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Fake Fiancée Truly Angel: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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by Claire Angel

  “We’re home darling.” I said as I exited the car making sure my boner was gone. I saw Angel slowly got out of the car as she stared at my mansion and said “What makes you sure that I’ll agree to be your fiancé?” I saw that my driver overheard the question and this made him tense up and stare at Angel with shock. I can’t really blame him because he can’t really hear anything in the car if the window that separates the driver and passenger is closed.

  “Because we just sealed the deal with that kiss.” I said as I winked at her. She started madly blushing and I find myself adoring her even more. Suddenly she started panicking and asked “Is your parents here?” I chuckled at her as she looked like she was the real deal who was about to meet my parents.

  “No, this is my home. My parents live upstate.” I informed her which made her look more relieved. I grabbed her small hand and started leading her towards the entrance. Once we entered her jaw dropped, probably from the open space with a large chandelier and marbled floor. My butler and a few maids stared at us in wonder especially Angel since I wasn’t known to bring a woman home.

  “Master, may I ask who’s our guest today?” my butler asked. I squeezed Angel’s hand reassuring her that I was here for her. “Today you’ll address Angelica Adams as Mistress for she is now my fiancé.” I announced to everyone. This time it was their turn to drop their jaw in shock. My butler was composed he said “Congratulations Master and Mistress! I look forward to seeing your family grow.” This made Angel blush.

  My hand was still holding Angels’ and I once again started dragging her up the stairs and into my room. Angel’s eyes stared at every decoration of my home and my room wasn’t too far from the stairs. Her eyes widened even more as she stared at my room.

  “Wow… your room is amazing Asher.” she said as she stared at my room in wonder. My whole body tense when she said my name, it felt wonderful coming from her lips. I stood in front of her as caressed her lips with my fingers and commanded her “Say it again.”

  “Wow, your—”

  “No not that… my name.” I corrected her.

  “Asher.” she said and I couldn’t help but let out a groan just from her saying my name.

  “I love the way you say my name… Angel.” I could tell that I had the same effect on her since I saw how goosebumps spread across her skin when I said her name.

  “So since you’re about to be my fiancé… we should at least get to know each other… Unless, you have other ideas.” I teased as I lounged on the bed and patted the empty space beside me. She scowled and said “You wish… But I agree, we should at least get to know each other more.”

  We started talking about each other from each other’s birthdays to our favorites. I enjoyed talking to my Angel and I especially loved the way her lips move when she talks.

  I was lounged comfortably on my bed as she sat on the other side of the bed but with her legs crossed. We were only a few meters apart on my king sized bed and I was already drowning in our sexual tension. It’s like I have this itch I can’t scratch but really the itch is just wanting to envelope this whole person right in front of me in my arms and probably claim her in many ways possible right here on this bed. I knew she could feel it too.

  It’s this swirling, passionate feeling that wrenches my stomach one moment and the next it just makes me extremely horny.

  I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice that our conversation took an interesting turn. “I know that we’ve kissed… And by that I mean we both were involved in a heated make out session but that doesn’t I’ll sleep with you.” she said sternly.

  “Why not?” I asked teasingly.

  “Because I’m a virgin.” she blurted out.

  Interesting. Very interesting.

  Chapter 5


  We were so caught up in our conversation that Asher and I didn’t notice that it was getting dark. We even talked until Asher dozed off, he must’ve been extremely tired. As he lied on the bed, vulnerable. I began to get a good look at this man who surprised me and made my heart flutter the whole time we were talking.

  I rested my chin on my hands just a few inches away from his handsome face. He looked peaceful in his sleep. A few strands of his blond locks fell on his face, and I couldn’t keep my hands to myself as I pushed his hair back. I moaned just by the feeling of his soft hair. I almost felt envy that his hair was softer than mine. Unconsciously, my hand trailed down his strong handsome features on his face.

  “Can’t keep your hands off me, can you?” his voice startled me as I literally jumped back. He chuckled at my reaction and said “Want me to take you home or do you prefer to stay the night here? Besides, there’s plenty enough room beside me.”

  “I think it’d be best if I went home.” I told him. I didn’t want to stay here any longer no matter how much I yearned for his damn kiss. I couldn’t afford to feel such emotions, he’s a powerful CEO and not to mention a partner of my boss. I’m just a secretary. I don’t have any real title or riches to my name. He’s just a rich man who pretends that I’m his fiancé.

  What do I get out of this deal? He’s a rich man with connections. He said he’ll find something for me to get out of this. In the meantime, secretly, his kisses will do.

  Pretending to be his fiancé means that I would have to act like I’m in love with him but it’s starting to feel natural rather than acting. Just thinking about him not really having any real feelings for me made my heart clench painfully.

  I was snapped back to reality when Asher suddenly enveloped me in his arms, spooning me. I tried wiggling out of his hold but he was too strong. I don’t even want to know why the thought of him being strong turned me on.

  “It’d be best if you stayed here where I know my fiancé is safe.” he said but his voice was muffled against my hair. I will pretend that those words didn’t make my heart skip a beat. “Fake fiancé.” I corrected him. I mentally pulled out all of my hair. Why did I have to correct him?

  “Oh, right.” he said casually.

  Without any secret motives as Asher wrapped his arms around my waist, one of his hands landed on my skin beneath my shirt. I quivered against his touch, his icy fingers burned the skin where he’s touching. His hand started noticing where it was touching, his fingers started roaming on my exposed skin tantalizingly slow.

  I sucked in a breath as his fingers started reaching higher. I relished in each sinful touch and loving every second of it. I was starting to notice more and more of Asher, not only is he handsome and extremely charming but his touch is so gentle. Especially when he’s touching me, he makes it seem like I’m someone precious to him.

  Once his fingers reached my bra I instantly stood up making sure there was a distance between us. He smirked at my reaction like always and said “It’s dangerous to have you near me because at the moment… I can eat you right up.” As he licked each of his fingers. I madly blushed at his action and quickly said “I’m going to get some water.”

  Before I can exit his room he said “You know I can get my butler to bring us some refreshments.” I shook my head and said “No, I need the fresh air as well.” More like I needed to clear my head from this lustful daze of mine. As I exited his room I heard him shout “Hurry back.”

  This was extremely bad, not only was I staying the night at my fake fiancé’s house but the more time I spend with him the more I fall deeper. I didn’t want to be the pathetic girl who fell for the guy even when they struck a deal of having a fake relationship, it seemed extremely lame.

  I walked down the stairs and tried to search for the kitchen but it wasn’t hard finding the room. The problem was finding the cupboard for the cups. After minutes of searching somebody spoke up “Do you need help Mistress?” the butler’s voice startled me which made me whirl around to face him with my hand steadying my racing heart.

  “I apologize for startling you Mistress.” he said with a bow.

  “Please, call me Angel. It sounds awkw
ard when you call me Mistress.” I told him but he replied “I’m sorry Mistress but Master would be displeased if I called you by your given name. Do you need help with anything?”

  “I’m just here to get a glass of water.” I informed him. He walked around the kitchen and before I knew it he had a glass of water with a lemon on the side. “Thank you.” I told him as I took a sip of the water.

  “I’m so glad that Master has found someone as kind as you Mistress. It’s been a very long time since Master has brought anyone to his home.” he said.

  I couldn’t help but felt curious.

  “You mean… he brought someone here before?” I asked.

  “I really shouldn’t be telling you this but I doubt Master would ever want to bring this up again. If you haven’t noticed but Master isn’t too fond in having a secretary or an assistant,” I noticed it, at first it didn’t really bother me since it seemed like nothing but when my boss brought it up Asher suddenly became furious at the thought of ever getting an assistant.

  “But he did have an assistant before. She was his first assistant and not only did she work for him but they were also lovers.” he explained further. I couldn’t explain the painful twist in my heart at the mention of Asher ever having a lover. “Master just started up his company and it would’ve been a billion dollar company earlier if it wasn’t for his assistant betraying him.”

  “Betray him? How?” I asked.

  “By stealing important information and ideas from the company and giving it to her real lover.” he said. This time my heart didn’t twist painfully because the mention of lover but because my heart ached for Asher.

  “Master was pretty serious about her at the time. He was even thinking of marrying her one day but when he found out that everything was nothing but a fraud, Master was deeply wounded. He never dated another woman nor did he hire another assistant. He relied on his driver and I for everything personal but when it came to his business he worked alone and sometimes along with his partners.” he said.

  “Is the woman still present?” I asked but the real question I wanted to ask was if he still had feelings for this woman.

  “No, when Master finally made a name for himself, he managed to bring down his ex-lover and her lover. Making sure they’ll never make a name for themselves. After that his ex-lover practically begged him for forgiveness and to take her back. Well, you know his answer to that.” he replied.

  “You’re the total opposite of Master’s ex-lover not only in looks but personality wise as well.” he said with a wide smile.

  Who would’ve known that a handsome charming man like Asher could have so many emotional scars? But he smiles and lives his life like nothing ever happened. The way he kissed me doesn’t show that he’s been hurt before. Finally understanding Asher I acknowledged the growing feelings I have in my heart for him. The problem would be what to do with them?

  Asher and I just so happens to lock lips every now and then, and we also have this fake relationship. That doesn’t mean that he has real feelings for me. I shook my head from these thoughts, I’ve only met Asher twice and I was thinking of what to do with my feelings? I felt like I was a love sick teenager.

  Somehow it felt as if I’ve known Asher for a long time. This is exactly what I get for having no social life or love experience, I quickly and blindly fall in love. I entered Asher’s room expecting him to be smirking at me and asking what took me so long. Instead I find him softly snoring on his bed as he hugged one of his pillows.

  I smiled at his sleeping form as I sat on the other side of the bed. I may have these feelings locked up inside of my heart for this man and he may not return them one day. All I can do is pretend a little longer that I am his and cherish the moments that I have with him, even if none of them might be real.

  Pretending to be his fiancé?

  Wasn’t east, there was no book to instruct me.

  Pretending to be madly in love with him?

  No need to.

  Chapter 6


  It’s been exactly three months since Angel and I made the deal of being my fake fiancé. We agreed by the time we’re done pretending I would a job referral and would also write a recommendation if needed.

  Angel has been going to work with Eric but at the end of the day she would come home to my house. To say that it felt great to have her call my house home was a huge understatement. She made my house feel warmer than usual and by the time she leaves for work it suddenly becomes cold without her presence.

  It’s also been a month since I’ve announced my engagement to the public and almost every social media was going crazy over Angel and I.

  Today is a celebration for my company. Angel is attending as my fiancé. Within those three months that have gone I’ve learned as much as I could about Angel. I have yearned and longed to touch her within those three months but she made me promise that I wouldn’t lay a hand on her or kiss her if it had nothing to do with our fake relationship.

  In those three months I’ve seen her in a towel, in short shorts, and in a nightgown. And I behaved and kept my word that I wouldn’t lay a finger on her? But each time she walks around like it’s nothing it has a huge effect on me and I ask myself every time, what sort of torture is this?

  The celebration just started and many of our guest has arrived. Angel has yet to arrive but I walked around and talked to each of my guests. Some of them asked business questions while others asked about my engagement to which I just give them a wink.

  I was in the middle of talking with one of the guests when all of a sudden everyone’s attention was at the entrance. I hope Eric wasn’t making a scene. I excused myself from my guest to see what all the commotion is. As the entrance came into my view I came to a complete halt. There stood at the entrance was none other than my beautiful Angel looking like the very meaning of her name.

  She wasn’t wearing red like that night at the masquerade, this time she was wearing a silver evening gown that sparkled in the light. It had a sweetheart neckline but lace covered her arms. The gown fitted her well that it made each of her special features standout more. Her long raven hair was pinned up but had a few strands around her face. Her makeup wasn’t caked like most women who were here. She even wore the diamond ring that I gave her to show off our fake relationship.

  She looked absolutely stunning, leaving me speechless.

  When her grey eyes connected with mine she gave me a beautiful smile. And I find myself with the same question for the last three months, what sort of torture is this?

  Every cell in me screamed out to touch her. My hands were burning with a scorching fiery and the only way to put out this fire was to touch her. What even burned more was my groin, wanting to be inside her was almost dire. I mentally punched myself for agreeing with not laying a finger on her.

  She made her way towards me and I felt a literal angel was making her way towards me, the devil in disguise. When she stood in front of me I told her “You look beautiful.” Her cheeks showed a soft color of red making her look even more beautiful. She put one hand on my chest and leaned upwards to press a kiss to the corner of my lips.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself.” she complimented back. She’s oblivious of the effect she has on me. I suddenly remembered that we had to put on a show to prove that she and I were engaged. Everything seemed all too real for a moment.

  She clung to my arm as we walked around the party, guests greeted and congratulated us on our engagement. The only person who knew it wasn’t real was Eric, Angel’s boss. Even though I’m borrowing his sexy-tary he still got something out of this whole relationship fraud. He got more exposure since it was shown on one of the magazines that my beautiful fiancé is a secretary at Anderson Inc.

  Women all over New York City started applying at Anderson Inc. and Eric was thrilled, let me point out that most of the women who applied were single. Hoping they could also get engaged to a CEO.

  I was caught off guard when Angel
moved to stand in front of me and fixed the collar of my suit. She sighed and said “You’re a complete mess without me dear, what would you do without me?” My eyes were glued to her beautiful face that was focused on fixing my collar.

  Indeed, what would I do without you?

  It was truly a tormenting night. Angel walked around looking as beautiful as ever, and she showed her smile to everyone, it makes me almost jealous. But what made her even more beautiful was when she turned to look at me and smile. Knowing that smile was meant for me made my heart race.

  “Asher dear, are you alright? You seem a bit distant tonight.” Angel asked. I gave her a soft smile and assured her “I’m alright… just thinking about work.” Lie. The only thing on my mind was her and what lied underneath that dress of hers.

  When the celebration was over we retreated to our hotel suite. To keep up the image of our relationship Angel and I shared the suite. We walked around the suite almost like we were a married couple. She was barefoot, still wearing her dress but her hair was down and her face was clean from makeup. She walked around trying to find something.

  I walked out of the bathroom only wearing sweatpants. I didn’t mind Angel’s presence, in fact, I preferred it over others. When I entered the bedroom, shirtless, I saw Angel taking off her jewelry. When she noticed me her gaze snapped towards me as her cheeks suddenly turned a crimson color.

  “What?” I asked her, wondering what’s wrong.

  “You’re naked.” she stuttered.

  I chuckled at her cute reaction and said “If I was naked you would have a totally different reaction,” with a wink. “Why does it matter? You’ve seen me countless of times without a shirt.” I pointed out. She blushed even more and said “But we’re all alone in the room.”

  When she pointed out the obvious I suddenly noticed her presence alone and it only magnified my want for her. I’m extremely tempted to take her to bed and fulfill my naughty imagination of endless wanting. When we stay at my house she would usually sleep in the guest room, much to my disappointment.


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