Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 17

by Tami Payton


  Damn, he came through faster than I thought he would. I mean I had to pay his fucking ass double but if it gets rid of her fucking ass the so be it. I’m walking with the security guys around where Micah and his guys breached the perimeter so I know where they’re gonna be set up. I’m gonna need to report back to Micah’s guys so they know where to enter and when. “Hey, Jacob, where do you want us? I mean I know Mason said all across the border but how far out?” I scan the area. “I would say about a hundred yards, that gives plenty of distance and coverage.” He nods and relays the message. The guys are all set up and I take notice of where they are and just as I go to walk away my phone rings. I growl as I see it’s Jenny, this Bitch has gotten on my last nerve. She’s become completely useless to me now. “What?” I growl out. “Oh Jacob, why so testy?” She purrs out. I roll my eyes. “What do you want Jenny? I don’t have time for this or you.” She laughs. “Well, I thought I would call and let you know I found out some interesting information.” I cut her off before she can continue. “Jenny, I gave you your chance and you failed. You said you could get rid of the Bitch and you couldn’t. I’ve taken care of it now and I don’t need you. I warned you on what would happen if you didn’t pull through on your end. I hope that you’ve enjoyed being part of your pack again. Zander should be getting some very interesting information very soon.” I smile at the thought of Zander opening the packet that I sent him containing pictures of Jenny and Gage. “You Bastard! Don’t think I won’t turn on you! I will let Mason and Zander know what you’ve been up to as well!” I laugh. “Good luck sweetheart. They will never believe you.” I hang up, smiling to myself. One problem down.

  I dial Micah and wait for him to answer. “Are we all set?” I grunt at his answer. “Yeah, the guards are set up a hundred yards a part in sets of two on the West side. The same area that you and your men entered the first time.” I can hear him laughing. “Yeah, I think we’re all set.” I let out a sigh. “Ok, so they will rotate every four hours that will leave you and your guys a five to ten-minute window to get in.” He laughs again. “Oh, don’t worry about us. They won’t see us when we come. You’ve done your part, Jacob now it’s time for me to do mine.” I’m quiet and confused. “What do you mean? I set this all up so you could come through this way!” I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. I mean, I know some will but I didn’t want an all-out blood bath. “Jacob, go and play the all loyal Beta, I’m sure your Alpha needs you right now. I mean, his pack is about to be invaded. Now, I have to go, I have to finish planning my attack. After all, I wouldn’t want anyone to know how they’re gonna die, would I?” He laughs as he hangs up the phone. I blow out the breath I’ve been holding in and almost throw my phone. Fuck! This could end really bad. I inhale and try to calm myself; I just have to try and get through this. Once it’s all over I will calm the Pack down. Mason and Cammie will be gone, I will become the leader and things will work out. I stay out with the guys as that’s where Mason has me and I want to make sure I have an alibi when shit hits the fan. I just don’t know when everything is gonna go down. Let’s hope everything goes smoothly.


  “Not before I get him first.” I growl. I look over all the papers that Cammie and Cameron hand me and I still can’t believe it. I mean is there a possibility that it wasn’t him? Maybe he was set up? Jacob has been with the pack since my dad was Alpha, he helped me when I took over. This doesn’t make any sense. “Babe, are you ok?” Cammie puts her arms around my waist and leans into me. I shake my head. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around all of this. I mean, Jacob has been with the pack forever. I can’t believe he would do something like this.” Cammie shakes her head. “It looks like he started a couple of years before your parents died and started taking more after you took over. I don’t know what the thing with Jenny or the other transfer is. Like I said I didn’t get that far yet.” I shake my head again, I’m gonna have to have someone look into this but right now we have bigger problems. I sigh and run my hand over my face. “Ok, we will look into this further later, right now we have to focus on Micah.” Cameron looks at me. “What about Jacob? I mean, you have him heading up your security.” I curl my lip. If he’s got anything to do with this, I will rip him to shreds. “Jacob is out of security. I’ve told him to stay with the teams on the borders, so from now on that’s all he is to do. I don’t want him included with anything else. Cameron you are now head of security, if you report to anyone lese report to Anderson.” Cameron nods. Cammie squeezes me and I hug her back. “I’m so sorry babe, I didn’t realize I was putting you in danger here.” I kiss the top of her head. She smiles at me. “Mason, it’s not your fault. He had everyone fooled.”

  We settle down and after the other guys come in from checking the grounds, we have some dinner. Security has been checked out and any upgrades needed have been made. I feel much better about everyone staying here in the house than being spread out. Sarah has made dinner and we’re all starving, it’s been a long day. “Ok, so am I able to still keep my same schedule or am I stuck inside?” Cammie breaks the silence and looks around the room at everyone. I smile at her; she’s trying to play nice.

  “I don’t see why you can’t keep your same schedule. I mean you weren’t gonna be doing anything big since Izzy was here anyways.” I shrug. She laughs. “That’s true. I mean the only thing on our schedule was the gym and I know Quinn will want to go there.” She winks at Quinn and he laughs. “Yeah, I want to meet this guy who’s been training you. I don’t see why we can’t still hit the gym.” He shrugs as well. Izzy jumps up and down in her seat. “Hell Yeah!” Everyone laughs and Cammie shakes her head. “Izzy, you’re gonna give Johnson a damn heart attack. I swear.” Izzy laughs. “Oh, he will be fine. He’s just gotta learn how to handle a real woman.” She wiggles her eyebrows and it makes me laugh. “Well Izzy, if anyone can teach him, it’s you.” She laughs. “Damn straight.” We finish dinner and everyone heads upstairs to grab some sleep.

  I undress and curl up behind Cammie and sigh as she turns and snuggles into me. “It’s gonna be ok, right?” She whispers into my chest. I pull her closer to me and inhale her honey and vanilla scent. “Everything is going to be fine; I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you. I will protect you with everything I am.” I kiss the top of her and she looks up at me and I can see the worry on her face. “Mason. No. If something happens to you.” She shakes her head and I know what’s going through her head. The mating bond, with us being fated if something happens to one of us, the other won’t make it. I mean the other won’t die right away, it will happen over time. It will be a slow and painful death. Talk about dying from a broken heart. I wipe the tears from her eyes. “Cammie, I promise that I will be careful. I won’t put myself in danger but you have to do the same. Promise me you won’t put yourself in danger either. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you. You’re my world, I love you more than anything.” Her tears start to run down her face and I capture her lips with mine in a kiss that tells her how much she means to me. The thought of anything happening to her tears me apart. I can’t lose her again; it will kill me.

  She kisses me back with everything she has. I pull her close to me, until she’s laying on top of me and I run my hands along her body. I love the way she feels. She’s hard and soft all at the same time, all in the right places. She moans as my hands grip her breasts, I pinch her nipples and she lets out a small gasp. I trail my tongue down her jaw and suck on her sweet spot right below her ear. “Fuck, Mason.” She whispers. My cock has gotten so hard just from the sounds she’s making, I flip her so she’s trapped under me. Making my way down her body I find my way to my favorite spot and see that she’s already soaking wet. I groan as I inhale her scent, honey and vanilla. “Fuck, Cammie. You’re so wet.” I slowly lick between her folds and she arches off the bed. I laugh at the way her body responds, pushing her down by her stomach. I slowly push two fingers inside of her as I continue to lick her
sweet pussy. The sounds that are coming from her are music to my ears. I curl my fingers and hit that sweet spot that I know will make her scream and suck on her clit. I feel her squeezing me and smile as she screams my name. “Holy fucking shit! Mason!” Her legs are shaking, she’s gripping the sheets and her knuckles are white. I continue to lick up the juices that are coming out of her, I don’t want to waste a single drop of her delicious taste. She’s still shaking from her orgasm when I kiss and suck my way back up to her mouth and take her lips in a demanding kiss. I let her taste herself and she doesn’t waste anytime grabbing my hair to pull me to her. I slam into her and growl, she feels so fucking good. So tight, warm, she was made for me. This is where I belong, right here with my mate, with my woman. I pull back and slam back into her and feel her nails run down my back as she arches her back. Fuck! “Mason. Please, harder, fuck Mason.” She whispers. I look down into her eyes and the lust and love that I see is enough to almost send me over the edge. I growl and flip her over, pull her onto her knees and slam back into her. The grip that I have on her hips is so hard I know there will be bruises tomorrow but right now I don’t care. All I can think about is how fucking good she feels wrapped around me. She arches into me and reaches up and wraps her arm around me neck and I lose it. I empty myself in her with a growl so loud I’m sure the entire house has heard me. Exhausted and spent we both collapse on the bed; I pull her to me. She snuggles into my chest and I kiss her head. “I love you, Cammie.” Her eyes flutter shut. “I love you too, Mason.”

  I lay in bed for a couple hours just watching her sleep. I will do whatever I have to do to keep her safe. I just need to figure out how to do that and keep myself safe as well. Micah and his men will not get to her, I won’t let them. I hold her tighter to me, as I watch her, I notice the smile on her face and grin. She’s at peace when she’s sleeping and I want to keep it that way. I will protect her and give her a peaceful life. If it’s the last thing I do.


  I stretch and my body is sore but in a good way. I smile as I remember the delicious way that made it feel this way. I know that Mason has already showered, dressed and headed downstairs. I frown at the thought of how he’s such an early riser. No one should be as happy as he is without coffee. I sigh as I get out of bed, I guess I should get up and get in gear. I decide I should take a shower first since we have so many people here. I jump in probably the quickest shower I’ve ever taken since I haven’t had any coffee yet and then throw on my work-out clothes. I’m headed to the gym later so might as well be ready. I head straight to the coffee pot and frown when I see that it’s empty. “Sorry, I just took the last of it.” I turn to look at Eddie and narrow my eyes. Cameron stand up and walks towards us. “Ok, so everyone listen up!” I raise my voice so everyone can hear me. “First rule in this house. Now listen very carefully because this is gonna be the most important thing you will hear while you are here. There must always be coffee in this pot! If there is no coffee then you make coffee. If I come down and there’s no coffee then someone is gonna get hurt. Do we understand?” Eddie looks like he’s ready to run when Cameron steps between us. “Hey, Cammie? I heard you get up and snagged you a cup before it was all gone. I thought someone would drink it before you came down, not knowing the coffee rule.” I look at him and smile. “Aw, thanks Cam.” I take the cup from him and kiss him on his cheek. I hear Cameron tell Eddie that he better make another pot and pronto and I laugh.

  “Babe did you just go coffee wild on everyone?” I look to see Mason walking in from outside and smile. I reach up and kiss him. “Well, I had to let everyone know the rules about coffee. I mean when I come down and see an empty coffee pot, we have a problem.” He laughs at me. “Well, yes that’s a very big problem. We all know how you are without your coffee.” I smack him and laugh. “Ok, very funny.” He shakes his head and kisses me again; I hear someone clear their throat behind us and turn. It’s Eddie and I smile. “Uh, I made a fresh pot for you Cammie. Sorry about that.” Mason laughs and dips his head into my neck. I smack him. “It’s ok Eddie, I’m just really grouchy in the morning without my coffee. Trust me it’s not something anyone wants to see.” His eyes go wide. “Yeah, trust me it’s not pretty. Think rouge wolf. But way, way worse.” Cameron sneaks by and I throw a book that was on the table at him. He runs and laughs. “Thanks Eddie, I appreciate it. I’m gonna head in and grab another cup.” I leave the guys to talk and go get my morning pleasure. Izzy, Quinn and Eric are in the kitchen when I get there. I jump in front of the coffee first; I’m not getting left out this time. Quinn tries to grab the pot first and I growl at him. He laughs and puts his hands up. “Damn, I forgot about your coffee obsession. Please go first.” I laugh and shake my head. Izzy laughs. “Damn girl, you almost took his hand off! Get your coffee in you and then we can head out to the gym. I’m in the mood to hand your trainer his ass today.” She winks at me and I shake my head. This girl is a piece of work. Two cups later and some fruit we head out to the gym. Eric and Quinn are with us, we have another guy, Mike, I think that is following but not to close. Mason isn’t taking any chances; Sarah is staying at the house where it’s like the President’s lock down suite. Cameron is so worried about her and the baby, I don’t blame him, I’m surprised she’s not in a bubble and shipped out somewhere.

  As we make it to the gym, I notice how quite it is outside and it makes me wonder where everyone is. I wonder if Mason put out a warning to the pack about what’s going on and everyone is just being extra careful or if it’s something else? I shake my head and walk in and automatically hear Izzy’s loud mouth as she starts in on Johnson. “Hey there big man. Did you miss me? I know you were dreaming of me last night because I woke up feeling damn good.” I bust out laughing as do Quinn and Eric. Izzy has already walked up to Johnson and is in the process of trying to run her hands down his chest, which is no surprise to me. What does surprise me is his response. “Sure, did sweet thing. A couple of times last night and then once again this morning. If you keep rubbing on me like that I may not have to just think, I may just get the real thing.” He winks at her and walks away, leaving her standing there with her eyes wide open and her jaw hanging. I’m laughing so hard my ribs hurt. “Holy shit. Izzy, he just turned the table on your ass!” She slaps me on the shoulder and frowns. “Oh, hell no! That isn’t the way this works, but I sure as hell wouldn’t turn down a rough ride in the equipment room.” She winks at me as she runs after him. I laugh and shake my head as I head over to warm-up, doing my usual cardio and bag work-out. I work-out with Quinn, Eric and Johnson and it’s the hardest I’ve been worked in a long time. It feels good, it’s something that I need, it’s helping to take my mind off of everything that’s going on. Johnson is a little off today though, he’s constantly looking around and on edge. I know Mason told him what’s going on and all but he’s taking the whole protection thing a little to far. “Hey, Johnson? Relax a little, we’ve got plenty of security here. You’re as jumpy as a rabbit in a snake pit.” Eric laughs at him and Johnson just shakes his head as he looks at his watch. “Um, no it’s just. Look, I just wanted to say that I’m really proud of how far you’ve come Cammie. When I first met you, I really didn’t believe that you really could do what you can do. I mean, what female would really stick to a work-out or want to? But you proved me wrong and actually kicked my ass a couple of times.” He laughs and rubs the back of his neck. I look at him and my stomach is in knots, something doesn’t feel right and I look around at everyone. They look just as worried. “You’re not like everyone else said you were. I’m so sorry, Cammie. I really am and I wish I realized this earlier. But you need to get out of here, now. You and Izzy. Quinn, Eric, get them out now.” We all look at him as he’s looking around and then we here the crash at the back door.

  Izzy jumps to her feet, ready to fight as do the rest of us. Johnson takes off and I curse him under my breath, asshole. My attention is drawn back to the door where all of a sudden is crowded with not only men dressed i
n black but wolves as well. There’s four men and three wolves. Fuck! We are out numbered by a lot, there’s only four of us. I mean, yeah, we can put up one hell of a fight but there’s no promises. “Cammie, don’t try to be a hero. You know what’s a stake!” I hear Izzy yell at me and I swallow the lump in my throat. I nod at her, afraid to say anything. I rush over to my bag and pull out the knife that Mason gave me, Quinn gives me a look and I shrug. I’m not afraid to fight dirty if I have too. Eric cracks his knuckles. “Ok, let’s do this. Izzy, me and you will shift. Quinn, you and Cammie stay in human form. Only shift if you have to. Let’s kick some ass. I’ve called into the other security to let them know what’s going on.” We all nod and give each other a good luck look. Izzy hugs me and I squeeze her tight. “Be careful.” I whisper in her ear. “You too, babe.” She whispers back. I slip the knife into my waist band; I will only use it as a last resort. I take a deep breath as I brace myself. Ok, you fuckers you want me? Come and get me.



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