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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

Page 26

by L M Lacee

  Netta asked Fanharr. ‘Do they need medical?’

  Let us feed them and we will see.

  Pepper said. Mama Helen, Isa hungree.

  Not to be out done, Knife said. Mesa to Isa ungree Mama Netta.

  Helen said. ‘Well come with Mama and we will fix that sweeties.’

  They heard Netta groan. ‘Now I’m a Mama.’

  They walked out leaving Melody, Bacon, Rage, Fanharr and the cream colored female behind.

  Rage addressed Melody. Something has happened, you have changed.

  ‘I have, when I bonded with Bacon something clicked on in my brain.’ She looked at Rage and Fanharr thoughtfully, then said quietly. ‘I think I have been changing since I first met Retder and Yewta, it was like an itch in my needar that has grown bigger.’

  Fanharr said. I wonder if that was what caused the incident on Porquiel.

  Melody nodded. ‘I remember all of that now, the song and the impulse to follow it. Hawk, everything.’

  Rage rubbed against her arm in comfort the first time he had ever done such a thing to her. Melody, we need to find out what has occurred. Will you allow Specialist Jarrod to find out what has switched on? We are worried you have been compromised, or the ability is far greater than what you are displaying.

  ‘You know Peyton will never allow me to be hurt?’

  Perhaps, but for my peace of mind, allow Specialist Jarrod to examine you.

  ‘The histories say nothing about anything like this happening.’

  Not that I recall, but we will read them again to make sure.

  Maybe you should read them as well. Fanharr suggested.

  ‘If I may, yes that would be helpful.’

  Rage nudged her gently as he said with barely suppressed glee. Of course you must, it appears we have our very own Tocho.

  ‘What is that?’

  Tocho pronounced Toeco. They had all learned to pronounce words for the Terrans since living on Maikonia. It made for less confusion later and less time having to find Trina to verify a word. He grinned as he told her. It means matchmaker.

  Melody grinned as well as she brushed her hand down Rage’s glorious back and sighed with delight, much to Bacon’s dismay. She quickly did the same for him, smoothing over any jealousy she could feel coming from him. ‘Well in that case, I will see Jarrod, it is disconcerting knowing all about the kits, about the bondings. And the names of the Prowlers, whether I have met them before or not. Whatever this gift is, it feels stronger already. So seeing and talking to Jarrod should help, I hope.’

  Fanharr told her. It is what they do dearle.

  ‘Alright. Greetings Salmah, I will take you to him, he will be surprised.’

  No more surprised than I am. My life has suddenly changed. I thought I would walk alone until I unburdened myself, and here I am bonding at the age of thirty- five, very disconcerting.

  ‘I have found life tends to do that when we are not looking.’

  With Bacon by her side, they said farewell to Fanharr who needed to talk to Helen and Netta and walked to Hawks cabin.

  Hawk was in his lounge in his cabin working on the changes to the way they had always worked as Warriors. It was difficult taking apart a system and creating a new one. He had to keep fighting his instincts to remain the same. When he looked back over his life, he could not find the reason to not change, but it was exceedingly difficult. He outlined a new style of armee, removing the squads and bringing in units and companies that had been discussed with the Commanders. It was going to be a hard learning curve for all the Warriors.

  At first he had been resistant for the need to change, but as he had listened to Netta and Melody, then talked to Marlo and his squad. Kerol and Ward and several others, he felt more settled within himself that Peyton was correct, change was well overdue. Warriors were no longer the fodder they had been told they were or expendable, to be used and dumped on a moon somewhere to wait to die. They would no longer be held hostage to their squad brothers as they had been in the past, and they would no longer endure without relief. They were Maikonia Warriors, and it was about time they started to believe it and act like it.

  As Dinas had said luneras ago, they had a right to fight for what they needed and wanted. Had they not proven that to themselves over and over? Thinking about Dinas, he realized that the Warriors had mates and children now, a world that was theirs to protect. They had to change as their world had changed. So he wrote his report and recommendations and knew he would do everything he needed to, to live up to being First Commander in the Maikonia armee and he would find his brothers, who were never far from his thoughts.

  He stood and stretched, only to stop half-way through when a knock sounded on his door. ‘Enter.’

  Melody walked in with Rage and a beautiful female Prowler. Melody told him. ‘Her name is Salmah, and she is your bonded.’

  Hawk never took his eyes from the female as he said. ‘Greetings Salmah. Are you sure?’

  Thank you, my Hawk. I am most sure I am for you as you are for me.

  I am for you as you are for me. He replied, his eyes softening with delight.

  ‘We will leave you to get to know each other.’ Melody quietly said, closing the door behind her Bacon and Rage. As they stepped out, a soft pink glow washed through the passageways.

  ‘Oh wow, what do you think that was?’

  Beloved just found out about the kits. She is searching in case there are others.

  ‘Huh, didn’t know she could do that.’

  It tickles, said a giggling Bacon.

  Melody asked Rage. ‘You okay about all this bonding and everything else?’

  It is hard to change a lifetime of beliefs in twenty-four hours. We have changed all the rules, even Rave has bonded with the Assaen, a most amusing event.

  Both he and Melody laughed at that, then she sighed and told him. ‘I know it is difficult but remember we are all going through changes, it is not just you.’

  Still, there is so much we have to learn or re-learn. He sighed deeply. Our history was stolen from us. We the Castque are a product of the original Tuarillians. We are natural sentient beings and have evolved to what you see today. And somewhere in our past someone decided that Turqualls should be identified as only one color. I am confused as to how that came about and to what they hoped to achieve, other than disharmony.

  Melody nodded in sympathy. ‘I know what that is like on Earth it was in some ways similar. We were dying, becoming extinct, and when our rulers were offered a way out of the situation, our government or elders sold us out. Sometimes…’ She whispered more to herself than him. ‘I wonder if I did the right thing by leaving, maybe I should have stayed and fought.’

  Where would that have got you? Rage, the Pride Leader asked.

  Melody shrugged and grimaced. ‘Dead maybe.’ Bacon whimpered in pain. No my Melody no, I wood not hafta yous.

  ‘Oh sweetie, hush now. I am sorry.’

  Rage nuzzled Bacon to silence, then quietly spoke. Melody I did stay, and I did fight every day for yentas. Do you know where it got me, nowhere, I almost lost everything. Now I look back, I realize it was ego that kept me there.

  Melody petted him as she stated. ‘Ego is not such a bad thing, really. It was ego that brought you here and saved our Pride.’

  Rage gave her a Prowler’s equivalent of a shrug and said. Maybe.

  Melody shrugged in return as she assured him.

  ‘Well, it is what I believe.’

  This is why we are pleased you are with us. Today would not have happened without you. You are so much more than our Tocho. I am so very happy to be here to see what you become.

  Melody stroked Bacon and did something she had not done since girlhood, she blushed. ‘I thank you, Rage. I lost my nest family, not that there had been many of us. Just me and my parents and a few aunts and uncles. They were in the Earths military and so when it was my turn to choose a career I chose the armee. Then the armee became my family. When I was asked to leave I
was devastated until I found my sisters who became my family. Bacon and you make my life better because you add to my growing family. I will not look back to what could have been, there is nothing for me to see. Maybe I could have stayed and fought. But thanks to you, I see now it would have been a losing battle. The rulers of Earth will not change until they are forced to. I think my needar would have withered and died if I had not come out here, so I will not waste any more time wondering about what I could have changed.’

  Rage asked as he thought on her words. You think that is what I am doing?


  Our universes are different, as are our species.

  ‘We came to this universe, so far from what we knew and we thought it cannot be like it was on Earth. We believed that out here, you beings would be far more advanced than us. I mean you have talking cats.’

  Rage snorted, he had seen pic’s of tigers, lions and saber-tooth tigers from Earth.

  ‘But for all the advances, there are prides and worlds like the one you came from, that Bacon here came from. Worlds filled with idiots like those down there, and I realized something.’

  What did you realize?

  ‘I realized why we are lucky enough to have the Star Daughter as ours. She will not allow this to continue, already she has changed how you look at things. Hawk is in his cabin making changes to what he knew as an armee. Jarrod and Avana will fight to change the way the universe sees Masters and Senes. And the Solverea’s will change their whole way of life when they join us on Maikonia. The humans have already changed, we are called Terrans now, and we did this because she is our friend and leader. She wants us to be greater than our ancestors. It is alright Rage to say that those arrogant olesho’s who ruled us were wrong and that, you, me, Hawk and the Star Daughter are right.’

  Rage stopped and stared. What do we do with this knowledge?

  Melody shrugged and softly said. ‘We make new rules, new histories, new traditions…’

  ‘We become one, we become Maikonian and we embrace that identity and live, love and reach for the stars.’ Peyton said as she stood in the passageway before them.

  Rage nodded his head. I need to think on this.

  Peyton took his face in her hands. ‘Yes you do, my chosen. Become your name, rage against what was, and embrace what you all are to become.’

  We await you. Sung the Stars.

  Rage gave them one more look and left. Bacon asked. Mama Petn are you angry?

  ‘No Bacon, why would you think that?’

  You are bright.

  ‘Oh is this better?’ She dimmed the glow that surrounded her. Bacon nodded. My Melody, are we to go to see the kits in the Chef Helen Kictn?

  ‘I had not thought to go.’


  Melody grinned as she said. ‘I think that we probably should, don’t you Peyton?’

  ‘I could eat, what about you Bacon?’

  I could eat. He said trying for Peyton’s tone of nonchalance.

  She and Melody hid their grins from the adorable kit. Melody ran her hand down his back as she said. ‘Well then let’s go see the kits and get some food.’

  Bacon innocently asked. Do you think Chef Helen will like to feed me for practice so she lerns how to?

  ‘I do not know, we should go find out.’

  ‘When did I become Mama Peyton?’

  Bacon giggled as Melody smiled, she had decided not to talk about her new status or abilities, until she had verified with Jarrod what exactly was going on. Although she did not put it pass Peyton to know already, but as usual she would say nothing. That was one of the nicest things about her sister, she knew when to remain quiet.

  You know I heard that?

  Aww, shut up!


  The trading barges were delayed due to a meteor shower that closed off several wormholes. So it was not until mid-morn the following day that Rose and her brother Frand and three squads of Warriors shuttled over to the Warship to be greeted by all their friends.

  Peyton hugged her as she told her. ‘We have missed you.’

  Rose was then greeted with hugs from every female there as Hawk and Kerol greeted her brother Frand and Jorge.

  Sounding surprised, Frand said. ‘They missed her?’

  Hawk said. ‘Very much. Why are you here Jorge, you were not on rotation?’

  He grinned. ‘That is true, Amelia had to leave to go to Halcyon for a few wekens. I decided to escort Rose, so I swapped rotations with Lender.’ He looked down at the Prowlers, Salmah and Jade, who were looking at the females as they greeted each other. ‘There seems to have been a few changes, it seems my friends you have been guardiod.’

  Frand said. ‘I wonder if they like all races.’

  Rage said as he came to where they stood. It is called bonding. We bond to whoever fits and are worthy. Rave has bonded to the Assassin Harm.

  Both males laughed, as Frand said. ‘Truly, that I would like to see.’

  Slightly bewildered, Jorge said. ‘You talked to me, no Turquall has…’

  Hawk corrected him. ‘One of those changes that we sent home, which you may have missed, is our Turquall’s are now known as Prowlers, Maikonia Prowlers.’

  Rage said. We will talk to anyone we wish to, we will no longer hold ourselves apart.

  Jorge and Frand bowed. ‘We are pleased. It is most gratifying to know we can converse together.’

  ‘How?’ Frand asked Hawk. ‘Can I ask a Prowler to bond with me?’

  Jade said. You hafta go talk to Bacon or his Melody. Kerol rubbed her ears. ‘This is my Jade, and she is right, talk to Melody and see what she says.’

  Jorge asked. ‘Why?’

  Kerol stated. ‘She seems to have developed a talent for matching Prowlers and their bonded. It is amazing.’

  Startled, Frand asked. ‘She is a Tocho?’

  Hawk grinned. ‘Yes, but it is a secret.’

  Jorge and Frand laughed as Jorge stated. ‘Only Terrans would think it would remain one.’ Causing them all to break out laughing again, even Rage.

  Rose said to Peyton when she got back to her. ‘You are missing home?’

  ‘Yes, we all are.’

  ‘Well you should know you are all missed, it is too quiet there without you.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Why are you out here, you said you would never leave home again?’

  ‘Did I not just say, it is too quiet at home?’


  ‘Next time you leave I will be going out with you. I would like to be included in your crew please.’

  Peyton hugged her. ‘Done. So you will stay here with us as well as Frand and the Warriors.’

  ‘Of course, it will be nice to talk to Heather in person.’

  Peyton grinned as she said. ‘It really is, she is staying home now.’

  Rose grinned as well, ‘Good, we missed her.’

  ‘Yeah, we did.’ She turned around and spied Jorge.

  ‘Jorge greetings, I have missed you?’

  ‘Madam Peyton, we have missed you, all of you. When do you return soon I hope?’

  ‘Thank you and very soon, how is Amelia?’

  He smiled as he told her. ‘She is very happy, she has decided to organize Education centers on Halcyon and the other worlds.’

  ‘Has she, oh my goodness she is wonderful.’

  ‘I think so.’

  Peyton mind-sent to Netta. I want Jorge, please?

  I will add him to the list and ask him before he leaves.

  Do that, but ask Hawk for a replacement. Swap him with someone else for Frand, Jorge needs to stay.

  Netta inclined her head. Okay, will do.

  Peyton released Rose and gave Frand a hug. He stepped back and looked down at her with a grin and handed her a small wrapped box. She held it securely in her hand, a huge smile on her face. ‘Thank you Frand, we missed you.’

  ‘You have grown, Madam Peyton.’

  Peyton frowned. ‘Are you saying I got fat?’ She as
ked Rose. ‘Did he just call me fat?’

  Frand paled as Rose shook her head at him. ‘Oh Frand, how could you?’

  All the ladies looked at him and shook their heads, and left, giggling and chatting as they entered the lift. Rose enclosed in the middle of them, the last the male’s saw of them they were laughing as they disappeared.

  ‘See what I mean, too quiet at home.’ Rose stated which made them all laugh harder.

  Netta murmured. ‘I cannot wait to go home.’

  ‘None of us can.’ Melody agreed, as they all sighed with longing for their homes.

  Peyton asked. ‘Seriously, have I put on weight or what?’

  Frand stared worriedly after the females and said to the males. ‘I did not call her fat. I meant she has grown in…’

  Hawk and Kerol took pity on him, and Kerol told him. ‘Do not concern yourself, Madam was what they call screwenn with you.’

  Hawk assured him. ‘She knows exactly what you meant, she likes you Frand.’

  ‘Are you sure she seemed upset? Rose also seemed disappointed.’

  Kerol looked at the two remaining males. All the rest of the Warriors had been dismissed to eat, which they had hurried to do. Helen was their favorite chef. They had missed her.

  ‘There is something you must know about our females, and it seems that Rose and those at home are susceptible to it as well.’ Kerol advised the two males listening.

  ‘What?’ Frand asked with a frown as he looked at Kerol who nodded and imparted his wisdom. ‘We have found out about it since we have been here. It was something we all suspected, but we now know is true and my Penny has confirmed it.’

  ‘Truly?’ Jorge asked, concerned he did not know something about his mate. ‘What did she confirm?’

  Kerol nodded. ‘Not in so many words, but she implied it. They are all bat shit crazy.’

  Hawk looked from him to Jade and Salmah but said nothing. Kerol followed his eyes to his Jade with her ears pricked and an intent look and knew he was in so much trouble. ‘Jade my sweet, it would be unwise for us to tell our Penny that we know this fact.’

  Jade cocked her head to the side as though she was listening. Kerol knew, just knew he was a dead male walking. He swallowed and asked hesitantly, unwilling to know the answer. ‘Jade my sweet, have you already talked to our Penny?’


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