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Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  My dick started to harden.

  “You did? What did he say?”

  “He didn’t say anything.”

  She smiled sadly. “So now you know he doesn’t give a shit about me. Your plan is pointless.”

  No, my plan had just begun.

  Chapter Ten


  We’d finished eating a couple hours ago and I sat on the bed staring at the wall, Venom in the adjoining bathroom, the shower turning off and the smell of Irish Spring soap filling the air. I told him I wasn’t having sex with him, but I knew he could see that was a lie.

  I didn’t know what it was about him, but the way he looked at me, the way he held himself, maybe the fact he took me against my will and demanded that I stay with him, turned me on something fierce.

  The bathroom door was partially opened. I glanced to the side to stare at it. I could see the sink, and a mirror above it, steam billowing out from the crack in the door and filling the room. It was warm and humid, the scent of the soap he’d used so strong I felt my pulse increase.

  And then I saw him step in front of the sink, half his body hidden behind the door. The part I could see had my mouth drying. He had the towel slung over his hips, the sight of his muscles on clear display. His tattoos covered his arms and crept down to his hands.

  I know the ink covered his whole body, parts of his neck, the dark story that covered his skin having me curious as well as slightly apprehensive. It made him look even more dangerous, but I already knew he was.

  There were beads of water covering his flesh, and when he reached up and smoothed his hand over the mirror, wiping away the fog, I got a look at his reflection. His jaw was strong and square, cut like a man’s should be. The scruff along it had my fingers curling into the mattress.

  I wanted to touch him, to see if he was as hard as he looked.

  I lowered my gaze back down to where the towel was secured around his waist. And that’s when I saw the hard, defined length of an evident erection.

  I gasped and snapped my gaze back up to his reflection. He was watching me. He had this intense, dark look on his face, and I could feel my heart beating in my ears. And then he smirked, just the corner of his mouth kicking up. I glanced away quickly and looked toward the window, feeling my face heat, knowing my cheeks were probably as red as cherries.

  Swallowing, I tried to stay calm. I didn’t know how long I sat there, maybe just a few moments, maybe an eternity, but I heard the light click off, the door opening further as a waft of humid air washed into the room and covered my skin.

  Although I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel Venom’s gaze on me. I swallowed, the thick lump in my throat obstructing my airway. As much as I didn’t want to, I found myself shifting on the bed so that I could see him.

  He was standing by his dresser, that towel still wrapped around his lean, defined hips. He had a delicious V of muscle on display, his abdomen covered in rolling hills of muscle. Maybe there was something mentally wrong with me, wanting my captor, desiring him like my life wasn’t hanging by a thread.

  Maybe I had Stockholm syndrome? Maybe I truly was a broken person.

  I stared at his face, feeling something shift inside of me the longer we looked at each other. He now knew with certainty that my father didn’t give a shit about me. So, what would his next move be?

  He wouldn’t let me go, that much was true. Even if I didn’t go to the cops and turn him in, the fact remained this wasn’t a good man. I could see in his eyes that he’d done terrible things, things he probably wasn’t even ashamed about, didn’t even regret.

  And despite all of that, I still desired him like an idiot.

  Even now my nipples were hard beneath the thin material of my shirt. I was wet between my legs, my desire so intense I had no control over it.

  And with a stoic expression, he reached down and grabbed the towel, pulling it off his body and tossing it aside. Then he just stood there completely naked, facing me, showing me every single inch of his body.

  Hard, tattooed flesh greeted me, but it was what he sported between his thighs that had every logical thought leaving my brain. His cock was hard, pointed straight at me. Thick, long, and huge was an understatement. With the bulbous head slightly bigger than the rest of the shaft, my inner muscles clenched at the thought of taking him inside of me.

  The heavy weight of his balls beneath the shaft had my mouth drying. He was masculine in every single way that counted, and here I was, the foolish, idiotic girl who was lusting after the man who kidnapped her.

  Was it because he showed me a modicum of attention?

  Was it because he looked at me as if he wanted to devour me?

  Or maybe it was because no one had ever shown me any attention before?

  I knew one thing for certain. If I didn’t control myself, let my common sense rise up, I was going to end up doing something that would ruin me.

  I was going to end up sleeping with Venom, giving my body to him, surrendering just like I knew he wanted.

  And a part of me knew that was exactly what he wanted.

  He wanted me to come to him.

  Chapter Eleven


  She didn’t have the first clue what was going on here. I saw it in her eyes. She looked so fucking nervous, cute as hell. I loved it when her eyes were on me and me alone. I’d never experienced such possessive need but I couldn’t stand the thought of another man knowing how sweet she was.

  Her parents were a waste of space.

  I was annoyed that my original plan had fucked itself. What was the point in hurting her? Torturing her? Making her wish for death when her own father wouldn’t give a fuck? I bet he wouldn’t even know what she looked like if they were to call him to the fucking morgue to identify her body.

  That pissed me off.

  Everyone should have somebody.

  Not that I’m a good man.

  My sister had me.

  This woman, what did she have? No one. No one gave a fuck about her. She went through life without anyone knowing where she was.

  No one had even filed a police report that she was missing.

  “What are you staring at?” she asked.

  She was trying to act like she wasn’t thinking about me spreading those pretty thighs and having my way with her. I’d seen the way she looked at me in the bathroom, her gaze running down my entire body.

  I’m not a small guy. I’ve got a nice dick and a big set of balls.

  Leaning against the dresser, I waited.

  Staring at her.

  She had a nice big set of tits on her and after tonight, I wanted to see her riding my cock and them bouncing as she did. I wanted my name to echo off the fucking walls.

  There was no denying I was attracted to her, which was messed up because, technically, she was a high school kid, even if she was eighteen years old.

  Still legal.

  Still fuckable.

  If she kept on licking those lips that were made to be wrapped around my cock, she wasn’t going to get much choice in the matter either.

  “Why do you keep staring at me?” she asked again, only this time, she sat up. The shirt I made her wear looked way too big for her. Some of it was hanging off her shoulder.

  “You know what I want.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t have a clue what you could possibly want from me.”

  I crooked my finger. “Come here and I’ll tell you.”

  Rebekah stared, her gaze moving around the room as if looking for something.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Forgive me for having some doubt here. You kidnapped me and you’re completely naked.”

  “You don’t like what you see?” I put my hands at my sides. I liked seeing her squirm. I wondered if she even realized she was doing it. Her pussy needed attention and my mouth and cock wanted to be the ones to give it to her.

  Her being a virgin would make for an irritating first time, as it always
hurt. I’d heard the club whores moaning about how bad it was for a woman.

  I didn’t want to hurt Rebekah, but when I gave her my cock, she was going to feel the bite.

  “Ugh! Fine. If it will stop you staring at me.” She threw the blankets off her body, got up off the bed, and came toward me. The shirt went to mid-thigh and she looked sexy as hell with her temper.

  She wanted this, I knew she did, and there was no reason for her to even attempt to pretend that she didn’t.

  She stood in front of me, arms folded. Her face was flushed, and from the quick glimpse I got of the front of her shirt, her nipples were rock hard.

  “What? Why are you standing there?” She tilted her head to the side, looking so cute.

  I smirked and reached out, cupping her cheek and stroking a finger across her lips. At first, she looked confused, but she didn’t pull away. Then I gripped her hip and pulled her toward me so that she was right against my body.

  A gasp escaped her and I smiled as I moved in close.

  “What are you doing, Venom?”

  “I love it when you say my name. It makes me think of hearing it filled with pleasure as I touch your pussy.”

  “You can’t touch me.”

  I moved my hand from her hip down to her thigh. Teasing her flesh, I slowly drew my fingers up, moving the shirt out of my way.

  She was staring at me and I waited.

  Not once did she tell me to stop.

  Even as my cock pulsed between us and I wanted nothing more than to sink balls deep inside her, I waited. I wanted to see her come apart with my name on her lips. Did she even realize how hard she made me?

  This wasn’t just for any woman.

  This was all for her.

  Once I was near her pussy, I tilted her head back so that I could look into her eyes as I palmed her between her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties and I found that so fucking hot.

  Did she expect me home?

  Was she hoping for me to find her naked?

  “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” I asked.

  I slid a finger through her wet slit, and she cried out. Her hands gripped my arms, holding me tightly.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “You’re wet for me.”

  “This shouldn’t be happening.”

  “Then tell me to stop. You’ve got a mouth on you. Tell me to stop.” I touched her clit, stroking over her with two fingers. Her eyes closed and I didn’t like that. “You stare at me, baby. I want to see those pretty eyes you’ve got.”

  She stared right back at me. “What do you want from me?”

  “Right now, I want you to come.” Moving her back, I waited for her to drop as she hit the bed. “Spread your thighs open. Let me see that cunt.”

  “This means nothing, Venom.”

  “Of course not. This is just a fuck.” I gripped her knees, staring into her eyes as I spread her thighs. “You think I don’t know that no one cares about you? No one is even searching for you. You’re nothing to everyone. Even your school hasn’t complained about your lack of attendance.”

  Tears shone in her eyes.

  Taking my fingers from her pussy, I licked them. She was so sweet and what I liked the most was the fact that no man had ever tasted her before. I was her first.

  I was the first man that gave a fuck about her.

  Even now, I cared.

  I shouldn’t have cared.

  She meant nothing.

  Kneeling down on the floor, I spread the lips of her pussy open and ran my tongue across her clit, sliding down to circle her entrance. Running my fingers through her wetness, I teased the opening of her cunt.

  “I would notice you were gone,” I said.

  “You don’t even like me.”

  “But I’d still move heaven and earth to fucking find you, Rebekah.” With that, I slid my fingers deep inside her, and even as she tried to get away from me, I held her hip, keeping her in place as I took her virginity with my fingers.

  Chapter Twelve


  My cock was hard, demanding to be buried deep in her pussy. I wanted to stretch her, fill her with my cum.

  I wanted my seed to take hold deep inside of her, marking her as mine. God, obsession and territorial need filled me, and it was all because of Rebekah.

  I was so fucking turned on at the thought of claiming her that I felt this wave of desire slam into me. Curling my hands into tight fists, I growled like I was some kind of fucking animal.

  My cock was harder than it had ever been in my entire fucking life. I had no doubts I could have probably drilled nails through steel with the wood I was sporting right now.

  And it was all because of Rebekah, my captive, the one woman who was turning my world upside down. I couldn’t say I liked how I felt, how she tied me up, had me so aroused I couldn’t even think straight. But it was still my reality.

  I was having a hard time controlling myself where she was concerned.

  All I could smell was Rebekah.

  “Venom,” she gasped.

  I could see she fought her desire for me. But it was a losing battle.

  The way she arched her chest, her nipples hard, her breasts full, she was so ready for me, her body liquid for what I had planned even if she wanted to fight this, fight what was happening.

  I had her off the bed a second later, held her in my arms, and walked us backward until the wall stopped my retreat.

  Pressing my body right to hers, I obscenely dug my cock against her belly, staring in her eyes, seeing her arousal at war with her need to fight this. I let her feel how thick I was, how rock hard I was for her. She’d made me this way, and she’d ease this ache … the same one I knew she had.

  I wanted my cock so deep in her, wanted her virgin blood coating my shaft. I wanted her sticky with my cum, my seed slipping from her pussy and making a wet spot on the sheets. Once I was done with her she’d know who owned her pussy.

  “You feel that?” I didn’t wait for her to answer. “You made me this hard, and now you’re going to do something about it.” I ground myself against her even harder until she gasped, her pupils dilating.

  “Yes,” she moaned and closed her eyes.

  “I’m a fucking dirty motherfucker, Rebekah.” She licked her lips and I looked at the act, watched her do it like I was some damn predator. “And the things I’m going to do to you … what I want to do to you…” I lifted my gaze and looked into her eyes. “Will have you running. I’m fucked up, Rebekah.”

  She exhaled slowly. “You took me, kidnapped me, yet here I am, feeling how much you want me, fighting with my own desire. Tell me who is the fucked-up one here.”

  I moved my hand down, around her hip, and cupped her lower back. I slid my fingers along the edge of her shirt and let the digits sit there for a second, her flesh so warm my cock gave a hard jerk.

  Need rode me hard.

  “You want me, want this?” I growled those words out. “Then tell me.”

  She was silent for a long second and I thought she’d put a stop to this. I’d back away if that’s what she wanted, but I could see that she wouldn’t tell me no. I could see how much she wanted this, too.

  “I want this,” she finally said softly, on a rush of air. “And I’m going to hell because of it.”

  “Then I’ll see you there ‘cause I’m going to burn as well.”

  I curled my fingers around the material of her shirt, and without thinking any more, I lifted it up and over her head. I took a step back, and as I stared at her for long moments, her tits full, her nipples hard, something snapped in me.

  I fucking lost any semblance of control I had.

  I tangled my hand in her hair, my fingers wrapped around the silky strands, knowing I was probably hurting her. But she said nothing, just watched me with parted lips, her cheeks rose-colored.

  I forced her head back, exposing her neck, my mouth watering. I was so damn hungry for her. I was breathing harder, thi
s beast inside of me already free from the cage.

  My muscles contracted, my heart thundering. I kissed her until she was breathless, until she gripped me like I was her lifeline.

  She breathed harder, faster, her desire written across her face.

  All kinds of filthy, depraved fucking images slammed into my head. I was a filthy bastard. But even if she deserved sweet and gentle, I would never be that type of man. I was a dirty bastard who did illegal, fucked-up shit and reveled in it. That’s who was about to claim her, pop her cherry.

  No way I could control myself.

  “Your cherry will be mine, Rebekah.” I ran the tip of my tongue up her neck, groaning at her flavor. I wasn’t a virgin, wasn’t a damn saint, but Rebekah was the sweetest, most addicting thing I’d ever had.

  She shivered in my arms and made the sweetest sound for me, one that was all mine. I wanted to feel her virgin cunt clenching around my cock, milking me. And I was going to have that all tonight.

  “God, be with me, Venom.” She stared at me with wide, almost frightened eyes. Or maybe she was afraid of how she felt right now, of how she felt for me?

  I slipped my hand along the back of her knee, lifted her leg easily, and wrapped it around my waist. She held it there, staring into my eyes. She had her hands on my shoulders, her nails digging into my flesh. I moved my hand to cup her ass, giving the luscious flesh a squeeze.

  I pressed my hard dick against her belly, harder, thrusting, dry humping her because I couldn’t wait to get inside of her.

  “I need you, and I hate myself for admitting that.”

  I growled low, loving that I could break her this way.

  “And I’ll give you every last inch of me, Rebekah. And once you’re mine there’s no fucking going back.”

  Chapter Thirteen



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