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Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Soon, yeah.

  Even though I knew it was a bad idea I was still going to keep her as mine. She just needed to know the truth sooner rather than later.

  But not today. Today I had shit to do. I had a run to do, an exchange to complete. Once that was said and done I’d see her, talk to her, tell her all about me, about my life.

  Then I’d see where we stood, if she was as smart as I knew she was and ran in the other direction.

  I took a hit off the cigarette, holding the smoke in my lungs as I leaned against my SUV. It was the middle of the fucking night, a slight chill in the air with the impending promise of fall. I’d brought Dank, Shreve, and Lore, all prospects that were almost done with their time and dues, who were trustworthy enough to be here tonight.

  Venom had stayed back with the club. But we could handle this. It was an easy enough trade.

  Guns for payment.


  I exhaled, a cloud of smoke billowing out in front of me.

  “Those things will kill you.” Lore was the one who spoke.

  I looked over at him and gave him the finger, but dropped the cigarette and snubbed it out with the toe of my boot. I never smoked unless I was on edge, and doing a run, especially when we were dealing with this type of clientele, always had me fucking running on adrenaline.

  Carlito Santos, one of the higher ups in the Montego mafia. Dealing with the Italian mob wasn’t something I’d been one hundred percent up for, but the money was good and it wasn’t like the club couldn’t use it.

  A flash of two sets of headlights started coming down the long, deserted dirt road. We’d picked one of the storage facilities out in the middle of Boone-fuck-who-knew-where, a building that looked like it was on its last legs, but inside held a lot of our inventory. We kept prospects stationed around it all the time when it was filled, because even if no one knew where this place was, the club wasn’t about to risk our shit getting stolen.

  I pushed away from the SUV as the car and van came to a stop. Lore and Shreve were next to me, the air around us thick. Although we had already done a few exchanges with the Montego mafia, it never got any easier. It never got any smoother where tension was concerned.

  The mafia liked things done a certain way. And if things weren’t done that way they made sure to let others know by cutting off fingers, hands, and any other body parts they thought would be useful in getting their point across.

  The back door of the town car opened and out stepped Carlito.

  He smoothed his hands down his chest and made his way over, one of his guys shutting the door behind him. He grinned when he was a few feet from me, his crew consisting of three more guys who now stood behind him.

  “Carlito,” I said and nodded.

  “Plans have changed,” he said and the air between us grew suffocating.

  I felt my brows knitting. “Plans have changed?” Carlito said nothing but grinned.

  He tipped his chin to one of his guys, and a second later they were moving toward our van, where the gun supply was.

  “Hold up,” I said and took a step, blocking the doors. Lore and Shreve did the same. I heard guns being cocked, but they weren’t from us. “What the fuck does that mean, plans have changed? The plan is simple. We give you the guns, you give us the cash. Easy.”

  Carlito shook his head. “Nah, boss man has other plans. Plans that involve you and the club, and making things go a different way.”

  I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about, but I wasn’t going to agree with this. “You got shit to say, things to discuss, do that with the president, Venom. I’m just here to do a drop off and pick up. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not authorized to do anything more.”

  “Nah.” Carlito took a step forward. His black wool trench coat seemed overkill for this type of weather, but that was the way with this group. “You’re exactly who we want on this task, Rooney.”

  I shook my head. “No, I won’t do anything but what was agreed upon. I’ll talk to Venom and we can work something out. The club has to vote on anything, you know that.”

  “I’m pretty sure you’re going to go along with what we got to do.” He reached in the inside of his coat and I tensed, my hand going to where my gun was. But he pulled out a manila envelope and tossed it to me. It landed on the ground at my feet. Lore picked it up right away and opened it. Inside was the cash for the guns.

  Now I was more confused than ever.

  Carlito snapped his fingers and his minions started moving toward the back of the van again, where the guns were. I nodded for Lore and Shreve to open it up to get their merchandise.

  As the guys helped load the guns into the back of Carlito’s van, I was pulled to the side by the man himself. He reeked of cologne and a hint of booze. The security light above the shed door was on, this muted yellow glow washing over us.

  “I’m gonna make this very simple for you,” Carlito said. “You’re going to do exactly what we want, when we want it. You’re going to be our mole, work on the club, move it in our favor. We have big plans for your MC, Rooney.”

  “Fuck you,” I said. “I’m not betraying my club.”

  He grinned but said nothing else.

  “Why me? Why are you coming to me for this?”

  Carlito’s smile faded. He stayed silent for a long time, maybe too long. “You have a weak link, Rooney, something easy for us to access what we want. You know how we work.”

  My stomach clenched at his words.

  He grinned—fucking grinned—a gold tooth flashing, this sinister, almost pleased expression on his face. He turned from me and made his way over to the car.

  I felt my entire body tighten as I watched him walk over to the back of the town car, snap his fingers for someone to unlock the trunk, and pull the lid open. I was too far back to see what was inside but this tightening in my stomach, this nauseated feeling, consumed me.

  He motioned me over, that fucking smile still on his face. I found myself moving closer, one of the prospects following behind. And then I leaned forward and looked inside the trunk. The first thing I felt was panic. It seized me hard. Then I felt a red-hot rage consume me.

  Brynleigh lay unconscious in the trunk, her mouth covered in duct tape, her hands and feet bound. I could see she was breathing, and the only thing I wanted to do was reach in and pull her out, hold her close and make sure she was safe.

  My heart was thundering, adrenaline rushing through my veins. All I’d ever wanted was to keep her safe, but I’d been too much of a fucking selfish bastard to do that. They’d been following me, that was clear. They knew my weakness, knew she was what mattered to me. And they’d taken her, using her as leverage to get me to bend.

  I curled my hands into fists and faced Carlito. He was still grinning, that fucking gold tooth flashing. I lurched forward, but was pulled back by his goons. My men started coming forward but he tsked, shaking his head as he produced a gun and aimed it at Brynleigh’s head.

  “No, no, no,” I said and held up my hand for the club to stop. I knew my eyes were wide, knew fear covered my face. I’d never been afraid of anything in my fucking life, but the threat of Brynleigh being harmed put the fear of God in me.

  “Do what I say, what I want, and she doesn’t get hurt. But you remember if you fuck us over, and tell the club what really went down here, I’m going to put a pretty little bullet in her pretty little head.” He cocked the gun to make his point known.

  With that he slammed the trunk shut, and I found myself moving toward it, reaching for her, wanting to pull Brynleigh out of there.

  “Remember what I said. Remember our agreement.” Carlito climbed in the back of the Lincoln and a moment later the car and van were driving off with the woman I loved.

  The End

  Rooney’s Pain is coming January 22nd!

  Now on PRE-ORDER:


  By Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

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  Copyright © September 2018 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: September 2018

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  She didn’t know it yet, but she’d be mine.

  From the first moment I saw Shauna all those years ago, I knew that I had to have her. Sweet and innocent, she was the soft to my hard, the feminine to my masculine. I was done waiting, done pretending like I had any self-control when it came to her. I was ready to show Shauna just how possessive she made me.

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  Maxim. The man I loved. My father’s boss. He kept to himself. Lived out in the middle of nowhere. Was big and strong and had every womanly part of me coming alive. And I’d loved him for as long as I could remember. But I didn’t have to make my move because Maxim was staking his claim … on me.

  Chapter 1

  She was so innocent, so fucking vulnerable that it had every possessive and protective instinct in his body rising. He didn’t deserve her, but he wanted her regardless.

  Maxim curled his hands around the steering wheel as he watched Shauna carry out a flat of flowers to a customer’s car. She stood there in a pair of short shorts, ones that had his cock hardening because so much damn skin was showing.

  Golden, long and full legs.

  A round, perfect ass.

  Breasts that were more than a handful and looked so fucking delicious and soft.


  His fingers itched to run over those luscious curves, to pull her back so her ass was pressed right up against his stiff cock.

  “Damn,” he ground out and reached down to adjust himself. He was being a fucking creep right now watching her ... wanting her. But he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to even try and pretend like he had any morals where she was concerned.

  The customer left and Shauna stood there, the green apron she wore molded to her curvy as fuck body. And then she looked at him. Their gazes locked, his dick got impossibly harder, and all other thoughts left him aside from taking her as his.

  For an entire year he’d wanted her, watched her. At only twenty-one she was well over a decade younger than him, and the daughter of one of his contract employees.

  So all of that meant she was off limits. But he didn’t care. For a year he’d waited, tried to talk himself out of being with her. But there was no way to change his mind where Shauna was concerned.

  And the longer she stared at him, the more he knew she’d be his. There was no way around that.

  He watched her constantly, and although she should feel off kilter about it all, the truth was she enjoyed it. She liked that Maxim watched her with this possessiveness that she felt right down to her very marrow. Never had a man looked at her the way that he did, the way that made every single part of her come alive with desire.

  And as a twenty-one-year-old virgin she knew being with him, a man who could surely show her what pleasure was, tempted her beyond belief.

  No one except Maxim.

  He was her father’s boss, an entrepreneur who’d built a construction company in their town. It had grown over the years, spilling over to neighboring cities and even states. He was wealthy and educated, but he was also rugged and burly. Maxim reminded her of a caveman or a barbarian by the way he acted and spoke, and by the fact he was rough around the edges, took no shit, and always got what he wanted.

  And all of that turned her on. She didn’t care that he was so much older than her, or that she should be intimidated by the way he watched her, maybe even frightened her.

  She thought about Maxim all alone in his cabin. Built on ten acres of property in the woods, it was gorgeous, yet no doubt lonely. It had taken him a year to build that cabin and she’d gone up there with her father many times to watch the progress, had even helped him pick out colors for the walls.

  That’s when she’d really noticed him, spent any amount of time with him.

  Exhaling and pushing those thoughts aside, she turned away from Maxim’s truck. She could still feel his gaze on her, wondered what he thought, why he didn’t make a move. Maybe good intentions had him staying away? Maybe the fact her father worked for him made him not want to cross those lines?

  God, Shauna wished he would cross those lines.

  And she did want him to cross those lines, so damn badly. She headed back into the nursery and walked behind the cash register just as another customer came up.

  “How are you doing today, Mr. Walters?” Shauna asked the older man. His wife had passed away five years ago but every year he came by and bought a cart full of flowers to plant in the garden they had created years ago. It touched Shauna, made her long for that kind of commitment and relationship. It didn’t matter that Mr. Walters was alone, or that it had been years. He still honored his wife’s memory by doing something they used to love doing together.

  Maybe one day she’d have that. Maybe one day she’d finally have the gall to go up to Maxim and tell him that they should be together.

  Enough with the long looks.

  Enough with the gazes that spoke volumes.

  Shauna wanted to tell him that she wanted him as well, but the fear of rejection rode her hard.

  But we only live once, right?

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  Also by Crescent Snow

  Like bikers, alpha heroes, shifters, and more? Writing duo Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow have little bit of everything!

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  Where to find the Sam Crescent:





  Where to find the Jenika:










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