Queen of the World: Elizabeth II: Sovereign and Stateswoman

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Queen of the World: Elizabeth II: Sovereign and Stateswoman Page 72

by Robert Hardman

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 97, 103, 290–91, 305

  Giselle, 297, 447

  Glasgow Commonwealth Games (2014), 171, 174

  Glass, Leslie, 96–7

  Gleneagles Hotel, Auchterarder, 150

  Glittering Thread, The (Connors), 189

  Gloucester, Prince Henry, Duke of, 361

  ‘God Save the Queen’, 207

  Gold Coast (1867–1957), 135

  Gold Coast Commonwealth Games (2018), 174, 186

  gold disc, 17

  Gold State Coach, 342

  Golden Jubilee (2002), 15, 17, 38, 47, 53, 153, 187, 213, 216, 225, 305, 342

  golden wedding anniversary (1997), 163

  Goldfinger, Uriah, 253

  Gonsalves, Ralph, 232

  Good Friday Agreement (1998), 455

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 67, 72, 246, 253, 379, 387

  Gorbacheva, Raisa, 67

  Gordon, Charles, 11

  Gordonstoun School, Moray, 473

  Gore-Booth, David, 157–60

  Gore-Booth, Paul, 27, 28, 431

  Gore, Albert, 17

  Gore, Michael, 59

  Goronwy-Roberts, Goronwy, 96

  Gorringe, David, 223

  Gorton, John, 345

  Gothic, SS, 127, 193, 194, 350, 353

  Gow, Ian, 339

  Grace, Princess of Monaco, 245

  la Grange, Zelda, 421

  Grant, Cary, 243

  Grave of the Unknown Warrior, 99, 417, 457

  Greece, 93, 168, 344, 361, 426, 446, 511, 531

  Greenhill, Denis, 281–2

  Greenpeace, 60

  Grenada, 230, 232, 250, 380

  Grenadier Guards, 98

  Grenfell, Harry, 322

  Grigg, John, 2nd Baron Altrincham, 198, 200

  Guildhall, City of London, 151

  Gulf War (1990–91), 49, 250, 252, 254

  Gurkhas, 469, 492

  Gustav V, King of Sweden, 63

  Gustav VI, King of Sweden, 69–70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 100, 359

  Hague, Ffion, 266

  Hague, William, 5, 53, 58, 140, 214, 266, 505–6, 523

  Hamilton British Empire Games (1930), 173

  Hamilton, Alvin, 50

  Hampton Court Palace, London, 16

  Hankey, Robert, 63, 359

  Hanks, Tom, 266

  Hanseatic League, 295

  Harald V, King of Norway, 256

  Harare, Zimbabwe, 155, 168

  Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, 277

  Hargrove, Charles, 291

  Harlech, Lord, see Ormsby-Gore, William David

  Harris, Kenneth, 392

  Harrison, Alistair, 241

  Harry, Prince, see Sussex, Duke of

  Hart, Judith, 313

  Hart Dyke, James, 485

  Hartley, Ted, 239

  Hartnell, Norman, 40–41, 127, 221, 532–3

  Harvey, Oliver, 276

  Haseler, Stephen, 15

  Hassan II, King of Morocco, 48, 74

  Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei, 469

  Havel, Václav, 58, 423, 424

  Hawke, Robert ‘Bob’, 155, 187, 209, 384, 397, 510

  Hawker Siddeley, 96

  Andover, 320, 326, 334, 342

  Heath, Edward, 8, 283

  and Ceausescu’s visit (1978), 89

  de Gaulle’s funeral (1970), 476

  and European Economic Community, 11, 280, 282, 283–4, 286, 287, 476

  and Mobutu’s visit (1973), 86

  Nixon’s visit (1971), 241

  and Singapore CHOGM (1971), 146–9, 283

  and South Africa, 81

  and Uganda, 82, 83

  and United States, 476

  Hefford, Eric, 478–9

  Heinemann, Gustav, 282

  Heinz II, Henry, 243

  Heisenberg, Werner, 101

  helicopter piloting, 33, 360

  Henderson, Nico, 246

  Hennings, John, 187, 316

  Herbert, Henry, 7th Earl of Carnarvon, 15

  Heriot-Watt University, 91

  Hermes, HMS, 477

  Heseltine, Michael, 403

  Heseltine, William ‘Bill’, 16, 29–30, 78

  and African tour (1979), 317, 320, 321, 326, 329, 334, 337

  and Amin’s proposed visit (1977), 83

  and Australian tours, 203, 207–9

  and Canada tours, 222

  and Ceausescus, 87

  and China visit (1986), 436

  and Commonwealth Day (1972), 152

  and Fiji visits, 30, 235

  and France visit (1972), 35, 285

  and Germany visit (1965), 427, 429

  and India visit (1983), 381

  and Kenya visit (1971), 512

  and Marlborough House CHOGM (1986), 398–9

  and Royal Family (1969), 46, 512

  and speeches, 57

  and Sunday Times affair (1986), 391, 393

  and Thatcher, 376, 391

  and Turkey visit (1972), 46

  Heuss, Theodor, 426

  Hill, R. F., 285

  Hillary, Edmund, 141, 196, 355

  Hinduism, 153, 381

  Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 71, 474

  Hitler, Adolf, 93, 173, 298, 425

  Hodge, James, 63

  Hollande, François, 26, 58, 306, 471

  Hollywood, 248

  Holocaust (1933–45), 278, 433, 527

  Holroyd, William ‘Bill’, 15

  Holt, Harold, 473

  Holyoake, Keith, 199, 201

  Hong Kong, 303, 343, 345–6, 434, 437, 440, 441, 483, 494–6, 526

  Honolulu, Hawaii, 34

  Hook, Neil, 491

  Hope, Bob, 248

  Hope for Children Cameroon, 9

  Horse Guards Parade, London, 70, 85, 266, 416

  horses, 17, 466

  Burmese, 22, 246

  Finland visit (1976), 55

  in Kentucky, 250, 255, 261, 263, 264

  Round Tower, 250

  Sefton, 455

  in Turkmenistan, 490–91

  Hossain, Rahat, 106–7

  hot dogs, 238, 266

  Household Cavalry, 70, 455, 479, 483, 490

  Howard, John, 211–12

  Howard, Michael, 16

  Howe, Geoffrey, 97, 385, 399, 436, 437, 438, 521

  Howell, David, 8, 140, 142, 156, 166, 167, 172

  Hu Jintao, 74

  Hu Yaobang, 436

  Hudson Bay Company, 223

  Hughes, Hubert, 230–31

  Huguenots, 432

  Humboldt Forum, 18

  Hungary, 14, 59, 60, 64, 96, 99, 100, 104, 486, 488

  Hunt, John, 315, 317, 323

  Hurd, Douglas, 361, 412, 453, 517, 518

  hurricanes, 161, 179, 231, 503

  Hutchinson, John, 331

  Hyde, Robert, 509

  Hyde Park and Regent’s Park bombings (1982), 455, 479

  Ibrahim, Mohammed ‘Mo’, 164

  ICI, 96

  Idris, King of Libya, 351

  Ikimi, Tom, 415

  Imperial War Graves Commission, 175

  India, 120–25, 128, 138–9, 165, 176

  1857 Mutiny, 120

  1911 Delhi Durbar, 130

  1919 Amritsar massacre, 158

  1947 Independence, 108, 122, 123, 138, 183, 189, 191; Partition, 122, 130, 138; Queen’s wedding, 138

  1948 Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference, 124

  1949 London Declaration, 124–5, 127, 222

  1953 Coronation of Elizabeth II, 127

  1961 Royal visit, 34, 40, 128–33, 137, 139, 142, 157

  1983 Delhi CHOGM, 378, 380–81

  1986 Marlborough House CHOGM, 397, 398

  1993 Royal visit, 366

  1997 Royal visit, 157–60

  2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games, 501

  2017 UK–India Year of Culture, 138–9, 142

  2018 Charles’ visit, 472; Modi’s UK visit, 67, 473; Commonwealth Fashion Exchange, 170; London CHOGM, 67, 142, 467

  Indonesia, 25, 68, 270

  Industrial Society, 509

  informal luncheons, 299–300

  Ingham, Bernard, 390, 396

  International Campaign to Ban Landmines, 522

  International Equestrian Federation, 444, 509

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 155, 244

  International Olympic Committee (IOC), 5, 513

  Invictus Games, 529–30, 533

  Invincible, HMS, 245

  Iran, 100, 134–5, 508–9

  Iraq, 49, 78, 250, 252, 254, 528

  Ireland, 53, 68, 123, 151, 266, 298, 449, 453–62, 531

  Irish Free State (1922–37), 454

  Irish Guards, 48, 457, 471

  Irish Republican Army (IRA), 250, 298, 326, 376, 400, 454–5, 462, 479

  Islam, 152, 153, 469, 487

  Islamabad, Pakistan, 133

  Isle of Man, 171, 183, 353

  Israel, 7, 319, 331, 526

  Italy, 24, 25, 42, 47, 61, 67, 245, 256, 257, 426, 484

  ITN, 96

  jaguars, 21

  Jamaica, 52–3, 150, 171, 172, 187, 194, 228–9, 232

  James, C. M., 295

  James Bond, 5, 33, 290, 362

  Jamestown Colony (1607–24), 239, 260–61

  Japan, 71, 79, 122, 166, 424, 468, 472, 473, 490

  Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, 48

  Jean, Michaëlle, 47

  Jebb, Gladwyn, 279

  Jekyll, Gertrude, 175

  Jenkins, Roy, 206, 418–19

  Jephson, Patrick, 517

  Jersey, 395

  Jet Age, 12

  Jiang Zemin, 77

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 122

  Joan of Arc, 304

  John Brown & Co., 347, 348

  John Paul II, Pope, 66

  Johnson, Alan, 510

  Johnson, Boris, 7, 142

  Johnson, Lyndon, 203, 238, 240

  Johnston, David, 225

  Johnstone-Bryden, Richard, 341, 348, 353

  Joint Intelligence Committee, 315, 317

  Jones, Emma, 521

  Jones, Quincy, 419

  Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, 80, 366


  1977 Silver, 83, 150, 180, 207–9

  1992 Ruby, 46

  2002 Golden, 15, 17, 38, 47, 53, 153, 187, 213, 216, 225, 305, 342

  2012 Diamond, 9, 14, 15, 25, 43, 47, 79, 105, 153, 170, 187, 216, 462, 501

  2017 Sapphire, 21, 227

  Judd, Frank, 35, 50, 51, 318, 363

  Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands, 281

  Kalashnikov rifles, 311

  Kang, David, 491

  Kashmir, 157

  Kaunda, Kenneth

  1979 Lusaka CHOGM, 308, 310, 313, 315, 318, 321–2, 325–8, 332–5, 337, 339–40

  1985 Nassau CHOGM, 384, 385

  1986 Marlborough House CHOGM, 397, 398

  Kazakhstan, 490

  KBO (Keep Buggering On), 493

  Keating, Paul, 210–11

  Keith, Kenneth, 92

  Kekkonen, Sylvi and Urho, 71

  Kelly, Angela, 39, 42, 43, 458, 459

  Kelly, Grace, 245

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 21, 137, 240

  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 221, 240, 404, 424

  Kenny, Enda, 456

  Kent, Prince Edward, Duke of, 98

  Kent, Duchess of (Katherine), 98

  Kent, Prince George, Duke of, 531

  Kent, Duchess of (Princess Marina), 531

  Kenya, 12, 21, 152, 170, 193, 264, 482

  Moi’s UK visit (1979), 26

  Mau Mau Uprising (1952–64), 128, 264

  Royal visit (1952), 12, 52, 126, 128, 193, 265, 317

  Royal visit (1971), 477, 511–12

  Prince William’s trip (2001), 522–3

  Zambia CHOGM (1979), 316, 322, 338

  Kereama, Jude, 503

  Kerr, John, 207, 208

  Key, Bronagh, 173

  Key, John, 10, 13, 171, 173, 217, 218, 502, 524, 525

  Khalid, King of Saudi Arabia, 53

  Khama, Seretse, 319–20, 332

  Khartoum, Sudan, 11

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 131, 137, 240, 246

  Kielinger, Thomas, 4, 16, 424–5, 428, 431, 505

  Kili handbag, 21

  King and I, The, 70

  King Steve, 224

  King, Hilda, 292

  King, John, 384

  King, Julian, 456, 460, 461, 462

  King’s African Rifles, 81, 83, 330

  Kingston British Empire and Commonwealth Games (1966), 172, 228

  Kipling, Rudyard, 159, 175

  Kirby, Simon, 434, 439

  Kissinger, Henry, 17, 237, 241

  Kite, Elizabeth, 106, 107, 108

  de Klerk, Frederik Willem, 407

  Knight of the Order of the Garter, 72

  Knight of the Thistle, 202

  Korean War (1950–53), 239, 487

  Krizia, Mariuccia, 42

  Kruzenshtern, 345

  Kuwait, 68, 250, 315

  Kwakiutl people, 22

  Kyrgyzstan, 490

  Lacey, Robert, 148

  lady clerks, 32

  ‘Lady Is a Tramp, The’, 243, 252

  Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 419

  Lagos, Nigeria, 35

  Lambert, David, 87–8, 91, 93, 95

  Lambeth Palace, London, 153

  Lancaster, Duchy of, 466

  Lancaster House, London, 167, 222, 340, 478

  Land Rover, 197, 269, 342, 355, 515

  landmines, 498, 521–2

  Landy, John, 173

  Lange, David, 2, 210

  Langkawi, Malaysia, 150

  Lascelles, Alan ‘Tommy’, 45, 110–19, 238

  Launer handbags, 42

  Laurence, Timothy, 176

  Lavery, John, 496

  Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 305, 306

  League Against Cruel Sports, 131

  Learmonth, James, 190

  Lebanon, 488

  Lee Kuan Yew, 147, 309, 316, 468

  Lee, Caspar, 14

  Légion d’honneur, 274, 293, 301

  Leibovitz, Annie, 279

  Leigh-Pemberton, Robin, 92

  Lenin, Vladimir, 446

  Leopold I, King of the Belgians, 71

  Lesotho, 114, 528, 530–31

  Letizia, Queen consort of Spain, 48, 72, 76

  Letsie III, King of Lesotho, 528

  Levin, Bernard, 98, 103

  Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya, 522

  Li Xiannian, 435, 436–7

  Liberia, 19, 362

  Liberty Bell, 242

  Libya, 7, 193, 269, 350–51, 390

  Life of Brian, 140

  Lindström, Ulla, 63

  Littlejohn Cook, George, 45, 46

  Liverpool University, 91

  livestock, 17

  Livingstone, David, 11, 330

  Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 259

  Lloyd, Ian, 312–13

  Loch Ness monster, 277

  Lomawa Ndwandwe, Queen mother of Swaziland, 114

  London CHOGM (2018), 1–3, 167, 169–70, 179, 180, 464–6, 503

  and Australia, 217

  and Cambridge, Duke of, 526

  and Canada, 226

  and Charles, succession of, 3, 217, 464–6, 503

  and Enterprise and Investment Council, 167

  and Prince Harry, 532

  and India, 67, 142, 467, 472

  and South Africa, 421

  and Windrush scandal (2018), 182, 227

  London Declaration (1949), 124–6, 127, 222, 350

  London Fashion Week, 170

  London Zoo, 20, 21

  Longford, Elizabeth, 275

  Lord Chamberlain’s Office, 45–6, 73, 285

  Lord Chancellor, 29

  Louis of Cambridge, Prince, 216

  Louise, Queen consort of Sweden, 69, 100

  Lover’s Knot tiara, 76

  Lowther-Pinkerton, Jamie, 522

  Lübke, Heinrich, 428, 429

bsp; Lusaka CHOGM (1979), 36, 307–40, 377, 380, 491

  Lutyens, Edwin, 159, 175

  Luxembourg, 48, 55

  Luzhkov, Yury, 448, 517

  Lyon, Tom, 441

  MacDonald, Margaret ‘Bobo’, 39, 42, 292, 358

  Macedonia, 168

  MacGregor, Neil, 36

  Macmillan, Harold, 136, 149, 239, 331, 378

  Macron, Emmanuel, 270, 489

  Madagascar, 176, 513

  Magpie, HMS, 353

  Major, John, 4, 16, 50

  Auckland CHOGM (1995), 415

  and Britannia, 347, 370

  and Bush election campaign (1992), 255

  Charles and Diana’s separation (1992), 487

  Clinton, relationship with, 255–6

  and cricket, 155, 406, 413

  Harare CHOGM (1991), 155, 406

  and income tax, 497

  leadership election (1990), 401

  Malaysia CHOGM (1989), 406

  Mandela’s visit (1996), 418

  and Queen’s Young Leaders, 106

  South Africa visit (1994), 409

  Turkmenistan visit (1993), 490

  Makwara, Ransford, 481

  Malan, Daniel ‘DF’, 124

  malaria, 144, 339

  Malawi, 57–8, 143, 319, 320, 322, 329–30, 331, 503

  Malaysia, 36, 150, 178, 183, 355, 406, 470–472

  Maldives, 164

  Mali, 25

  Mallaby, Christopher, 279

  Malta, 48, 163, 225, 350, 504, 511

  Mandela, Nelson, 86, 375, 400–422, 443, 494

  arrest (1962), 379

  Prince of Wales’s visit (1997), 498

  death (2013), 421

  general election (1994), 402, 407

  George VI’s visit (1947), 378

  Harare CHOGM (1991), 406–7

  imprisonment (1964–90), 86, 379, 380, 383, 386–7, 400–401

  Mitterrand’s visit (1994), 409, 412

  ‘Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika’, 113

  Order of Merit (1995), 375, 411, 417

  Queen’s Counsel appointment (2000), 420–21

  release from prison (1994), 401–2, 403

  Royal visit (1995), 343, 409, 411–14, 443

  Thatcher, meetings with (1990, 1996), 402–3, 420

  UK visit (1996), 416–20, 451

  Mandela, Winnie, 411

  Mandela-Dlamini, Zenani, 416, 418

  Mangwende, Witness, 36

  Manley, Michael, 150, 228

  Manning, David, 141–2, 260, 264, 524, 527

  Mansell, Benjamin, 11

  Maoris, 152, 195–6, 199, 200, 209–10, 216, 363

  Maple Leaf brooch, 219, 226

  Maple Leaf of Canada dress, 221

  Mara, Kamisese, 30

  Marcos, Ferdinand, 24

  Margai, Albert, 145

  Margaret, Princess, Countess of Snowdon, 73, 109, 190, 228, 277, 366, 410, 441, 476

  Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, 74, 78–9

  Marina of Greece and Denmark, see Kent, Duchess of

  Markle, Meghan, see Sussex, Duchess of

  Marks & Spencer, 493

  Marland, Jonathan, 167

  Marlborough House, London, 121, 143, 145, 152, 169, 311, 388–9, 395–400, 408, 474

  Marley, Robert ‘Bob’, 483


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