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Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I want you to touch yourself.”


  “You heard me. Put your hand on your pussy. Spread those lips wide, and show me how you like to be touched.”

  “I like it when you touch me,” I said.

  My face was so hot. I’d never spoken to him like that. When it came to sex, I didn’t make demands. He took. I gave. And I loved it.

  Not that I’d ever say anything.

  Of course not.

  He’d taken me.

  This was crossing the line that I found acceptable inside my head though.

  I didn’t want him to stop.

  My body was on fire for him.

  For his touch.

  Biting my lip, I stared at him, waiting.

  He didn’t move.

  His hand continued to work his cock though, and I found myself watching him, wanting so much more.

  I started to reach down, and as I placed my fingers on my pussy, I was caught within his gaze. Did he know what I thought about submitting to my captor? That I had no choice?

  Even as I thought that, I knew if I was to tell him no, he’d stop.

  There was no force here.

  I might have started off being here unwillingly, but that wasn’t entirely true anymore.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m not going to force you. You’re going to touch that pretty pussy and show me exactly what you like.”

  Touching myself felt odd.

  It wasn’t something I’d ever done.

  Living in a trailer with my mom, well, it was not something I ever wanted to try.

  As I ran my fingers through my slit, I touched my clit and gasped at the sudden hit of pleasure just from that single stroke.

  Venom was stroking his cock.

  Each movement long and slow, he was taking his time as he watched me.

  I couldn’t help but admire him as he did this.

  He knew what he liked, whereas I didn’t.

  “Show me what you love, Rebekah.”

  “I don’t know.” I hated to admit that I didn’t have a clue.

  Venom climbed on the bed, his hand going to my knee. He didn’t open me up, but watched me instead.

  “I want you to stroke your clit. Get used to the feel of your fingers against it. Touching it. That’s it. You have such a pretty pussy. I want to taste you again but right now, I want to see you come. I want to see how wet you can get.”

  Listening to him, I started to touch myself, getting used to every single stroke of my fingers, finding what I liked. I didn’t like it to hurt, I knew that for sure. But I loved the light strokes, running my fingers up and down, and going around.

  I cried out when his finger teased my entrance.

  Looking down, I saw him working me.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  I shook my head because words right now were impossible.

  He stopped immediately.

  I couldn’t help but whimper. I didn’t want him to stop, so why had he?

  “I want to hear you say it to me.”

  “Don’t stop?”

  “What else do you want me to do?”

  It was like he’d been reading my mind and now he wanted me to break down that final barrier. The one where I pretended that he was forcing me.

  Gritting my teeth, I stared at him, hoping he’d cave. That he’d just touch me.

  He didn’t.

  Venom kept on staring at me.


  His patience was frustrating, yet arousing.

  I’d never wanted anything as badly as I wanted him.

  It was like I couldn’t think straight.

  He didn’t even touch his cock.

  He just looked at me.

  “Please, Venom,” I said. “Touch my pussy.”

  The smile he gave me was one of victory.

  The moment his fingers were pressing inside me, though, I didn’t care.

  “That’s it, baby. You ride my fingers. The moment you come, I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to spread you open and have my way with you.”

  It sounded so good, and I stroked my clit, driving myself higher and higher. My orgasm was so close. I knew I couldn’t keep denying this need I had for him.

  Venom might have taken me against my will, kidnapped me, and I wanted to leave, but I liked belonging to him. I liked that no other man could have me. I was all his. He owned me.

  I even got a little thrill at the thought of it.

  I was no one else’s but Venom’s. Only, I wondered … did he belong to me?

  I hadn’t seen him with other women, but I spent most of my time locked away in his bedroom.

  Pushing all of those thoughts to the back of my mind, I stared into Venom’s eyes, and screamed his name as I came for him. And did so hard.

  Chapter Twenty


  I sat outside on a strip of grass, staring at the leaves moving in the breeze. Leaning back on my hands and stretching my legs out, I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, the wind gently blowing my hair over my shoulders.

  I was pleasantly sore between my thighs; the memory of what Venom had done to me just last night having my body heat and tingle. But on the heels of that feeling, a sobering thought came to mind. I needed to talk to him about leaving, about my plans of what I wanted for the future.

  Then do it.

  I needed to tell him all of that and I needed to do that now. I couldn’t stay here because of his touches, the fact I loved being near him, that I felt free and alive when he was close.

  This wasn’t my life.

  I needed to experience the world. If, after that, I wanted to come back, I needed to know if he would be here for me.

  But I care for Venom.

  “I was looking for you.” The sound of Venom behind me had me opening my eyes and looking over my shoulder. I couldn’t help a little flutter in my chest at the sight of him, or the smile that crossed my mouth.

  He walked up to me and held his hand out.

  I slipped my much smaller one in his large palm, and he helped me up. Wiping the grass from my bottom, I felt my heart thundering, not because he was so close, but because I knew I had to bring up the conversation.

  My fears and worries, my dreams and aspirations. Maybe he saw the change in me, or felt it in the air, but a stoic mask covered his face.

  “You have something to tell me?” Although he said the words slowly, clearly, I swear I heard a glimmer of emotion, maybe even worry laced in them.

  Maybe he already knew what I was going to talk about. Maybe he felt it the way that I did, this deep-rooted feeling that refused to leave, and instead grew to a blistering point inside of me.

  I didn’t bother lying, and instead nodded, glancing away. The feeling of his finger under my chin, of him forcing me to look back at him, had the air leaving me in a soft whoosh.

  “You can tell me anything,” he said in that deep voice that sent shivers throughout my body. He still had my hand in his as he led me over to the picnic table.

  We sat down across from each other and I started picking at the scarred and weathered wood, trying to decide how to best broach the subject. But in the end, I knew I just had to say it.

  Looking up at him, I felt my throat drying, my mouth drying. Here was this big, strong biker, one who touched me with so much possession I felt it in my marrow. He was dangerous and violent, wrong for me on so many levels. He had taken me, wanting to use me as revenge, but things had changed, shifted between us.

  I’d fallen in love with him.

  “Tell me,” he said in this commanding voice that wasn’t mean, but just the way he spoke.

  So, taking a deep breath, I stared him right in the eyes.

  “It’s time for me to leave,” I said and waited a suspended moment before continuing. He didn’t move, didn’t show any emotion. I didn’t know what I had expected, but the silence hadn’t been it.

  “Leave?” he finally said.

�It’s time for me to leave, Venom. Although I can understand a darker, deeper part of you that felt what you were doing with me, taking me away, had been the right move, things have changed between us.” I swallowed again. “I can feel that within myself and with you.” I wanted to reach out and take hold of his hand. “But this isn’t my life or my world. I have dreams and aspirations. I have hopes and desires.”

  Still he was stoic. Watching. Waiting.

  “I want to go to college, want to see the world. I can’t be trapped in this clubhouse because you don’t want to let me go.” I said all of that with this thick lump in my throat, waiting for his response.

  He looked down at the table, his brows furrowed as if deep in thought.

  I didn’t know how long had passed, maybe a few minutes, or maybe it was just a few seconds, but when he looked up again I saw this sliver of emotion on his face.

  “And if I told you I didn’t want you to leave, that I refuse to let you go?”

  My throat tightened even further.

  “Then I’d say that I have to go anyway, that I don’t want you to force me.” I licked my suddenly dry lips. “I’d say that I love you but I want you to know that my life has to start outside of these club walls.”

  The silence stretched out between us. It was heavy, thick. It suffocated me. It had my body tight, made me want to scream out, cry, yell for him to say something, anything.

  * * *

  “Then I’d have to say that I love you enough to let you go, but that I will always be near.” He leaned in close and I held my breath. “Because you are mine, Rebekah. And I’m confident that what we have is so deep we can’t escape each other.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Later that night I sat in the main clubroom, drinking. What else would I be doing? The woman I loved wanted to leave me. Not that I could blame her. I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. A woman like Rebekah should be treated with love and care.

  What did I do?

  I’d kidnapped her, chained her up in my basement, threatened her, and when I took her, I had every intention of carrying out those threats. Now look at me, getting drunk and feeling so fucking sorry for myself because I happened to have been the loser that fell in love with my captive.

  I couldn’t keep her.

  I wanted to, but I wasn’t a good man.

  I’d hurt a lot of people. I didn’t even care about the ones I’d hurt. All I cared about was Rebekah. Seeing that disappointment in her eyes when I’d asked her what she’d do if I said no. She’d looked so sad.

  There’s no way I could force her to stay with me.

  I wanted to.

  But it wasn’t possible.

  Not if I wanted any chance with her in the future…

  “It’s not like you to be on your own. Figured you’d be upstairs with your girl,” Rooney said.

  Rooney was still sporting the shiner I’d given him.

  The scarred fucker deserved it.

  “You here to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do?”

  “Nope. Just having a drink with you. You look like you need one and seeing as all the girls are afraid of you, I figured you could use the company instead.”

  Rooney lowered himself down and sprawled out, his legs right out in front of him, a beer in one hand. With the other, he cupped his balls.

  “You want to talk about it?”

  “Fuck you. You’re not my shrink.”

  “I think you need one.”

  “You don’t know what I need.”

  “I know you’re hurting right now.”

  “Did you suddenly get a pussy when I hit you?” I asked.

  Rooney touched the bruise and smirked. “You got me good and I figured I deserved it.”

  “I have no doubt.” I took a long pull from my beer and knew I needed something stronger. The temptation to drag Rebekah back into the basement, lock her up and keep her there was so fucking strong, only it wouldn’t work. She would end up hating me and I didn’t want that.

  “You know I get it,” Rooney said.

  “I don’t want to hear you speak right now, Rooney. I want to be left alone in peace and quiet.”

  “Yeah, well, life is a pain in the ass. You never get what you want.”

  I wanted to ignore him. Glancing around the club, I saw no one else was interested in what we were doing. Turning back to Rooney, I glared at him.

  “I’m giving Rebekah up,” I said. The words just spilled out of my mouth. I had no intention of talking to anyone, least of all Rooney, about this. It pissed me off that I’d actually told him.

  Finishing off my beer, I wiped my mouth, wanting something a lot stronger.

  “I’ve got a girl,” Rooney said, stopping me from getting to my feet.

  As club brothers, we had each other’s backs. There was nothing we didn’t know about each other, but this was news to me. So much so that I leaned back, listening.

  “She’s a good girl. I’d loved her for a long fucking time, but I knew the moment I joined this club, she and I would be a no.”


  “Take a look around you. We’ve had a slow couple of weeks but these are once in a blue moon. Most of the time we’re fighting, we’re fucking, but most of all, we’re always dying.”

  “We haven’t lost a brother in a long fucking time.”

  “I know, which means one day soon, that will happen. Old ladies are at risk every single time they walk the street. Our enemies are all over the place. Clubs, gangs, you name it, we’ve got every single kind of enemy wanting what we’ve got. You think it’s easy knowing that and letting your woman have a normal life? Rebekah’s young. She’s got her whole life ahead of her. Letting her go is the best thing you could do for her.”

  “I love her.”

  “Then love her enough to let her go. You can hate me and you can tell all of the other guys that I want another woman. I don’t give a shit. I know I can sleep at night because she’s safe and I’m making sure it’s so.” Rooney got to his feet. “I respect you more for letting her go.”

  I didn’t say or do anything as I watched Rooney walk away.

  I knew from the start of my plan that Rooney didn’t like it. He didn’t dispute it as Rebekah’s father needed to pay, but that would come soon enough. I hadn’t given up on taking my revenge. What I’d given up on was taking it out on Rebekah. She didn’t deserve it.

  Rather than find a stronger drink, I got to my feet and headed upstairs to where Rebekah was sleeping. This was her last night here. I’d promised her that tomorrow I’d drive her wherever she wanted to go.

  There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

  Entering the bedroom, I locked the door and walked toward her.

  Seeing her asleep, looking so peaceful, I knew I couldn’t wake her up. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and climbed in beside her. She gave a little moan but after a few seconds settled down.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her close. Breathing in her delicious sweet scent, I felt my balls tighten but I wasn’t going to wake her up to fuck her. I wanted to. The desire to be balls deep inside her was strong, but I didn’t do that. I had control.

  For now, I was just happy to have her in my arms.

  She snuggled in close and the feeling that rushed over me would stay with me forever. I loved this woman. I was going to do everything in my power to make sure she was happy, she was loved, and above all else, she was protected.

  I didn’t trust her father.

  I knew he was a threat to me but also to her.

  “Letting you go is going to be the most selfless thing I’ve ever done. I want to keep you, Rebekah, forever, but I know I want to see you happy more.”

  Kissing her head, I closed my eyes, and hoped sleep would claim me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I adjusted my backpack in my hand and stared at the trailer that I had called home my entire life. I looked behind me at the dar
k SUV, Rooney inside, the car still idling. I could say I wasn’t disappointed that Venom hadn’t wanted to drop me off, but that would be a boldfaced lie.

  This was hard for him, letting me go, giving me my freedom.

  I knew he would be there for me no matter what. I’d wanted to say a temporary goodbye one last time, but it looked like he’d made the decision for both of us.

  I lifted my hand and gestured that Rooney could leave. He gave a sharp nod and then finally pulled away, leaving the trailer park and making me realize I was truly alone once more. It had been so long since I’d been back here, it felt like an eternity.

  Facing forward again, I exhaled slowly and tightened my hand on the strap of my backpack. I’d been surprised that Venom had kept it. I’d just assumed he tossed everything out when he took me.

  Forcing myself to take that first step, I headed toward the trailer, going up the worn and weathered wooden stairs, stopping on the small deck that was covered in faded and aged green Astroturf, and looked at the screen door that hung off a hinge. At one time there had been netting on the bottom, but that had since been torn away. Now there was just this big gaping hole as a reminder of its presence.

  For a moment, I thought maybe I should knock. It had been so long since I’d been back here. Did my parents worry about me? Had they tried searching for me? Even thinking about that I knew the truth.

  Venom had told me as much.

  I knew as much.

  A depressing and sour taste filled my mouth. I wasn’t staying here. I was going to get my GED and I was going to go to college. That had always been my goal. Going back to school and trying to get a diploma was pointless now, but I’d still make a difference in my life because I still had plans and aspirations, dreams and a future.

  I would not become like my parents.

  I would not be a drunk and a lowlife who didn’t care for their kid, and instead worried about when their next bottle would be available.

  Anger filled me as I reached out and grabbed the handle, pulling the screen door open, the hinges creaking from the force. I had the front door open a second later, the stale stench of cigarette smoke and something else filling the air.


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