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His to Protect

Page 10

by S Alexander

  “Strange. Your eyes water,” Catleya exclaims in surprise. She stares at me with wide-open eyes. “I’ve never seen this in any race.”

  “I’m crying. It’s called crying. People cry when they’re happy or sad.” I mutter and wipe my tears away. I get up and hug myself to cover my breasts. I’m still naked. The aliens took me undressed. “I need something to wear,” I say to Catleya.

  “No need for clothes. We’ll put you in stasis to protect the pregnancy.” Catleya head over to the operating table and retrieves a shiny tube-like object with a needle. My breath quickens at the sight of that long needle. It doesn’t take a genius to guess what’s that for. My hands sweaty, I take small steps behind.

  “What are you doing? Please don’t hurt me,” I mumble.

  “Hurt you? My dear, this is to protect you and the hybrid,” Catleya replies and heads in my direction. “It’s only a sting and you’ll fall asleep.”

  “No, leave me alone.” I run to the other side of the room, behind the operating table. I kick it to the front, aiming for the female. She dodges the table and grabs my arm, pulling closer. She pulls my hair away, revealing my neck. It takes only an instant for the needle to pierce my skin, injecting a stinging substance. Everything slows down. It’s like the slow-motion videos. I can hear no sounds, only images. I try to scream, but I can’t. I can’t control my tongue or my mouth. The images I see become darker and smaller until I can no longer see or hear anything. It all becomes dark.

  Chapter 17


  It’s hard to open my eyes. Every part of my body hurts as if stung by thousands of needles. There’s no sound. There should be sounds. I’m still lying on the floor, my head to the side. There’s no sight of the redhead human, Jessica. Then it all hits me. I remember the two aliens who came for her. I remember the fight and the shocking rod. They must’ve taken her, but where? I gather all my strength and lift myself off the floor. I back to the wall, resting there for a few moments.

  I’m Ka’el. I remember. It’s all coming back to me. Bits and pieces at first and then everything becomes clear. Jessica was right. We did meet before and we did mate as she claimed. She was telling the truth. Shame grows as I remember how I tried to mate her by force, how I pushed and demanded. I sigh loudly, my hand on my forehead. I know I wasn’t acting like myself. I was brainwashed and drugged and made to believe I was a soldier eager to obey. They will pay for this even if it’s the last thing I do. I’m no soldier. I’m Ka’el, high commander in chief, brother to the queen. Ah, the queen… that devious, murderous traitor. It doesn’t surprise me at all.

  And mostly I’ll make sure Veekhal will pay for all of this. Damn prick. I’ll fry his brains too. Maybe I’ll make him my slave. I shake my head, trying to get rid of these useless thoughts. I need to focus on getting Jessica. I can’t risk losing her again. I lost her once. I won’t let it happen again. I won’t fail her again. I get up, my legs still shaking. I reach the door and try to remember the code. Come on, Ka’el. Think. It’s not so hard. I key in a four-digit combination and boom. There goes the alarm. Fuck. The code is wrong.

  The room rings with the sound of the alarm and I know this is my chance to get away. I’m pretty sure someone will come to check and that’s my ticket out of here. I step to the right of the sliding door and press my body against the wall. I don’t breathe, I just wait. Wait for freedom, for an escape, for the chance to save my human. Yes, MY HUMAN because she’s mine to love, mine to protect. I’d rather die than lose her again. It won’t be long and they’ll barge in, looking for me. I close my eyes and try to connect to Jessica. Jessica, where are you? Speak to me. There’s no answer. I can’t sense her and that terrifies me. I try again and again, but all I get is silence and darkness. That can only mean one thing, but I refuse to consider it. I won’t. Not now. Not when I found her. I can’t lose her again. My sorrow turns to anger, rage. My nostrils flare, my heart beating like a drum. I clench my fists and wait for my visitors to arrive. It won’t be long. Any moment now.

  I know they are coming. I can hear their footsteps. I clench my fists harder and wait for the doors to slide open. I only have time to take one more breath when the sound of the sliding doors brings my adrenaline to high levels. An alien male comes in first, laser gun in his hand. I kick him hard, aiming for the throat. The male falls to the floor, struggling to breathe. In an instant, I reach down and take his laser gun, in time to shoot the other male following him. This one drops dead, a puddle of blood surrounding his lifeless body. I turn to the first one who’s gasping for air. I aim the gun at his temple, fighting my urge to pull the trigger. Not yet, anyway.

  “Where’s the human female? Answer me or I’ll blow your brains out,” I growl. There’s no answer, the male still struggling to breathe. I allow him more time to catch his breath and ask again. “Tell me where she is, you fool.”

  “I… I can’t breathe,” he mutters.

  “If you don’t tell me, there won’t be any need to breathe because you’ll be fucking dead,” I shout and grab his hair, pulling him closer. His eyes open wide and I can see he’s terrified. I’m willing to kill them all for my human. They deserve to die for taking her. “TELL ME,” I shout, brows arched in a frown. My heart beats so hard against my chest, nostrils flaring with every breath.

  “She’s in the lab room. Catleya’s orders to take her there. I don’t know anything else,” the male mutters. I let go of his hair, his head hitting the floor as it falls. He backs away from me, dragging his body to the bed. I throw him an angry gaze and head for the door. I don’t kill this one. I got what I wanted from him and he’s no threat to me. I let him live.

  “What’s your name, soldier?” I ask him right before leaving this room.

  “Hekhabe,” he answers.

  The corridor looks safe. I don’t hear anyone else coming and the ringing alarm has stopped. I make my way forward, paying attention to any sound. The laser gun aims forward, fully charged. Ok, another turn, and I reach the elevator. My joy is overridden by the deafening sound of a security alarm ringing all around me. Hekhabe, you fucking traitor. The ungrateful bastard informed them about my escape. Great, just great. The blood in my veins boils with anger. I should have killed the bug. That’s what you get for showing emotions. Emotions make you weak. I don’t understand why humans are all about this emotion thing. I let myself overrun by emotions and now I risk losing Jessica. Not again. I’ll kill everyone standing in my way. You’re either with me or against me. No concessions.

  It doesn’t take long for soldiers to arrive. I can hear them coming and they sound like at least a dozen. I look around all directions but there’s no place to hide so I stay right here in the middle of the corridor, my gun aimed forward. It’s either me or them, but at least I’ll die trying.

  “Freeze,” the alien leading the band shouts. “Don’t move.” I recognize him. He’s the one who fried my brain, Veekhal. All the soldiers behind him stop, their guns aiming me.

  “Easy now, Veekhal.” I raise my hands, and. I remember everything. I remember what he did to me and to Jessica. He’ll be the first to die and I want to kill him with my bare hands. “Don’t do anything stupid. I’m not trying to cause any trouble.”

  “You already did. You had strict orders to follow, and you failed,” he says.

  “If I remember correctly, it is YOU who disobeyed MY orders,” I tell him.

  “So, you remember… Ka’el,” he says grinning. “At least you’ll know who killed you.”

  “Why so violent?” I reply. I am bluffing right now. I know I’m outnumbered and I don’t stand a chance but I can’t give up. Jessica needs me and I can’t let her down again. I will never forgive myself if anything happens to her.

  “Do you all know who I am?” I shout. There’s no answer. Those behind Veekhal look at each other, then all of them look down. Of course, they know who I am. “I am Ka’el, your commander.” Not a single male dares to answer.

  “You are no commander
. This spaceship only has one commander and that one is me, Veekhal. The Queen appointed me herself after your betrayal,” Veekhal replies. “You betrayed your kind for some human fuck.”

  “If anyone is a traitor, that would be you,” I groan. My heart races like crazy and I’m about to jump at the fool. I cannot believe the nerve on this guy. “What would you call someone who erases the memory of his commander?” I address the males behind Veekhal. Still, there’s no answer from them. “Why are you so afraid to speak your mind?”

  “We’re not afraid to speak. We just don’t have anything to say to you. We obey commander Veekhal,” a Valkryan to the right of Veekhal says.

  “What you’ve been told by Veekhal and the Queen is nothing but lies. I have not betrayed Valkrya and I would never endanger our kind,” I say to them. “Vektal? Isn’t that your name, soldier? I remember you very well,” I say to the one who spoke. Vektal lowers his gaze and looks unsettled.

  “Yes, that’s my name,” he says.

  “Silence,” Veekhal growls. “Do not speak to traitors.”

  “Understood,” Vektal says back.

  I have no plan, no clue what to do. If I open fire, I’ll be hit. There’s too many of them and they all carry laser guns. I can tell from the number of red dots on my chest. My only target dot rests on Veekhal’s forehead. With a single pull of the trigger, he’ll drop dead, but I am unsure of how loyal the others are to Veekhal. I can’t risk Jessica’s life. She needs me as much I need her. My stream of thoughts is brought to an end by a male who jumps forward, holding the gun to Veekhal’s temple. It’s Anil’ha. My heart fills with joy seeing him alive.

  “Put the guns down or he dies,” he shouts at the ones behind him. He grabs Veekhal from behind, his arm over his throat, and turns facing the laser. “I order you to put the lasers down… NOW.”

  “Do as he says,” Veekhal mumbles like the coward he is. The Valkryan soldiers put the lasers down, one by one. Anil’ha backs away toward me, Veekhal still in his grab. With a twist of the arm, he breaks Veekhal’s neck, his body dropping to the floor. A male reaches for the laser, but I shoot just before he can take it. He drops dead. Anil’ha shoots another to the left and the one right behind. Blood splashes all over, a few drops landing on my face.

  “STOP. There’s no need for a bloodbath. Now that Veekhal is dead I reclaim my place as commander of this ship,” I say. They are my people and some of them I remember as honorable and kind.

  “Listen to Commander Ka’el,” Anil’ha says to them. He turns to me and bows his head. “Commander Ka’el, I shall serve and obey.” I pat his shoulder and give him a big hug. “Thank you, my friend. I owe you.”

  “I know how to spot good people, and you’re one of the best Ka’el,” Anil’ha says back.

  All the other soldiers bow their heads and put their palm out, touching the heart. “We serve and obey, Commander Ka’el.”

  “Dismissed. You may return to your living quarters,” I order the Valkryan soldiers. I don’t want to deal with anything else right now. My focus is Jessica, my human. I hope it’s not already too late. I hurry to the elevator, taking Anil’ha with me. I know he’s my trustworthy friend and I can always count on him to be there for him.

  “I hope it’s not too late, Anil’ha. I need to find the human.” We reach the elevator and the door opens. I step inside first, followed by Anil’ha.

  “Don’t worry. She’s in the lab. I haven’t seen her, but I heard she is very precious to Valkrya. I do not know why. I am sure she is all right.” Anil’ha follows me in the elevator and I instruct the computer to take us to the lab room. I am worried about my human. I shall exterminate those who dare to defy me. I fear something might have happened to her, and I was not there to protect her. The elevator stops and we both get out of it, heading for the lab. A few Valkryan soldiers patrol the hallway. They immediately recognize me and bow their head with respect. I ask Anil’ha to hand me the communicator because I want to inform everyone aboard about retaking control of the spaceship.

  “Attention Valkryans! This is commander Ka’el speaking. I have taken control of the ship and I expect all of you to obey my orders. I shall exterminate those who dare to defy me. Commander Veekhal is no longer in charge. I hope I have made myself clear,” I say via the communicator, my voice sounding all over the ship. The soldiers step aside, making room for me and Anil’ha to pass. I keep my head straight, nodding from time to time as the Valkryans pay their respect. Anil’ha follows me behind. We arrive at the lab room and I enter the passcode. The doors open and we step inside where Catleya greets us.

  “Commander Ka’el,” Catleya says, bowing her head in respect. “I wasn’t expecting you.” I don’t answer her, but I scan her with my gaze, looking for any weapons she might have. “I heard your message through the communicator. Is there something I could do for you?”

  “I will deal with your betrayal later. Now take me to the human. She is still alive, I hope. Is she not?” I speak in a commanding voice. She betrayed me and I trusted her completely. It seems the privileges she enjoyed as Veekhal’s pet were worth more than my trust in her. I realize now how naïve I was. I surrounded myself with liars and traitors.

  “She is alive, commander. She is in another room, carefully cared for. She’s our first successful experiment, sir,” she says, her gaze down.

  “Successful experiment? What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Commander Ka’el, you’re chief of the Breeding Facility. I’m sure it’s very clear to you. She is carrying an offspring. The first inter-species success after so many failed attempts. I am sure you remember. The human is in stasis commander. We couldn’t risk anything.”

  Her belly is filled with an offspring. Is it mine? Am I really going to be a father? My heart fills with joy, my eyes watering for a moment. I’m surprised at my reaction. Tears? Is that what Jessica called the water in her eyes? “Was she bred by another male before me? Answer me,” I growl.

  “No, Commander Ka’el. I am positive the offspring is yours,” she says, her gaze studying me. “Your eyes water. I have not seen this in a Valkryan.”

  “Take me to her,” I command her.

  “You must be proud, Ka’el. You’re the first to have an offspring in so many years. I’m glad it’s you of all Valkryans,” Anil’ha says and flashes a gentle smile.

  “Thank you, my friend.”

  Chapter 18


  I can’t open my eyes, but I’m awake. I cannot breathe, but I don’t suffocate. It feels like I’m floating, but I can’t move. And everything is so silent. Not a single sound. Only the beats of my heart. I should freak out but instead, I feel so peaceful and relaxed, not a worry in the world. It’s like time does not have a meaning anymore and I’m trapped in this eternal peace. I think of the life growing inside me and it makes my heart jump with joy. I am happy. I haven’t been this happy in as long as I can remember. Not so happy on Earth, certainly not on this damned planet. Except for Ka’el. He’s been kind and gentle and sweet. And now us having a baby. It’s freaking unbelievable. I thought I’d never have children and now I’m pregnant with a gorgeous, blue alien. God’s ways are mysterious.

  “Jessica, wake up,” I barely hear a voice calling for me. It sounds familiar. It’s Ka’el’s. His voice becomes louder and louder and I’m able to open my eyes. He’s here and hovers over me, his hand gently caressing my forehead.

  “Welcome back, my human. I’m glad you’re awake,” he tells me and kisses my head. I don’t say anything but smile at him, enjoying the soft touch of his lips. He’s here, and it’s all that matters right now. I thought he was dead, and I’d never see him again.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Ka’el. What happened?” I ask and cuddle next to him. I’m naked, my body covered in a gross slime. I wrap my arms over my body, my skin covered in goosebumps from the cold. “I’m so cold,” I tell him.

  “Catleya, bring Jessica something to wear,” he tells the alien female who is at the fa
r end of the bed I’m lying in. Immediately, she leaves the room to fetch a garment for me.

  “I thought you died there when those aliens dragged me,” I tell him and look into his big eyes. “When that one shot you with the laser, your gaze was fixed, and you didn’t move. My heart broke into a million pieces.”

  “They can’t get rid of me so easily. I’m sorry you went through this,” he says, his kahuni flickering. I can feel mine doing the same thing. It was strange at the beginning but now I’ve got used to it and I kind of enjoy its regular humming underneath my forehead. And it mostly does it when Ka’el is near me. He told me the kahuni flickers when it found its mate. That means Ka’el is my mate. I blush a little at the thought and smile, my cheek pressed against Ka’el’s arm.

  I sit up on the bed and turn my head toward Ka’el. A sudden feeling of fear runs through me. My heart races like it wants to jump out of me, my hairs sticking out. I’m afraid I’ll lose him again. I’m afraid I’ll be taken and dragged again. It’s become a constant of my life on Valkrya. “I’m scared, Ka’el. Are we safe?”

  “Don’t worry, Jessica. You’ll be all right now and I promise you I’ll protect you with my life. Veekhal is dead and I’ve taken control of the spaceship,” he says and comes closer to me, hugging me with his muscular body. The drums of my heart slow down as if my heart knows I’m safe in his arms.

  “Are you sure? Promise me you’ll never leave again,” I say and rest my head on his chest. “Not now. Not ever.”

  “I’ll never leave you or our child, Jessica,” he whispers. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been and the gift you offer me is something I’ve never even dreamt of.”

  “You know?” I smile and kiss his bare chest.


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