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Page 14

by Cara E Holt

  “It is the symbol of our coven.” He gestures to the Black Dragon tattoo that wraps around his right arm.

  I tuck my legs underneath me and sit sideways so I can better see him. “Okay, so it could kind of make sense that a Black would be the one who would lift the curse.”

  Drayce sits up straighter bringing us closer together. “Go on.”

  “Well, now you need to find out what moon is related to the king of gods.”

  “King of what gods?”

  I shrug my shoulders and hold my hands up. “I have no clue, but I bet I know who will.”

  The Black Dragon

  An hour later we are in the corridor waiting for Professor Hardman, one of the history professors to finish up his current class. After all the second year students have left, we enter the class room.

  “Drayce, your class isn’t until tomorrow afternoon.” He states, looking up from the papers on his desk.

  “Actually sir, I was hoping to pick your brains about something?”

  Professor Hardman looks back up at us, suddenly intrigued. “I’d be happy to help you if I can?” He gestures to the student desk nearest to his, and we both take a seat. He comes around to the front of his desk and sits on the edge of it.

  “So, what is it you’d like to know?”

  “Do you know who the king of the gods is?”

  Professor Hardman arches a brow. “The king of gods. Well it sounds like a reference to the Greek god – Zeus. He was seen as the king of heaven and earth and of all the Olympian gods.”

  Drayce nods, looking eager for more information. “Is there a moon that is linked to this god?”

  Professor Hardman smiles, nodding, and his eyes briefly fall upon me. “Indeed there is. Zeus in roman mythology was known as Jupiter.”

  “So what blessed moon of the king of gods would be a reference to?” I ask excitedly. I loved history, and found Greek mythology fascinating.

  Professor Hardman looks even more intrigued. “It would mean the blessed moon of Jupiter which you are of course named after, Elara.” He registers the shocked look on both our faces. “I can help more if I understand the context in which you are asking?”

  Drayce pulls the ancient book out of his bag, and my eyes go wide as I wasn’t expecting him to bring out the book.

  “I purchased this book, as I had heard it referenced my families curse.” Drayce turns the pages until he finds what he is looking for and passes the book to professor Hardman. “There.” He points to the paragraph, and Professor Hardman reads it out loud.

  He sits silently for a minute and looks from Drayce to me and back again. “I’m not going to ask you how you got your hands on a book that has been missing for years, and belongs in the Wiccan council library chambers. My interpretation of this extract would be that when you Drayce, give your heart to Elara and she gives hers to you, that the curse on your family and that of the Bennett coven will be broken.”

  “Fuck.” I exclaim. “Sorry.” I apologise, going red in the face at having just sworn in front of my professor.

  “Indeed.” He replies with a smile. “It appears that your engagement was foreseen many years ago.”

  I shake my head confused and befuddled. “But why would the two of us falling in love break a curse that no one has been able to break for centuries? It seems too simple?”

  Professor Hardman nods his head. “I agree it does seem too simple, and as with most prophecies given by seers there is usually more to it than what they speak.”

  Drayce has remained quiet, which is unusual for him. “So, if I tell Elara I love her, it will break the curses?”

  Professor Hardman laughs. “If you do truly love her, then yes.”

  I snigger, and they both look at me. “Sorry, but it’s highly unlikely that Drayce and I will ever be in love, we barely tolerate each other.”

  Professor Hardman smiles. “You know the saying that there is a fine line between love and hate.” He offers the book to Drayce. “When you are done with this book you need to anonymously deliver it to the Wiccan council library.”

  “Yes sir.” Drayce replies with a meek smile, knowing he has got off lightly with Professor Hardman.

  We walk silently back to Drayce’s dorm. We were supposed to be heading to the cafeteria for dinner after we had spoken with Professor Hardman, but neither of us is thinking about food. When we enter his dorm Drayce takes off to the bathroom, leaving me stood there with my own thoughts. Two family’s fortunes rested on our shoulders. According to this seer, Drayce and I were destined to meet and fall in love, and break the two curses. I walk to the window and look out across the academy grounds. I had no clue that coming here would lead me down the path I am currently on. I had expected to be having normal student experiences. Partying, experimenting with black magic, getting high on nightshade and having sex with lots of different male witches. I was instead, finding witches drained of their magic, engaged to a member of one of the elite covens and apparently part of some prophecy to lift two curses.

  “What are you thinking?”

  His voice close behind me makes me startle, and I turn and face him and search his eyes. He looks as confused by all this as I do.

  “I have no idea what to think. You?”

  He smiles sadly and shrugs. “All I know is that something brought us together.”

  I scoff. “Yeah, some crazed supernatural who likes draining witches.”

  Drayce surprises me, when he reaches for me and pulls me nearer to him. “You are the reason my family will finally be free of this dark curse. Females will be born again which will strengthen our coven and its magic.”

  “You’re forgetting one small detail here Drayce. We have to truly be in love.”

  “I know, but who is to say we won’t be one day?”

  I sigh. “You can’t force love.”

  He sniggers, his blue eyes smiling. “You’ll love me one day Latimer.”

  I scoff. “Don’t be so sure of that.” I cough, my throat feeling dry.

  “You need to feed.” He states, as he pulls me over to the sofa and pulls me onto his lap, leaning his head to the side. “Help yourself.”

  I lean in and run my fangs along the vein in his neck and he shivers, gripping my hips tighter. I sink my fangs into his vein and groan as soon as I take my first pull. I hold his head still, as I drink from him and he grips me by the hips, grinding into me, moaning my name breathlessly. Tasting him was my favourite pastime and one I honestly believed I could get addicted to. I wondered if it would feel the same with someone else. Knowing I have taken enough, I reluctantly pull away and sit up to find his intense eyes on mine, flashing with desire and heat. Before I can really register what I am doing I lean in and kiss him, and he instantly kisses me back, greedily, devouring my lips. He rolls us, so I end up under him on the sofa. His hands are everywhere, in my hair, on my hips. I want to feel him along every inch of my skin. His hands find the buttons on my school shirt and he starts to undo them and a few seconds later my shirt and bra are discarded on the floor. His mouth finds his way down to one breast and then the other, and I writhe underneath him wanting more, a fever burning inside of me.

  “Exui.” I whisper out loud and seconds later we are both completely undressed. Witch magic had great uses some times. My hands wrap around his length and he hisses my name. He kisses his way down my body, but I stop him before he reaches between my legs. “Now.” I demand, telling him what I want. He moves back up my body and positions himself at my entrance, and with one quick thrust he enters me, making me buck up my hips and call out his name. He rests above me on his elbows and watches me as he thrusts hard and fast. He fills me so full, and I move my hips in rhythm with his. My fangs extract and leaning down he gives me his neck and I bite into him. He exclaims loudly when I begin to drink, and his thrusts become harder and faster and drive me to a place I never want to leave. I cling to his back as he moves in me and I crash over the edge. I honestly think I see stars. He follows me sec
onds later moaning my name loudly.

  We both lie there sated, trying to catch our breaths. He leans himself up on his elbows again and looks down at me, his dark hair falling over his face.

  “That was.., unexpected.” I state, breathless.

  He grins. “I’d say more inevitable than unexpected. We were always going to fuck Latimer, it was a given.”

  I bob my head. “The venom made you want to fuck me, and the blood lust made me want you. Let’s be real about this.”

  He brushes the hair off my face and eyes me questioningly. “Let’s be real, I have wanted to do bad things with you since the day I had you under me on that mat in PD.”

  “Bad things?” I repeat, my heart galloping in my chest.

  He grins wickedly. “Very bad and dirty things little raven. Want me to show you some?”

  I nod resolutely and he dips his head with a knowing smile and kisses me.

  There is a loud knocking at the door, and Drayce swears as he pulls his lips from mine. “Go away.” He barks, to whoever is on the other side of the door.

  “No can do man. You are both wanted in the principal’s office, so I suggested you get dressed and get down there. Your future in-laws are waiting.” Thorin shouts.

  Drayce sighs and looks down at me. “Should have known the in-laws would cock-block me.” He moves to get off me.

  “Wait.” I tell him, grabbing him gently by the neck. “I haven’t sealed that bite.” Leaning in, I bite into my own tongue, releasing my venom and lick across the wound, making him groan in pleasure again. I smack his arse. “Now you can get up ice-man.”

  Before we reach the corridor that leads to Mistress Isolde's office, I pull him to a stop.

  “Do I have that I’ve just had sex look? Because that is not the look I want my parents to see.”

  Drayce grins cockily. “You do look like you have been thoroughly satisfied.” He leans in and presses me into the wall. “You have this kind of after sex glow about you.”

  “Drayce.” I exclaim, as I put my finger between his lips and mine. “Meeting the parents, remember?”

  He rolls his eyes and pulls away from me. “Come on then, let’s get this over with then I can get you back in my bed.”

  Sighing in anticipation of what is to come later, I steady my breathing and compose myself, as Drayce knocks on the office door.

  The door opens and sure enough my parents are sat side-by-side on the sofa over by the fire.

  “Drayce, Elara, thank you for coming so promptly. Come and take a seat.” She gestures to the sofa opposite my parents, but I head straight for my Mum and let her envelope me in a hug.

  “Honey, we have missed you.”

  My Dad laughs behind her. “She has only been gone six weeks love.”

  My Mum squeezes me tighter before she lets me go and lets my dad get in a hug. I watch my Mum’s eyes move to where Drayce is currently stood. She looks hesitant and uncertain.

  “Mum and Dad, this is Drayce.”

  My father smiles and offers out his hand. “Drayce it is good to meet you. I’m sure we will be seeing a lot more of each other.”

  Drayce smiles warmly as he shakes my father’s hand. “It’s an honour to meet you Mr Latimer.” He looks from my dad over to my Mum and steps up to her and kisses both her cheeks. “Mrs Latimer it is great to meet you.”

  “We have been speaking with your father about plans for the ceremony next year.” My father tells Drayce, as we all take our seats.

  I can see my mother looking at the ring on my finger and she looks unsettled. Mistress Isolde sits down on the other side of me and uses magic to bring in tea and cakes and pours everyone drinks.

  “As you know, Elara is being targeted by the creature that is attacking our kind; however that is not why I asked you both here today. There have been some recent, shall we say developments with Elara that have raised some difficult questions.”

  Both my parents listen attentively and look concerned by what she says. “Please do go on.” My father encourages, giving me a quick smile.

  “Elara recently touched a dragon stone which caused a part of her that was lying dormant to awaken.”

  “I beg your pardon?” My Mum asks, seeming unsure what she has just heard.

  Deciding to stop pussy-footing around, I bite into my tongue, making it bleed and my fangs immediately release.

  “She is talking about these, Mum.” I lift my top lip and give them both a clear view of my very sharp and obvious fangs.

  Mums reaction is to lean back in her seat, her hand on her chest. My Dad stares at my fangs and says nothing.

  “I don’t understand.” My Mum exclaims. “How can you have fangs?”

  Mistress Isolde smiles apologetically. “We were hoping you might be able to answer that question as her mother Mrs Latimer.”

  I study my parent’s faces and they both look completely thrown by this revelation. Neither of them look like they had any clue that I was half vampire.

  “I know this will be difficult, but is there a chance that Mr Latimer is not Elara’s biological father?”

  My Mum continues to look at me with a bewildered look on her face, before she turns to my father. “But they said she had Wiccan magic, nothing else.”

  My father takes her hand in his and pats it in reassurance. “You are correct Mistress Isolde. I am not Elara’s biological father, just as my wife is not Elara’s biological mother.”

  My heart plummets in my chest as I register his words one by one. “You aren’t my parents?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

  My father looks at me sadly and shakes his head. “We weren’t able to have our own children and we had resigned ourselves to a life of having none, when one day you were left wrapped in blanket in a tiny basket at the gates to our coven.”

  My Mum holds tightly to my Dad’s hand, as if drawing strength from him. “You were so tiny and perfect. You were left at the gates with an envelope addressed to us. The note asked us to take you in and become your parents, and give you a life that your family could not.”

  “Who were they?” I ask them, my voice thick with emotion. Drayce takes my hand in his and strokes over it with his other hand.

  My father shakes his head. “We have no idea. He or she clearly knew us, as the letter was addressed to us and they clearly knew we could not have children. We took you to the high priestess and begged her to let us adopt you. At first she refused, saying we could not have a human child within the coven but we asked her to do a spell to check for magic within you. The spell was undertaken and it revealed Wiccan magic in you. It was agreed we would bring you up as our own.”

  “I have always loved you like you were my own child.” My Mum assures me as tears fall down her face.

  “They gave me away because I was a hybrid.” I state rather than ask.

  “They must have loved you Elara.” Mistress Isolde tries to assure me. “They will have had to go to great lengths to have your vampire side spelled dormant, that takes great magic. They also ensured you went to loving people who would bring you up feeling loved and cherished.”

  I nod, knowing she is right. Maybe my real mother did love me and wanted to protect me. “You have no idea who they are?”

  My father shakes his head again. “I’m afraid there were no clues left behind.”

  I stand, tugging anxiously at the sleeve of my top. “I need time to think, to take this in.”

  “Of course.” Mistress Isolde says in a sympathetic tone. “I will have the guest quarters made up for your parents, and you can all talk more tomorrow when everyone has had a chance to digest all of this.”

  My mother looks like she wants to hug me, but she holds back knowing I need some space. “We’ll talk tomorrow sweetheart.”

  Nodding, I let Drayce guide me out of the office and along the corridors back to his dorm. When we reach the senior house we are accosted by one of the guys asking us of we want to join in on a game of nightshade pong, but Drayce tells him we
are tired and are going to head up. We reach his room and I make straight for the sofa and sit myself down and flick the television on.

  Drayce heads for the kitchen and comes back with two cans of Leprechaun brew. “Thought you might appreciate some of the good stuff.”

  Attempting a smile, I take it from him and take a sip. “Oh god this tastes like goblins feet.”

  Drayce laughs as he sits down beside me. “I can’t say I have ever tasted goblin feet. Is that a weird fetish of yours?”

  I return his smile, appreciating that he is trying to cheer me up.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “No.” I tell him honestly.

  Nodding, he leans back into his seat next to me. “Then let’s watch brainless television for a bit.”

  A short while later loud music starts blasting from downstairs in the senior house. “I thought parties had been banned?”

  Drayce nods, frowning. “They have. I better go down and check it out.”

  I follow him, standing. “I’m coming.”

  Sure enough, we get downstairs and a party is in full swing down there. The place is squashed full of people. It looked like most of the academy are here.

  “I’ll get it shut down.” Drayce says with a frown.

  I reach for his arm and stop him in his tracks. “Leave it. Let’s just drink and let loose for tonight.”

  He looks at me and he must see that I need this, with a nod he pulls me through to the house kitchen and grabs two shots of nightshade.

  “Sure you want to do this?”

  In answer, I take my drink and knock it down in one, shuddering as it burns down my throat.

  Naughty Little Witch.

  An hour later I’m feeling really buzzed and light. My worries are a distant memory as I stand beside Drayce as he chats with two senior boys about the upcoming Wiccan games. It was an academy tradition where each of the houses competed against each other in a series of games and challenges. The winning house got to take home the trophy and a prestigious prize of a summer camp for their house at Pendle lodges.


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