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Liam & Gwen - Entirely Yours: A Romance Novel (The Adair Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Tania De Melo

  “How do you know when it’s the right time to tell someone you love them, how can I be sure, and that it’s real? I mean, I thought I loved Emily, but then hurt her when I realized I hadn’t; I don’t want to make the same mistake with Gwen.”

  I look to my mother as she gives my hand a squeeze, but notice she is looking at my father as he leans in.

  “Son, you can’t measure love by time, it happens when it happens, and everyone experiences it differently.”

  “…but when do I know it’s real?”

  My mother turns her focus to me, “Love is much more than a feeling, Liam. It’s a commitment to help each other grow, learn, and experience life together. To help clear the path for one another on each of your individual journeys, and having the other know, without a doubt, you will be there at the end holding up the sign that says, ‘I believed in you.’ When one is able, without obligation, to give that amount of dedication to another person…that’s love.”

  “…but what if she doesn’t feel the same?”

  “That’s just it, Liam! True love is what you hold for another person. It isn’t made clear when you think it’s reciprocated. The bond itself is only made when the other is willing to give it the same amount of attention. You can’t hold back your intent because you are unsure of hers…it’s a risk you have to take by sharing it with her.”

  Now it all makes sense! The frustration I feel when Gwen doesn’t want to open up about her past, it’s all my desire to experience every part of her life with her…to let her know I’m there, to help her make her dreams a reality and help her achieve the goals she has set out for her life.

  “I want to be with her; I want to know her; everything, but she’s so closed off. Every time I ask about her past, it turns into some sort of argument. How can I say whether or not I love Gwen if I don’t know everything about her?”

  Standing up from his chair, my father lays a hand on my shoulder. “Son, I have been married to the most dynamic, loving, and inspiring woman for thirty-three years. A woman who surprises me with her fierce passion for life. A woman, who has given me the opportunity to spend my best years learning something about her, I didn’t know before. Son, what keeps us wanting to spend each day with one another, is the anticipation of the new experiences tomorrow will bring, big or small…because each is a blessing.”

  He leans over to give my mother a loving kiss and then gives me a final pat on the shoulder as he heads out of the kitchen.

  “Liam, Sweetheart! Don’t overthink it; you’ll know when it’s right. Just take this time, enjoy one another, and let everything else fall into place.”


  I went to my parents with a Gwen on my mind, but now I need to focus on the matter at hand. Back at the precinct, Peters and Cunningham have arrived with more information about Eric Connors.

  “He’s definitely made his way to Oregon. The last update we received was from Springfield PD, but they lost him, thinking he was heading south.” Peters informs.

  I lean over to grab the file, “There has to be something or someone pulling him this way. Do we have any updates on the daughter, or should I say, daughters?”

  “Actually, we do! Apparently, both girls are actually his stepdaughters. The biological father, Thomas Rutherford, Evelyn Connors first husband, was killed in a car accident. From what we can tell, the oldest, Morgan disappeared seventeen years ago, at the age of thirteen, shortly after Eric Connors was convicted, but that’s it, nothing after. The youngest from what we’ve dug up would be, early-twenties. The lead we got on her was from a University news article highlighting the children of past Alumni. One of the students was the granddaughter of Edmund Rutherford, the father of Thomas Rutherford, but no name or picture. We are guessing, by the date of the article and a rough timeline of what age she would be.” Peters pauses, collecting his thoughts, “In my thirty years with the bureau; I have never seen a cover-up so extensive, or well thought out, but we managed to find some things they missed; so there is bound to be more.” Peters lays back in his seat, hopeful; he is right with his assumptions.

  I stand looking over the bulletin board displaying the information we have gathered.

  “OK, I think we need to look further into the mother’s timeline. What we have so far is, Evelyn Connors was first married to Thomas Rutherford and had two daughters, one who would be in her thirties, named Morgan, and another in her twenties with no name as of yet. She married Eric Connors a year after the death of Thomas, which would have put the daughters roughly at eight to ten, and one to two years of age. We know Eric and Evelyn were married for three years, making the girls around thirteen and four when he this all went down. The oldest daughter, Morgan went missing a few months later, and the youngest has nothing documented about her life until the news article, nothing before and nothing after; does she even really exist? I mean this is messed up.”

  I look over the board a moment more, “Two things. A man as wealthy as Edmund Rutherford had to have left his money to someone, and second…What was the mother’s maiden name?”

  Peters and Cunningham shuffle through the papers, “We don’t seem to have that.” Cunningham replies.

  I turn to the two, “We need it, maybe there is a family member we missed, which may be able, to fill in the missing links.”

  Peters and Cunningham jump on their phones, as the Chief walks over to me, “You think there may be something there?”

  I take another glance at the board, then to him “I don’t know, but it won’t hurt to check it out.”


  Finally getting a little downtime in my day, I head to the local toy shop. There is something I’ve meant to do for a while, and today I have come up with a plan to make it happen. After one last stop at Harry’s Flower Shop, I think I have it all in place.

  Parking in front of Gwen’s Salon, I make my way inside.

  “Um Gwen, did you order a huge Panda?”

  Peeking my head from around the enormous life-size Panda, I see Eugenia standing there a little confused, but then a smile appears as she notices me hiding behind the large mass.

  Gwen comes out from around the partition, “What on earth?” Her eyes, immediately light up when she spots me.

  I walk closer, placing the Panda on the reception chair and presenting Gwen with the dozen pink roses, I have in my hand.

  “Ms. Batin, would you do me the honor of escorting me Saturday evening, on our first official date?”

  A rush of ‘aww’s’ surround us. I look around and notice the room filled with women, one being my mother, who is practically bursting with joy. Gwen closes the distance between us, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Detective Adair, It’s about time. I was starting to feel like you would never ask.” She plants a soft kiss to my lips. “Yes, I would more, than love to join you this Saturday evening.”

  “Jesh, in my day we never kissed before the third date, these young kids don’t know the meaning of holding back the sugar and making them work for it. Kissing here and there, as though they were offering free pancakes at Sunday brunch” I let out a chuckle against Gwen’s lips.

  “I think we may have scarred Mrs. Boswell.”

  Gwen let’s out a chuckle as well, and then leaves one final peck on my lips, “Thank you, Liam!”

  “Anything for you, Gem!”

  I look around the Salon, giving all the women a quick wave. “Ladies!”

  Then turn to Gwen, “I will let you get back to work. Enjoy the rest of your day, I’ll see you later.”

  I bid everyone a final farewell, and head out.


  With work, being so busy, the rest of the week, flew by, which in turn, left me not having the time I had needed to plan anything for the date with Gwen. So, as always, I turn to the one person I know will help me out.


  “For the love of God, Liam, why are you yelling like some sort of madman?” My mother says as she crosses the
entranceway to the front door.

  Giving her a side hug, I start explaining, “I need your help. My date with Gwen is tonight. I wanted to plan something special, but before I knew it the days passed, and now it’s tonight, and I have nothing planned.”

  Her eyes widen in horror, “Liam Aldric Adair, I raised you better. How could you leave this to the last minute? Really!”

  “Mom, I don’t need to hear what I did wrong, I know I left it too late. Just, please…Help!”

  Having made our way to the kitchen, we take a seat at the table, with my mother having grabbed a pen and paper.

  “What did you have in mind before your ‘man brain’ decided to file it in the ‘things I am going to procrastinate on, drawer,’ along with all the other things you had ‘planned’ to do?”

  Without any other alternative, I guess the sarcasm is a small price to pay if she can actually pull this off within the next few hours.

  “Definitely dinner…somewhere romantic!”

  “…and?” My mother prompts.

  “Well, that was as far as I had got, on the brainstorming for ideas.”

  “Oh, Liam!”

  Not even a half hour later, my mother had worked her magic, and I am now on my way to add the finishing touches and get ready for my date tonight with Gwen.


  Gwen and I pull up to the Conservatory, a local place which offers fine dining, while a string quartet plays softly in the background; My mother is a genius.

  As we are standing in the entrance waiting, I can see Gwen’s face is bright with excitement, as she takes it all in. “Liam, I have wanted to come here for so long, but haven’t been able to get a reservation.”

  “Well, I am glad I was the first to be able to bring you here.”

  The host greets us, “Good evening, Detective Adair. Your table is ready, and as requested we have seated you on the upper level, overlooking the pier.”

  Gwen’s eyes widen with surprise; Thank you, Mom. “Wonderful!”

  Suddenly Gwen lets out a gasp, “Oh Liam, it’s beautiful.”

  As we make our way to the secluded table, I am blown away with the most breathtaking view over the water. Everything has been decorated with pink roses clustered around, framed by the greenery from the plants of the conservatory. White linens cover the table, and lit candles softly illuminate the surface.

  “How on earth did you manage all this? It’s amazing, Liam!”

  A pang of guilt comes over me, “I can’t lie, Gwen; my mother may, or may not have had something to do with all this.”

  Gwen let’s out a soft chuckle, “Ya I sort of figured. I know you would have intended to go all out, but there is no denying the work of Maia Adair when you see it. Regardless, this tells me you cared enough about how this date would go that you went to your mother and asked for her help; So, thank you!”

  We take our seats, and the server brings over a bottle of their house wine.

  “Detective Adair, the dishes which have been ordered, will be ready shortly. Would you like to taste the wine, which has been chosen for the meal?”

  My mom even picked out our meals. Huh, she wasn’t leaving anything to chance, “Yes please!”

  I take a sip and nod in approval. With our glasses filled, I glance over and see Gwen in awe, taking everything in.

  “So, I hope you will like what my mom ordered, apparently she was determined this date would go off without a hitch.”

  “Liam, I am more than sure, Maia has made a perfect choice.”

  Taking Gwen’s hand in mine, I bring it to my lips, laying a soft kiss on the top, “How was your day?”

  “Busy, but good, apparently, the word has spread, and the women were all questions when they came in today. Truthfully, I rather enjoyed it. It was kind of like gossiping with friends at a slumber party, about the local Hottie and what I’m going to wear on my date. Only the slumber party was at my salon, and my friends were sixty to eighty-year-old women, but I still relished in my moment of attention.”

  She lets out the most joyful chuckle. I love the innocence that shows through when she speaks. It’s one of the things I admire most about her. That pure appreciation for everything, as though it’s the first time she has ever experienced it.

  The food comes shortly after our first glass of wine. Served with a Wagyu Beef Carpaccio, and a Seared Marieville Foie Gras, Gwen and I couldn’t wait to taste it. I`m starting to think maybe I should let my mom plan all my dates.

  “How is it?” I ask.

  Gwen looks up from her plate, “I think I have fallen into a rabbit hole and landed in a Wonderland of culinary magnificence.”

  With the broadest of smiles, I can’t help but laugh.

  “Well, hopefully, I am an adequate substitute, in the absence of The Hatter and March Hare?”

  “Oh yes, without question. I couldn’t have imagined a more esteemed dinner companion, Detective Adair.” The giggles roll out, and I can see her eyes moisten with humor.

  “So how was your day? You had mentioned you have been working on a difficult case. Have you managed to get anywhere with it?”

  I look to Gwen with appreciation. I love how she is always interested in my work, and not always focused on herself, as I have experienced in the past.

  “A little further. Still not much, but with the way things are going, we will be issuing a statement to the public soon.”

  “Oh, Wow! Is it really that serious?”

  “Yeah, and in the interest of public safety, it’s the smartest thing to do.” I pause for a moment, “but tonight is about you, me, and our first official date.”

  “You know, as per Mrs. Boswell, a lady never lets a gentleman kiss her until at least the third date, so, I hope you weren’t expecting any canoodling once you escort me home, Mr. Adair?”

  Brow raised, “Gem, I think we have well-surpassed canoodling. I’m pretty sure if we measure this on the standards of Mrs. Boswell, I should have put a ‘ring on it’ weeks ago.”

  Gwen lets out a snorted chuckle, quickly throwing her hand over her mouth at a failed attempt to mask the sound. I finally feel as though I am starting to get a grasp on these feelings growing inside of me for Gwen. Now, all I can do is hope she is feeling the same thing for me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  After Liam and I finished dinner, we walked over to Jenny’s and grabbed a coffee. Once we paid, outside waiting was a horse-drawn carriage, ready to take us on a ride along the boardwalk; and then after about an hour, dropped us off at Aldric and Maia’s house.

  “We’re finishing the date with your Mom and Dad? I mean, not that I mind; I love your parents.”

  Liam lets out a laugh, “No, I actually just live around the corner, but I need to grab something from here first.”

  I waited for Liam to come back to the front. Once he came back, we made our way to his house and entered through the backyard, which was adorned with dozens upon dozens of cream and pink colored roses, twinkle lights and a roaring fire next to a double outdoor chaise lounge. Sitting on a side table, were two glasses and a bottle of 2008 Champagne Pol Roger, Brut.

  “I don’t even have the words, Liam!”

  Liam takes me by the hand and leads me toward the chaise, sitting first then pulling me down, and tight into his side.

  “Can we stay like this forever?” I ask.

  “Well I don’t know about forever, Gem, but we do have the whole evening. Would you like a glass of Champagne?”

  I nod softly, still taking in my surroundings. Liam hands me the glass, and I take a sip, “I never knew where you lived.”

  “Ya, I would have liked something a little more romantic then, drywall dust, opened up walls, and exposed electrical and plumbing.”

  “It's perfect, Liam. I can’t wait to see the rest of it.”

  He leans over and grabs a blanket from the side, “Here, the fire is keeping it pretty warm, but this will help a little more.” He says as he lays the blanket over us.

  We sit for a moment in silence, lost in the mesmerizing flames of the fire and its warmth. Then Liam shifts, positioning himself as he leans in and places a kiss on my lips, next on the corner of my mouth, the side of my jaw, moving down slowly to my neck.

  “Um, no canoodling, Detective!”

  He lets out a deep breath. “…but I’ve been so good. Just a little canoodling, Pleeeeease?” he pleads in a boyish tone.

  I adjust myself, so I am now straddling his legs, and on his lap, “Very well, but you keep it above the clothes, Mister!”

  “I cannot tell a lie; I have no intention of keeping this PG, Gem.” Without hesitation, his lips crash into mine taking control, leaving me lost in my need for this man.


  We both wake the next morning, to the doorbell ringing. Liam jumps out of bed and throwing on a shirt to answer the door. As I walk around the corner, just behind Liam, he opens the front door to find Maia and Aldric grinning from ear to ear, bearing gifts of coffee and pastries.

  “Good Morning, Loves!” Maia greets as she steps inside.

  “Good Morning!” I say.

  “Morning, Mom. Um, why are you here so early?” Liam asks, still somewhat groggy.

  “Oh Sweetie, we were in the neighborhood, so I thought we would pop by!”

  “Really, Mom!” Liam groans, as his father slaps a hand on his shoulder, giving him the ‘is what it is, Kid,’ look.

  Maia walks over, linking her arm with mine, “Join me in the kitchen, Gwen. I want the ‘Mom’ version of your date last night.” I let out a laugh, as Liam lets out another outwardly painful groan.


  Liam and I actually spent the rest of the day with his parents, finishing off with him and Aldric barbequing for dinner. It was eight at night when Liam took me home, “Are you staying tonight?”

  He links our fingers, “Well, if you insist!”

  We get out of the car and make our way into the house. As we enter the door, I stop instantly at the sight in front of me.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Ben quickly speaks up, “Gwen it’s not what it looks like.”


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