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Humping Her Hero

Page 4

by Emmaline Wade

  “John!” Annie couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled from within her. It felt so good to simply laugh for a moment. “Ah! You’re entirely too stubborn and hard headed.”

  “Yeah,” John agreed. “But you like me anyway.”

  “Indeed…I do.”

  Four hours later, John was relaxing on a large gray sofa and absently wondered if he was going to fall asleep. Several relatives were starting to leave and the home was becoming quieter. The massive stone fireplace was crackling and John felt content sitting in front of the television, watching the football game, and sipping a beer.

  Both John and Sam had been introduced to numerous family members and treated like life-long friends. John took a moment to glance around and absorb the family atmosphere. Margie Perry was busy in the kitchen with the other women, gossiping and baking cookies. Children of all ages were donned in kid-sized aprons and chef hats, making what John considered a huge mess on the kitchen table. Earlier in the day, a little girl named Ava had skipped toward John with pink icing attached to her face. The red headed child gave the plate full of cookies to him, then had grinned and promptly skipped away.

  Sam had been occupied in the game room with Annie’s brothers and cousins for the majority of the afternoon. John often heard laughter from the living room and was pleased his brother was having such a great time. Sam Connell could get along with nearly everyone and John appreciated that about his younger brother.

  “I imagine my daughter asks you fifty times a day, but how are you feeling, John?” Milt Perry asked as he took a seat in a comfortable appearing leather chair.

  “That’s true.” John confirmed as the left side of his mouth titled upward in a so-called grin. “Annie does ask me that about fifty times a day…sometimes more.”

  “She’s a born nurturer,” Milt confided. He glanced at the large television screen to check the football score and then peered in John’s direction. “Annie has always been a very caring person.”

  Because John anticipated what this conversation was really about, John looked at Milt. “So is this the time where we cut the bullshit?”

  “I’ve always appreciated a man who gets right to the point,” Milt affirmed. “How are you doing, John? How’s the investigation going?”

  “I can’t speak about the investigation concerning Annie, but you can always contact Detective Wick,” John easily stated. John knew that the police department was investigating to see if the attack on Annie Perry was random or if it had been arranged by some unknown assailant. So far, it appeared as if the attack on Annie had just been an unplanned wrong-place-wrong-time unfortunate event.

  “I assume Detective Wick has been keeping you updated on the progress of the investigation?” Milt asked.

  “I’ve been kept in the loop,” John carefully acknowledged.

  “Annie doesn’t talk about the attack,” Milt told. There was a small lump in his throat at that acknowledgement. “Ever. She…doesn’t ever talk about it.”

  A deep pang of guilt festered within John. He hated the fact that Annie had been a victim of someone else’s actions and now she was the one who continued to suffer. “It’s amazing that Annie is kind toward me,” John said because he knew first hand how most victims reacted.

  Milt eyed John for a minute. “Why the hell wouldn’t Annie be kind toward you?”

  Sadly, John glanced at Milt Perry and slightly shook his head in a silent form of torment. “I’m a constant reminder of what happened to her, Milt.”

  Annie’s father digested that information for a moment. “You saved her life, John.”

  For a brief instant, John thought back to that dark and traumatic night. “Annie was starting to fight the attacker that night. She was screaming and punching, doing everything she was supposed to do. Annie is tough, Milt.” There was a hint of pride in John’s voice and then he added, “You raised one tough daughter.”

  Milt was about to respond when he noticed his youngest child entering the room. After smiling at the pair of men, Annie placed an assortment of cookies on the nearby coffee table. “Eat these quick before the guys in the other room see them.”

  John noticed the decorated Christmas themed cookies. The thick white and red frosting did appear appetizing. As if sensing John’s thoughts, Annie placed a pair of cookies on a small plate and passed it to him. The brush of John’s fingertips across Annie’s caused her heart to shine with admiration.

  “Thank you,” John said. He nodded toward the empty space beside him. “You can sit down, if you want.” John did not tell Annie that he actually wanted her company.

  John’s heart did a little somersault as he noticed the thousand-watt smile that Annie directed his way. It was at the precise moment that John felt like he was one of the most important people to Annie Perry and he appreciated that feeling.

  John began to munch on a Santa looking cookie as he watched Annie grab a small fuzzy white blanket from the corner of the couch. The scent of her floral perfume ticked his nose as she took a seat beside him, tucked her feet under her body and snuggled with the blanket.

  “I know you don’t like it when I ask how you’re feeling, but… I have only asked you once or twice today…,” Annie said.

  “I’m doing okay,” John said, automatically knowing that the young woman would ask him at least two more times before he left. “You have a nice family.”

  “Thank you,” Annie said with a deep sense of honesty. “I’m just thankful that you agreed to come here today. Plus, I realize that a lot of my relatives probably tried to ask you some questions about the…well, ah, you know…the attack, even though I asked them to respect your privacy.”

  Before John could respond, Milt Perry stood. He pointed toward the kitchen. “I’m going to get some more cookies. Those do look quite delicious, Annie.” John internally knew that Milt was actually leaving the room so that Annie would talk to John.

  “All of your family members have been great, Annie,” John said. He tilted his head a fraction of an inch so that he could have a better look at her. John identified the tenderness within her gaze… and could nearly get lost in it. “By the way, that was one hell of a kiss the other night.”

  A red tinge of blush immediately surfaced across Annie’s cheeks. She felt the embarrassment prickle inside her. “Just so you know, that was completely out of character for me.”

  “I know that,” John assured her. “Did you need to discuss it or do we just forget about it?”

  Annie eyed John. There was no expression on his face; making her wonder just how many walls John had built around his soul. John was hardened. John was serious. John possessed a take-charge attitude. Now, Annie knew that John deserved the truth. “I don’t want to forget it…and I am sorry if that embarrasses you.”

  “It doesn’t embarrass me at all,” John was quick to confirm. He leaned closer to the one woman he cared about. “Listen, Annie, I-”

  “John!” Sam peaked his head around the corner. “Did you just see that touchdown? You owe me money….”

  Recipes from the Perry family gathering

  Cookies & Cream Cupcakes

  2 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour

  1 tablespoon of baking powder

  pinch of salt (about ½ teaspoon)

  1 2/3 cups of sugar

  1 cup of milk

  ½ cup (1 stick) of butter- make sure it’s softened

  2 teaspoons of vanilla

  3 egg whites

  1 cup (or a little more) of crushed chocolate sandwich cookies. I crumble/ smash at least 10 cookies, but usually do more for garnish.

  You favorite vanilla frosting recipe (you can use a contain of frosting, but I like to make my frosting from scratch)

  Preheat the oven to 350 F.

  Line 24 regular size muffin pan cups with cupcake baking cups.

  In a large bowl; combine flour, baking powder, sugar and salt together.

  Add milk, butter, vanilla, and egg whites. Beat this cupcake batter with an electric

  Stir in one cup of crushed cookies.

  Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.

  Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted into the centers comes out clean.

  Cool in pans, on wire racks, for about 10 minutes. Remove to racks and let the cupcakes completely cool.

  Frost the cupcakes and garnish with additional crushed cookies.

  Chocolate Peanut Butter Fondue

  2/3 cup of sugar

  2/3 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

  2/3 cup of milk

  6 tablespoons of light corn syrup

  4 tablespoons of peanut butter of your choice. You can also experiment with other nut butters.

  ½ teaspoon of vanilla

  assorted fruit or cookies (whatever you desire)

  Mix sugar, cocoa, milk, corn syrup, and peanut butter in a medium-sized saucepan. Cook over medium heat. Be certain to stir this continuously until the mixture is hot.

  Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla.

  Pour the fondue into a medium sized serving bowl.

  You can either eat this warm or at room temperature.

  Dip in the fruit or cookies…and enjoy!


  “What are you so spruced up for?”

  John Connell eyed his brother and noticed the new jeans as well as the stylish button-up shirt. Normally, Sam lounged around in a dark hooded sweatshirt and ancient looking denims.

  Sam grinned at his brother as he walked toward the hall closet in search of a decent jacket. John could smell the cologne and now whistled in a smart ass tone. “Hot date?”

  Sam stuck his head out of the hall closet and stared at his older brother. “Logan Perry invited me to the NBA game tonight.”

  John swore. “What the hell did you just say?”

  Sam held up a brown leather jacket and inspected the garment in his hands. “I said I’m going to a basketball game with Logan and one of the other brothers and a few of his cousins.”

  John ran a hand through his short hair. “We’re not friends with these people. Annie Perry is a victim and-”

  “That happened weeks ago,” Sam interrupted. “I’m just going to the game with some new friends.”

  John stood, hating the fact that he needed to grab his cane for support. He despised the blasted thing, but knew he needed it now out of need. “We never should have gone to the Perry home for dinner and-”

  “You wanted to see Annie,” Sam pointed out.

  John slowly limped his way to his brother, wanting to knock some sense into the younger man, but knowing that he physically was not capable of it. “I wanted to check on her as a police officer and-”

  Sam snickered. “Look, they’re going to be here in about ten minutes, so you can either help me clean this place up or continue to yell at me.”

  John lightly whacked his brother with the cane and was about to strike again, when Sam laughed and maneuvered out of the way. John gazed around the apartment that he shared with his sibling and rolled his eyes. Their living quarters were large; the floor plan was open, and spacious. John knew their living environment was okay for two bachelors, but now John was seeing it through a new pair of eyes. The furniture was worn and a giant big screen television was mounted on the far wall. A couple of sports posters were hung on the walls, courtesy of Sam.

  “Annie isn’t coming here tonight, is she?”

  “I have no idea.”

  John shook his head in disgust. “A little warning would have been nice. I don’t want her coming to the bar downstairs this late and-”

  “Coming to the bar this late? It’s only seven,” Sam informed his brother. After locating his wallet, Sam stuffed it into his back pocket.

  John knew he was not making sense and he hated himself for that. “I just don’t feel comfortable having Annie at the bar downstairs or-”

  “There’s nothing wrong with the bar downstairs. You own the bar downstairs.”

  John could not express himself like he wanted, and that had never been an issue before. Now, Annie Perry was on his mind and in his life. Before John could comment, there was a knock on the door. Sam opened the door to see Milt Perry and various family members hovering near the entryway.

  “I’m ready, guys!” Sam shouted as he raced out of the room and toward the Perry family. The young men were already hooting and hollering about the upcoming basketball game, when Milt told the boys to wait for him at the bar. John swung the door open wider and motioned for Milt to enter the spacious apartment.

  Once Milt was inside the room, he glanced around and began to chuckle. “I assume you’re a bachelor?”

  John knew Milt was teasing. “I’ve been a bachelor for several years, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”

  Milt nodded. “I used to have a place similar to this, before I met Margie.”

  Milt took a seat on the worn couch and watched as John walked across the room. The limp was becoming less pronounced and Milt wanted to inquire about John’s prognosis, but decided to save that conversation for another time.

  “Care for a beer, Milt?”

  Milt waved his hand and declined. “Another time, John.”

  John took a seat across from Annie’s father and mentally braced himself. Milt Perry appeared to be in a serious mood and John respected that. “What’s the matter, Milt?”

  The older man blew out a deep breath of air. It had been a long time since anyone had addressed him by his first name and didn’t treat him like a boss or need anything from him. It was with John and Sam that Milt felt comfortable being himself. Neither of them cared how much money he was worth.

  “It’s Annie. She’s just not herself.”

  John waited for Milt to continue. He knew that now was his chance to listen.

  Milt shrugged his shoulders. “I realize it’s only been a little while since the attack, but she hasn’t been leaving her apartment much. Annie called this evening to say that she wouldn’t be attending a charity event that’s being hosted in a few weeks. It’s just not like her.”

  With a sympathetic heart, John glanced at the older man. “The police have professionals that can help people who’ve been in traumatic situations and-”

  Milt held up his hand. “Margie and I have discussed all of that with her. Annie refuses to talk to anybody about what happened. I just wish that she would heal, and I want to know that she’ll be okay.”

  John gazed at the strong businessman, trying to gauge his mood. “Give her some time, Milt. Annie will come around and eventually adjust to everything.”

  Milt nodded his head and stood up. He took a moment to examine John. It felt right to discuss his thoughts with the police officer. “Thanks for taking care of her, John.”

  John gazed at the upset man. “Would you like me to go to Annie’s this evening and check on her?”

  “It would give me a little peace of mind.”

  “I’ll stop by her place and make certain that she’s okay.” John walked Milt to the apartment door, knowing their conversation was completed. “Thanks for taking Sam to the NBA game.”

  “Of course. Heck you’re both practically family now.”

  “Oh, my goodness! Annie!”

  Annie Perry recognized the shrill voice, and braced herself for the numerous questions that she was surely going to be asked. It had been three weeks since the attack, and Annie was grateful to be surrounded by people she loved and cherished. Three of her closest friends had arrived at her large apartment moments ago with get-well gifts and gossip. All three women lounged on Annie’s furniture, sipping wine, and interrogating her about the attack.

  Melly Jones placed her wine glass on the dark wood coffee table eyeing her precious friend. “Okay….okay…we’ll discuss the accident and the creepy guy that attacked you later. Now what about the cop? Logan told me he was at your parents’ house not long ago. What gives?”

  Annie rolled her eyes and pulled the bright red fuzzy blanket protectively around her body.
A smile formed on her face as she thought of the tough detective. Melly Jones glanced from Annie to the couple of women sitting in the loveseat across from her. Lindsay and Fern traded glances, knowing what each other was thinking without having to say a single word.

  After taking a quick shower, Annie felt relaxed in a pair of fuzzy dark gray lounge pants and white t-shirt. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and a pair of hot pink slippers encased her feet. She had been looking forward to a quiet evening at home, but was grateful to be spending time with her friends. Annie had avoided her friends for far too long since the incident and she was comforted by their visit now.

  Lindsay, the tall blonde, poured herself more white wine and grinned mischievously. “Speaking of the cop…we brought gifts for you!”

  Melly and Lindsay clapped their hands in delight as Fern, a petite redhead, chuckled and handed Annie three small packages.

  Annie eyed her friends. “Well thank you so very much, but you certainly didn’t need to bring me gifts.”

  Melly snickered and helped herself to another glass of wine. “Just wait until you see them.”

  Knowing her friends meant well, Annie opened the first elegantly wrapped package and peered inside the box. With her face turning bright red, Annie grabbed the pair of black fur lined sexual handcuffs and rolled her eyes.

  “Oh my goodness! What possessed you to give me these?”

  Melly snickered as laughter bubbled from Lindsay and Fern. “We just thought you could repay the cop for saving you!”

  Another wave of embarrassment surfaced across Annie’s face as her friends continued to giggle. She could only shake her head. Annie opened the next package and pulled out a barely-there see-through Mrs. Claus inspired teddy that left nothing to the imagination. Without saying a word, Annie just grinned at her friends.

  “We thought you could thank the cop some more,” Lindsay informed the women. Annie shook her head and remained silent. She had certainly thought of John in a lover’s role, but had never voiced her thoughts to anyone. With a wide smile on her face, Annie anxiously opened the last package. A peppermint inspired candy cane thong and matching bra made Annie start choking and place a hand across her chest. Utterly speechless about the gifts, Annie stood and hugged her fun and well-meaning friends.


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