Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3)

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Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3) Page 21

by Heather Lyn

  Jace comes walking into the bedroom about five minutes later, a towel around his waist, his hair damp and brushed back off his face.

  “Jesus, who would have thought a hot shower would feel that good?” he groans, and I laugh, knowing exactly what he means.

  “Tell me about it,” I say, winding my arm around his neck to kiss him.

  An hour later, we’re leaving the house, diaper bag over his shoulder. It’s a warm day, and I’m looking forward to spending time with his parents after the girls’ appointment.


  Hours later, we’re pulling in our driveway, both of us completely beat. We stayed for dinner at Anna and Clint’s, and it was wonderful. Emily and Grace spent the whole time cuddling their grandparents, and it was a good day, although the reality of Jace going back to work is settling in. I’m gonna miss him like crazy, but I have to be strong about it, because I know it won’t be easy on him either.

  He carries both of the car seats into the house, and I lock the door behind us.

  “I’m gonna get them changed for bed,” he says.

  I nod in return, tossing the diaper bag on the couch. Kicking my shoes off, I pad into our bedroom, going for the laundry basket that has my clean clothes in it. Changing into a pair of pajamas, I stop in the bathroom to wash my face, then make my way to the kitchen for a cup of tea. I’m just setting the teakettle on the stove when Jace yells for me.

  “Gracie just puked on our bed, baby. Can you bring me a towel?”

  Pursing my lips, I mumble under my breath while making my way to the hall closet, grabbing a clean towel. “Why did you change them on our bed? Now we’ll need new sheets.”

  Coming into the bedroom, I don’t find Jace, just the babies lying on the bed. Tossing the towel on the other side, I lean over to find them in clean onesies, no puke to be found.

  “Jace, if this is some kind of joke, it’s not—” I break off when I notice their clothes, the onesies not ones I’ve ever seen, black text across each of them. My eyes immediately fill with tears and I gasp.

  Will you marry Daddy?

  Spinning around, I find Jace kneeling behind me, a small black box in his hands.

  “Stella Jane Cole, you are without a doubt the greatest thing to ever happen to me. You’re the love of my life, the mother of my children, and my best friend.” He has tears shining in his eyes as he pops open the box, revealing a stunning pear-shaped diamond.

  My tears overflow, running down my cheeks.

  “Will you marry me, baby?”

  Dropping to my knees in front of him, I nod wildly, laughing through my tears.

  “Yes. Yes, Jace Miller, I’ll marry you.”

  That gorgeous smile breaks out over his face, and he slips the ring on my finger, immediately grabbing me in his arms to kiss me, his lips rough and warm against mine. His tongue sweeps inside my mouth and I groan against him, tightening my arms around his neck.

  “I love you so much,” I whisper, pulling away to look into his beautiful eyes.

  “I love you too, Stell. So fucking much.”

  Emily’s and Grace’s shrieks of happiness a moment later is all the celebration we need.

  Yes, girls, I will marry your daddy.

  And it’s the easiest decision I’ve ever made.



  Three Months Later

  Standing in front of the massive floor-length mirror, I run my hands down the lacy material. My hair is in loose waves, my makeup some waterproof mascara and lipstick, with the tiniest brush of blush over my cheeks. The soft veil is attached at the crown of my head, cascading down my back. My wedding dress is a soft ivory, the bodice made of lace, the skirt billowing down around me. It was the second dress I tried on, and I just knew. Around my neck is the diamond drop necklace Jace gave me for Christmas.

  “Stella, you look amazing,” Lindsey gushes, and I spin around to look at her, Sadie, and Ashley.


  “Jace is gonna die,” Ash chimes in, and I laugh.

  “Well, hopefully not,” I jest. “I’d like to marry him today.”

  “Oh, girl, you know what I mean.”

  Looking at my bridesmaids and maid of honor, I give them a huge smile, pulling them in for a group hug. They’re wearing soft dresses in the palest shade of blue. They’re made of the same material the bottom of my dress is, and they look beautiful.

  “Does Jace have Em and Gracie?” I ask, and Sadie shakes her head.

  “Mason does. They were getting fussy, so he and Jules took them for a walk.”

  A loud knocking comes at the door, and Jules pokes her head in, her long brown hair done in little ringlets. In a blue dress with a puffy skirt, she’s the perfect flower girl, and she’s been taking her job very seriously.

  “Auntie Stella, I think the babies are hungry.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Let me get out of my dress for a minute, and then you can bring them in, okay?”

  I just fed them a couple hours ago, but apparently my hungry monkeys didn’t have enough.

  Ashley helps me out of my dress, and then I shrug into the silk robe I brought. Lindsey and Sadie step into the hallway to help grab my girls, and I sit back on the chaise in the room.

  Anna made them the sweetest little dresses to match mine, and their headbands have a rose on the top. I’m completely in love with them. Ashley bounces Gracie on her hip while I feed Emily, and in twenty minutes they’re both calmed down.

  “It’s almost time, babe. Everyone is getting into their seats,” Lindsey announces, and I get butterflies in my stomach, making me laugh at the thought. What do I have to be nervous about? I’m marrying the man I love, with everyone we share our lives with attending.

  Another knock on the door as I’m stepping back into my dress, and Sadie comes over to me, a smile on her face. “Stella, Mason wants to talk to you before you go down.”

  “Okay. Can you guys get the girls situated for me? We’ll be right down.”

  Ashley nods, zipping up my dress, and then she kisses my cheek.

  “See you in a minute.”

  Slipping my feet into my wedding shoes, a low heel with our initials on the sole, I turn around just as Mason walks in. Dressed in a navy suit with a white shirt and checkered tie, he looks every bit our father. My eyes water as he steps over to me, holding my hand to slowly turn me and get a look at my dress.

  “Jesus, Stella,” he breathes, and I bite down on my bottom lip.

  “Do I look all right?”

  “You are a vision, little sister. And you look so much like Mom it’s crazy.” Mason shakes his head, trying to clear his emotions, and I let out a little laugh. Resting my hand on his forearm, I give him a kiss on the cheek, gripping him tight.

  “How’s Jace?”

  “Anxious as fuck. He loves the hell out of you, I hope you know that.”

  “I do. I love him too.”

  “Well, that’s good. Otherwise, today would be a waste.” Mason breaks the curtain of emotions, and we both laugh. Wiping a stray tear away, he cups my face so he can look down at me.

  “Well, I gotta go, but I’ll see you down there, Stella.”

  I’d planned on walking the aisle myself. But in that moment, I know I was wrong to think I could do it alone.

  “Hey, Mase? Actually, would it be okay if you walked me down the aisle?”

  Mason nods, but the tears in his eyes betray him, and a couple fall down his cheeks. “I’d be honored to.”

  “It’s been you and me against the world for almost twenty years, Mase. Every time I fell, you were there picking up the pieces. I have no idea how I would have gotten through all these years without you. You’re not just my brother, you’re my best friend. One of the most important people in my life, and I love you so much.”

  “Love you, Stell.” Mason kisses my forehead and then holds his arm out for me. “Now let’s go get you married.”

  Stepping into the hallway, I find the girls waiting for
me. Ashley hands me my bouquet filled with lilacs and pretty white flowers. Mason leads me over to the back door, where I can hear the soft strands of the music playing through the backyard.

  When I told Mason I wanted a backyard wedding, he pulled all the strings he had and had a client of his rent out their summer home to us. Sprawling green grass, a view of the mountains, and a giant reception area. Flowers are everywhere, a white train down the aisle. We only invited thirty people, wanting a more intimate wedding, and most of them are work friends, Jace’s grandparents sitting up front with his parents.

  Sadie and Lindsey walk down the aisle first, with Ashley right behind them as the maid of honor. Mason moves us so I’m just out of sight of the guests, and I fight back my tears when Jules starts down the aisle, her sweet face all lit up, her excitement over this day infectious.

  I hear the song change and our music start, and then we start walking.

  This is it.

  Coming around the corner, we arrive at the aisle, and I’m given my first full view of Jace. He’s standing at the arbor, Drew right next to him as his best man, Brody and Garret standing up there with them. They’re all in navy suits that match what Mason has on, but Jace has on tan pants. He looks perfect, and I choke back a sob as we begin walking down the aisle.

  We’re only halfway when Jace’s head drops and he pinches the bridge of his nose, and all bets are off. Mason holds my hand that I have around his arm and squeezes. When we arrive at Jace, he shakes his head at me in awe, unable to tear his eyes from me.

  And he’s all I see.

  All I have ever seen.

  Mason kisses my cheek and then takes his seat next to Anna and Clint, who are holding our sweet girls on their laps.

  Taking Jace’s hands in mine, I turn to face him, and he gives me that signature smile, melting my heart.

  “Perfect,” he mouths to me, and I blow him a kiss.

  “Family and friends, we have gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jace and Stella,” the preacher begins, but I barely hear anything he says.

  All I hear is Jace.

  All I see is Jace.

  And as we promise to love each other unconditionally, in sickness and health, I know without a doubt in my mind that this will forever be the best decision of my life. He and our girls gave me something I haven’t had in a long time.

  A family.

  And now he’s mine forever, and I’m his.

  Minutes later, we’re pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Jace Miller, and Jace pulls me into his arms, his wedding band glinting in the bright sun.

  “Fucking finally,” he whispers, and he takes my mouth in a searing kiss, smiling against my lips when everyone starts clapping and cheering.

  “I love you,” I whisper back, and he steals another kiss.

  In that moment I let my heart soar.

  Jace is finally my husband.

  And me? I just became the happiest woman on the face of the earth.


  “Change Your Name” by Brett Young starts playing, and I’m locked in Jace’s arms as we sway to our first dance. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he runs his hand up and down my back as we dance, my thoughts going back to that night a couple weeks ago when he told me he had a song for me to listen to.

  I was determined to find our first song and for it to not be country, because you know, my soon-to-be husband hates country. When I heard this song, he spun me around in the kitchen and I danced to it on tiptoes with him, his cheek pressed to mine. I knew it was ours.

  Jace moves us so he can kiss me, and even though we’re in the center of the dance floor, everyone we love around us, it’s like we’re in our own world. His forehead drops to mine, and I close my eyes, winding my left arm around his neck. Running his left hand up to hold mine, he turns his head to kiss my fingers and then slips his arm back around my waist.

  “Mrs. Miller, I couldn’t possibly be any more in love with you than I am right now,” Jace whispers to me, and I smile, tears burning my eyes.

  “I love you too. And in case I didn’t tell you, you’re looking mighty handsome, husband.”

  “Mmm, say that again, baby.”

  “You look—”

  “No,” Jace cuts me off, his eyes locked on mine. “The other part.”

  I grin at him. “Husband.”

  “That’s the one.”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh, Jace’s arms tightening around my waist. He laughs too, and when the music changes only moments later, he shakes his head at me, knowing I completely got him. “Love Shack” is blaring through the speakers, and he throws our arms up in the air as the dance floor begins to fill with people, the party getting started.

  Years from now, when I think back on this day, it won’t be the stress or nerves I remember. It won’t be when I shoved the cake in Jace’s face, or when he gave me a big kiss that smeared frosting all over my own face. It won’t be him dancing with our girls, twirling them around the dance floor as the sun went down, the white lights twinkling above them.

  I’ll think about how it was the day I married the love of my life.

  The father of my children.

  My best friend.



  One and a half years later

  Today is my sweet babies’ second birthday. Time flies, and that’s the truth. Each day passes faster than the one before, and it’s hard to believe they’re already two. Emily and Grace are the spitting image of their beautiful mother, with my blue eyes.

  “Jace, can you bring the candles, babe?” Stella yells to me from the dining room, where our family has gathered to celebrate the girls’ birthday. Finding the package of pink and yellow candles, I pick them up and bring them to my wife. She takes them with a smile, and I give her a kiss. She’s recently cut her long hair to just above her shoulders, and she looks stunning.

  Emily and Grace are sitting in their big girl seats at the table, Jules playing Patty Cake with them while we wait to sing happy birthday. Stella put their brown hair into little pigtails, and they’re in matching purple dresses.

  They’re my greatest accomplishment. I’m ready for another baby, and I think Stella is too, but we haven’t talked much about it.

  “Are my girls ready?” Stella asks, both girls clapping their hands.

  “Mama, take!”

  Lighting the candles, she moves the unicorn cake in between them, and we all start singing. The girls smile wide, and when it’s time to blow out the candles, both Stell and I kneel to help them. Everyone claps, and my mom offers to cut the cake up. Stella maneuvers around the table to come over to me, wrapping her arm around my waist as I pull her against me.

  “You did good, baby. The party is beautiful.”


  She leans her head on my shoulder, and I look around the room, filled with the most important people in our lives. Drew is having a beer, laughing at something Brody said to him. Garret is holding Hadley on his shoulders, her long brown hair covering his face, and Linds and Sadie are in deep conversation with Gen. Ever since that day at lunch, we’ve seen a lot more of our cousin, everything back to normal with her. She’s dating a businessman from her town, and I notice her baby bump has finally started to pop. She broke the news about a month ago, and we’re all thrilled for her. Although nobody more than Aunt May and Uncle Eddie.

  Eli is leaning against the wall with Ashley tucked against his side, her brand-new engagement ring sparkling across the room. They just got engaged a couple months ago, and Stella has been helping her plan the wedding.

  My dad is opening the packages of plates, his hair a little grayer these days. Mason is helping my mom cut the birthday cake, Jules waiting patiently for a piece. She has blossomed into a beautiful young teenager, and she gives her daddy hell every single day. Stella says its karma for what a pain in the ass he was when they were kids.

  Stella is just happy that he’s finally started seeing somebody. He won’t tell us much, but Mason
is a changed man. I’m damn happy for him too.

  “Uncle Jace, do Em and Gracie want corner pieces?” Jules yells to me, and I laugh.

  “Sweetheart, they’re two. I don’t think they’ll care.”


  Carefully, she carries two small pieces of cake to my girls, and they both dig in, their faces smeared in pink and purple frosting.

  “They’re gonna be permanently stained, Stell,” I groan.

  She just slaps my arm. “Stop, it’s their birthday. It’s just a little cake.”

  “I know, I know,” I huff, and she chuckles.

  “You’re such a good daddy,” she whispers.

  I beam at her words. Every day I do my damn hardest to be the best I can.

  “Well, they have an amazing mommy who teaches me how.”

  “They’re getting so big,” she says, watching the girls with a smile on her face, eyes filled with pride.

  “I know. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were going to the hospital?”

  “Sure feels like it.”

  “I guess you’re just gonna have to give me another baby, huh, Stell?” I joke, and she laughs.

  “Well, if you can wait about seven months, then sure.”

  “Seven months….” My eyebrows shoot up at her words. “Are you…?”

  “I’m eight weeks. Went to the doctor last week, and they confirmed it.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I breathe, my heart pounding in my chest.

  She smiles widely. “Nope. Congratulations, you’re gonna be a daddy again.”

  Cupping her face, I devour her mouth with mine, unconcerned with our family watching the display. Pulling away, I watch a single tear run down her cheek, and I wipe it away softly with the pad of my thumb.

  “I love you,” I say, giving her another kiss.

  “I love you too.”

  Pretending like she didn’t just throw the best news in the world at me, we go back to the party. Drew kneels in front of Gracie to give her a kiss, but she shoves a chubby handful of half-chewed cake in his face, squealing with laughter.

  “Thanks, sweet girl. Uncle Drew was dying to try your cake,” he jokes, and Stella hands him a napkin. Wiping the mess off his face, he reaches down to rub his hand over her head.


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