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Page 12

by Emery Skye

  "Get off of me!" I growl gutturally and I surprise myself with how scary I sound.

  "Geez, chill out. You're the one who bit me. Remember?" His hair falls in waves, framing his high cheekbones.

  "Are you--"

  "--Serious? Yes. I am." I make out the faint, haughty expression on his face and at the moment, all I want to do is smack it off.

  I’m breathing so heavily; anyone within a mile radius can hear me.

  "Let go. You're hurting me, you big oaf," he lessens his grip a tiny bit.

  "Promise you won't hit me again?" His blue eyes shine brilliantly in the dark and are utterly captivating. I can't believe I'm admiring his good looks.

  "Yes, I promise."

  "Where ya' headed?" He releases my wrist and I consider running. I know he'll grab hold like a monkey and not let go again, so I creep away.

  "I have to go..." Should I tell him where? Or should I lie? " the hospital." No matter how crazy Hunter acts, I can't imagine him ratting me out.

  He runs his hand through his glossy hair. "Well, let's go then,” he pivots toward the parking lot.

  "You're joking, right?" I ask, perplexed.

  Again, he raises his eyebrow. "No, why would I be?”

  “Did you not hear what Miss Lawry said? You’ll be in huge trouble. Why risk it?”

  He shrugs.

  “What about what she said about your dad?”

  He frowns. “You have two choices, Lex. 1) I go with you 2) I tell Miss Lawry and neither of us go anywhere.”

  I sigh heavily and consider running. My heart thuds in my ears. What can I do? Not go see my grandmother? No, that's not plausible, whatsoever. Go see my grandmother, but with Hunter?

  It's not spending time with Hunter that has my skin's the unavoidable possibility that he might find out even more about me, and maybe about my family. In the woods, I had come close to telling him, but now, I'm resigned to the fact that he, nor no one else, will ever know the truth.

  It's easier to keep everyone as far away as humanly possible.


  "Do you have any idea how long your brother and I have been waiting?" I hopped into the backseat of my mom’s red Dodge Durango. My mom's eyes sparkled like the sea after a long rain and my brother's medium brown hair was sun-stained.

  "Sorry, Mr. Chesney asked me stay after and help him hang posters," I smiled apologetically, knowing she wasn’t actually upset with me. She shook her head with mock irritation.

  "Hey, sis." My brother turned in his seat and rubbed my head. "How was school?" his excitement hugged me.

  "It was... Hey!" He shot the wrapper of a straw off, and it hit me right between the eyes. I reached up and smacked him hard against the shoulder.

  He jerked away and whimpered like a tortured sheep. It was a half-witted attempt at making me feel tough. There was no way I could ever cause my brother pain. He was giant, seventeen, and easily the biggest guy at school. He was mom and dad's golden child who could do no wrong, but he was more than that... he was my best friend, big brother and protector.

  "Ha, ha. I'm sure I did serious damage." I slumped back into my leather seat and it made a farting sound. I readied myself for him to jump back with some immature comment. It never came. He laughed instead and that laugh warmed my very soul.

  My mind jerks me to another memory. I'm no longer sitting in the Durango.

  I'm walking up to my house. I've done this before. I scream at myself to stop, to stay outside, but no matter how hard I yell, it's silent. The girl in the memory steps forward. I know what's inside the house. As I inch closer, the scene materializes.

  The sun reflected off the shards of broken glass that were sprawled across the white, wooden patio. The fragments of light blinded me. The gaping hole in the glass door shakes me to my core.

  "Hello!" I shouted inside the house.

  My hands shake from unrestrained nerves. I wondered why mom didn't pick me up from school. I remembered our fight from the morning, but she’d never leave me. If something came up, she’d have Chase come for me. Why hadn't he?

  I recognize all these thoughts. They belong to the young, naive twelve-year-old girl I used to be.

  I reached for the knob on the door and the cold metal brushed against my bare skin.

  I scream at the younger me, "STOP!"

  "Lexi, Lex!" Someone's shaking me. I awake and look around frantically. I'm sitting in Hunter's Land Rover and we're driving down the canyon. "Are you okay?" he asks. His hand lingers on my forearm.

  I ignore his question. "How long was I out for?"

  "Not long. An hour."

  I wrap my arms around myself, self-conscious. I hope I didn’t scream.

  Cold air attacks my face; the AC is on full blast. Not to mention, the music must have been up, as well. My ears are ringing.

  "Are you tired? I can drive for a bit," I offer.

  He shoots me an incredulous look.

  "What?" I lean away.

  "You? Drive Rover?" He does a girly shake of the wrist. "I don't think so."

  I grumble and sink into my seat. Pierce comes to mind. Pierce taught me how to drive his truck. I started out grinding all the gears. I almost gave up a few times, but he never let me. He told me I needed to know how to drive a stick in case of an emergency.

  "Whatever. Drive us off a cliff then." As if on cue, he swerves, and I reach up to grab the ”Oh shit” handle. "If you aren't going to let me drive, fine! But you are not going to kill us. Pull over and get some sleep."

  Thunder claps in the distance and a lightning bolt zigs down behind a mountain in the distance. The flash of light blinds me.

  "On the side of the road? You would sleep in a vehicle on the side of the road?" His hooded eyes fall lower.

  I shiver from the cold.

  "Yes, I would! You obviously don’t know me as well as you think.”

  "That's not..." he mutters something under his breath.

  "There's a motel up the road," I voice, after I find the information on my phone.

  "Uh-huh," Hunter replies dejectedly.

  I press my lips together.

  "Remind me not to wake you up again,” he glances over at me from the corner of his eye.

  I rub the sleep from my eyes and stare into the black forest around us.


  I'm so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open. We go through the process of getting our bags and chatting with the front-desk guy. I'm on autopilot. The man at the front-desk quickly gives us the key when Hunter hands him a wad of cash.

  I want to ask Hunter why the heck he would keep so much cash on hand, but I'm too tired.

  Once we’re in the room, I head straight to the bathroom. I need a shower. Hunter goes in when I’m done. The shower turns back on. I hope I left enough hot water. This isn’t exactly the Ritz.

  A newspaper sitting on the bed catches my eye. It hadn’t been there when I first walked in the room, so it must belong to Hunter. I grab it. It's been weeks since I last read anything about the Ripper and curiosity nags at me.

  Two pages are missing from the paper. I scan the room. My eyes cover every square-inch of the cheap motel room.

  I find the missing papers sticking out the top of Hunter's backpack. I pull them out and "The Ripper Strikes in Colorado" is plastered at the top of the first page. I scroll through the pages. My stomach jumps into my throat at the photo of a girl who looks so much like me, down to the same scar on her right cheek.

  The shower turns off. I stick the pages back in his bag, but it’s like a rat destroyed them.

  I look down at their final placement in discomfort. I hope Hunter won't notice.

  The door opens and I jump back onto my bed.

  My breath hitches when Hunter walks into the room wearing only a towel. He's holding it loosely on his hips. I can't believe how defined and tanned his body is. Each muscle ripples with his every inhale and exhale. A large scar that cuts from his left peck down below his lo
wer right rip catches my eyes.

  He plants his crystalline eyes on me and I flush crimson under his gaze. I don't look away quickly enough.

  “Like what you see, Lex?”

  I glance down at the sheets like they're my saving grace and scream at myself. It's not like he's strutting in his birthday suit for shit’s sake. Hold it together, woman!

  “Cute,” I say. “I mean your comment is cute, not you.”


  “I mean you’re not not cute,” I groan. Shut up, Lexi.

  Hunter picks up his backpack. I freeze.

  I'm holding my breath and praying he doesn't notice the newspaper.

  "Lexi," he growls.

  "Yes," I say innocently.

  His teeth grind. He sets the backpack directly in front of me. "You went through my bag," he accuses.


  "You went through my bag," he repeats slowly.

  I want to call him a jerk for accusing me, but I know that would be foolish.

  I swallow. Any moisture in my throat burns away under his stifling gaze.

  "What did you find?"

  I stare at him and my skin burns at the sight of his partially naked glory.

  "Lexi," he starts.

  "Put on some clothes! Seriously!" I throw a stiff, floral-designed pillow at his face. It should be illegal to look that good.

  He chuckles. "What? You've never seen a naked guy before?" he bleats. I don't say anything.

  "Wait? Are you a virgin?"

  I remain silent and fidget with my wet hair. The hotel conditioner didn't do anything to help me out.

  "You are," he speculates. He's right, I am a virgin. Everyone at school has called me slut and horror, I've gotten used to it, but being called a virgin is different. It’s like there’s something wrong with me, which is nonsense. I’m only seventeen.

  The way he announces his finding, it's like he never thought it possible. I’m offended.

  He sighs.

  "I don't see what business it is of yours?" I retort.

  He shuffles through his bag, then the bathroom door closes and opens again.

  Hunter's dressed in loose grey sweats and of course, no shirt. "Is this better?" he asks sarcastically.

  "Great," I reply with a similar tone.

  "What did you find in my bag?"

  "The articles."

  I pick at the lose threading of the comforter.

  His eyes widen, then shrink to their normal size. "It's something I thought was interesting," he lays down on the other bed. It squeaks under his weight.

  "Why?" I ask.

  I roll over on my queen bed to face him. Goosebumps rise on my skin as my wet hair falls over my shoulder.

  "It's not important," he stares at the ceiling.

  "It is to me."


  I want to tell him that I have a compulsion to the murders. I want to tell him how I think the Ripper is after me, but I'm scared of what he'll think.

  "If I tell you something, you promise you won't think I'm crazy?" I ask.

  He rolls over to face me and my breathing feels forced now. I'm captivated by his penetrating blue eyes.

  "I already think you're crazy, Lex," he says deeply.

  I smile. "I'm being serious, Hunter."

  He shakes his head left and right. "No, I won't think you're crazy."

  I inhale through my nose. It's now or never. I roll off my bed, dig into my bag and pull out the folder that’s always on me. It contains over a year's articles on the Ripper. I sit cross-legged on Hunter's bed and hand it to him.

  He sits up, propping himself up on an elbow and takes the folder cautiously. Slowly he thumbs through the articles.

  "Why do you carry these?" he asks, holding the folder out. His brow furrows.

  The room is hot and I'm suffering from a severe case of claustrophobia. "I think he's after me," I tell him. I explain the similarities between the girls and myself. I tell him how the murders started right after I moved to Fairmont. I think the evidence sounds compelling, but judging by the look on his face, I'm not so sure.

  He sighs deeply and frowns. I have a hard time accepting the silence.

  He corks his jaw. "You think this and were still going to travel hundreds of miles by yourself?" his calm dissipates.

  His question confuses me.

  "Uh... yes," I stutter and busy myself with the loose strings again.

  "Promise me you won't go anywhere alone?"

  I carelessly stare into his eyes and I want to melt into the smooth, blue pools.

  I bite my lip, considering. "Does that mean you think it's true?" I dare question.

  "That's not what I'm saying. I see how you could think that, but there's no real evidence to support it," he pauses. "Are you scared?" he asks without a hint of his usual cockiness.

  "Sometimes," I admit. Should I tell him that I think I was meant to die years ago with my family and it's a mistake I'm still alive? It's a mistake I'm here and they're buried six-feet under. Why not? I've told him so much already. However, I give the g-rated version: "I should have died a long time ago."

  His eyes widen and eyebrows rise. "Why would you say that?"

  I shy away under his intense gaze. "It's a long story."

  "We have time."

  "I'm tired." I glance down at the white sheet.

  "I think...for now...that you should stick with me," his tone whimsical.

  "Oh? And why do you think that?" I tilt my head playfully. I forget what we're talking about. Hunter seems to have that effect on me.

  He places the folder on the dainty nightstand sitting between our beds and pushes himself up and leans into me. We're so close; his sweet, minty breath is intoxicating. He smells like the forest after it rains. I bask in the nurturing aroma.

  He brings his hand slowly to my arm and lifts up the strap that has slid off my shoulder.

  "You seem distracted, Lex," he says lofty.

  I jerk back to reality. "I'm fine. Thank you."

  "Don’t worry. I can keep you safe from the big, bad Ripper," he jokes.

  I nervously bite my lip. "Are you making fun of me?" I ask defensively.

  "No. Although, since I've met you, I have saved your life, repeatedly," a lopsided grin spreads smoothly across his face.

  "I can take care of myself," I retort, feeling heat permeate through my body. I'm having a hard time containing my anger. So, I'm a little uncoordinated... what's the big deal?

  He relaxes back down into his pillows. "Like I said before, I've noticed," he mutters. I take my folder off the nightstand and smack him over the head with it.

  "Hey, what was that for?" he asks.

  "For being a prick!" I yell at him.

  He doesn't know anything about me. I've taken care of myself every day since I turned twelve. I've lost everyone and everything. I'm sure he can't begin to know what that feels like.

  I go into the bathroom and slam the door behind me. I slide my back down the length of the wooden door and my chest heaves with small quakes of sadness. I try and quiet myself, to no avail.

  I wanted this to be a good last semester of high school. Now my grandmother sits in a hospital bed, my best friends are not only not talking to me, but they've disappeared and I'm stuck in a hotel room with someone who’s making fun of me and... and, he's right. I do need someone, but everyone leaves or dies. I'm alone.

  After a couple of minutes, there’s a knock on the door.

  "Lexi," Hunter calls. His voice is muffled. I'm mute. "Lexi," He grunts like an angry bear. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sure you can take care of yourself," he pauses. I can hear the apology in his breathing. "You're right. I am a prick," I still don't answer.

  He is a prick… sometimes, but that's not the real reason I'm shivering on a bathroom floor. I can deal with pricks. I've dealt with them in every corner of my life. I stand up and unlock the door.

  When I exit the bathroom, Hunter looks at me with concern etching his brow. "Lexi," he says

  "What?" I ask indifferent

  "I'm happy I'm here...with you," he says candidly.

  I crawl into bed.

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  I want to say no, but can't. Curse this spell he has over me. "What?"

  "Nothing. Never mind," I hear the apprehension in his voice. I know he wants to tell me something, but for some reason, he's holding back.

  "I really am sorry," he tells me. "What's really wrong?"

  "It's fine. Let's get some sleep." I roll away from him.

  A few minutes later, I say, “Hunter?”

  “Yeah, Lex?”

  “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  Silence. “No.”


  “Yeah, Lex?”

  “I’m happy I’m here, with you, too.”


  "Lexi!" I run into my grandmother's arms. She holds me in a tight embrace.

  "Nana, I was so worried. Don’t do that to me ever again!" I step out of her frail arms and survey her glossy eyes.

  "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She opens up her mouth, but I ramble on. "Miss Lawry told me that you were sick. Or, did she. I can’t even remember now. What's going on?"

  Hunter clears his throat. My grandma shoots a suspicious glance his direction. Her eyebrow is cocked and her lips are pursed. Her expression is filled with some vim and vigor that represents her personality so well.

  "Sorry! So rude…"

  I introduce my grandmother to Hunter. She smiles politely. I hug her again, so relieved that she is here and alive.

  “Grandma, you look amazing! Are you sure you didn’t check yourself in to flirt with the cute doctors?” Her grey hair is cut short in a pixie cut and her makeup is done, as usual.

  My grandma has to be one of the classiest ladies in the world. Always the bell of the ball.

  Grandma beams, but then she smacks me on the arm. “Lexi,” she scolds. “Trust me, hunny. I want out of here.”

  Hunter accidentally knocks a metal tray to the ground. The ringing echoes through the room.

  Not so graceful now.

  I chuckle as he shifts his weight from left to right. Finally, he settles down with legs crossed, arms crossed.


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