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Humping Her Hero

Page 15

by Emmaline Wade

  “I’m happy to hear it,” came Samuel’s easy reply. He wanted to appear smug, but knew his wife would throw a pillow at him. “So what are your thoughts on this vacation?”

  “Well, I don’t know how much of a vacation this will be for you, but I think it’s great that you invited all of us on your business trip. After you’re done with all your meetings, you can join the rest of us on the beach.” Sibby was hoping her husband would at least be able to relax for a couple of days.

  “Well, Damon will be sitting in with me for a majority of the meetings. This will be a great business experience for him.” Samuel thought for a moment and said, “I think this trip is coming at a perfect time.” He glanced around the plane and focused his direct attention on his children.

  The Carrie kids, as they had been affectionately nicknamed when they were younger, were named in alphabetical order.

  First, was Brisa.

  As predicted, Brisa was reading a textbook on child development. The early childhood education teacher sat in her tan upholstered chair with a side-light turned on, providing her with extra light as she read. She wore a matching set of black leggings and a black top.

  Her silky jet-black hair was pulled away from her face in a loose ponytail. Medium length tendrils of hair framed her heart-shaped face. The dark brown, nearly black eyes darted back and forth as she read the information in the textbook.

  Next, was Cray. The psychology student was sitting opposite Brisa and engrossed in his own reading. The dark brown hair contained a few streaks of gray hair at the temples. Samuel knew that Cray had inherited the deep set of green eyes from Sibby.

  It was Cray that had always appeared and acted older than his actual age. The young man sat up straight in his chair, wearing a tan suit, with matching tie and gleaming loafers. Samuel noticed the briefcase beside Cray, open and full of vanilla colored file folders.

  Samuel took a moment to analyze the twins. The pair sat beside each other, their heads bowed in private conversation. Damon, older by a few minutes, was intently listening to his sister.

  Ellie was grinning at her brother and then proceeded to begin typing on her laptop. Samuel absently wondered if Ellie was about finished writing her novel.

  He watched as Ellie paused for a moment, pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail, glanced at the notebook beside her and began typing again. Damon moved a seat away from his sister, reclined in the chair and placed a pair of headphones over his ears.

  “You know,” Samuel began as he shifted his gaze to his wife of several years, “I’m glad we’re taking this vacation. It will give us a little time to spend with each other.”

  Sibby closed her magazine and maneuvered herself to sit beside her husband. It was a rare moment that he was not conducting business and she wanted to capitalize on it.

  “I know exactly what you mean,” Sibby inserted, her Southern drawl strong. “I wish I could just bottle this moment up and keep them all at home for another year.”

  “Even Damon?” Samuel teased.

  “Even our smart ass son,” Sibby answered with laughter. “I miss his humor when he’s not at the house. In truth, I miss all our children when they’re not at home.”

  “We’re considered empty-nesters now,” Samuel said, even though he really did not care for the term. He did not want these moments to happen so fast. “I wish we could go back in time for a few minutes and we could take the kids sailing in Daffodil.”

  “Perhaps we can all meet there in a few months and go sailing,” Sibby said, much for her husband’s benefit. It went without saying that their children were orchestrating their own lives and their own sense of self-worth within the world.

  With a mother’s love in her heart, she glanced at her children. The pride was there. Brisa was a teacher; her caring and compassionate soul knew no bounds. Cray was dedicating himself to becoming a successful psychologist. And the twins…Damon had a very keen interest in the Carrie Corporation and had a head and desire for business. Ellie was nearly finished with another novel, no small accomplishment since she was also a full-time college student.

  “You know,” Sibby confided as she tucked her feet under her. “Our daughter is becoming quite a writer. I can’t wait to read this new book when she’s finished.”

  “I hear she’s close to getting on the New York Times bestsellers list,” Samuel said. He knew if his daughter continued to publish her stories that she would eventually earn her right to be on that coveted list. It was only a matter of time. “When is her next book due?”

  “I believe about eight months from now.” Sibby tucked a small section of hair behind her ear and added, “And Ellie’s books aren’t just strictly romance…oh, there is just so much more to it than that. Her stories are so full of depth.”

  Samuel nodded at the information. He was about to whisper something to his wife when she piped up and said, “You know out of all the love stories in the world, ours is my favorite.” There was a wishful tone in her voice, when she added, “Perhaps Ellie will write about us one day.”

  “We do have a fantastic love story,” Samuel Carrie agreed. He then kissed the top of his wife’s head. “It was your Southern accent that got me, darling.”

  “Just the accent?”

  “And your sass...your poise….and your love.”

  “Well, I warned you about marrying me years ago,” Sibby said with a grin. “You surely can’t take the Southern-ness out of me.”

  “Which I would never try,” Samuel vowed.

  “You know, we are so completely blessed,” Sibby marveled now as thoughts of her family whirled in her head and within her heart. “And I think there will be some wedding bells in the future…”

  Samuel did not want to think of his daughter getting serious with anyone, but for Sibby’s benefit he tried to mask his frown. “I assume we are talking about Ethan Strat.”

  “Of course we’re talking about Ethan,” Sibby softly chided. “I mean it’s so obvious that he’s in love with her.” Already having a sense of what her husband was thinking, Sibby rushed to say, “And don’t tell me that Ellie is too young to get engaged…you and I were already married by the time we were her age.”

  The indigestion in Samuel’s stomach intensified and he absently wondered if his wife had any antacids in her purse. He felt a small ache beginning to form near his temples.

  Noticing that her husband was still coming to terms that Ellie may be getting engaged, she lightly patted his chest and snuggled deeper into his embrace. “I have a feeling this will be the best vacation of our lives.”

  Gunshots fired in the humid nighttime air.

  People ran in various directions as chaos ensued.







  “You’re safe,” Axe Liam whispered sternly to the man laying face down on the cold, wet pavement. Eerie darkness engulfed them. Muffled gunshots continued to pelt the vicinity. Axe noticed the man lift his head a couple of inches higher, trying to look around the area. With his hand on the back of the man’s head, he pushed him further downward. “Keep your ass down for a minute.” Axe did not have time to mess around.

  With his gun pointed forward, he quickly surveyed the deadly surroundings.

  Moments passed.

  The gunfire ceased.

  Axe maneuvered himself around the car, looking for any sign of lethal force. Many yards away, Axe could hear the echoing of the city streets. Vehicles roamed in different directions. Car horns blasted. People shuffled around the sidewalks.

  But here was different.

  It was here that he had almost gotten killed.

  It was here ….the place that had suddenly gotten quiet.

  “Command two,” Axe whispered. Within moments, Axe noticed his two best friends silently maneuvering in his direction. Riot Rodney and Duff Racen were within crawling distance. Axe reloaded his pistol with a new cl

  He was calm.

  His heartbeat steady.

  “The danger has passed,” Axe told the man who was still lying on the pavement. With a keen set of trained eyes, Axe surveyed the person. The man wore a new tailored gray business suit with what used to be shiny loafers that were now coated with mud and grime.

  “You’re safe. You can get up if you want.” Axe’s tone was quiet, in a near whisper that contained the voice of authority. Axe was taking direct command of the situation. It was what he was trained for.

  He was in control.

  He was in position.

  And he wanted to leave.

  The stranger quickly shifted his body and now sat behind the luxury car, his back pressed against the tire. He took in a few deep breaths of air. “What the hell just happened?”

  Axe silently signaled to his two men that he would trust with his life. He had trusted these men with his life before. And he would do it again. He would do it now.

  Riot Rodney and Duff Racen now positioned themselves by Axe. Each man held a loaded pistol in their hands, aiming the deadly and lethal weapons into the darkness.

  “You just got ambushed,” was Axe’s reply. Once again he quickly inspected the man sitting across from him. The businessman did not seem remotely interested that his expensive suit was now covered with rainwater and smudges of dirt. The man just appeared grateful to still be alive. “Where the hell are you staying at?”

  “Staying at?” The man asked in confusion. So much had transpired within the last five minutes. So much violence. So much gunfire. What had just happened? “Was someone trying to kill me?”

  “Looks like it,” Axe answered and internally gave the man credit for not puking. So far, the businessman was not going into shock, which made things easier. “I don’t know who the hell wants you dead, but you obviously need to leave this place immediately.”

  “I, ah….well, I had bodyguards,” the man insisted. He glanced around the deserted area, as if expecting to see the hired men around him. Instead he saw Axe with two other men. “My name is Samuel Carrie and I’m an American.”

  Axe knew the man was American judging by his accent. “You need to get the hell out of this country. Now. Before other men come back and try and finish the job.”

  “Oh, my goodness. My children,” Samuel said, his voice trembling with utter chaotic fear. “My wife.” The unknown anguish of not knowing if his beloved family was dead or alive consumed his soul. “I need to get to them. They are at the hotel.”

  Damn it.

  Damn it.

  Damn it.

  Axe did not want to get involved. It was too late. He knew it, but that did not make the situation any better.

  Damn it.

  Damn it.

  Damn it.

  Samuel Carrie stood up. At that moment he did not care if some stray bullet shot him. He did not care about himself. His concern was only for his family.

  He had to reach his wife and kids.

  Maybe they had been attacked…

  Maybe they had been killed…

  Maybe they were dead…

  “Please,” Samuel begged with urgency and grief. He peered at Axe, who he surmised as the leader from the trio of men. “I need to get back to the hotel. My family is there.”

  Axe swore under his breath as his mind already churned in ten different directions. He pointed toward a jeep that was parked a few yards away. “We’ll get you in the vehicle and you’ll fill us in along the way to the hotel.”

  “I need to call them,” Samuel begged. “I need to warn them. What if someone comes to the door and kills my family?”

  The entire situation just got worse.

  “What hotel are you staying at?”

  Samuel rattled off the name as he reached for his cell phone. When he noticed the device was broken he nearly wailed.

  Axe glanced at Riot, as a knowing look passed between the two men. “You know the place. Call Julio and tell them to cover the room until we get there. I will pay more than the hired assassins.”

  Riot nodded and reached for his own phone.

  “Hired assassins?” Samuel questioned. “What the hell is going on here? Is my family okay? Who are you guys?”

  “I’m trying to protect your family,” Axe told the man. “I have a known acquaintance in the area that is going to the hotel. He will keep an eye on your family until we get there.” Axe knew it would cost him a fortune, but at the moment he did not care. He knew they needed to hurry. Now. As quickly as possible. Before the man’s family was brutally killed.

  “Time to move,” Axe informed the men. He hunched forward on his knees. “Command three.”

  The three highly skilled men got to their feet. Axe noticed that Samuel crouched down beside them. At least the man was catching on quickly.

  “Can I have a gun?” Samuel asked. He was crouching and running toward the jeep. Axe was by his side. Without saying a word, Riot and Duff flanked them from behind.

  “Absolutely not.” Axe searched the area, his eyes darting back and forth, with his gun positioned forward. “I don’t know who the hell you are. I’m not giving you a gun.”

  “You just saved my life,” Samuel said, the awe within his voice made the situation all the more surreal. “All of you just now saved my life.” Samuel was still coming to terms with the dire situation.

  He had been attacked. Ambushed. Nearly left for dead… if Axe and his two friends had not arrived…

  And now his family…

  Samuel thought of his wife and children.

  With the deep tortured voice of an anguished soul, Samuel Carrie pleaded, “Please, please hurry. My entire family is at the hotel. They are my life.”

  “I’m getting protection to them.” Crouched down and moving in a military style formation, Axe and his friends continued to guide Samuel toward the jeep. Moments later, Samuel was in the back seat of the jeep beside Duff. The large silent man scanned the darkness, his gun still pointing into the night.

  Axe sat behind the steering wheel with Riot in the passenger seat. With professionally trained tactics, the men searched the area. After acknowledging the vicinity was secure, Axe quickly steered the jeep toward the left and gunned it.

  “How the hell did you get in the country?” Axe asked. He easily passed the slower moving vehicles. Some horns blared but he did not pay attention or care. “Did you fly on a commercial airline or use a private jet?”

  “Private jet,” Samuel replied. His heart beat rapidly within his chest, as adrenaline pulsated through his taunt body. “Business jet.”

  Axe thought so. “After we get to the hotel, you’re grabbing your family and we’ll take you to the airstrip.” Axe nearly rear-ended the car in front of him and he swiftly changed lanes. “You’re flying home as soon as possible.”

  And don’t ever return, Axe thought to himself.

  “The police,” Samuel said. He unexpectedly lurched backward in his seat as Axe swiftly navigated his way through the city streets. “Do I need to give them a report? Should I contact the embassy?”

  You’re obviously a legitimate businessman. Axe shook his head. “No need. The police and embassy aren’t going to give a shit that you were attacked tonight.”

  “Why not?” Samuel asked. “I mean, I have…well, had business here.” The troubling situation was beyond horrific. “I was almost killed. My family...” Samuel could not make himself say the words.

  He only prayed that his family was safe.

  “You’re in a corrupt country,” Axe stated. His tone was matter of fact and full of experience. “It’s just best that you leave, never come back and forget this entire thing ever happened.”

  “I can’t forget…” Samuel muttered. “Please hurry.”

  “I’ll get you there,” came Axe’s vow as he continued to speed through the dirty streets.

  “What’s your name?”

  “You can call me John,” Axe informed the man while he swerved by another
vehicle. There was absolutely no time to waste.

  “John?” Samuel asked. He needed to keep talking. He needed some answers. He needed to save his family. “John what?”

  “Just call me John Smith.”

  Samuel frowned. “That’s not your real name.”

  “But it’s the name I go by,” Axe answered. “And you and I have never, ever met.”

  The trip was agonizing.

  Torturous moments passed.

  “What does your family consist of?” Axe asked. He pushed harder on the gas pedal, causing the jeep to lurch forward. “I need to know numbers so I know what the hell to expect and can get you safely to the airstrip.”

  “Ah, my wife and four children,” Samuel all but sputtered. “My kids are older, the pair of twins are set to graduate from college.”

  Samuel only hoped that upcoming occasion was still a reality.

  “Good.” Axe turned right and then left. “That will make transport easier.” The sooner this family left the country, the better.

  In the review mirror, Axe noticed Samuel’s expression. Axe knew the unasked question the man wanted to ask, so he simply stated, “I do not want to deal with screaming toddlers or babies. The less noise, the better.”

  “Why are you guys in this country?”

  Riot and Duff both knew the question was asked to Axe. They were silent as they kept their eyes peeled out the vehicle windows, intently scanning the area for any signs of danger.

  “The less you know about us, the better,” was Axe’s only reply. He swiftly swerved to avoid hitting another car. “We’ll be at the hotel in five minutes.”

  Even that amount of time felt like an eternity.

  Ellie Carrie held the mirror up a little higher. She noticed two men in the reflection. Both men were yielding rifles that resembled machine guns from movies.

  Something was wrong.

  Fear engulfed her soul…


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