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Evolving Brains, Emerging Gods

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by E Fuller Torrey

  Inuit Indians, 234

  Israel, 151–52

  Italy, 94

  Jacobsen, Thorkild, 167–68, 170–71

  James, William, 104–5, 123, 199

  Jaspers, Karl, 199

  Jaynes, Julian, 218

  Johnson, Dominic, 65

  Jordan, 151

  Joseph, Rhawn, 216

  Judaism, 201

  Jung, Carl, 1

  Ka, 179, 181

  Kalahari San, 236

  Kennett, Douglas, 141

  Kfar Hahoresh, Israel, 151–52

  King, Barbara, 207

  Kings, 170–72, 205; Tutankhamun, 180–81, 196

  1 Kings 18:20–40, 275n38

  Klein, Richard, 95

  Koryak, 238

  Kramer, Samuel, 173

  Lamps, 89, 103

  Land ownership, 147

  Language: autobiographical memory and, 110; cognition before, 79–80; human brain related to, 9, 80–81, 241n10; introspective self and, 78–82; linguistics and, 81; of Mesopotamia, 166, 169, 269n8; origin of, 78–79; sign, 44; social grooming and, 78–79

  Langworthy, Orthello, 226

  Lascaux cave art, 96, 99–100, 103, 123

  Lateral prefrontal cortex (BA 9 and 46), 84, 85; of children, 163; intelligence and, 31–32, 32; planning related to, 162, 162–64

  Leary, Mark, 20, 80

  Letter from a Region of My Mind (Baldwin), 133

  Letter to a Christian Nation (Harris), 221

  Lewis-Williams, David, 110, 122

  Lice, 71

  Linden, David, 212

  Linguistics, 81

  Lobotomies, 61

  Longshan culture, 190–92

  Long-term memory, 105. See also Autobiographical memory

  “Lucy,” 26

  Luther, Martin, 199

  Macaques, 24–25

  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 13

  Major religions: adherents of, 200; birth of, 198–99; borrowing by, 200–1; death and, 199; government and, 200; support from, 199–200, 205

  Malaysia, 237–38

  Malraux, André, 165, 187

  Mammalian brains, 18, 23–24

  Manitous (spirits), 232–33

  Man’s Fate (Malraux), 165

  Manus Islanders, 237

  Maoris, 118

  Marshack, Alexander, 90

  Marsupial mammals, 18

  Masks, 151, 157–58

  Mataco Indians, 235

  Mathnawī (Rūmi), 68

  Mbuti Pygmies, 236

  McBrearty, Sally, 101

  McGovern, Patrick, 141–42, 146, 154

  McGuire, Michael, 212

  McNamara, Patrick, 1, 118–19, 216–17, 219

  Meat eating, 27

  Medial prefrontal cortex, 46, 63–64, 127, 162

  Meditation, 216

  Mellaart, James, 159–60

  Mellars, Paul, 70, 96–97

  Memory, 259n35; semantic, 105, 107–9. See also Autobiographical memory

  Memory devices, 90–91, 102

  Mesoamerica, 146

  Mesopotamia: Assyria and, 196; language of, 166, 169, 269n8; population of, 166; society of, 166; writing of, 166, 169–70, 175

  Mesopotamian gods, 166; anthropomorphism of, 172, 175–76; death and, 169–71; Egyptian gods compared to, 177; fertility and, 167–68; kings related to, 170–72; seasons related to, 169; temples for, 167, 172–74; war related to, 174–75

  Mesulam, Marcel, 20

  Metallurgy, 184–85

  Midbrain, 24, 242n1

  Middle East, 69

  Migration: of animals, 109; of Homo erectus, 39–40; of Homo sapiens, 11–12, 71–73, 87

  Minds, 28–29, 129; bicameral, 218. See also Theory of mind

  Mirror neurons, 64–65

  Mirror self-recognition, 41, 43–45

  Mithen, Steven, 27–28, 82, 90, 125

  Modern Homo sapiens, 87; arts of, 95–101, 102–3; autobiographical memory of, 104–9, 125–29, 126; fitted clothing of, 71, 89; grave goods of, 92–95, 102–3; human brain of, 125–29, 126; memory devices of, 90–91, 102; self-ornamentation of, 91–92, 102–3; tools of, 88–89; trade networks of, 91–92; weapons of, 88–90

  Modern human, 46–48, 47

  Modular Brain, The (Restak), 60

  Modules, 8–9

  Monkeys, 24–25; brains of, 18–19; chimpanzees compared to, 43–44, 49; tools of, 27

  Monotheism, 2, 196, 201

  Montaign, Michel de, 2

  Montesquieu (baron), 176

  Mormonism, 211, 222

  Moseley, Michael, 193–94, 197–98

  Mother Goddess, 159–60

  Mounds: burial, 223; platform, xiv, 192–93, 195

  MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging

  Mummification, 179–80; in Peru, 193–94

  Murdoch, George, 158

  Musical instruments, 97, 102, 154, 193

  Myelin, 226–27

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 114

  Nakoda (Stoney) Indians, 232

  Natural phenomena, 83

  Natural selection, 5–6; human brain and, 16–17

  Neandertals (Archaic Homo Sapiens): art by, 95; autobiographical memory and, 108–9; brain size of, 52, 68–69, 84; burials of, 54–55, 92, 94–95; culture of, 53–54; death and, 112; description of, 52–53; geography of, 51–52; gods and, 67; Hominins and, 69, 87; human brain of, 84–86, 85, 129; intentional burials of, 54–55; tools of, 53, 249n5

  Needles, 88–89, 102

  Neocortex, 24

  Neolithic era, 160, 265n24

  Neuroimaging studies, 31, 48; on introspective self, 84–86, 85

  Neurological theories, 215–17

  Neurons, 6, 24, 30, 33, 240n8, 241n12; in brain evolution, 225–26; self-awareness and, 48–50; theory of mind and, 64–65

  Neuropsychological Bases of God Beliefs (Persinger), 215

  Newberg, Andrew, 216

  New World monkeys, 18–19

  New Zealand, 118

  Nootkan Indians, 233

  Norenzayan, Ara, 65

  Northern Canada, 234

  Occipital area, 7, 7, 10, 14, 30

  Ochre, 53–54, 70–71

  Oedipal complex, 211

  Ojibwa Indians, 118, 139, 232

  Old World monkeys, 18–19

  Olszewski, Deborah, 145

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 110–11

  Ontogony and Phylogeny (Gould), 37

  Opportunistic evolution, 35

  Orbital frontal cortex (BA 47), 85, 126, 127, 216

  Orbitofrontal region (BA 47), 84, 85, 126, 127

  Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The (Jaynes), 218

  Osiris, 177, 179–80, 182

  Other-than-human-persons, 232

  Ozymandias, 223

  Pakistan, 182; Ahmadiyya in, 222; Aryans in, 196; engineering in, 183; grave goods in, 183–84

  Paleolithic period, 89–91, 133, 239n2. See also specific topics

  Papua New Guinea, 146, 156–58

  Parahippocampal gyrus (BA 35, 36), 126, 127–28

  Parallel evolution, 17, 206, 242n18; of agriculture, 145–46; chimpanzees and, 25; examples of, 18–20; metalurgy, 185

  Parietal lobe, 33, 215–16; of Homo habilis, 30–31

  Parrinder, Geoffrey, 139–40

  Passingham, Richard, 79–80

  Pattern-seeking theories, 83, 213–14

  Patterns in Prehistory (Olszewski and Wenke), 145

  Pawnee Indians, 119

  Pearson, Mike Parker, 23, 113, 147–50

  Pech Merle cave art, 98–99, 103

  Persinger, Michael, 215

  Peru, xiii–xiv, 146, 154; mummification in, 193–94; pyramids in, 192–93; society of, 192; temple in, 197–98

  Petronius, Gaius, 115–16

  Phenomenon of Man, The (Teilhard de Chardin), 255n16

  Piaget, Jean, 14–15

  Picasso, Pablo, 99

  Pigs (boars), 144

  Pinker, Steven, 80

  Placental mammals, 18

  Planning, 28; BA 9 and 46 related to, 162, 162–64

  Plant domestication, 20; cereals in, 140–42; intentional cultivation in, 141

  Plastered skulls, 149–51, 159, 266n37

  Platform mounds, xiv, 192–93, 195

  Politics, 4

  Pollard, Joshua, 188–90

  Polytheism, 2, 240n3

  Pomo Indians, 231

  Population, 198, 205; high gods and, 158–59, 166

  Posterior cingulate (BA 23), 85, 85, 128

  Posterior superior temporal area (BA 22), 62, 63, 126, 126

  Postmortem brains, 12–13

  Potassium-argon dating, 11

  Potlatch ceremonies, 139

  Pottery, 145–46, 184, 187, 191–92, 265n24

  Povinelli, Daniel, 15–16, 56–57, 104

  Power, 190; from ancestor worship, 155–56

  Precision grip, 18–19

  Prefrontal cortex, 277n6; agriculture and, 163–64; medial, 46, 63–64, 127, 162; theory of mind and, 60–61. See also Lateral prefrontal cortex

  Prehistory of the Mind (Mithen), 90

  Premotor cortex (BA 6), 31–33, 32

  Preuss, Todd, 33, 163

  Primates: baboons, 24–25, 42, 58, 115; brains of, 33; gorillas, 43, 58; monkeys, 18–19, 24–25, 27, 43–44, 49. See also Chimpanzees

  Primitive Culture (Tylor), 110–11, 125

  Prince, Christopher, 56–57

  Principles of Brain Evolution (Striedter), 24, 245n20

  Prosocial theories, 208–10, 273n9

  Proust, Marcel, 105–6

  Psychological theories, 211

  Pullum, Geoffrey, 80

  Pyramids, xiii–xiv, 187; in Avebury, 188; in Egypt, 179, 194–95; in Peru, 192–93

  Queens, 107, 172

  Radioactive thorium dating, 11

  Radiocarbon dating, 11

  Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 215

  Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, 117

  Religion, 222–23; cave art related to, 121–24; definitions of, 123, 207; dreams related to, 117–19; politics and, 4; term use of, xv; understanding of death and, 115–16. See also Major religions

  Religion Explained (Boyer), 214, 220

  Religious symbols, 77, 83

  REM. See Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep

  Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 105–6

  Renfrew, Colin, 185

  Restak, Richard, 60

  Right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ), 62–63, 63

  Roots of Civilization, The (Marshack), 90

  Rose, Michael, 29–30

  Rosenberg, Michael, 136

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 2

  Roux, George, 172, 176

  Royalty, 107, 170–72, 205

  RTPJ. See Right temporo-parietal junction

  Rūmi, 68

  Russia, xiv, 73, 186, 238

  Sacrifices, human, 171–72

  Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 25

  Sakhalin Island, Russia, 238

  Sally-Anne test, 56–57, 75

  Samoa, 120

  Saviors, 201, 222

  Schizophrenia, 42–43

  Schmidt, Klaus, 135, 137

  Schoenemann, Thomas, 79, 241n12

  Scotland, 187–88

  Sculptures, 97; statues, 151, 159–60, 172, 181. See also Figurines

  Seasons, 169

  Second-order theory of mind, 75–76, 82

  Self-awareness, 205, 247n17; age related to, 44–45; of children, 40–41; of chimpanzees, 43–44; definition of, 41–42; empathy related to, 55–56; of Homo erectus, 42, 45–46, 129; insula and, 46–47, 47; neurons and, 48–50; VENs related to, 48–50

  Self-ornamentation, 69, 76; of Homo sapiens, 10, 70–71, 74; of modern Homo sapiens, 91–92, 102–3

  Self-recognition, mirror, 41, 43–45

  Semantic memory, 105, 109; brain abnormalities and, 107–8

  Sewing, 88–89, 102

  Shabtis, 181

  Shakespeare, William, 203

  Shamans, 122, 235, 238

  Shamans, Sorcerers, and Saints (Hayden), 122

  Shamans of Prehistory, The (Clottes and Lewis-Williams), 122

  Shang dynasty, 197

  Shariff, Azim, 158–59

  Sheep, 143–44

  Shell beads, 70–71

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 51

  Shermer, Michael, 214

  Shiva, 183

  Short-term memory (working memory), 105

  Shrines, xiii–xiv, 152–53

  Shryock, Andrew, 38

  Siberia, 73, 119–20

  Sign language, 44

  Silbury Hill, England, xiii–xiv, 188

  Skull cults, 151–53; display of, 149–50

  Skull house, 136–37

  Skulls, plastered, 149–51, 159, 266n37

  SLF. See Superior longitudinal fasciculus

  Smail, Daniel, 17, 38

  Smith, Joseph, 211

  Social brain hypothesis, 35–36

  Social cognition, 84–85

  Social grooming, 78–79

  Social theories, 206–8

  Solstice, 189, 222–23

  Sorcerers, 100, 122–23, 262n65

  Soul traveling, 238

  South Africa, 69, 70–71

  Southeastern Europe, 184–85, 197

  Spain, 96–97

  Spear throwers, 89, 102–3

  Spencer, Herbert, 156

  Spirits, 230, 240n3; Ba, 179; gods from, 156–58, 165; manitous as, 232–33

  Stanley Medical Research Institute, 243n12

  Statues, 151, 172, 181; high gods related to, 159–60

  Stonehenge, 134, 190, 195; solstice at, 189, 222–23

  Stones, 186–87

  Stoney (Nakoda) Indians, 232

  Striedter, Georg, 24, 245n20

  Stringer, Christopher, 61

  Suddendorf, Thomas, 110, 259n35

  Suffering, 6

  Sumer, 269n8, 269n11

  Superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), 34, 46, 163

  Superior parietal (BA 7), 31–32, 32, 34, 126, 128

  Survival, 219–20. See also Death

  Swanson, Guy, 158

  Swift, Jonathan, 30

  Synapses, 277n6

  Tallis, Raymond, 45, 112

  Taste, 106

  Tattersall, Ian, 45, 55, 95, 125

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 77, 82, 255n16

  Temples: children and, 173; of Egypt, 177; for Mesopotamian gods, 167, 172–74; in Peru, 197–98

  Temporal lobe, 215

  Temporal pole (BA 38), 85, 85–86, 256n30

  Temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), 62–63, 63, 85

  Terminal zones, 7, 32, 163, 227

  Terror Management Theory, 116–17

  Theories: comfort, 211–13; evolutionary, 3–6; genetic, 217–18; neurological, 215–17; pattern-seeking, 83, 213–14; prosocial, 208–10, 273n9; psychological, 211; social, 206–8

  Theory of mind, 250n12; animals and, 57–59; BA 24 and 32 and, 60, 63, 64, 84, 85, 86, 126, 126; belief in gods and, 65–67; children and, 56–57, 74–75, 82; empathy and, 60–61; evolution and, 59; first-order, 56, 75; impairment of, 59–61; insula and, 60, 62–64; mirror neurons related to, 64–65; neurons and, 64–65; prefrontal cortex and, 60–61; second-order, 75–76, 82; TPJ in, 62–63, 63; uncinate fasciculus and, 62

  Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 107

  Tiger, Lionel, 212

  Tillich, Paul, 113

  Time. See Autobiographical memory

  Tissues, 12–13, 241n12

  Tlingit Indians, 231–32

  Tobias, Philip, 29–30, 35

  Tools, 10, 48, 69; bone, 70, 88, 102; of Homo erectus, 38–40, 245n3; of Homo habilis, 27–28, 37; of modern Homo sapiens, 88–89; of Neandertals, 53, 249n5

  Totem poles, 135–36

  Totems, 121–23

  Toynbee, Arthur, 196

  TPJ. See Temporo-parietal junction

  Trade networks, 91–92

Bruce, 182

  Tulving, Endel, 259n34

  Turgenev, Ivan, 30

  Turkey, 136, 152–53, 159–60. See also Göbekli Tepe

  Tutankhamun (king), 180–81, 196

  Tylor, Edward B., 114, 117–18, 123, 138; on ancestor worship, 140, 156, 204; Darwin and, 110–11, 206; on grave goods, 124–25

  Uncinate fasciculus, 14, 15, 46–47; autobiographical memory and, 128; theory of mind and, 62

  Understanding, of death: animism and, 114; autobiographical memory and, 110–13; children related to, 114–15; religion and, 115–16; Terror Management Theory and, 116–17

  UNESCO World Heritage site, 193

  Upper Paleolithic period, 90, 110, 239n2

  Uranium dating, 11

  Urgesi, Cosimo, 215–16

  Utah, 230

  Ute Indians, 230

  Utnapishtim, 170

  Veddahs, 138–39, 236

  VENs. See von Economo neurons

  Venus figurines, 93, 97, 100

  Villages, 148

  Virgin birth, 201, 272n76

  Visual arts, 19; autobiographical memory and, 120–22. See also Cave art

  von Economo, Constantin, 49

  von Economo neurons (VENs), 48–50

  Wade, Nicholas, 207–8, 219

  WAIS. See Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

  War, 174–75, 190

  Warnings, 234

  Water crossing, 73

  Wealth, 171–72

  Weapons: bow and arrow, 89, 103; of modern Homo sapiens, 88–90; spear throwers, 89, 102–3

  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), 31–32

  Weil, Eric, 199

  Wenke, Robert, 145

  Wernicke’s area, 9, 62, 81

  Western Europe: Brodgar in, 187–88; cairns in, 186–87; grave goods in, 185–86. See also England

  Whales, 30, 44, 49, 225–26

  What Mad Pursuit (Crick), 1

  Wheeler, Mortimer, 183

  White, Randall, 91, 101

  White matter connecting tracts, 34, 46–47, 226; in evidence, 13–14, 15; introspective self and, 86; planning and, 163–64

  White people, 157

  Why Gods Persist (Hinde), 211–12

  Willis, Thomas, xiii

  Wilson, David Sloan, 207–8

  Wine, 141–42, 154

  Women: figurines, 93, 97, 100, 159–60; sewing by, 88–89, 102; virgin birth, 201, 272n76

  Working memory. See Short-term memory

  Wren, Christopher, 239n1

  Writing, 191; afterworld in, 181–82; of Egypt, 176–77; gods and, 160–61; of Mesopotamia, 166, 169–70, 175

  Xenophanes, 176

  Yeats, William Butler, 116

  Yoruk Indians, 231

  Younger Dryas, 263n2

  Zilles, Karl, 48, 227

  Zimmer, Carl, 72–74, 239n1

  Zoroaster, 201, 272n76

  Zoroastrianism, 201, 272n76

  Zulu, 118


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