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Dawn of Fire

Page 11

by Anna LaVerne

  His words ring true. Celeste has been planning this for too long. That could only mean there can be an endless number of people she has gotten her hooks into. I realize, as well, how dense Cal is, and at least, Trey doesn’t have to train him anymore.

  I become lost in thought again. Dazed by betrayal. Trey comes from behind the couch and slams his fist into Cal’s face knocking him onto the carpet. I spring to my feet and rush over to Cal to find him out cold from the blow to the side of his face. “Trey! He talked, you didn’t need to do that!”

  “He deserved it. I trained that fool for over a week. I took him in and was trying to help him. It was because of him you almost died! He deserves more than that.” Trey wraps his arms under Cal from behind and begins to drag him out of the room as Vex holds the door.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Bring me Rhett!" I yell at him as he turns the corner. He must have trusted someone else to take Cal because he was back with Rhett in no time. They walk in together, Rhett being shorter than Trey. Trey kicks out at Rhett’s legs bringing him to his knees near the couch I sit on, “Rogue, seems to be a fitting name after all.”

  “I promise, Princess. Hear me out. I deserve punishment, but there is more to my story than the others. You would have done the same in my position.” Once again, I feel truth lace his words, but before I can reply, Trey punches him.

  “Trey! Stop hitting them, or you will have to leave!”

  “He is a snake, too! He was trying to be with you all while helping your sister!”

  Vex steps forward and pulls Trey back to the wall, trying to calm him down. Rhett’s eye has swollen and is turning a nasty shade of blue and purple, “Tell me your story. I am tired and hurting. Trey hit you because he knows how I am feeling right now.”

  “I have a son.”

  I am certain that Rhett sees the surprise wash across my face. “He is only four years old. His mother and I were together when stationed on the south wall. She was a milkmaid from a nearby farm. There was nothing between us other than a few quick trysts. But that is all it took to create a beautiful boy.”

  “How do you know he is your son?”

  “Red hair, there are only a few of us on this side of the wall.”

  “But you are not the only one here, right?”

  “The timeline adds up, he is my son. I have visited him since birth. His mother married a local farmer last summer, so now he has two fathers.”

  “What does this have to do with you betraying me?”

  “Celeste has his hair. She asked me to help her keep an eye on what was happening in Cargil a few months back. She wanted to know when the rounds were, how many active warriors were on the walls. Celeste wanted me to help her smuggle mystics out. I told her no. A few days later, a young blonde mystic asked me to follow her to a room to speak with Celeste. There I saw Celeste again through a scrying bowl. My son was on her lap, and he was crying as she cut off a chunk of his hair with a large knife. That bitch told me she had a piece of my son now, and if I didn't help she would end his life. There was nothing else I could do. I don't know the power of mystics. All I know is my love for my son is greater than any other. So, I heard you would arrive with Cal and Bee. I knew who you were from the start. I was told to become close to you, but then I realized I liked you. More than like, I guess. I continue to report to Celeste, but I leave out details. I didn't tell her about your conversation with the Queen. I only told her about the node and fire, because I knew the others would. I keep everything as generic as possible and didn't tell her how close we have become. In fact, I am under strict orders to not sleep with you.”

  Trey is standing near the wall looking as dumbfounded as I am. Vex looks hard and cold as always. My heart goes out to Rhett because I believed him. “Can we bring your son to Cargil?”

  “I'm not sure his mother would let us.”

  “Even if that is what it takes to save his life and protect him from Celeste? I can look for a way to keep him safe from any spell she may cast. She is not an enchantress. She has to have physical items to cast. I can protect him.” I can't allow Rhett to leave. If anyone outside the walls of Cargil sees him and works for Celeste that would make things too obvious.

  “Is there anyone else here who could bring the boy he knows?” Rhett shakes his head no.

  “Then we will send someone to bring the entire family. Once here, his mother can return to the farm. Your son can stay with you and join the nursery during the day hours. Deal?”

  “Thank you so much for giving me a chance to explain, Princess.”

  I nod to him, “I hope you understand that until your son arrives, you will stay jailed. Celeste has something to hold over you. Until that's fixed, I can't chance her digging her hooks into you any deeper.”

  “I understand, and I am okay with that. Maybe you will give me a chance to get to know you again once my son’s safe.” I am not sure if that is still a possibility. My mind is fuzzy from the betrayal of Rhett and Cal. There is no way I'm able to contemplate any future with either of them right now. Rhett should be happy I believe him, and therefore, he will not face the same fate as Cal.

  I give Rhett a half smile as I motion for Vex and Trey to take him from the room. Ayla enters the room next, followed by Hoda. I remain sitting on the couch. Ayla plops down across from me and lets out a big sigh. She reminds me so much of Bee sometimes, if Bee had been a mystic. Ayla, swipes a stray blonde hair from her face.

  "Ten mystics in total. However, those are the only ones that were obvious. You were tiring, and I am sure some were able to cloak their nervousness."

  "It is unfortunate, I'm certain you're right, Ayla. I wish there was more I could do. Celeste will be aware of tonight."

  "Yes, she will, and we can expect her to act swiftly because of it. She will realize you are coming into your powers, and it will make her nervous." Hoda leaned on the couch behind Ayla. Ayla looks like a child with Hoda looming above her.

  I nod. "Yes, I expect as much. Thank you for arranging tonight, Hoda. I appreciate your hard work."

  "If I had not met you, I'd have questioned the Queen's choice in heir based on the stories floating around Aster about you. Tonight was important because now some of the people have met you, and they like what they see. It is easier to support an heir when she connects with the people. You will make an amazing Queen."

  Taken back by Hoda's words, I reply, “Someday, I guess. I am glad I have plenty of time before that happens. Thank you again.”

  Trey enters the room as I am standing. We say our goodnights as he helps me through the secret passage to my room. Once in our room, I remove my crown, reminding me of my distraught friend. “Bee! I need to comfort Bee!”

  “She is fine. Ayla took her back to her room. She isn't alone, and it is okay. You need the rest. You will see Bee tomorrow. For now, let's sleep.”

  “I am a bad friend, but I am also so tired. Can you help me out of this thing?” I am wiggling around trying to get to the laces at the back of my dress. Trey walks over and undoes them with practiced hands. “You've done that a time or two haven't you?”

  “I'm not Rhett. There aren't any little Trey’s running all over Aster.”

  “You mean he has more than one?” My face gives away my surprise.

  “No, I'm not sure. I'm just saying I was never as free as Rhett. I wasn't good with women.”

  “Oh, no you were amazing last night.” I slip out of my dress and let my hair fall down my back.

  “I am not saying I had never been with women, I'm saying I have not been with a lot of women. I still know how to give pleasure.” He moves close, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “Would you like me to show you?”

  Even though I am exhausted my body springs to life. The energy between us thrums, and I crave it on a deep level. Trey is right, I want him to show me. My lips curve in a small grin as my heart rate picks up. His chestnut eyes darken to the deepest brown. Trey's need flows off of him in waves, which urges me on. F
ollowing my urges, I slip my hands under his shirt, skimming his skin as I pull it over his head. His hands come to rest on my hips. I am not sure I have it in me to go slow tonight. I need the energy too much, and I have little control.

  Our lips connect as I shoved him onto my bed. He lands exactly where I want him. I climb onto him bending forward to claim his mouth as my hair falls creating a curtain around us. Our kiss is hidden within my hair, a secret magical grove full of energy and something else. Passion for sure, maybe I am also feeling love? Love mixed with passion crashes into me. I moan trying to push myself harder into him, but his pants block my progress.

  I move down him, kissing every inch as I go. My long hair trails after me. Trey's breathless sighs of enjoyment increase my pleasure. I want to taste all of him as I run my tongue from his navel down to where his pants button. Trey's hands come into my view as he unbuttons and wiggles free of his pants. I grab his hand and suck on his long pointer finger, telling him without words what I plan.

  I stare at his length for a brief moment before I take him into my mouth. I am not sure if it was an okay thing to do nor do I care. I only want to give him what he gave me. His fingers entwine through my hair as I work my mouth up and down his long shaft. I sense Trey wants more, but before I can increase my speed, he grabs my arms and pulls me up on him.

  Straddling Trey again, I feel him pulsing against me. I reach down and guide him into me. When I sit on him, I become blinded by the power flowing through us. Slowly, my hips rock causing more power to build. I throw my head backward when I find the particular movement that brings Trey to my core. I repeat it over and over, harder and harder. When I open my eyes, Trey is staring at me and biting his bottom lip. His hands are on my hips, and I never stop moving. My body siphoning every drop of energy we created.

  “Ah, Dina, I'll not last much longer, this is so hot.”

  One of Trey’s arms comes up and grabs one of my breasts, squeezing it tight. It is that moment that the tightly wound coil in my core springs free. I scream out in delight as Trey grabs tighter onto my hips and holds me to him as he has his release. Breathless, I fall forward on him and ask, "Does lovemaking ever get old?"

  “No, it will always be amazing, you have so much power. I will not be enough to keep you full strength.”

  I punch him on the chest, “Good hit, Dina, and you did that without my training.”

  “Enough, Trey. I never wanted a harem. I want only you.”

  “Trust me, I don’t like to admit it, either, but you pull all the energy from me. I'm spent.”

  “What do you mean? I thought we create the energy?”

  “I suppose we do, I'm only saying I understand harems now. You are beyond amazing, and one day, I will not be enough. I would rather you consider that now. Not that I am ready to imagine you with another man. I am not, and I know I sure as hell don’t want it. But you are to be Queen someday, you will need to defeat Celeste. Aster depends on you.”

  “Aster depends on us all. Mystics and warriors alike. We all have to stand together. I will make it where mystics can have the option to learn skills of war if they want to.”

  “You can’t do that without talking to the Queen and the High Mystic.”

  “My mother and my aunt. I can convince them of the need. They are letting me train.”

  “Training hasn't even started because of Princess priorities. They told us we could train you, knowing we would never find the time.”

  “Listen to you being negative.” Still sitting upon him, I lean forward to pepper kisses on his chest and up his neck. “I think I can make you be more positive.”

  Trey groans and flips me over onto my back. We begin again. He may be right. My need may never feel sated with only the two of us. We went for round two, and Trey fell asleep afterward. My body was thrumming with energy. The part that scares me the most is I know if he were able, I would want to go for round three.

  Knowing sleep will not come, I grab the scrying bowl to call the Queen. After everything is ready, I sit down on the floor to scry. My mother appears before I had time to say an incantation. I startle and catch a yelp in my throat.

  “I heard tonight went well.”

  “Yes, it went as planned. Tomorrow, I think I will go talk to the mystics. Tonight, I only spoke with Cal and Rhett.”

  “What are you choosing to do with those two?”

  “I am, um…”

  “Um, is something you say when you are not sure of yourself. As my heir, you can not afford to not be certain in everything you do.”

  This caused me to sigh, “Cal will be sent for judgment. Rhett is staying in the jails for now. I am sending men after his son, and then I'm going to find a spell that will protect him from Celeste.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Rhett said Celeste took a lock of his son's hair. She said if he did not give her valuable information she would use it against him. I told Rhett that I would try to protect him.”

  My mother, the Queen, looked thoughtful for a second, “Good. Show them you will help them, and they will be loyal to you. Smart girl.”

  “I have another idea on that front. It might be a good idea to stop forcing warrior men into harems. I think we should give the man the choice, even to the royal family. No more forced relationships, and if the warrior women want children, they should be allowed to leave to do so. I love Aster, but we control the lives of others too much. Same with mystics if they don't want a harem then don’t make them keep one.”

  “Silly child, mystics aren't forced to create a harem they choose to. Without one, they are not at their full potential. How many times did you sleep with Trey tonight? Two? If you had slept with him three times, you would be asleep and full of power, but you don’t listen. Instead, you want only one man. If I had the luxury to choose only one man, I would have kept Vex, but for my position and the amount of energy I use daily, I needed more. Vex didn't cope with it well, so out of my love, I let him return to work. So, don’t lecture me about harems. You will see soon enough.”

  “You mean I will need to have sex every night for the rest of my life?”

  “No, but when you are using your power in a heavy manner, like tonight, you need the resources to refuel.”

  “Okay, what about the rest of my suggestions?”

  “It will need to be brought before the council and the High Mystic. If you had paid attention during your lessons, you would know how the laws are changed.”

  Leave it to my mother to take another jab at me. “Then allow them to sign up and train to be warriors. Let me give them something to show that things will be changing. Please?”

  “Fine, there is no law against that.”

  “Mother, one more thing. How are you sure my sisters and brothers are not siding with Celeste? Can you tell if they are lying? Are they angry with me?”

  Her dark eyes become intense as they peer through the water at me. With a heavy sigh she replies, “I'm not sure if they are with us or not. They are my children, so I cannot read them well. None of them ever liked Celeste. But, I am aware they are not happy with my choice of you as the heir. I haven't pushed the matter with them, as you know I was never a good mother. I kept an eye on each of you, and that is why I know you're the right choice. Claire was more diplomatic than you, but you have your own merits. I'm not talking about your powers, either. You're able to look past one's position, station, and birth and see them as the person they are. I should have given every one of my children a Bee because she is the best thing I have ever done for you. Now you need to grow up a little. You need to study and learn. You need to continue to be aware, and you will do fine.”

  I don’t know what to say. My mother has never spoken so frankly with me. I spent my entire life being chastised by her, never knowing she cared. I thought I was the last child left and forgotten. She had done her duty to create more mystics. There is more to life than I ever realized. I feel stupid. I sit there in silence for a few moments longer before she i
nterrupts my thoughts, “Go to bed. Tomorrow you will have a busy day. You will be fine. Goodnight, Dina.” Instead of sleeping, I run myself a bath. Only after the bath, am I able to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next day comes faster than I expect. There is no way I have enough sleep before Bee and Ayla come into my room with breakfast. They waste no time getting me fed and dressing me in pants and a tunic before ushering me out of the room to meet with Vex and Trey. I guess today instead of interrogating mystics, I will train for the first time.

  I am too tired to argue when Bee tells me the plans of the day. She isn’t responding at all like a girl betrayed by her first love. Instead, she is being a total jerk, bossing me around and telling me what to do. She is shoving me down the hallway when I snap, “Bee, cut it out! Stop touching me! I don’t even understand how you found out what I was to do today. Shouldn’t I go to the jails, instead?”


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