Bound: Nomadican Mates Series 2: Alien Reverse Harem Romance

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Bound: Nomadican Mates Series 2: Alien Reverse Harem Romance Page 4

by Iona Strom

  The one with the bad breath just comes to fuck. Although he does talk to me, I get the impression it’s all dirty. I tried once to tell him my name, but he didn’t seem to care, just flipped me over onto my belly, ending the conversation. He couldn’t give two shits about me beyond getting his rocks off. At the same time, he gifts me with such explosive orgasms, my body always greets his arrival with a rush of wetness.

  Then there’s Xuel, the male I was first—and remain—attracted to above the others. It’s like wanting something you know isn’t good for you—pining for the bad boy who is destined to break your heart—but like a train wreck destined to kill every passenger on board, there’s no stopping the calamitous attraction.

  Like clockwork, Xuel pops in after every male’s visit, and I’ve begun to wonder why. In the beginning, like a mega-hot alien gynecologist, he would pull my legs apart, checking to make sure the males left me unharmed. Lately, he barely spares my feminine flesh a glance, keeping his feline gaze trained on my face. He just stares at me, then leaves as mutely as he comes, which strangely makes me want him more every time I lay eyes on him.

  Thankfully, Agris and Orius, the two males who slathered me in that pearly jelly, forcing my sex to want them, haven’t been back. I know without being told; my three males are responsible for keeping me safe.

  Natu shifts beneath me. Lounging on his lap, I’m well aware of what his body wants.

  Soothed and aroused by his musk, I want what is expected of me, but the anxious expression displayed on his handsome face catches me off guard. His gaze flips from me to the beads and back again. Expectation hangs heavy between us as my head blooms hot with a fresh idea.

  I may not be able to play hard to get by withholding sex; however, I can still hold something of myself back. Judging by his stricken expression, there’s something that seems important to him. Just like a human man, this alien male wants most what is being kept just out of his reach—my approval. Holding back my acceptance of his gift is just the advantage I need to steer him where I want him to go.

  Setting the beads aside, I can feel the tide turning in my favor. Not wasting the power I have at this moment, I push back on his broad shoulders until his back is pressed against the wall. Repositioning his legs out straight, I straddle his lap, a silent declaration of dominance.

  Every time the males have taken me, I’ve been on the bottom. It’s time I took control.

  Natu doesn’t know what to make of my behavior but indulges me as I fumble around with the elaborate wrap of his pants. There’s no belt, no fasteners of any kind I can find. How in the hell this material stays together is a mystery?

  Anxious to get started, Natu puts an end to my tugging and frees his erection with a simple flip here, and an unfold there. Wrapping my fingers around as much of him as I’m able, I stroke his turgid flesh, the pads of my fingers bumping along the spine of his phallus. His breaths explode out in harsh puffs, his eyelids drop low over his blown-out pupils.

  I pull off my toga, tossing it aside. On raised knees, I hover my sex over his. His hips roll beneath me, trying to join us, but I’m enjoying the tease.

  Natu grumbles something that sounds obscene, pulling me down until the head of him breaches my slit.

  I rock against his invasion. It isn’t long before my play becomes frantic with an urgency to orgasm. Sliding down his hard length, I easily take half of him. So unyielding is his fullness. Those amazing bumps and ridges of his sex stimulate the bundle of nerves nestled in the heart of me. I pick up my pace, rocking and curling my hips, coating him in my slick desire.

  Natu gyrates beneath me, pushing more of his mammoth sex into me with every upward thrust. The friction created between us is too much. On a shudder, the world around me melts away with my pulsing release, leaving only the euphoric contractions felt throughout my body.

  My orgasm eases the way for Natu’s giant cock, my channel accepting all of him inside. In my seated position, I feel all of him—the stretch of my labia hugging his cock, the depth of his tapered head pressing against my cervix, the fullness only his kind can create.

  Natu pulls me forward with a growl. I grind my clit against the bumps and ridges at the base of his sex, heightening my pleasure while he swirls his wicked tongue around my pebbled nipple. Swathed in the thick of his aroma, it is not an illusion that I want him buried in my heat forever.

  If I ever make it back home, I’ll be ruined. No man could ever make me feel this good— so thoroughly taken, so completely pleasured.

  Pushing upward in slow, deliberate thrusts, I shake myself out of my passion-drenched stupor and ride him in earnest.

  Lips peeled back from the daggers he has for teeth, the usual illumination that glows behind his irises ratchets up a notch. The thin ring around his rounded-out pupils grows brighter than the sun. His sensual musk turns overpowering, saturating me in a sea of pheromones. An invisible bond forms between us, as sure and tangible as any binding.

  He grasps my hips in a punishing grip, not to stop me from moving but to keep me right where he wants me so he can pound into me from below. As if I would leave now—not a chance—not with another orgasm tingling along my spine. My only pleasure in this glowing prison is of the flesh. I’ll take as much of it as I can get.

  I place my hands on his shoulders for added traction, giving my head a toss, I buck against him as if my life depended on keeping our sexes joined.

  I’ve created a monster, my once gentle lover is now a snarling beast, ravaging my vagina like it’s the last one in the universe.

  On a rabid growl, the first of his hot semen splashes inside of me. The gush of his fiery ejaculation fills me, seeping out from where my flesh is stretched around him, triggering me to join him in his heady bliss.

  Collapsing on top of him, we snuggle, trying to slow our ragged breaths. Running his huge hands over my hair and down my back, the murmurs rushing from his lips are reverent in nature as if I’ve given him a spectacular gift.

  The connection I’ve dutifully ignored solidifies between us. Once again, I’m stricken with the knowledge that I’ll be using him to ultimately gain my freedom.

  Repelled away from the tie that softens me, I pull out of his hold. I have to turn off my guilty conscious and remember I’m the captive in all this. There’s no reason I should feel bad about doing whatever it takes to return home, even if it means using this— handsome… affectionate… considerate… Oh, who am I kidding?

  I’ve never been that kind of person. Hardening my heart is going to take some practice.

  The string of pearls Natu gifted me flashes as I move around on the bed. Ignoring this extraordinary gift proves difficult when all I want to do is play with my new trinket.

  I have to maintain an indifference if this seed of a plan is going to make it to maturation. If keeping the upper hand is as simple as maintaining a blasé response to his gift, that will be my weapon of choice.

  Rewrapping my toga, I make my way over to the table now laden with trays of food. My pint-sized personal assistants never fail to leave a meal while I service Natu.

  Running my hand along the panel to pop out the bench seat, Natu joins me. His face is stricken as he sits across the table, sharing a look between me and where I left his gift on the bed.

  This is the only way I can play hard to get. Withholding sex from them isn’t an option. If I can’t perform that function, then my purpose here is done. What fate awaits me beyond my ability to pleasure is not something I wish to ponder.

  Natu seems to want to please me, judging by his frown; I know I’m on to something I can use in my favor.

  Natu picks at the meat he normally devours while I eat the foods I’ve tried before and ignore the ache in the vicinity of my heart. The potato sticks, green bean pods, and the plurius have become staples of my diet, but I try one new food with every tray. So far, nothing I’ve eaten has caused me any issues. All I can hope is I’ll inadvertently eat something that’s loaded with protein.

sp; My stomach turns as I watch Natu consume a piece of whitish flesh that’s found on both our trays.

  There’s no way in hell I’m eating the meat. I hate that some unfortunate creature gave up its life to have its flesh stripped from its bones and cooked, only to remain untouched on a tray prepared for me, but I just can’t do it. Eating animals has always disgusted me on every level ever since I was old enough to choose what went into my mouth.

  My parents always thought I was weird, especially my father. Choosing to become a vegetarian merely gave him one more excuse that I didn’t meet with his approval. Growing up in Iowa, corn-fed beef was always on the table in one form or another. Grilled, stewed, or roasted, it was what was for dinner.

  Every time a steaming plate was placed in front of me, all I could see were the big, brown, innocent eyes of the cows slaughtered for human consumption. I refused even to eat bits of food the juice from my beef touched. My father would always curse me for wasting food as he finished what was left untouched on my plate.

  It’s a wonder I developed such voluptuous curves, missing all those meals. I might have gone to bed hungry, but it was hunger pangs that kept me awake and not thoughts of some portion of animal being digested in my guts.

  My shudder gains Natu’s attention. He watches as I reach for something yellow with bright green skin cut in a wedge, quirking a brow when I hesitantly sniff this new food before taking a tiny bite.

  The burst of sweet with a tart finish is just like a Granny Smith apple. I never did develop a taste for them, other than in the pies my mom baked, but I will now. Finishing the bowl, the flavor of home makes me long for the freedom I once took for granted.

  Pleased I found something to my liking, Natu’s grin vanishes almost as soon as it appears, his gaze shifting to the bed where I left the string of beads.

  Worry sets in I might be making a mistake. My plan could just as soon backfire in my face. By not accepting his gift, I could ultimately be pushing away the only male who doesn’t wholly look at me as an object.

  Natu’s eyes follow me sure as my own shadow as I walk to the bed. I lift the string of alien pearls and run them through my fingers, causing them to flash at my touch. I know in the days and nights ahead of me, this unique gift will bring me joy in the times I find myself alone.

  I try not to act overly excited at this wondrous thing he has brought, only showing enough interest not altogether to turn him away.

  I feel more than hear him approach from behind. Gathering the length of my blonde locks in his hands, he lifts the mass to nuzzle my nape, goosebumps scatter across my exposed skin.

  Turning, I’m struck anew by his colossal size and the monumental task of manipulating a dominant alien male.

  My plan seems so stupid now, shrunk to microscopic proportions in the shadow of this male. Until his face softens. I know despite the difference in our physical sizes, and even though he holds the key to my freedom, I’m not the only captive in the room.

  “Thank you, Natu, for this amazing gift,” I say to him holding up the flashing beads.

  Tilting his head to the side as if trying to translate my words, he drags his knuckles down my cheek. “I have to leave you, for now. My search for a translator is proving more difficult than I thought.”

  I simply nod, not understanding a single word he just uttered, but I can’t discount the shiver that runs down my spine. Leaning down, he touches my lips with his before heading to the door.

  Loneliness drops over me like a lead cloud as his retreating form grows smaller the farther away he gets. Soon, I’ll be alone again with only my thoughts for company. All by my lonesome to wander around in my smooth-walled cage.

  Panic tackles me from out of nowhere. I chase after him, latching on to his hand, implementing a spontaneous plan B. Born from my need to put an end to my seclusion, I beg to let me go with him.

  “Please let me out,” I plead. “I can’t take being cooped up in here for another second. Please, Natu, please!”

  Empathy rolls off the male. For a moment, I forget about our language barrier.

  “Just let me roam around the ship. I promise not to touch anything, or cause trouble. I have to get out of this room. I need to see something other than white walls.”

  “Avay. I shall return,” Natu reassures me of something. “You have my word as a virtuous male. Perhaps next time we meet, we shall be able to converse.”

  Gently, he pries my hands from where I have a death grip on his forearm. Pushing me back to the far wall, I know he’s going to leave me behind—alone to make do with my solitude.

  Gentle hands grip my arms, and Natu walks me backward. We stop when we reach my bed. Palms up, he backs away, a silent demand telling me to stay. I’m half tempted to run for the door when he accesses the panel. Fear of becoming a part of the wall if it were to solidify with me halfway through it keeps my feet glued to the sparkly floor.

  Alone again, I slide down the curve of the wall. Between the warmth of the wall and floor, I sit in fair comfort, stewing in my own self-pity.

  After a time, I’m not surprised when the door dissolves to allow Xuel entrance. Eyes downcast, I drag myself off the floor and go to the bed to wait for whatever he has in mind.

  As I take a seat on the edge, his towering presence flips a trigger that flares my temper at the injustice of being a slave. As he comes closer, I barely manage to tamp down my fury.

  I have to think. I have to figure out what it is Xuel could want from me—if anything—to gain a foothold of leverage over this massive male.

  Xuel stops and remains an unmoving presence. As I slowly lift my eyes, something hot and hungry takes the place of my fury. My gaze consumes the sculpted muscularity of his body. So similar to a man, yet so foreign in its mass and abundance.

  The male is a rippling specimen of everything masculine. He’s so much larger than the others, his presence so much more commanding—ferocious—primitive in ways the others are not. His scent is dark, exotic: His musk is tinted with an untamed quality that curls my toes, making me crave his touch.

  There is nothing about Xuel that doesn’t appeal to me on every level.

  Our eyes lock. His slitted pupils are blown up like twin black marbles, engulfing the luminous green, leaving only a sliver of color to skirt the edge.

  My body responds to his feral stare. His chest expands with the flare of his nostrils; I swear he can scent my arousal. That steady tick in his jaw screams he’s holding himself in check.

  He wants me, but he holds back. Why I wonder? He doesn’t need my permission. I belong to him. He can fuck me whenever he damn well pleases, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Not that I would stop him…

  Scooting back on the bed, I uncover my bottom half, and like a good little slave, I raise and spread my knees, giving him an unhindered view of my sex.

  To my inner-slut’s delight, Xuel takes a step forward; his intoxicating musk surrounds me in a fog of unbridled need. Only scant inches and his loose pants are all that separates me from his obvious erection.

  Held against my will. Slave to these males’ carnal urges. Nothing more than a body to slake their lust. So many reasons to hate them all. With a single inhale, I’m no longer the Ivey I used to know. Uninhibited, I’m shameless in wanting for their sex: This male’s in particular.

  Xuel’s hand raises to the front of his pants. Huge fingers cup and rub the massive bulge jutted out from behind the coarse weave of his pants.

  Lying back, I stretch in anticipation of what’s to come. The heat from broad palms smoothes a scorching trail up the inside of my thighs, pushing my legs wide apart. So close to my molten center, his thumbs spread the lips of my sex. The tip of his alien tongue sweeps across his upper lip, leaving a sheen that I want slathered on my sex.

  Xuel hissed at my pooling wetness. A wildness sizzles in the bottomless pits of his ebony pupils. I lift my hips as he leans into me, trembling as his snarling mouth grows near.

  So close to my sex, I c
an feel the heat from his harsh exhales. Forgotten is the string of pearls in my hand. The anticipation of his first taste curls my fingers into fists. The beads flash with my movements, capturing Xuel’s attention.

  As if the hands of time were suddenly thrown into reverse, Xuel retreats. With eyes filled with hunger, he reaches out to grasp my wrist, bringing Natu’s gift in for a closer look.

  “You have been shown favor as a Nomadican mate.” Xuel’s eyes land hot and heavy on my face. “Not unheard of, still odd for one of my kind to want to bond with a female of another species.”

  I don’t know what to make of his words. Unlike Natu whose face is an open book, until this past moment of sexual need, Xuel shows little to no emotion, which mirrors the deep, evenness of his baritone.

  Heavy strides take him to the door and away from my aching center and away from me. Alone with a throbbing need, exasperation rolls through me, making it difficult to hold back my scream.

  Just as I’m about to storm over to the shower for something cold enough to douse the flames of my unsatisfied desire, Xuel returns, marching toward me with a rectangular box tucked in the crook of his arm.

  With a bow of his dark head, Xuel sets an ash-colored container on the bed next to me. Indicating the beads in my hand, he gives the top a push, popping the lid open on its ornate hinges.

  The box’s texture is slick like plastic but contains ringed striations found in wood. The hinges slightly darker than silver hold no luster. Intricate designs that could only be created by an artisan’s hand are carved into the foreign metal.

  I dumbly sit there, staring at what Xuel has brought. Like a treasure box waiting to be filled, I place the string of pearls inside and focus on the empty space surrounding my first keepsake.

  How many more treasures does Xuel anticipate I’ll be receiving?

  Chapter 4

  I add the latest gift to my amassing collection, which has become worthy of a pirate’s booty. My male with the chronic halitosis impatiently waits for me by the sex table, naked and larger than life, he shifts his massive weight from one foot to the other.


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