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Page 5

by Barb Shuler

  “It’s not what you think,” Max said. I smiled as I rested a hand on his chest and leaned up on my tiptoes, my lips brushing his.

  “I’m not worried. I told ya. You hurt me, I’m feedin’ your balls to a lion at the zoo.” I patted his cheek and moved through the house when I heard Jenn’s voice raise.

  The guys were all razzing Max when I walked out onto the patio. “What's going on out here?” I asked Jenn.

  “Someone is sniffing up the wrong boxers.” Jenn’s words had me fighting a grin. I’d seen this chick on the beach before. She was a badge bunny… I think that’s what they’d called her.

  “I believe there’s a misunderstanding,” the skinny, okay so she was anorexic looking, blonde woman said. I sat on the porch rail and looked at her.

  “And that would be?” I asked, my curiosity getting to me.

  “I was just talking to him.” She turned to scowl at Jenn. “Jennifer, don’t you act like there was more. You were always a mean little-”

  “If the truth hurts, Jayda, then that’s on you. Now, stop sniffing at my brother’s ass. He has a girl.”

  “I’ve not seen him with anyone. You’re full of it. Come on. You two are always with them… they’re so dreamy.” I snorted. This chick was a goner.

  “Trust me, Sug, he’s happily taken.” My tone had her scowling at me now.

  The boys came out on the deck. They’d all conveniently lost their shirts, and shoes. The board shorts they all sported were gloriously showing off the long, deep V’s they had.

  I smiled as Max came towards me.

  “Want to take a dip?” He asked me. I nodded and leaned in to kiss him softly. The blonde grumbled something I didn’t catch, but to drive the point home, I slid my hand into his shorts and smirked as he sucked in a breath. I looked back over my shoulder and met the girl’s eyes.

  “Oh yeah, he’s very happy. Bye bye now.”

  She stomped off as I moved my lips back to his. The others were catcalling, well, all except Jenn. She was blatantly laughing, while trying to hide her face. I smirked and pulled my hand from his shorts. “So, we going swimming?”

  “You guys go on, we’ll catch up.” Max’s gaze was hard, and lust-filled as he leaned in closer to me.

  I grinned.

  “Yeah, sure thing.” Tucker said.

  “Wait! We came to yell at him!” Jenn said. I gave her a secret smile.

  “I’ll talk to him. No worries.”

  “Ew, gross, that’s my brother…” she protested yet, as she had before, she was laughing. Hunter picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and they all headed to the water.

  “When did you get so possessive?” He asked.

  I shrugged.

  “It wasn’t really possessive, I was just seeing how happy you were to see me.” I gave him a cheeky grin.

  “I’m always painfully happy to see you,” his breath danced across my skin before he leaned in further to claim my lips. A needy moan left me when his hand roamed up my thigh and rubbed against me. I shifted and pulled back slightly.

  “I think we need to go inside…”

  “Maybe I should just take you right here?” His lips moved down my neck causing me to shiver with need.

  “Max, please.”

  “Please what, baby?” The scruff of his unshaved face brushed my skin and, god help me, I moaned as I shamelessly rubbed myself against him. His body was pressed tightly into mine, my legs wrapped around his hips.

  “Stop teasing me,” I begged.

  “I’m not teasing, baby.” His arm went around me and, before I could protest, I was lifted up against his chest, his good arm around me, his big hand on my ass. With each step he took his hard cock rubbed against my core. I was breathless with want and need by the time we got to his room. He dropped me on the bed and started to crawl up my body, but I stopped him. I removed my sandals and moved to rest my feet on his hips.

  “Not this way. You’re still healing.”

  “I’m fine, baby. I need to be inside you.”

  Sweet Jesus. “Get naked and lay down on the bed.” I said, my toes curling into his sides. I reached under me and with a quick pull my shirt was over my head.

  “Kennedy,” he growled out. I smiled sweetly.

  “Get those shorts off, Officer Callahan, and lay down.” It took a minute of intense staring for him to relent and pull his shorts off.

  I watched as his cock bounced free, my mouth watering at the sight. His body is so perfect. I couldn’t not touch him. I reached out and gently ran my hand down his chest, across his hard abs, and around to grip his stiff cock. He hissed, but I didn’t take my eyes off of what I was doing.

  My fingers rubbed along the thick vein on the underside of his cock, then circled the head. It took me only a moment's hesitation before I moved from the edge of the bed to my knees. I took him into my mouth as deep as I could, earning a hearty moan from him. I smiled around his thick, hard cock. My tongue rolled against the slick skin as I worked the base of his shaft with my hand.

  He was big, bigger than I had ever had, but I wanted all of him. Sucking his cock was making me wetter and I needed to feel him inside my pussy.

  “Kennedy, fuck, baby.”

  His hand moved to my head and curled around my hair. I moved my head back and forth faster. His body jerked when my teeth gently grazed the underside of his cock. I repeated the motion from the bottom of his shaft to the tip of his cock. His breathy moan caused another wave of wetness to coat my pussy, my free hand reaching down to rub myself. I was so turned on.

  After a few more bobs of my head he pulled me back and I released his cock from my mouth with a pop. My tongue darted out and I licked my lips.

  “Bed.” My voice was raspy, but he followed my directions. He settled himself in the middle of the bed. I straddled his hips and rose, positioning the head of his cock at the entrance of my core. His hand moved to stop me.


  I bit my lip and shook my head. It wasn’t the ‘responsible’ thing to do, but it was Max. I trusted him. “I’m clean. I had a test not too long ago, ya know, just in case that ass…”

  “I’m clean. I haven’t been with a woman in over a year, so…”


  I moved to slide down over him, his cock stretching me, and we both groaned. The stretching, burning I felt as he slid deeper had my hips rocking, my hands going to either side of his head. My fingers curled in the blankets under us. I lost control of myself as I rode him. My pussy clenched around him as I moved. His cock felt so perfect inside of me. It wasn’t long before we were both crying out in pleasure.

  My body and his slick with sweat as I collapsed on him, panting like I’d just run a marathon.



  I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Having Kennedy in my bed off and on for the last month has opened up something inside of me. It’s also brought out my inner beast. I want to claim her, mark her, and let the whole damn world know she’s mine in every damn way possible. But, I don’t want to be like that last asshole she dated.

  I missed her the last few mornings. Since I’m back on shifts, things have gotten crazy again. I’m glad to be back at work, but God, I miss my girl.

  “Hey, we going to the Magnolia for dinner?” Tucker’s voice pulled me from my thoughts and I turned my head slightly as I lathered up the soap in my hands to call back out to him from my stall.

  “I’m going there, anyway.”

  We were trying to clean up after the warrant we just helped serve. The warehouse was full of just plain nastiness. We probably need tetanus shots after that shit. It was that bad.

  “Hell, yes. I’m starving. Jenn will make sure we all have something good to eat.” Hunter called out as he walked out of the shower stalls.

  I finished up my shower and turned the water off. I took my towel and dried myself before wrapping it around my waist and walking to the main locker room. I pulled out my boxers, slipped t
hem on and dropped my towel. Dressing was much easier now that I was in full working order, with two working arms. I made sure to tie my tie correctly.

  I slid my off duty weapon into the holster at my back. With a final look around, just to make sure all of my dirty clothes were in my duffel, I shut my locker.

  “Let’s roll boys. I’ll meet y’all there. I have to make a quick stop.”

  “Where? What are you up to?” Tucker asked. I shrugged and made my way out of the locker room and out into the parking lot. I grabbed my keys, unlocked my Jeep’s door and tossed my bag in the backseat. With a slight wave to the boys, I started up the engine and was on the road in no time. I had to stop and get something for Kennedy.

  I pulled up in front of the florist and grinned as I jumped down from my Jeep and headed inside. Thank God Mr. Nells was open late on Friday nights.

  “Hey there, young man. You here to pick up your order?” He asked.

  “Yes sir, I am. How much do I owe you?” He gave me the total and I handed him my debit card. I signed the receipt and took the small vase of pink Tiger Lilies and made my way to the Jeep. I set the vase in the cup holder to keep them safe. Ten minutes later I was walking into the Magnolia, grinning at Shaylee. I smiled, seeing Jenn at the table with the boys already. I held my hand behind me as I stopped at the table.

  “About time. Where did you go?” Tucker asked. I just grinned.

  “Where’s Kennedy?” I asked Jenn.

  “Office. She was on the phone when I came out to greet these yahoos.” Jenn grinned and I nodded.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back. Order me a beer and steak platter. Extra sour cream on the tater.” I walked off towards the back of the restaurant. When I reached the office, I wrapped my knuckles on the open door. Kennedy’s eyes popped up and met mine. I grinned.

  “Hey! Get in here!” she said, jumping up and moving to me. I leaned in and kissed her hard, claiming those luscious lips of hers. She moaned and, I swear, it took all of my control to not shut the door behind me, put her up on this desk and ravish her. I pulled back and grinned down at her.

  “Damn, I missed you.” I pulled my arm around and presented her with the flowers I had brought her. Her eyes widened.

  “I missed you too, handsome. Oh Max, they’re beautiful!”

  “Not as beautiful as you are.” I meant that too. I kissed her again and stepped back before I couldn’t.

  “You, Mr. Callahan, are a smooth talker.”

  “I do try, baby.” I said with a wink. She laughed and took my hand, pulling me out of the office. “I need to put these in some water and you need to eat. I know the others are here.” I chuckled and let her lead me back out to the main dining room. I swatted her butt when she went to pass me at the table.

  “None of that. I’m working.” I heard her tinkle of laughter as she disappeared back into the kitchen area. I sat down and took the beer Jenn handed me.

  “Thanks, Sis.”

  “Chef is making y’all something special. Yes, it’s still steaks and taters, but he’s “amping them up,” his words, not mine.”

  “Should we be worried?” Anthony asked. He and Preston shared a look but, before I could say anything, Rooster chimed in.

  “Nah, you know G’man wouldn’t try to kill us or anything. He’s a flavor infuser.” I lost it. I laughed, choking on my beer. Fucking hell!

  “Did he get hit on the head today?” Jenn asked playfully.

  “Not today,” Rooster chimed in.

  We were all laughing, having a good time, when a crash came from the kitchen. I heard Guillermo cursing and then Kennedy’s raised voice. I was out of my chair and barreling into the kitchen only to come to a dead stop. Kennedy was on the floor, covered in something with a small dog in her lap. Guillermo was laughing, yet still cursing in his native tongue. Jenn pushed me aside and gasped.

  “What the hell, Ken? No dogs in the kitchen. Jesus, get him out of here. God, if we get caught with a dog in the kitchen-”

  “Relax, woman.” Kennedy said, getting to her feet. I moved to her and grimaced. She was covered in sauce.

  “No, the inspectors will be here any minute. Get him out!”

  “What happened?” I heard the others behind me as they surveyed the scene. Rooster, as always, had commentary all his own.

  “Damn, nothing beats a sexy girl covered in sauce.”

  “Shut up, Michael.” Jenn gave him a hard look and I shook my head. “Get that mutt out of here. Jesus! Where are Mario and Kegan?”

  “Keag is out sick. Mario is a no show. He’s probably helping that no good mom of his. Woman’s not worth-” Guillermo's heavy english transformed to Spanish once more.

  “We have to get this mess cleaned up!” The bells above the door chimed to say there was another guest and my sister’s face went from frustrated to panicked in an instant.

  “Alright fellas, let’s help out. I’ll get Kennedy cleaned up and back in the dining room. Hunter, front room, Rooster, you and Anthony get this place back into working order. Preston, Kelly, put an apron on and hit the dishes. I’ll be back in a bit to help.” I helped Kennedy to the back door and outside.

  “I can’t leave him out here.” She protested.

  “Come on, Kennedy, Jenn will have a stroke if you bring him back in there. Let’s take him into the back office, but through the other door.”

  “Okay,” she said, walking towards the other door. I pressed the code into the door and helped usher her inside.

  “You have any extra clothes in here?” I asked her as we went into the back bathroom. She nodded.

  “Yes, we both keep a few changes of clothing and shoes in here. Busy nights equal messy.”

  “Y’all need more wait staff.”

  “I’ll add it to the list of things to do,” she said, pushing away to sit the dog in the bathtub. Poor little guy was shaking. “Go calm Jenn down or we’ll be taking her to the ER for a panic attack. I’ll be out there as fast as I can.”

  “On it, love.” I leaned in and kissed her lips before walking back out. I straightened my tie and moved back out to the front. It was game time.



  “Thank you for helping, guys.” I leaned against the counter, wiping my hands on the towel at my waist. Both my black pants and white top had stuff on them, but who cared. It was quitting time now, thank God! I was dead tired.

  “It was our pleasure,” Hunter said, wrapping his arms around Jenn.

  She was as messy and frazzled as I was. Max’s strong arms came around me and I leaned back into his embrace. They’d all busted their asses tonight. Not only had the health inspector come by - as he said he would - but a food critic had come in as well. Of course, we hadn’t known he was a food critic until he was done. Thankfully, he gave us a rave review before he left. I can’t wait to see what he says.

  “Here ya go, ladies, that’s the last of the dirty dishes. All the chairs are stacked and the linens are in the back room to be washed. Also, here are your tips.” Rooster’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. He pulled out a handful of change and dollars and sat them on the counter beside us. I shook my head.

  “Nope, you guys earned those tips.”

  “We’re not taking them, they are y’alls, all we did was pitch in.” Michael said, his face stoic as he leveled me with a look. Aww, he was such a cute little bear. I made a face.

  “Guys, I’m with Kenn. We aren’t taking that, you earned it,” Jenn said, nodding her head at me.

  “Ladies we-”

  “You’re taking it! End. Of. Story.” Jenn huffed, crossing her arms.

  I chuckled as they all just stared at her.

  “There’s over four hundred dollars there. We’re not taking it.” Rooster’s face was turning a bright red, add to that the way he bobbed his head a little, and he had me cracking up. I covered my mouth as all eyes went to me.

  “You look like a pissed off rooster…”

  I shook my head and laughed harder.
Max pinched my ass and I jerked a little. A few of the others were laughing now too. It took a lot to control myself now that I was so tickled.

  “Women!” he growled out.

  “Listen, girls. We aren’t taking your tip money. You’re always helping us, it was the least we could do for y’all. So, Jenn, stuff the money in the safe and let’s get out of here. Preston, Kelly, nice work,” Max said.

  “If you’ve scrubbed one dish, you can do another, it was my pleasure,” Preston said as he bowed.

  “Let me get the pup and my bag, then I’ll be right out,” I said as we made our way from the kitchen. I heard Jenn groan and curse about me not keeping things alive. I snorted. She was an ass sometimes. Plants hated me, that was all. It was a puppy, I could take care of a puppy, dammit.

  I walked into the back office and made my way to the bathroom. He was still curled up in the tub with the two big towels I had left around him. “Hey, sweet boy. How about we go home and get you a little bath, and something to nibble on?”

  I moved to scoop him and the towels up. He whined and licked my face. I grinned and walked back through the office. I grabbed my duffel bag, my purse, and shut the door.

  When I came back into the main room I smiled at Max. Jenn came over to look at the dog in my arms and then looked up at me. “So, he’s kind of cute. Don’t let him die. He needs water, and food, and love.”

  “Jennifer, I know that. Jesus!”

  “One word, goldfish!”

  “Seriously!? I was like, ten. I didn’t know you could overfeed fish. It wasn’t my fault.”

  “Can y’all do this another time? We’re all dead on our feet,” Hunter said as he came and wrapped an arm around Jenn.

  “Do you have any dog food at home?” Max asked. I looked up at him and made a face.

  “I’ll stop at the corner grocery and get a little bag. It’s fine. Really.” I moved past them and out to the side lot where my car was. I yawned and wished I was home already. When I reached my car I started digging for my keys and unlocked the doors.


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