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A Tale of Two Lenores

Page 20

by Terry Mattingly

  At least, Shane did make it home safe. Tim Sells sent her text sometime in the wee hours of the morning.

  He is home safe. I will stay with him tonight. He has been down since you left. Drinking too much. Not like him. Pictures of your party sent him over the edge. I am not excusing his behavior. He was an ass to you.

  THX, Tim.


  Okay. Tim drove him home, so Travers is safe. I guess he didn’t cuddle up to a blond last night either. Why do I care? Lenore had to let it go. She had taken today off work to prepare for her second video interview with Hylton University. Lenore had received responses from three colleges and one museum since sending out her CVs. The position at Hylton is for assistant professor. Lenore knew she would be replacing Dr. Gabby Barnes who will be moving up to associate professor, tenure track.

  Coffee brewing, Lenore headed for the shower, stopping to pick of the picture of she and Shane, tossing the shattered frame in the trash and placing the picture between the pages of The Moonstone. Two hours and several cups of coffee later, Lenore was mentally preparing herself for the upcoming interview when her phone rang. Shane. Decline call. Go on with life. Text alert. Shane.

  Answer your phone, Collins.


  Tim said I was an ass last night. I am sorry.

  Yeah, so was I.

  She should have ignored the text, especially this close to time for her interview. Lenore took several deep cleansing breaths to remind herself she was over with the drama that had sprung up around she and Shane. She turned on her laptop and prayed for success. The interview went well, they will be in touch one way or another. Lenore was occupying her mind by working on the last chapter of her father’s book when the phone rang again. Shane. Decline call. Thirty minutes later, a call from Hylton came through, sooner than Lenore could have hoped for. This is it.


  “Dr. Collins?” inquired a female voice.

  “This is Dr. Lenore Collins,” she was surprised at how smoothly the title rolled off her tongue and how nervous she sounded, even to herself.

  “This is Dr. Barnes. I hope you are doing well this morning?”

  “I am fine, thank you. And you?”

  “I am doing well, thank you. I did not get to participate in today’s interview, as you know,” Dr. Barnes remarked. “I do have one question regarding your CV that concerns me.”


  “Do you require a window view from your office here at Hylton University, Dr. Collins?”

  “Gabby,” Lenore exclaimed, exultation surged through her. “Do you mean the position is mine?”

  “Yes Lenore. The decision was unanimous,” Gabby laughed. “Had you going there, didn’t I?”

  “Oh, Gabby, that you did. My heart stopped there for a minute,” Lenore laughed. “Thank goodness you are the one calling me. I am afraid I sounded the fool.”

  “Normally, it would be the department head to make the call, but since we are friends and your father was my mentor, I was given the privilege. Congratulations, Lenore.”

  “Thank you, Gabby. I am so ready to come home.” Lenore admitted.

  “We all look forward to working with you. Now, spread the good news and start packing,” Gabby laughed. “We need you here.”

  “I can’t wait. Good-bye, Gabby. Thanks again.”

  “Hey, we only hire the best here at Hylton. Thank you for wanting to join our staff,” Gabby Barnes voice rang with so much sincerity, Lenore wanted to cry. “Have a safe trip home.”

  I have the position! I get to go home, at last. Thank you, God! She automatically started to call Shane, then stopped. No. Some of her new-found joy dissipated. He wouldn’t care any way, not any more. She called Shelia and scheduled a lunch date to celebrate. I will start sorting and packing this afternoon.

  “When are you planning on leaving?” Shelia was asking. This is the brightest she had seen Lenore since returning to New York. “I will miss you.”

  “I will miss you, my friend.” Lenore gave her friend’s hand a gentle squeeze. “My plan is to leave this weekend.”

  “So soon?”

  “Yes. After Friday, I no longer have a job at Columbia. So, if I can pack, sort, and clean up my apartment, I can be out by the end of the month and not have to pay another month’s rent.”

  “Can you get all that accomplished by then?” Shelia was skeptical.

  “That is my goal. I started the sorting process this morning. I don’t have a lot, mostly books, papers, and a few mementos that I want to take with me. My wardrobe will fit in two suitcases.”

  “Except you shoes,” Shelia teased.

  “Hey, don’t be hating on my shoes. You have just as many,” Lenore laughed. “The only furniture that is mine is the desk and chair and I plan on leaving them. There is a house full of furniture at Dad’s and he would want me to use it,” she explained. “Oh, I didn’t tell you my aunt and uncle want to buy Dad’s house.”

  “Really? Where will you live?”

  “I will stay there until I find a place. I don’t need or want a big house.” Lenore informed her. “Anyway, by Monday I plan on renting a car and taking off.”

  “I will bring over pizza tomorrow night, you provide the wine, and we will have a packing party,” Shelia declared.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “So, have you told your friend Travers?” Shelia probed. Seeing the angry look in Lenore’s eyes, she added, “Oh no, what now? I swear you two could star in your own private soap opera.”

  Lenore told Shelia about the phone call last night and Shane’s angry, drunken words, and her spiteful reply to his apology via text this morning.

  “Sweetie, that man is jealous of Carlos, can’t you see that?”

  “But he has no reason to be Shelia, even if I was having an affair with Alvarez. Shane sees me as only friend, sometimes anyway. He likes his women blond and busty, sexy and attractive, and not afraid to show it.”

  “Lenore, I think you misjudge the man, and I don’t even know him,” Shelia told her. “I cannot believe he is that superficial after what you have told me about him these past years.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter anymore, Shelia. I have no intention to subject myself to further humiliation by calling him, not now and not ever.” Lenore vowed.

  “Listen, I have to get back to work,” Shelia swore, looking at her watch. “See you tomorrow night.”

  “Sure, Shelia. Tomorrow night, my place, pizza and wine.” Lenore confirmed.


  The sun had reappeared Tuesday morning, brightening the sidewalks and Lenore’s mood. She had another restless night’s sleep and had given into to hitting her snooze button twice. Now, rushed to get to work, Lenore grabbed a cup of coffee and rushed to the subway. A car pulled up beside her, and a horn honked. Lenore ignored the vehicle and hurried forward, stopping only when she heard a familiar voice hail her.

  “Lenore, please stop,” Jared Taylor commanded.

  “I will be late for work, Jared. No time to talk,” Don’t want to talk, is more like it,

  “I want to see you again before I leave for South America.” Jared was driving slowly, speaking to her out his window. “When can we get together?”

  “We can’t, Jared.” Lenore snapped and walked faster.

  “Please,” Jared had switched to his poor me voice.

  “Give it up, Jared,” she replied tersely. “I don’t want to get together as you call it. Enjoy your trip.”

  With that, she picked her pace up and ignored his continued coaxing. Some poor man walking near her, became bored with the little drama playing in front of him. “Mister, she said no, now get on your way. You are holding up traffic.” He emphasized his words with a flash of a handgun. Jared couldn’t close his window quick enough. The man flashed Lenore a brilliant smile and his NYDP shield.

  “Thanks,” she acknowledged.

  “No, problem, man. We aim to serve.”

  The rest of her day w
as uneventful, thankfully. She stopped on the way home to buy a bottle of wine and a few shipping boxes. Back in Hylton, before she and Shane fell in this pit of anger and jealously neither of them could climb out of, she would be having pizza and beer with him. Oh, how she wanted those days back, plus more.

  Shelia arrived right on time with the pizza and salad.

  “The salad adds a semblance of healthy eating to our meal,” Shelia joked.

  “Dish it up, girlfriend, I am starved. I will pour the wine.”

  The evening evaporated before they knew it. Lenore stood staring at the boxes choked full of her meager belongings. Spreading her arms wide, Lenore remarked, “Thus the sum of my life the past three years in this apartment.”

  “Not quite, don’t forget that PhD after your name now,” Shelia reminded her. “You have achieved your goal. That you can’t put in a box.”

  Lenore gave her friend a hug. “You are so good for me, Shelia. What ever will I do without you?”

  “You will make your peace with that cute detective friend of yours, for starters.”

  “I know. I want to, Shelia. I really do,” Lenore admitted wistfully. “I just don’t know if I can go back to just being his friend again. Shelia, I don’t know when it happened, but I love Shane Travers.”

  “I know you do sweetie. We have been friends for three years and I have come to know Travers through you. I have long suspected you loved him but just did not recognize your feelings as love.” Shelia told her. “Want a bit of advice on how to start the process?”

  “Do I have a choice?” Lenore’s lips twitched with mirth.


  “Then pour it on me ole wise one,” she said with that familiar mischievous grin Shelia had missed of late.

  “Call or text him tonight. Tell him you are coming home and hope the two of you can repair your friendship.” When Lenore hesitated, Shelia added. “Lenore, the week before my sister Mandy killed herself, we had a terrible row. I once again had to bail my sister out of trouble. She was only eighteen, for goodness sake. I had given up on her. Called her a crack whore. Those are the last words I spoke to my baby sister.” Shelia brushed away the tears from her cheek, her throat thickened with sobs. “Words of hate and anger I can never take back. To think that the last time my baby sister heard my voice I was calling her a crack whore.”

  Sorrow for her friend shredded Lenore’s inside. She embraced the Shelia, soothing her friend with gentle shushing sounds, rocking Shelia in her arms until the sobbing subsided.

  “I promise Shelia, I will call Shane tonight. I promise.” Guilt tormented Lenore; what would she do if something happened to Shane like it had to Shelia’s sister, before she could make amends? Please God, keep him safe.

  It was nearly midnight before Shelia left. Lenore made her call anyway.

  Shane answered in a sleepy but sober voice. “Detective Travers.”

  “Shane, its Leni.” Lenore announced in a tremulous voice.

  Back in Hylton, Shane Travers sat bolt upright in bed. “Leni, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Shane, I can’t stand what has happened to our friendship,” came the quavering voice on the phone. “I don’t even know how we came to the point, but it is killing me. I want to fix it,” she concluded listening anxiously for his reply. Silence. Nothing. He does not care anymore. I have pushed him too far. She felt the pain as her heart broke in two. “I am sorry, Shane. I guess it is too late. I shouldn’t have called.”

  “Don’t you dare hang up on me, Leni Collins,” Shane demanded in a wobbly voice. “Leni, I have been an ass during the time you needed me most, I am sorry and ashamed. I want to fix us as much as you do, I just seem to make things worse when I try. I want to see you.”

  “Shane, I am coming home.”

  “To stay?” his voice questioning, hopeful.

  “Yes, to stay. I will be an assistant professor at Hylton U, starting with this fall’s semester. I am coming home, and I want to come home to my friend. This stupid enemy phase has become too real and has lasted far too long. Shane, it is tearing me up inside. I need and want your friendship back.”

  Shane’s hope kindled, warmth filled his chest. He wanted to declare his love for her right now, but fear of her reaction prevented him. Too soon, he decided. He would settle for a return to their friendship for now. “Leni, I miss you and I need you and your friendship. I have been a mess since you left. Sunday night I fell so deep in the pit, poor Tim had to drive me home. I guess I scared him, he spent what was left of the night watching over me.”

  “Travers, you have never handled your hard liquor well,” Lenore laughed, happy to be able to give him a friendly scolding him again. “Stick with a cold beer or a glass of wine, like I do.”

  “Yeah, I had beer and pizza tonight with Tim and Bambi. She misses you.”

  “I thought about you tonight when Shelia and I had pizza and wine for our packing party. I would have preferred a cold beer then,” Lenore confided, “but Shelia doesn’t drink beer.”

  “You obviously haven’t rubbed off enough on her yet, Collins.” Shane guffawed.

  “Travers, are we good again?” Shane could see her in his mind, nervously twirling a lock of her hair, waiting his reply. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

  “We’re good, Collins,” he confirmed. “Call me with your flight plans.”

  “Actually, I think I am renting a car and driving home so I don’t have to ship all my things home.”

  “I know you are big girl and all that stuff, Collins, but consider shipping your stuff and flying in. Would you?” Shane worried. “It is safer, not to mention quicker, and I get to greet you at the airport. I always like that part, you know.”

  “Okay, Travers,” Lenore conceded, smiling appreciative at her friend’s concern. “I need to get let you get back to sleep. See you next week.”

  “You betcha, Collins. Take care.”

  “I will, Travers. Be careful with yourself.” Lenore ended the call, relief spreading through her. She could live with just Shane’s friendship for now. If their love is meant to be, it will happen. She felt a little flutter of softness on her cheeks, kisses from her angels. Her father and mother together and happy for their daughter.

  Chapter 28

  Life was good again. Lenore awoke Wednesday morning after the most restful sleep she had experienced since her father’s death. The sun was shining again, and even the birds sounded more cheerful this morning. She took time to enjoy her morning coffee and a bagel this morning. No need to rush. Three more days to work, four more days until she could fly home. This afternoon she would complete her packing, then ship her belongings home. Plans for Friday night included a thorough cleaning of the apartment. She would be leaving the furniture and dishes. Saturday morning would be stripping and washing bed linens, a final scrub of the bathroom and handing her key in to the landlady. She would fly out Saturday afternoon, if she could get a flight out. Shelia had protested her earlier than planned the departure but agreed with Shane that the arrangement would be better.

  Wednesday and Thursday received the memo detailing the schedule and those days went without a hitch. Friday, not so much. She had not planned for another encounter with Jared Taylor that morning. He brushed brusquely past another co-worker standing in the doorway of the lounge and demanded to speak with Lenore.

  “Jared, there is really nothing to discuss,” she said firmly.

  “Oh, but there is. One of the people funding this excavation is demanding an anthropologist accompany us.” Jared huffed.

  “Well, then find one,” Lenore replied. “You will find several in the conference room this morning.”

  “He wants you, specifically.” Jared declared.

  “Me? Why me? Not that it matters, I leave for Kentucky Saturday afternoon and a new job.” Lenore informed him. “I have no desire to go to South America.”

  “Our biggest sponsor says he knows you and wants you on the trip. The man has even threaten
ed to pull funding if you cannot be persuaded to go.”

  “Ah. That explains your rush to my side when my father died, and your passionate plead to take our relationship to the next level.” Lenore felt the anger bubbling inside her. “Catch the poor woman at her weakest, get her in your bed, and pocket big funding for the trip. Who is this munificent sponsor anyway?”

  “Luis Alvarez.” Jared informed Lenore, oblivious to affect this pronouncement had upon the anthropologist. “The man is interested in archeology and has business interest in South America. He plans to combine business and pleasure. We’ve discussed the trip several times.”

  “I don’t know which of you is the bigger egotistical jerk, Alvarez or yourself. You couldn’t pay me enough to walk across the street with Alvarez, much less go on an expedition with him,” she ranted.

  “I like the man. I fail to see why you are being so difficult,” he badgered.

  Lenore’s annoyance flared. “Forgive me if concern for my own career takes precedence over yours, Jared Taylor. Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do.”

  “Is that your final answer?” Jared demanded.

  “I gave you final answer the first time you asked me in Hylton.” Lenore retaliated and flounced away, leaving the man staring angrily at her retreating form.

  Away from Jared, Lenore thought about what he had told her. There could be only one reason Luis Alvarez wanted her on this trip. He still thinks he can seduce her. She shuddered at the thought of the man’s chauvinistic attitude. Lenore knew what the man’s other business interest in South America involved. He was an importer of drugs and women, both commodities readily available in South America. She could not help but find the humor in this situation, though. There Jared was wanting her to join him on the trip as his lover. Now he is recruiting her for Alvarez, who could only want her for the same thing.

  The rest of her day went smoothly. She said her goodbyes to friends and co-workers at Columbia one last time. Carlos had wanted to take both women out to dinner on Lenore’s final night in New York, but Shelia had wanted one final ladies’ night out with her friend. Carlos will instead, take the two out to lunch Saturday and then take Lenore to the airport. Thus, Friday evening the two friends shared their farewell dinner, accompanied by several glasses of wine and lots of laughter and tears. Lenore will miss Shelia.


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