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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

Page 31

by L M Lacee

  Greetings Madam. I do hope you are feeling better.

  ‘I am, thank you.’

  How may I help you?

  ‘Please open a ship wide comm and include the Cruisers and the Solverea ship as well as the cargo beasts.’


  ‘Thank you.’ Taking a breath, she said. ‘Greetings, this is the Star Daughter. I would like to wish you all a good day, and as you probably already know, we are leaving the planet Oraintarre. We have succeeded in retrieving all four hundred and fifty Warriors and as a bonus we found another forty-five on the moon KarSar. As well as two thousand sleepers on the same moon and we have retrieved another five hundred from the hidden satellite or I should say, we are in the process of doing so now. They will all be woken and hopefully reunited with family at home. We did accomplish more, but I will only tell you a little of what we did here, so no one is left in any doubt. We improved our relationship with a planet. Yes, I mean the planet Oraintarre. Sadly not the ruling house, mind you I do not think the ruling house will be ruling for much longer. We proved we will administer justice and we will rescue and give sanctuary to any who need a safe place to live and be free. I have made it plain for all to see and understand that I will not allow you, our Warriors, to be mistreated or to be left to die. You will no longer be used as fodder as has been done in the past or discarded on a whim. The time of endurance is over. If nothing else, dealing with the house Oraintarre showed us that. Showed me that. We will not remain silent or condone what some worlds consider appropriate behavior any longer. Now I want to speak about some goals we are working toward. I believe we have around two more yentas to locate all our sleepers and to make contact with Warriors on other worlds, as well as to settle and secure our own worlds. In the meantime we are working on securing our way in the financial markets. I can hear you all asking. Only two yentas? And I am saying yes two yentas. In that time, I hope we will be ready to make our presence felt. There is always the possibility that this time frame will be shortened or lengthened, it is fluid and depends on what happens and who comes into our lives. When and only when we are ready, will we open our Solar system up to the universe, but we have work to do before then and when we get home, we will start. Until then relax, we have a weken before we get home. You all deserve it. Oh before I forget, there is another exciting change that has happened and that is our Turquall have changed their identity. They are now known as Maikonian Prowlers, and there are bondings once more happening between us and the Prowlers. So once more I thank you my Prowlers for adding to the rich tapestry that are our lives. Now anyone wishing to find out about this, please contact Commander Melody and talk to her. She will give you an explanation on what a bonding is, and for the histories of the Prowlers, read your tablets. I am fully aware you all know about our stop on the way home already. But I will tell you anyway, we will be calling in on a mining planet tomorrow morn early, very early to recover hopefully some lost children and to discourage the miners from returning to Oraintarre. I request the Falears if they are available and any Warrior from Oraintarre that wishes to be included in this mission and is able to go on planet. You must have a clearance from the healers and Commander Hawk and Commander Melody. Captain Jorge and Commander Darby you are both requested as well. Commander Netta, I will be going, so you know, do your thing. I think that is all I have. So enjoy the trip home and those going planet side, prepare. Lastly; know that I am very proud of every one of you. Thank you.’


  The actual leaving of Oraintarre was anticlimactic. The Warbird and one Battleship with several long-range fighter ships and the Solverea family’s battlecruiser. Plus four cargo barges, loaded with fifteen hundred tonnes of Salistred, took the nearest wormhole from the planet. One min they were cruising along and the next they entered the black hole and were thrown from one part of space to another. When they exited, they were one day from the mining planet.

  Peyton spent the time alone. She did not have any input on piloting a ship. She had been on the Warbirds Bridge only once. It confused her so much she was sick for two days, or at least that is what she told Hawk. He never asked her there again. In actuality she had been ill for only one day, all that technology had sent her senses into overdrive and scrambled her nerves. She was finding it was something that was happening more often, which is why she used her tablet sparingly now. She and Heather had recently run tests on her and found she was starting to have a reaction to technology. She was not outright rejecting it, more like her signature was so different now. The shields around the tech were not enough to stop her interfering with it. She could no longer wear an indent band or comm link and if she kept her use of comps’ to a minimum, she should not burn them out, which she had already done to two, much to Jean’s fascination.

  Darby had contacted Reeico, their inventor and his sister Teenarlo who were working on a higher intensity shielding for her comps’. She hoped it worked, although maybe someone would come along to make that redundant. As for the command of the ship, she was happy with the arrangements. Hawk controlled the ships with his Warbird Commanders, pilots and crew, thereby leaving her out of it. Which seemed to make them all happier for some reason. She believed it was Jean and Darby spreading false stories of her dismantling bots to see how they worked or setting fire to ships when she was helping Commander Kolin, that made them appreciative of her never visiting the bridge.

  ‘Accidents did happen.’ She had told Darby her reply of. ‘More so around you,’ Peyton thought, was unwarranted. She had been truly surprised when Helen had said Terran females were really happy to learn to pilot. Although she knew of three who already were pilots, so she really should not be that amazed. She was never going to be one of them, and for that she was truly thankful. But as she told Hawk, she could do it if she wanted too. She felt his disbelief was also unwarranted, as was the laughter.


  The following morn, at 04:00 hours, found the Warbird orbiting around a small, dark brown or burgundy planet. Assembled in the war room were the Falears, Jorge, Darby, Kerol and Melody as well as Marlo and his squad. Hawk was to remain on board to oversee the ship and mission. Ostensibly it was to allow Melody to command Marlo and his squad, to see how they reacted to a female officer, after what they had been through. Which is what he had told Peyton when she queried his decision?

  Netta was not taking a squad as guards, preferring to use Jorge and the others as guards for Peyton. Dinas and Patty were going as medics in their own shuttle. All the adult Prowlers led by Rage and Rave were also going, even Honor and Salmah. Peyton stood by as Melody gave the final briefing before they headed to the shuttles.

  ‘I am in Command, unless the Star Daughter is needed. We are going in under the new tech Commander Darby installed. This is a rescue and retrieve mission. If at all possible we would like one high-ranking person to question and if we are fortunate to get one we...’

  ‘I will question him or her.’ Jarrod interrupted as he entered. He was dressed in jeans and a shirt with a long Warriors coat over the top. ‘Madam, you did not request me. Why?’

  Peyton, her eyes wide as the handsome Specialist appeared, said. ‘Umm… Because you don’t have to do that anymore.’

  Since she had bonded to Bacon, Melody could selectively mind-send, and she was very adept at it. She sent now to Peyton. Sister, wipe your chin, you are drooling. He is effectively your cousin-in-law.

  Eww, that is just so wrong, armee girl. I was not thinking anything like that.

  Should we put it out there for a vote?

  Maybe we should just explain who our Tocho is?

  Sister, we are going to have words soon.

  I’m not scared.

  You say that now.

  ‘Ahh I see.’ Jarrod bowed to Peyton ‘Thank you, that means more than you will ever know. But this is what I do, and I am very, very good at it. Like our Falears, we do it because you wish we didn’t have to, so it makes it easier.’

stared at him for a min, read the truth in his eyes and heart and grimaced, then sighed and nodded at the truth of his statement. ‘Cannot argue with that.’

  ‘And yet you will try.’ Muttered Netta.

  ‘So funny.’ Peyton grumbled as everyone smiled or laughed.

  Melody continued. ‘So if we get a live one, Specialist Jarrod will attend to them. Thank you and people, be careful and keep safe.’

  Peyton grinned and said. ‘Now, let’s get this show on the road.’

  Hawk met them at the docking bay and saluted her and Melody as he said to Netta. ‘Keep her safe, she will forget.’

  ‘Seriously… forget, that is just so wrong’ Peyton almost whined but remembered at the last min they were all listening. Darby said. ‘Well hon, you have a tendency too, you know?’

  She grumbled while everyone else smothered grins as she gave them the look. Mins later they were on board the three shuttles and Melody called out. ‘We are boarded. Pilot Nikolas, do you have the location?’

  ‘I do, Commander.’

  Melody ordered. ‘We are away then, Captain Nikolas.’

  ‘As you will Commander.’

  Mins later the Warbirds outer doors retracted and the shuttles silently left the hold and powered up, also in silence, and twenty mins later they all invisibly and soundlessly glided to the planet. Five miles from the actual mining operation, they landed on a completely dark planet. When the doors to the shuttles whispered open, the Prowlers disappeared alongside the Falears.

  Peyton exited at Melody’s nod and moved away from the shuttles, and with the others waited and looked around at what they could see, which was very little.

  Netta whispered. ‘Why is it so dark?’

  Peyton said absently. ‘Young planet and system.’

  Netta scratched her face with the handle of her knife. ‘Oh okay, that makes sense. I suppose.’

  Darby bent down and picked up some surface dust and sniffed. ‘It has a metallic scent.’

  Several others did the same. She rubbed it between her fingers. ‘And it is grittier than just dust, more like sand or light gravel.’ She squinted. ‘I can’t quite make out what color it is. It is either brown or tan, maybe red. Why do you think the planets out here are mostly red?’

  ‘They are not all red.’ Melody corrected her. ‘The Turquall planet, Porquiel that you bitched about the whole time we were there, was not red. If I remember rightly and I do, it was coal black and then there is Earth, that is not red, its blue and green in case you forgot.’ No one could miss Darby’s heavy breathing through her nose. Melody hid her grin and said. ‘Then there are our home worlds they are not red, in fact I do not remember one of them or the moons being red.’

  ‘Your point is made, Miss. Planet Facts.’ Darby sniped.

  ‘No need to get huffy. I was just clarifying.’ Returned Melody with a grin that Darby could not see.

  Netta said as she looked around trying to pierce the darkness. ‘Your facts are a bit off, Earth is not in this universe, so really can’t be counted.’

  ‘Huh!’ Darby crowed.

  Melody said. ‘Oh shut it and what is that noise.’ They could hear a soft rumbling sound coming closer.

  Peyton murmured. ‘Oh dearle.’

  Netta tensed, which caused everyone else to tense, she mind-sent. Peyton. Blasters?

  She hurriedly sent back. No, we seem to have woken someone, stay alert but stay calm. Jarrod shields fast. He threw them around each person’s mind, as Peyton moved away from the group. Melody reached for her. She gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance.

  ‘It is fine Melody, but safer if we do it this way. Stay where you are, please.’ They looked around but still could not see anyone then. A young hard voice, mind-sent loudly. Whatcha doin?

  Peyton mentally slapped him. Speak softer, I know you can, you will hurt them and then I will be cross.

  Softer, he said. I am sorry I did not know it would hurt, no one will talk to me. You are the first to talk to me.

  Peyton sighed. I see, well, talk softer.

  Alright? I will.

  Now tell me your name?

  I am Pantarr.

  You are new.

  I am and the suns and the moons, we are new, we grow slowly. We are not full grown yet. Who are you?

  I am the Star Daughter, do you know who that is?

  Yes, we are created knowing. Oh that is amazing, she said you would come. I did not believe her. Is that bad?

  No Pantarr, it is not. Who told you, sweetie?

  The big fast star that came past while I was small ball, she said the Star Daughter would come help me.

  Oh, did she, well then I guess I will be helping you.

  You shine nice, all you do? Are they yours?

  Yes, they are all mine.

  He sounded sad as he said. Oh.

  Peyton asked him. Do you not have people on your surface?

  Yes, but they dig into me. It hurts but they will not stop, can you make them stop?

  I can and I will, but we have to wait until my Warriors have the big ones. There are little ones here, are there not?


  Oh sweetie, don’t tell me, maybe. You have them, don’t you?

  Yes. He toed the ground like a child. The big ones hurt them, they make them go down the small holes and they make water. So I takes them and hide them.

  Of course you did, because you like them

  I do.

  Do you remember where you put them, sweetie?

  No, I lost them. I can’t feel them no more.

  There was a collective gasp when he said that. Peyton said to her people. ‘Listen, that means they are either on rock or surrounded by rock. He is young, like a little one that has lost his toys. He knows he put them away, he just can’t remember where. Also he is still forming so is not completely in touch with every part of his physical body. If you have to deal with him, please remember he is young but still a planet, a very strong planet.’

  She turned to Pantarr and said. ‘So I am going to look for them when my other people come back, alright?’

  He said sadly. Yes, Star Daughter.

  ‘Pantarr what is wrong, you did nothing bad. We will find the little ones.’

  I am lonely. It is dark sometimes and the others won’t talk to me. Sometimes I see them go by but they will not stop, and I itch.

  ‘Alright, that is new. I will try to take the itch away and make it better, and I will try to figure out how to stop you being lonely alright?’

  He was so excited by her words he started talking out loud. ‘Star Daughter. That is so good, yes.... yes.’

  ‘Alright good boy, now some people and Prowlers, look at the pic I sent you, do you see them?’


  ‘Well, they are here. I will talk to them and then we will make it bright alright?’


  ‘Good and remember I need you to be quiet now.’

  ‘Yes.’ He whispered

  ‘So, for those of you who were not here or paying attention.’ She looked at Darby as she said that, who growled at her in return, making her smile.

  ‘This young male is Pantarr the planet. He is very young, he has hidden the children or some of them and has since lost them. The miners are hurting him by digging into his soil. He has an itch which I will find out about soon. He is also extremely lonely, be wary of what you say to him, you could find yourselves tied to the planet and yes that is a thing. Matt, what did you find?’

  Matt, being the Commander of the Falears, dumped two males onto the ground. ‘Two males at your feet. We are still looking for more Star Daughter. The Prowlers and the rest of my Warriors are searching the other huts.’

  ‘There are huts?’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’ He said, and she was sure he was laughing.

  ‘Thank you, alright in two, I will light this place up. One... two.’ She sent an orb of light into the air, and it was as if the sun came up. They were standing just on the outskir
ts of a small settlement, there were four to six huts in a line, some in different states of repair. There was a large stone hut that had what looked like antennas reaching from the roof, the buildings were made of a burgundy stone. Very much like the color of the planet.

  In front of a big barn type structure was an old fashioned water pump and trough, the ground was covered in a dry burgundy brown dust, there was no grass of any kind, anywhere in the immediate area. Although there were plenty of copper and blue bushes that covered the ground between where they stood and the small hills in the distance. They could smell water, it had a clean scent, the sky was a dark peach color and there were three small weak pink/orange suns and many moons, too many to count.

  They all turned at the same time to look at the young male standing with Peyton. He was slim and as they looked, his clothes changed to match their battle gear, minus the weapons. He looked to be about twenty-one yentas old, with long, fine burgundy hair which instantly tied itself into a Warrior braid, his face was long with a long nose, and he had no eyebrows but a ridge that formed above wide burgundy eyes.

  He said hesitantly. ‘Greetings.’

  They all replied. ‘Greetings.’

  Melody picked up some dirt. ‘Oh wow! So burgundy, then.’

  ‘Huh, told yah.’ Was Darby’s muttered response.

  Netta said as she pointed to the sky. ‘Look at that and how many moons are there?’

  Pantarr went to answer. Peyton said. ‘It was not a question for you to answer.’

  ‘Oh, but the bright one asked.’

  Peyton smiled as he called Netta a bright one. ‘Yes but not of you.’


  Apart from the scent of water which they assumed was close by, the planet looked sort of unfinished, which it was. Peyton told them. ‘He is very young, not more than three of four hundred yentas old. He has many more yentas of growing to do.’

  ‘I do… I do.’ Pantarr told them with pride. ‘Much more to grow.’


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