudder involuntarily as a chill creeps up my back.

  Hunter impishly smiles before inhaling his food. His plate is licked clean before we even get back to the table. Guess he has a healthy appetite like Pierce.

  Before we arrive at the table, Pierce jumps up wearing a pinched expression that I haven't seen before. I'm confused. I've never seen Pierce so upset and I glance at Caity for help, but she raises her shoulders. Thanks, Cait.

  "Pierce, this is Hunter. Hunter, Pierce." I motion my hand between the two, feeling the claustrophobic tension enclose around me like a net catching prey. That should be my "make a run for it" or "take cover" sign, but I do neither. Of course.

  Quickly, I introduce Caity as well and she politely extends a hand and smiles cordially. "It's wonderful to meet you," she says and Hunter returns a closed-mouthed smile, like maybe he's thinking about something else. His lips curl up creating a sly smile, as if he has a secret.

  I'm annoyed he's so amiable with her when he and I have only had one moment with no fighting.

  Pierce glares at Hunter and I notice Hunter staring back with a crooked grin, “Hey man." Pierce extends his hand to Hunter, but Hunter doesn't return the gesture. Oh gawd. How childish.

  The muscles in Pierce's neck protrude, same with Hunter. It’s like they're physically gearing up for battle. So much for my smooth, calm, collected Pierce.

  I inhale sharply but keep my face straight and my posture rigid. The tension between us is like its own entity and it's radiating a force field. Pierce's gaze is glued to Hunter and Hunter is staring at Caity and me. Caity reaches out to place her hand on Pierce's arm and he recoils like a
snake. This is so uncomfortable!

  "So, you're new here?" Pierce asks. He hands me a water bottle, baggie with granny smith apple wedges and a s'mores granola bar--my favorite.

  "Thanks, Pierce."

  Hunter looks from Pierce to me with calculating eyes. It looks like he's going to say something shitty; instead, he settles for a vague reply, "It would seem that way."

  Utter silence cases us until I break the mold and say, "Caity, Hunter really likes the image you designed for the festival." She stops nibbling on her salad.

  Hunter turns toward my Irish best friend. "Yeah, it's something else. If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the idea for something so...striking?" he asks in a low voice.

  Caity's green eyes light up like freshly sliced honeydew melon.

  She looks to me, "Actually--" she starts, but Pierce interrupts her.

  "Where ya' from? I mean, where did you go to school before here?" Pierce is trying to be polite, I think. His tone is a little more menacing than it needs to be for a typical pleasant conversation, but who knows? I want to say it's a waste of time, but maybe Hunter will offer up information to Pierce.

  Hunter cracks his knuckles. I feel my lips pick up in an uncontrollable smile at his bad habit that Pierce has told me a million times he hates. "I was home-schooled," he tells us. "How long have you been here?" Hunter asks Caity.

  I munch on my granola bar, clearly not needed for any of the conversations taking place. "Seven years," she tells him.

  His eyebrows draw down and the corners of his mouth dip into a frown.

  "Don't look so sad about it," she reaches forward and strokes his arm.

  I notice that neither of them flinches away from the gesture.

  He smiles, "Not sad," he explains.

  "Your droopy face seems to think you are," she says motherly and Hunter smiles. I love the affect Caity has on people. It's awe-inspiring. Hell, what she's managed to do with me is practically like Moses parting the Red Sea.

  "Better," she says happily.

  Hunter looks between Caity and me, like we're his latest science project, and it feels uncomfortable sitting under his searching gaze.


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