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Pocket Change

Page 10

by E. M. Leya

  "It's always a pleasure." Al cut the link connecting them and the light alerting them the camera was on went dark.

  Andy took a deep breath, then focused. "Let me release your hands."

  Jess turned on his knees to give Andy access. "You really came on my ass? I felt it, but I couldn't be sure that's what it was."

  "I needed to come. I was so turned on. I'm sorry if I crossed any lines tonight." He held onto Jess as he eased down on the bed, lying on his side to keep off his ass.

  "You didn't. I loved it all. You remembered me saying I wanted to be tied up, didn't you?" Jess seemed to release a heavy breath and relax against the pillow.

  "I did. I tried to think of a way to do it so you were standing, but there isn't much to tie you to in this room. Being we needed to be in the camera shot, I only had so much room to work with. I didn't hurt you with the crop, did I?"

  "No, I loved it." Jess closed his eyes.

  "Let me get a cloth and clean you off, then I'll rub some stuff on your welts." Andy started to head to the bathroom.

  "Wait. Take a picture of my ass first so I can see what it looks like. I'm jealous you guys get to see the redness and I only get to feel it." Jess didn't lift his head as he spoke, showing just how tired he really was.

  "I've got my phone right here. Roll on your stomach," Andy instructed.

  Jess did, and Andy took several photos from different angles. There was one spot that showed drying cum and that turned Andy on knowing it was his. "Here." He handed the phone to Jess.

  Jess scrolled through the images and smiled. "It's worse than it feels. But I like seeing your cum on my ass. That is a huge turn on. I've always had bukkake fantasies."

  "What's that?" Andy asked as he took his phone back.

  "Where you have several men come all over you."

  Andy didn't like the idea of other men doing it, but he was more than happy to do it for Jess any time he wanted. He quickly turned away and went to the bathroom. What was he thinking? They didn't have this kind of relationship, and up until recently, Andy swore he was straight. These feelings were overwhelming and the one person he wanted to talk about them with was the one person he couldn't because Jess was the one he was attracted to. He didn't want to put Jess in an awkward position because of sudden emotions. He didn't want Jess to think he had to respond to those feelings.

  He obviously was excited about his date tomorrow night, and that meant he wasn't interested in Andy. Jess deserved someone who knew what they wanted, and Andy had no clue what he wanted or who he was right now. Confused summed up his personality.

  He wet two washcloths and grabbed a dry towel before going back to the bed. Jess looked as if he was already asleep so Andy gently touched his shoulder. "I'm going to wash you off. You can shower later when you feel like it."

  "Thanks," Jess mumbled. "Not sure why so tired."

  "It's normal after this kind of play to have a crash. It takes a lot out of you when you experience the pain. We can talk more about it when you wake up. For now, just rest and let me take care of you." He was careful as he washed the lube and cum from Jess's body, trying not to feel guilty for the welts and bruises that were forming. He had to keep reminding himself that this was what Jess wanted, and they weren't made in anger, but love.

  Love? He paused as he thought about that. Yeah, he'd always loved Jess. They were best friends. It was normal to care about him and love him, but this was something more. A stirring inside his chest that he'd never felt before. He didn't want to think about it. It was dangerous territory that could ruin their friendship.

  He set the towels aside once Jess was clean and pulled out a container of an aftercare lotion that had been suggested to him. He lifted the lid and smelled the calming scent of lavender. As much as he hated to touch Jess's sore ass, he needed to make sure that he was cared for and his skin healed. He'd learned so much over the last week that he was glad they hadn't taken things farther until he'd learned what he did. He still had plenty more to learn, but for now, for what they were doing, he felt comfortable. "I'm going to rub lotion on you." He warmed it against his palms before rubbing it over Jess's tender skin.

  Jess didn't move, probably asleep, but Andy took his time, making sure he didn't miss a spot that he might have touched with his hand or the crop. God, he'd loved the crop. The power he wielded using it was like a drug. He needed to find control though. He'd almost lost it thinking about Jess with another man. If he was going to play around with this Dom stuff, he needed control more than any other skill. Jess's safety had to come first. Jess's needs fulfilled before his own.

  He put the lotion and crop in the nightstand drawer to use another day and turned to cover Jess with a blanket. He smiled down at his friend, stunned at the turn their friendship had taken.

  "Andy?" Jess's voice was a whisper.


  "Stay with me."

  "I will. I'm not leaving you. I just want to make sure the lights are off and lock the doors. I'll be right back."


  Sleeping the night beside Jess wasn't uncommon, but it was going to be different. They were different after all of this. No matter what, he would find a way to make sure the friendship didn't change. He couldn't lose his best friend. If that meant at some point they stopped the sex play, then so be it.

  After locking up, he headed back into the bedroom and eased down on the bed, hoping that tomorrow Jess was still okay with all that happened.


  Jess woke up to the smell of bacon. He sat up confused, then groaned as he put weight on his ass and remembered everything that had happened. He'd loved it at the time, but now his whole body was sore and tender. Still, he smiled at the memory.

  Andy would be the only person in his apartment, so he didn't rush out to see him. He took the time to shower and clean up, fascinated at the sight of his ass still red in places from their play. God, had Andy really come all over him? How hot was that? It was strange and a bit surprising from his best friend, but he'd loved it had happened. Andy had even jacked him off and fed him cum from his fingers. God, if he could only find that in a boyfriend.

  He had to admit, he was surprised by how far Andy was letting things go. He hadn't expected him to touch another man, let alone help him get off. When they'd started this, he'd figured Andy would watch, but never participate in anything. It was probably nothing more than being caught up in the moment. It would be impossible to watch all this without getting turned on.

  He dressed for work and headed out into the kitchen to find Andy serving eggs and bacon onto plates. "Morning." He smiled as he went to the coffee pot.

  "Morning. How are you feeling?"

  "Tender, but okay. I'm not hurting as much as I thought I would — until I sit." Jess grinned as he gingerly eased into the chair.

  "I can imagine. You slept hard. It took a lot out of you."

  "You stayed all night?"

  "I did. You didn't wake up at all." Andy set the plate in front of him.

  "Thanks for staying and taking care of me after." Jess reached for Andy's arm. "I mean it. It means a lot you'll stay and care for me when we're done."

  "It's my job." Andy shrugged. "If we're going to play this way, we need to learn to do it correctly."

  Jess stared at his friend. "You want to keep doing this? You're okay with it?"

  "Yeah, I think so. Al was right, I do find this Dom sub stuff arousing. I'm learning a lot. I'm a long way from knowing what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn, and if you're willing to sub for me, I'd like to keep doing this. I trust you and know you well enough, we can talk over what works and what doesn't."

  "I guess I should learn more too then, huh?" He bit into a piece of bacon.

  "Yeah. I actually left a book in your bottom drawer that you should read. It is really informative. The woman I talked to said it's a must-read for beginners. If you find this isn't your thing, she said she'd help me find someone who is, but I'm comfortable with you, so as
long as you're willing…" Andy looked back at the stove, seeming uncomfortable about what they were discussing.

  "Hey, are you really okay with us doing all this? I know you're out of your comfort zone with me, but I do enjoy it. I want this if you do. I know it's just Friday night fun with Al, but if we all agree it's good, I'm game."

  Andy brought his plate to the table. "I'm okay. If things get weird, we'll stop. I just don't want this to ruin our friendship. If we can keep that in a good place, then Friday nights are good for me."

  Jess grinned. "Good. I'll read through that book you got me and we can talk more about what we're willing to try." He wanted to suggest more cum play, but he wasn't sure how Andy would react to that. He didn't know the first thing about being a submissive. Sure, he'd seen videos, but that was as far as it went. He'd known he got off on pain, but until Al, he'd never put a title to it or thought about it in a way that put him in the submissive category. Was there a class to train him on how to do everything right? "What are your plans for the day?"

  "I've got to head over to mom's and finish working on the stairs. Dad also mentioned needing help with one of his engine projects in the garage. I didn't ask for details. So, I'll probably be there most of the day. You've got that date tonight, right?"

  "Yeah, at six. I work from ten to four. I'll have just enough time to get home and shower. Then tomorrow, I'm working a double. It's going to be an insane week." He couldn't wait until spring break so he wouldn't have classes every damn day.

  "I'm working late all week too. We've got a big project we're working on and they've okay'd all the overtime we want. I might not talk to you until the weekend." Andy scraped the eggs from his plate.

  "Who's planning Friday? I was kind of out of it at the end of things last night."

  "Al's not around this week. He said he had a trip out of town and would get with us the following Friday. I figured a week off might be good for you," Andy explained.

  Jess frowned. He didn't want to wait two weeks to play again. He loved what they did. Sure, he had other clients, but they weren't the same. Most of them just wanted to see him jack off. "Can we do something Friday night then? Maybe go out for a beer or grab a late dinner?"

  "Sure. I'll plan on dropping by after work and we can figure something out. If you're free, it's Mom's birthday next Sunday. We're having a small party for her on Saturday afternoon. You're always welcome. My parents are always asking where you are."

  Considering he'd all but lived there growing up, he wasn't shocked Andy's parents asked about him. "I'll check the schedule and see how it looks. I'd like to see everyone." He figured it would be all Andy's aunts and uncles and cousins. He had met most of them. Since he didn't have his own family anymore, he loved being included with Andy's family things.

  "Let me know. I'll pick you up before I head over if you can." Andy chewed on his last slice of bacon. "You want a ride to work when I leave?"

  "If you don't mind." Jess finished off his eggs, then picked up his plate and Andy's and put them both in the sink. "Thanks for cooking for me."

  "It's the only way I could be sure you ate." Andy narrowed his eyes.

  "You know me too well." Jess shrugged. "I'm not starving. I would have eaten something at work."

  "Yeah, hours from now. You need to stay strong, especially if we're going to be playing the way we are. Your body needs proper nutrition."

  "Says the man who considers beer and greasy burgers a good meal."

  "At least I remember to eat."

  "I'll try to do better. I just get so busy and cooking takes time I don't have." Jess finished off his coffee. "Let me grab my wallet and pee and we can go." He rushed to the bathroom, did his business there, and after a double-check of his appearance in the mirror, grabbed his wallet off the dresser and was ready to go.

  "I'm curious, is your butt still welted?" Andy asked as they got in the truck.

  "Not welted, but there are some red spots still. You didn't do that many swats this time."

  "I was using a crop. I'm not going to push our luck and injure you. It doesn't take a lot to give you what you need."

  "What do you mean?" Jess clasped his seatbelt into place.

  "The pain. I give you just enough that you get the satisfaction you want, but not enough to severely hurt you. Your tolerance might grow as we do this more, but for now, we need to be careful. We're both new to this. I didn't realize how dangerous it could be until I started studying it and talking to others who are involved in this stuff." Andy started the truck and pulled out of his parking space.

  "You really think Al is right and you're a Dom?"

  "The more I learn and the more we play, I do. I have so much to learn still, but it's like this has opened up a whole new world to me and showed me what I was missing. I think if you decided you didn't want to do this anymore, I'd still explore it. The lady I talked to the other night was telling me about a group that meets and they do scenes. I have to be honest, I don't know whether to be turned on or scared to death about all this, but I can't deny the feeling I get when I am watching your ass turn red." Andy glanced over at Jess. "Do you think he's right and you're a sub?"

  "Yes," Jess answered without hesitation. "The more we do, the stronger the pain, the more I find myself feeling something I've never felt before. It's like a high. I can't explain it."

  "Subspace." Andy smiled.


  "Subspace. You can read about it in that book I left for you. It's a state of mind, like a euphoria that a sub goes into during a scene. Some talk about it like floating or flying. It's different for every sub from what I've read, but most feel a form of it."

  "I have a lot to learn if we're going to keep exploring this." Jess stared out the window. "Are you really okay doing this? I mean, you're straight and you're doing these things with a guy."

  Andy was quiet for a long moment and Jess worried he'd brought up something Andy didn't want to talk about.

  "When I'm doing things like spanking you or whipping you, it's not about straight or gay for me. It's arousing and I love it. Don't get me wrong, I get just as turned on as anyone, but it's more about what I'm doing, not who I'm doing it to. I'd be getting the same high no matter who was in front of me. I love that it's you because we're so comfortable together. The trust is already there with us. I'm not sure it would be as good with someone I didn't know. As for the sexual side, if you're okay with it, we'll just take it as it happens. Were you upset I touched you last night or came on you?"

  Jess's cock stirred at the memory of Andy's hand around him. "No, not at all. I loved it."

  "Then let's not overthink it. What we're doing works for now. I'm happy to continue and explore this with you if you want. I don't want to force you into this lifestyle if you don't want it, but it is something I will explore on the side if you don't continue. I think I've found what was missing in my life. The more I delve into all this, the more it feels right. It's not about fucking or sex as much as finding who I am. Don't get me wrong, the orgasm at the end is fantastic, but it's not what draws me in."

  Jess nodded. "I need to research this more so I know what you do, but for now, I like our Friday night meeting with Al. I don't think I could do this with anyone but you."

  Andy pulled up in front of Jess's work. "Fair enough. Read through that book, look at some stuff online, then we can talk about how into all this you are. If it's not your thing, I'll still join you on Friday nights with Al, but I'm going to explore it myself."

  "And if I'm into it?" Jess asked.

  "Then we'll explore it together." Andy smiled. "You're the one in charge here. All decisions are up to you."

  Jess nodded as he opened the door. "I better get in or I'll be late. I'll call you when I get a chance." He slipped out of the truck, then turned to look at Andy. "Thanks for last night. It was amazing, but even more, thanks for staying after."

  "I'll always be there when you need me." Andy gave a wave.

  Jess shut the door and
watched as Andy drove off, thinking how true those words were. Andy was always there. Always had been. Even through the worst of times when Jess's parents had kicked him out, Andy had been the one to rescue him and set him back on course. He owed him everything.

  He loved the new Friday night calls, but he also needed something more in his life. He was tired of being alone. Tired of not having anyone to hold him. Maybe tonight, he'd find that too. Slowly, his life was coming together. Graduation was around the corner and that would take a lot of stress from his life.

  As he walked into the restaurant ready to work, he thought about new beginnings and how much better his life would be once he had them.


  He was nervous. As he paced the living room, waiting for Keith to pick him up, he tried to remember back to his last date. There had been men he'd slept with after a night at the bar, but he hadn't been on a date in over a year. The last had been a guy he'd met at work. They'd gone out twice, but Jess's schedule had been so busy that the guy got impatient and quit calling. He wanted more time than Jess had to give.

  There'd been nothing Jess could do to change things. He had to work, go to school, and still find time to study and sleep. While he'd longed for someone steady in his life, he did have his priorities, and if someone couldn't understand that, it didn't bode well for a long-term relationship. He hoped things might be different with Keith.

  He jumped when the doorbell rang, and it took him a second to catch his breath and regain his composure before opening the door. He smiled, seeing Keith standing there in a pair of pressed slacks, and a navy-blue button-up that brought out the blue of his eyes perfectly. "Hi, you look amazing." Jess smiled.

  "As do you." Keith's gaze traveled over Jess's body, taking in his navy slacks and burgundy shirt. "You ready to go or do you need a minute?"

  "I'm ready." Jess grabbed his keys, double-checked he had his wallet, then locked the door. "Thanks for picking me up."


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