Queen of the World: Elizabeth II: Sovereign and Stateswoman

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Queen of the World: Elizabeth II: Sovereign and Stateswoman Page 71

by Robert Hardman

Dickson, E. J., 435

  Diefenbaker, John, 221, 357

  Digital Age, 12

  Dimbleby, Jonathan, 445, 476

  Dior, Christian, 275

  Diplomatic Corps, 23–4, 144, 154, 282, 293, 294, 512

  Diplomatic Reception, 484

  Dire Straits, 268

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 121

  Dixon, Gwen, 197

  Djibouti, 22

  Donahue, Phil, 519

  Dorchester Hotel, London, 44, 416, 419

  Douglas-Home, Alec, 14th Earl of Home and later Lord Home of the Hirsel, 81–2, 134, 140, 147, 221, 282, 286, 296–7

  Down’s syndrome, 518

  Downer, Alexander, 161, 205, 217

  Downer, Alick, 200–201, 205–6

  Downton Abbey, 16, 268

  Dr No, 362

  Dresden bombing (1945), 433

  dresses, 39–43

  Amies, 41, 291, 428

  Coronation, 40, 127, 532–3

  France visit, 275

  Germany visit, 428, 431

  Hartnell, 40–41, 127, 221, 532–3

  Ireland visit, 458, 459

  Kelly, 458, 459

  Maple Leaf of Canada, 221

  Wattle, 40, 149, 198

  Dreyer, Henry, 112

  Duden, 18

  Duff, Anthony, 316, 327

  Dugdale, Katherine, 451

  Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, 17, 60, 179, 509, 514

  Dunblane massacre (1996), 50

  Duncan Smith, Iain, 479

  Dyson, James, 468

  Easson, Robert, 441

  East Germany (1949–90), 431

  East India Company, 120

  Ecobescu, Nicolae, 95, 99, 100

  economic crash (2008), 25, 265, 456

  Eden, Anthony, 358

  Edinburgh, Duke of (Prince Philip), 2, 507–10

  African tour (1979), 30, 331, 334, 335, 336

  Antarctica visit (1956), 355–6

  and Australia, 201, 209, 211, 345, 355

  barbecues, 47, 51, 354

  Battle of Cape Matapan (1941), 31

  and Britannia, 343, 347–8, 350, 353, 367, 368, 372

  and Canada, 219–20, 223, 224, 353

  and Ceausescu’s visit (1978), 98, 100

  China visit (1986), 433, 436, 438–40, 441

  City of London luncheon (1992), 75

  and Common Market, 61

  Commonwealth Day (1966), 151

  Commonwealth summit (1965), 144

  Commonwealth Study Conferences (CSC), 509–10

  Coronation tour (1953–4), 189, 197, 198

  and Cowes Week, 367

  Czech Republic visit (1996), 37, 58–9

  D-Day anniversary (1994), 368

  and Dalí, 72

  Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, 17, 60, 179, 509, 514

  Edward, Duke of Windsor, meeting with (1972), 302

  Finland visit (1976), 55

  France visits, 257, 273, 274, 275, 285, 299, 301–2

  gaffes, 59, 62, 433–4, 438–40, 441

  and Germany, 426, 427, 429

  golden wedding anniversary (1997), 163

  hip operation (2018), 2

  Hong Kong visit (1959), 345–6

  India visits, 130–32, 157, 158

  and International Equestrian Federation, 444, 509

  and Industrial Society, 509

  Iran visit (1971), 508

  Kekkonen’s visit (1969), 71

  Kennedy memorial inauguration (1963), 240

  on legacy, 15

  Mandela’s visit (1996), 418

  Melbourne Olympics (1956), 355

  and Mountbatten assassination (1979), 454

  Nepal visit (1961), 134

  Obama’s visits, 265, 269

  and Oklahoma!, 239

  Pitcairn visit (1971), 361

  Portugal visit (1957), 357

  and press, 44

  Russia visits, 443, 444, 445–6, 450, 451, 452

  Saudi Arabia visit (1979), 53

  Scottish cruise (1955), 354

  South America tour (1968), 27, 65

  speeches, 57, 58

  Trump’s visit (2018), 271

  United States visits, 239, 241, 254, 255, 263

  valet, 32

  Vancouver British Empire and Commonwealth Games (1954), 353

  vineyard, 2

  wedding (1947), 44, 190, 273

  West African tour (1961), 19

  and World Wildlife Fund, 17, 59, 130, 509

  Zambia CHOGM (1979), 309

  Edinburgh, Scotland

  CHOGM (1997), 155–6, 162, 163

  Commonwealth Games (1986), 389, 394–5, 398

  University, 433–4, 438–9

  Edmonton Commonwealth Games (1978), 172, 173, 507

  Ednie, James, 472

  Edward the Confessor, King of England, 21

  Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom, 12, 121, 299, 450

  Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom and Duke of Windsor, 122, 174, 238, 287–8, 302–3, 496, 531

  Edward, Prince, see Wessex, Earl of,

  Edwards, Blake, 248

  Egypt, 24, 79, 355, 366

  Sadat assassination (1981), 493

  Suez Crisis (1956), 78, 198, 239, 355, 356

  ‘Eight Centuries of British Life in Paris’, 274

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 129, 132, 221, 239–40, 257, 357


  1950 general election, 191

  1951 general election, 191–2, 346

  1974 general election, 149

  1979 general election, 51, 308, 315, 320, 322

  1997 general election, 370

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland, 120, 195, 437

  Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, see by nation, tour, host, guest, institution or organisation

  Elizabeth, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom, Queen Mother

  and bacon and eggs, 441

  Britannia decommissioning (1997), 369

  and Canada, 189, 219, 224

  Castle of Mey, 354

  death (2002), 225

  Edward VIII’s abdication (1936), 287, 531

  and France, 276, 277, 278

  and hot dogs, 266

  Malawi visit (1957), 330

  Mandela’s visit (1996), 417

  Parker Bowles, relationship with, 478–9

  and Slater, 362, 363

  and Sutherland, 293

  Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, Grand Duchess, 446, 450

  Ellison, John, 304

  Eminent Persons Group, 384, 386–8, 400

  Empire Day, 151

  Empire Sports Meeting (1911), 173

  English Speaking Union, 239

  Entebbe raid (1976), 331

  Entente Cordiale (1904), 78, 299

  equerries, 20, 30–32, 49, 56, 71, 99, 190, 204, 224, 345, 349, 361, 363, 496

  Erhard, Ludwig, 427

  Ernst August, Prince of Brunswick, Prince of Hanover, 429

  Ethiopia, 316

  Eton College, Berkshire, 276, 420, 522, 528

  European Economic Community (EEC)

  and Australia, 149, 199, 203, 205–6, 426

  and Christmas broadcast, 57

  and Commonwealth, 10, 128, 148, 155, 198–206, 294, 296, 426, 476

  and de Gaulle, 99, 137, 280, 297

  and New Zealand, 198–9, 201–2, 203, 206, 426

  and Royal visit to France (1972) 61, 280–87, 289, 294–9

  and South Africa, 388

  UK accession (1972), 149, 206

  European Union (EU), 3, 10–11, 16, 17, 69, 142, 167, 420

  Brexit (2016–), 3, 6, 10–11, 16, 69, 167, 216–17, 269–72, 298, 462, 526

  Evans, Harold, 96

  Evans, Richard, 435, 436, 437, 439

  Ewart-Biggs, Christopher, 297–8


  1967 Montreal, 222

  1970 Tokyo, 474

  Fabergé, Carl, 67

  Fagan, Michael, 210

  Faisal II, King of Iraq, 78

>   Falkender, Marcia, 91

  Falkland Islands, 183, 231

  and Royal visit (1968), 27–9

  War (1982), 155, 173, 245, 247, 377–8, 518, 519, 529

  Fall, Brian, 248, 249, 443, 444, 445, 447, 453, 488, 490, 517

  Fall, Delmar, 450, 451, 452, 453, 488–9, 517

  Farah, Mohamed ‘Mo’, 106

  Farish, Sarah, 250

  Farouk I, King of Egypt, 79

  fashion, 170

  Felipe VI, King of Spain, 48, 69, 70, 72, 75–6

  Fellowes, Robert, 74, 255, 406, 517

  Fergusson, Ewen, 88

  Fermoy, Lady, see Roche, Ruth

  Ferré, Gianfranco, 42

  Festival of Britain (1951), 191

  Fianna Fáil, 456

  Field, Richard ‘Dick’ 341

  Fiennes, Susannah, 485

  Figgis, Anthony, 91

  Fiji, 30, 34, 54, 164, 199, 234–6, 476

  financial crash (2008), 25, 265, 456

  Finland, 55, 71

  First World War, see World War I

  Fisher, Geoffrey, Archbishop of Canterbury, 73

  Flame Lily brooch, 21, 116

  Flanagan, Mark, 138

  Fleming, Ian, 290

  Fletcher, Thomas, 56, 214–15, 488, 513, 522

  Fleur de Lys tiara, 76

  Foale, Colin Michael ‘Mike’, 255

  Foo Fighters, 530

  Foot, Michael, 246

  Forbes, Jared, 184, 185

  Ford, Gerald, 241, 242, 243, 244, 253

  Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), 23, 25, 29, 32

  and African tour (1979), 312, 315, 316, 318, 319, 324, 327, 332, 336

  and Amin, 23, 81

  and Angola visit (1997), 521

  and Argentina, 508

  and banquets, 73

  and Brezhnev, 24

  and Brexit, 526

  and Ceausescu, 87–8, 93, 96, 97, 103

  and China visit (1986), 435, 440

  and Commonwealth, 139, 154, 156

  and Cuba, 508

  and D-Day anniversary (1994), 256

  and Diana, Princess of Wales, 515, 517, 519, 521

  and Duke of York, 513

  and Edinburgh Commonwealth Games (1986), 395

  and Edward, Duke of Windsor, 288

  and European Economic Community, 282, 287, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 476

  and France, 279, 281, 283, 284, 287, 289–91, 430

  and Frazier hug (1991), 252

  and Gandhi, 397

  and Germany visit (1965), 430, 431

  and Gulf War (1990–91), 49

  and Hawke, 397

  impact assessments, 62–3

  and India visit (1997), 159–60

  and Ireland visit (2011), 454

  and Jamaica visit (1994), 187

  and Kenya visit (1971), 477, 512

  and Kaunda, 397

  and media, 44–7

  and Middle East tour (1979), 35

  and Mulroney, 397

  and Nepal visit (1993), 515

  and Order of St Michael and St George, 49

  and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 507–8

  and Prince of Wales, 475-6, 485, 486, 489, 508

  and Pindling, 397

  on Rama VIII, death of (1946), 39

  and Russia visits (1994, 1995), 443, 517

  and South Africa visit (1995), 412

  and South America tour (1968), 27–8

  and Sweden visit (1956), 359

  and speeches, 56–8, 61, 62

  and Turkey visits (1971, 1972), 36–7, 513

  and Turkmenistan, 491

  and United States, 475–6

  and Zimbabwean independence (1980), 481

  Fountain of Honour, 17

  Fox, Freddie, 41

  France, 4, 25, 166, 168, 273–306

  1815 Battle of Waterloo, 292, 430

  1904 Entente Cordiale, 78, 299

  1917 Battle of Vimy Ridge, 174

  1938 Royal visit, 273

  1940 Dunkirk evacuation, 273, 277; German occupation, 205, 273, 277, 298; Vichy Statute on Jews, 278

  1944 D-Day, 26, 58, 176, 306, 349, 368

  1948 Royal visit, 273–6

  1957 Royal visit, 279–80, 426

  1958 Fifth Republic established, 280

  1960 de Gaulle’s UK visit, 99, 137

  1962 de Gaulle’s Germany visit, 432

  1963 de Gaulle vetoes UK EEC accession, 280, 425

  1965 Queen’s Koblenz speech, 430; Wilson’s visit, 293

  1967 de Gaulle visits Canada, 280; de Gaulle vetoes UK EEC accession, 280, 425

  1968 May protests, 289

  1969 Pompidou elected President, 280

  1970 death of de Gaulle, 476

  1972 Royal visit, 33–4, 35, 61, 281–305, 447; UK joins EEC, 206, 287

  1976 Giscard d’Estaing’s UK visit, 291, 305

  1978 Queen’s Huguenots comment, 432

  1982 G7 summit, 245

  1992 Royal visit, 368

  1994 Mitterrand’s Turkmenistan visit, 490; opening of Channel Tunnel, 305; Mitterrand’s South Africa visit, 409, 412; D-Day anniversary, 256–7, 368

  1995 nuclear tests, 415

  1998 World Cup, 278

  2002 presidential election, 305

  2004 Entente Cordiale centenary, 78

  2008 Sarkozy’s UK visit, 305–6

  2009 Sarkozy attends CHOGM, 160

  2010 Sarkozy purchases Airbus, 489

  2014 D-Day anniversary, 26, 58, 306

  2017 Duke of Cambridge’s visit, 526; Hollande’s Malaysia visit, 471; Trump’s visit, 270; Macron plans to replace Airbus, 489

  Francis, Pope, 20–21

  Francophonie, 168, 403

  Fraser, Dawn, 213

  Fraser, Malcolm, 207, 337, 339, 386

  Fraser, Simon, 25, 68, 90, 165, 454, 513

  Frazier, Alice, 252

  Free France (1940–44), 205, 277, 278, 298, 290

  Freeman, Simon, 391

  Frei Montalva, Eduardo, 27

  Frey, Roger, 290

  Friends of the Earth, 60

  Frogmore House, Windsor, 372

  Fuchs, Vivian, 355

  G7, 139, 141, 146, 245, 432, 489

  G20, 139, 141, 146, 265, 526

  Gabon, 168, 324

  Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), 457, 459

  Gair, Vince, 196

  Gallipoli Campaign (1915–16), 174

  Gambia, 19, 36, 55, 164, 170

  Gandhi, Indira, 381

  Gandhi, Mohandas, 109, 129, 131, 138

  Gandhi, Rajiv, 397, 398

  Garnier, John, 366, 441

  Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, 44

  Gates, William ‘Bill’ 167

  Gatwick Airport, West Sussex, 70, 98

  de Gaulle, Charles, 290, 297–8, 301

  Canada visit (1967), 280

  death (1970), 476

  EEC vetoes (1963, 1967), 280, 425

  Fifth Republic established (1958), 280

  Foreign Office on, 289, 290

  Free France (1940–44), 277, 278, 298, 290

  Germany visit (1962), 432

  Grand Trianon renovation (1963), 293

  and manufacturing industry, 441

  May protests (1968), 289

  Soames, relationship with, 281

  UK visit (1960), 99, 137

  gazelles, 21–2

  GCB (Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath), 72, 100, 104, 285, 293, 411

  GCMG (Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George), 383

  Geelong Grammar School, Victoria, 224, 473

  Geidt, Christopher, 8, 214

  general elections, see elections

  Georg of Hanover, 429

  George Cross, 176, 204

  George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 214

  George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 49, 239, 242, 243, 244, 246–7, 266, 342

  George IV, King of the United Kingdom, 1, 72
br />   George V, King of the United Kingdom, 12, 16, 53, 121, 130, 173, 289, 445, 450, 454

  George VI, King of the United Kingdom, 12, 39, 45, 67, 163

  African tour (1947), 108–20, 189–90, 346, 374, 378, 403, 410, 411, 412

  Australia and New Zealand tour cancellation (1948), 190–91

  and Boys’ Welfare Society, 509

  Britannia Royal Naval College visit (1939), 346

  Canadian tour (1939), 189, 219, 227

  cancer diagnosis (1951), 192, 219

  Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference (1948), 124

  death (1952), 12, 193, 213, 244, 354

  Edward VIII’s abdication (1936), 287

  Festival of Britain (1951), 191

  France, relations with, 273, 277

  Indian independence (1947), 121–3

  London Declaration (1949), 124–6, 127

  United States visit (1939), 189, 238, 252, 268

  George of Cambridge, Prince, 15, 215, 269

  George Washington, 257

  Germany, 4, 16–18, 20, 25, 67

  Berlin Wall, 247, 405, 424, 430–32

  Brezhnev’s visit (1972), 432–3

  Dresden bombing (1945), 433

  European Economic Community, 280, 282, 425

  de Gaulle’s visit (1962), 432

  Heinemann’s UK visit (1972), 282

  Kennedy’s visit (1963), 424

  Nazi period (1933–45), 93, 173, 205, 273, 277–8, 298, 326, 346, 368, 388, 425, 433, 527

  New Guinea protectorate (1884–1919), 233

  Olympic Games (1936), 173

  Presidency, 67

  Queen, die, 18, 428

  Queen’s Lecture, 18

  Reagan’s visits (1982, 1987), 245, 246–7

  reunification (1990), 433

  Royal visit (1965), 16, 18, 342, 424–32, 433

  Royal visit (1978), 432–3

  Royal visit (1992), 433

  Royal visit (2015), 18, 433

  Royal visit (2016), 526–7

  Schmidt’s UK visit (1977), 433

  Schmidt’s Zambia visit (1978), 313

  South-West Africa (1884–1919), 403, 404

  World War I (1914–18), 177

  World War II (1939–45), 205, 273, 277, 298, 346, 326, 368, 433

  Gestapo, 278

  Gevisser, John, 416

  Ghafoor, Saj, 503


  1957 Independence, 135, 183; accession to Commonwealth, 178

  1959 Nkrumah’s UK visit, 136, 503

  1961 Royal visit, 15, 135, 137, 142, 221, 307, 362

  1964 Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference, 143

  1965 Rhodesian UDI crisis, 145

  1986 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games boycott, 389

  1999 Royal visit, 62

  2014 Mahama’s UK visit, 68

  2018 Commonwealth Day, 152; Commonwealth Fashion Exchange, 170

  Gibraltar, 72, 76, 183, 366, 395, 495

  gifts, 20–22, 48–9

  Gillard, Frank, 117, 118

  Gillard, Julia, 214

  Girl Guides, 21, 116

  Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara, 459

  Giscard d’Estaing, Anne-Amoyne, 291


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