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Liam & Gwen - Entirely Yours: A Romance Novel (The Adair Series Book 1)

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by Tania De Melo

  The phone rings twice before she picks up. “Hello!”

  “Hey Gwen, it's Liam.” I feel the nerves working their way up.

  “Hey, Liam, what’s up? I didn’t think I would hear from you until you came to pick up me up.” She says.

  I let a breath, “I won’t be able to make it, Gwen. I got called into the station, and it looks like I’m going to be here for a while. I’m so sorry; this is not how I wanted this to go.” I wait on the other end, silently praying she understands.

  “Liam, it’s OK. I am not going to pretend I wish you didn’t have to work, but I get it. We can plan it for another night.” I do not miss the hint of disappointment in her tone but am relieved at her realizing I have no other choice.

  I run my hand through my hair; I hate that I had to do this. Not wanting to let this become one of those times that pass us by with no further opportunities presenting themselves, I ask, “Is it alright if I call you later…if it’s not too late?”

  “Absolutely!” I can hear her voice brighten up, giving me some reassurance.

  “Ok. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Talk to you soon!” She replies and hangs up the phone.

  I put my phone in my pocket and head back to the room; I am going to need a lot of coffee…it’s going to be a long night.

  Sitting in the room with Flynn and the Chief, we go over the paperwork in front of us. A highly dangerous convict, with a severe history of mental illness, has escaped custody while being transported to the hospital for an apparent heart attack…Two years ago?!?!

  “How did this happen?” I ask, not understanding how he managed to evade a well-enforced security protocol and a team of six U.S. Marshalls. Also, why a psychopath has been on the run for this long with no real leads, and this being the first we have heard of it.

  The Chief starts first, with the information he learned, “They are thinking he may have had some help, but are unable to confirm. They will be sending an agent within the next little bit to go over things with us and hopefully shed some more light on what is happening.”

  “Have they checked family or old friends? This file is pretty bare considering the severity of the situation.” I ask pulling for anything more he may have left out.

  I know how this works, ‘need to know’ is what you get until they realize it’s a good idea to inform us on all the details and not just the ones they feel are not a security risk for some reason or another. I know the Chief would never willing keep it to himself unless sworn too, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

  “That’s it, Adair, just what’s in that file.” He replies.

  I go over the file once more. This guy, or should I say monster, was considered one of the most atrocious serial killers in U.S. history. He took the lives of fifteen innocent women between the ages of sixteen to twenty-four, throughout seven years. Eventually, they caught him when his wife had noticed her young daughter was acting differently. When speaking to her, the daughter was telling the mother things that had her concerned. Not sure what to make of it, she began to investigate herself, that was when she found out about the old abandoned farmhouse her husband owned and was using to commit the crimes.

  “I heard about this, I was young when it happened, but remember it from a case study we did in my Forensic Psychology class in University. He had been training the daughter almost as an apprentice. The man is vile! He should have gotten the death penalty immediately, no questions asked. Unfortunately, he was declared clinically insane, and instead sentenced to multiple life sentences.” Pausing for a moment, I try to recall something about what I learned, “What about the wife, or daughter? Were they contacted, looked into?”

  Chief nods, “Wife passed away just a few weeks ago actually.”

  “You think maybe she had something to do with the escape?” Flynn asks.

  “They are looking into every possibility, but when they contacted her two years ago, apparently the fear in her eyes was so intense, they knew she had no way helped him, but warned her, that he might be looking to find her.” The chief adds.

  “Well, until we know more, I think the best course of action is to be proactive. We need to notify the surrounding town satellite offices and get out a BOLO A.S.A.P.” With the Chief in agreeance, we all head off to make the necessary calls.


  It’s midnight by the time we finish…too late to call Gwen, she’s probably sleeping. I hope she wasn’t too disappointed. It was bothering me earlier when we hung up, and I could tell by her tone, she was off.

  Walking out of the station toward my car, I stop at the sight of who is standing there. “Emily, what are you doing here?”

  “I was in town and thought I would say hello” she replies

  “At midnight?”

  She lets out a soft chuckle, “No, I was waiting for you. I called, and Flynn had said you were finishing up soon; so I stayed.”

  “You really shouldn’t have.” I know where this is going and I am not in the mood to argue with her right now. I am going to have a little chat, with Flynn tomorrow.

  “Come on, Liam. We can still be friends, can’t we?” I can see now, what Ewan was talking about when he commented on Emily not taking no for an answer.

  I shake my head, “Yes that would be fine Emily, but I know it’s not what you are hoping will happen. We’re still not at the point we can be 'just friends.'”

  “I have nowhere to go; it’s a little late for me to drive all the way back to Gary.” She says, and a pit forms in my stomach. She knows using that as an excuse I would give in. I would not want to carry the guilt if anything happened to her.

  “Fine you can stay at my place, but I mean it Emily…nothing is happening.”

  She quickly nods, and we jump in our cars. This is so wrong, but what can I do; I am not going to send her out at this hour.


  I wake the next morning to a knock. Jumping up, and throwing on my t-shirt, I open the door to my brother Kai standing there. “Hey were you still sleeping? It’s like ten in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I got in late last night,” I reply.

  Standing there, I remember Emily is asleep in my room and hope she does not come out. I mentioned to Kai yesterday morning that I had a date with Gwen. He and she are close if he sees Emily here; I will not hear the end of it.

  “How did the date with Gwenie, go?” Of course, that is the first thing he would ask.

  “It didn’t. I got called into work. So, I had to cancel.” Thinking about it, I still feel bad. Then not being able to call Gwen after to say goodnight, I felt even worse.

  I am hoping to keep the conversation short, then he can be on his way, and I can get Emily out, but no such luck.

  “Baby, who’s here?” Emily walks out of my bedroom, in nothing, but one of my t-shirts, making it appear as if something happened, and just as I expected, Kai shoots me an unimpressed look.

  “Working late, huh?”

  “Kai, it’s not how it looks.” As I finish the sentence, Emily comes up behind me resting her chin on my shoulder and leaves a soft kiss on my neck.

  “Really? It’s pretty clear what it looks like Liam.” Kai comments, looking angry. I have seen my brother fuming to the point of severe bodily damage, and he has that same look now.

  I pull out of Emily’s arms; tell her we will be right back and motion for Kai to follow me, walking with him to the yard out back. “She showed up at the station last night. I told her it was over, but then she said it was late, and she didn’t want to drive back. I mean, what was I supposed to do? I would have felt like crap if anything had happened to her. I slept on the couch, Kai.” I explain, trying to calm the look of murder on my brothers’ face.

  As he is allowing what I said to sink in, I can see his face start to become a little more understanding.

  “I get it Liam, but you’re too good of a guy, and she knows that. She is going to use any excuse she can to keep you in her life; you need to learn when to say no to her.

  Like before, I am starting to realize this more and more. However, as much as I get what Kai is saying, Emily and I have a history together, and I care what happens to her.

  “I’m trying here, but I’m not like that. I can’t walk away without knowing Emily’s okay first.”

  Looking me dead in the eye, Kai says something I had never thought about, “Brother, you either want to be with Emily and make the commitment you know she wants, or you're going to need to cut the ties now before you end up hurting her a lot more. You’re not doing her any favors; Liam by letting her keep the idea there can still be something between the two of you.”

  Looking at my brother, I nod my head, “I know.”

  “Liam, what about Gwen?” I knew that was going to be his next question, and truthfully, I am not sure how to answer it.

  “What about Gwen?” I ask.

  “I thought you were interested in her?” There is no hesitation in his words.

  “I am. I mean, I don’t know. I do like Gwen, but with the way things are with Emily, I don’t know if it’s the right time to start something yet.” Only after I say it, I realize I never once considered that it might be too soon after my break up with Emily, for a new relationship. I know that is not what he wanted to hear, but it will have to do because it’s all I got for him right now.

  “Then you need to figure it out. Gwen is not the type of woman who should be playing second fiddle to anyone. She is one hell of a woman Liam.” Kai’s peeved tone tells me, he doesn’t care what my hang-ups are; or maybe it’s something more?

  “You sound interested in her!” I imply without reluctance, and a slight irritation notable in my tone.

  Kai lets out a laugh, “Gwen is a gorgeous, smart and a strong woman, Li. The kind of woman you can imagine spending a life with, but to answer your question, or rather, baseless assumptions; No, I am not interested in Gwen, not like that. Our friendship is far too valuable to me. I look at her the same way I do Thea, like a sister, and I’ll be pissed if you hurt her because you can’t get your shit together and realize you are playing with fire.”

  “I see it, Kai, I do, and Gwen is an amazing woman. That's why I need to know this thing with Emily is over because Gwen deserves it. She deserves not to have to start a relationship with me and deal with my baggage, baggage I should have cleaned up the moment I realized my feelings for Gwen were more than just a physical attraction.”

  As I finish explaining, I see Emily standing on the other side. I don’t know how long she has been standing there, but long enough to hear the last part, as she asks, “Who’s Gwen?”

  Kai looks to me, and I can see what he is thinking by the look in his eyes, ‘take care of this, NOW!’ Then he turns and walks away, without a word.

  I look over to Emily; hurt written all over her face. “Who’s Gwen, Liam?”

  I hesitate a little, how do I explain this without upsetting her? That’s just it; I can’t! “Right now, she’s only a friend, Emily,” I say the only way I can…truthfully!

  “Right now? So, you want it to be more?” She asks as the tremble in her voice is made more apparent with each word.

  I think for a moment, “Emily, I don’t know how to answer that. I have known her for a while, and yes, I like her, but she is not the reason I am ending this. I need to make it clear, that even if she was not in the picture, this needed to end. You know as well as I do, there has not been anything between us for a while now, other than mutual respect, and two people who found convenience in one another. Emily, that’s not enough to build a solid relationship on.”

  The moment I acknowledged there was another woman who had my interest, Emily was lost in jealousy, and everything I was saying after that point, was merely a feeble attempt at making her understand, but she was not listening anymore.

  “I can’t deal with this right now.” She says turning to walk away, but I stop her.

  “No Emily, you made me leave before we could finish this the last time. We are giving ourselves the closer, here and now, so we can both move on.”

  Her breathing now heavy, her eyes fill with tears, but not ones of sorrow, ones of fierce anger.

  “What closure, Liam? You're apparently already starting up a new chapter with, Gwen. From what I can see, you closed the door on us long ago.”

  I take a deep breath. I have to lay it all out here and now. I can’t leave things with Emily unfinished if I do intend to one day start something with Gwen.

  “Emily, what I’ve started or not started is not the issue. The issue is you seem to believe we can still work this out, and I am here, telling you, there is nothing to work out.”

  Emily looks to me vacantly, “Fine. I will not try to hold on to something you have clearly decided you do not want. I do, however, want to give you one last bit of advice.”

  I can hear the defeat in her voice. I hate hurting her, but it has to be this way. “What’s that?” I ask.

  Tears running down her face and lip trembling, she walks to me, leaving a kiss on my cheek, “Don’t say ‘I love you’ if you don’t! Those three words, when said without meaning, can break a person’s soul apart when they, genuinely love you.” Then she walks away.

  I don’t follow her inside. I decided to give her some time to collect her things and leave without the awkwardness of having me around her. I play it all back in my head, the conversation with Kai and the last few words Emily had said. I know Gwen is what I want, but how can I be sure? I can have the intention of forever, but how can I avoid hurting Gwen before I know, without doubt, it is real. Feelings change, even though, it was all well-intentioned in the beginning.

  After enough time, I walk back into the house. I hear my cell ring with a text message notification.

  ‘Good Morning, hope you didn’t work too late! You are probably heading into work, so I wanted to say ‘Have a good day,’ and if you are not busy later, maybe we can grab a coffee. – G’

  I would like to meet up with Gwen, but decide maybe, I need some time to let things settle and think things through. If I’m going to start something with her, I want to do it right. She deserves as much.

  ‘Thanks! You as well! I will shoot you a text if I can sneak away.’ I hit send, and head to my room to get ready...let’s see what the day brings!

  Chapter Six


  I start to think the text I sent Liam, was a little presumptuous. Maybe I should have waited for him to get a hold of me. Not having much experience with the dating scene, I am not quite sure how this should work. Whatever; I am not going to overthink this. If he wants to meet up with me, he will give me a call, if not, what have I lost? One thing is for sure; I am not going to sit around here and wait. Maybe today would be the perfect time to take in all the scenes of Emerson. Already showered, I grab my purse and sunglasses off the table and head out for a day of exploration; well as soon as I get my morning fix at Jenny’s Java Hut.

  Walking into Jenny’s, I stand in a queue with all the other early morning risers and look over the bulletin board up top listing the daily specials. I decide on the cheese croissant, knowing they are fresh, and my trusty large black coffee.

  “So how did things go last night with Liam?”

  At the mention of Liam’s name, my ears perk up. I look over to see Flynn, one of the local officers sitting with a beautiful brunette.

  “Well, I stayed the night, if that answers your question.” She replies suggestively.

  Could she be talking about my Liam? Well, not mine, but the one who planned to take me to dinner last night, then canceled due to having to work; what I am now thinking, may have been an excuse.

  “Really? So things are back on I take it? He left the station pretty late last night, and I’d already left. I wasn’t sure if you caught up with him or not.” Flynn says with a pleased tone.

  “I did, and Thank-you for letting me know where to find him. He’s always so busy with work. It’s hard for us to make time for each other, but no wo
rries; we made up for it last night.”

  Flynn lets out a chuckle. “Thanks for the overshare, Emily.”

  My chest tightens, and I start to feel light headed. Was Liam playing me? I mean it’s not as if we are dating, or anything even remotely close, I guess, but I had a feeling maybe we were headed that way; I guess I was mistaken. Maybe it was a friendly gesture, and maybe I misread his intentions.

  Not feeling like breakfast anymore; I leave my spot in line and head for the door. I can feel a sting in my eyes, tears wanting to make their way out. I head quickly to my car before they come running down my face. ‘You’re such an idiot Gwen! Of course, he wasn’t interested. He was just gentlemanly.’ I put the car in drive, and pull away not sure, where I am heading…but I know I need to get away from here.


  It’s Tuesday morning. Liam never did text back to meet up for coffee, so that cleared up any doubts I had about yesterday’s coffee shop findings. I cannot believe I was such an idiot; to think that Detective Liam Adair would have any real interest in me, is crazy. I’m not sure if I am more upset at the fact I was played, or that I allowed myself to be so taken in by Liam. I open the salon door and turn the sign, then head to the back to set up for my first client of the day. I’m not back there long when the door chimes ring.

  “I’ll be with you in a moment!” I call out.

  “No problem, Sunshine.”

  I peak around the wall in search of the familiar voice. “Kai?”

  I walk to the reception desk and look at my schedule. “I have your dad for a cut this morning,” I mention a little confused.

  “Yeah, he had to run into Gary to deal with a contractor on one of the new builds, so instead of him canceling, I told him I would take his appointment,” Kai explains.

  I give him a smile and a nod. “Sounds good to me. Let me finish setting up.” I walk back to my station and pull out my tools.

  “Okay come on back, Kai” He walks over and takes a seat. “So handsome, what can I help you with today?’


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