Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 18

by Tami Payton

  I watch as a couple of my men take the West side of Mason’s territory and laugh as everyone of his wolves head that way. I’ve already sent a special gift to Mason to let him know that I’m coming for him and it won’t be where he thinks it will. As his wolves are being attacked, he’s picking up his ‘gift’ and it brings me such joy. That Bastard is lucky I left his ass alive but I figured he would come in handy at some point, and he did. I dropped Drake off right outside of Mason’s property, laughing at the fact that I could practically walk onto the precious Alpha’s yard. He thinks he’s so untouchable, I roll my eyes. Even without his back stabbing Beta I could take his ass out with no problem. I look around and take notice of the chaos that’s unloading in front of me and smile. By now Mason has been aware of the breach on the West side as well as the North. He’s taken in Drake and has him held in his house being treated and if his sorry ass Beta has done his job then my prize is being closed in on. My smile widens as I think about claiming that little piece. Rubbing my hands together I head over to where Cammie is supposed to be.

  I get to the building that Jacob told me she would be in, he said that he had on inside guy that would have her working out. I laughed at that; she was probably kicking his ass on a daily basis. Cammie is bad ass; I will give her that. She would have made me so much money, so much fucking money. I had people lined up wanting the chance to break a fucking Alpha Female. I grind my teeth and ball my fists at the thought of her getting away and ruining my plans. She will pay, they all will but my revenge on her will be long and sweet. Oh, so sweet. I get to the building and see Bruno outside and smile, he’s fighting Cammie’s outside security and look’s like he’s having fun. As he snaps the neck of the last wolf I laugh. “Having fun?” He grins.” That was to fucking easy.” I shake my head and laugh. “The rest of the boys inside?” He nods. “I told them not to harm her, that she had to be alive but they could do whatever with the rest.” I nod and we head in. The sight is actually shocking and it makes me laugh. The guys that came in as wolves are down, their throats have been ripped out. There’s two wolves circling two of our guys, one is a female from the looks of her and the other is a male and they have the upper hand. Cammie and her old trainer, Quinn are kicking ass. Bruno grunts and curses. “Fucking Bitch. I knew I should have come in with this team.” I laugh.” Well, we knew this wouldn’t be easy.”

  All of a sudden Cammie’s leg goes out and connects with the guys head and he drops to the floor and he’s out cold. The two wolves attack and take down the guys they were working on and Quinn’s guy is down as well. I have to say, I’m impressed. I start clapping and all of their heads snap in my direction. “Very nice job, although I have to say I didn’t think that see that coming.” The two wolves shift and I recognize them from the field that first time I meet Cammie. “Well, look who finally decided to show up? You finally gonna get your hands dirty?” Cammie snarls at me and the fight in her makes me smile. The others circle around her and it’s cute how they’re trying to protect her. Don’t they know nothing can protect her from me? “Oh Princess, how I have missed you. Now, how about we skip all of the pleasantries and just get down to business?” She narrows her eyes. “And what exactly would that be?” I laugh. “Your friends dying as they try to protect you and then I walk out with you?”


  “They’re coming from everywhere. They hit the West side and the North side. Mason, it was a set up!” The call gets cut off as I’m trying to hear what Anderson is yelling. All I could hear was the growling and snarling in the background and I knew it was bad. Fuck! Micah played this good, he had us watching the area where he crossed, thinking that was where he was gonna enter. Although maybe Jacob had something to do with that as well. Shit! Cameron and Cammie were right. “Fuck! Mason! Get over here.” I run over to Cameron and he’s sitting by a body that’s been thrown into the backyard. I look down at it and curse under my breath. “Holy fuck. Shit Cameron, that’s that guy that helped us find Cammie. What was his name? Dre?” Cameron sighs. “Drake. His name is Drake. Fuck. Micah fucked up his own guy and threw him to you. Wait a min, what’s this?” Cameron pulls a piece of paper off his chest and Drake moans. It startles both of us and we realize that he’s actually alive. I yell for someone to help. I grab the paper and read it and my stomach drops. ‘Looks like your help is no longer available. Inside tips aren’t always the best, remember it’s those that are the closes that fuck you over the best. I’m coming for your Bitch. By the time you read this I will already have her. It’s been fun.’ I growl as I ball the paper up in my hand and toss it to the ground. I take off and head to the house. Cameron is right behind me. “Mason! What the fuck?” I spin and glare at Cameron. “He’s already got to her! While he was distracting us with Drake’s body, he was making his way to Cammie!” We have to go. NOW!” Cameron narrows his eyes. “Shit! Dad! We have to go!” Sam runs into the room and as we head out, we fill him in, we make it out the front door and freeze.

  About ten feet outside the front door we’re met with about ten to fifteen wolves. It’s a fucking ambush and we’re out fucking numbered. Sam puts his hands out in front of us to hold us back. “Boys, we need to think smart about this. Back into the house slowly and we can figure this out.” I growl, I need to get to Cammie. Sam looks at me. “Mason. You can’t run head first out there. You will die and then think about where that will leave my daughter.” My wolf backs down at that, the thought of Cammie dying a slow painful death is worse than anything else. We retreat into the house and gather ourselves; Cameron runs to Sarah and explains the deal. He grabs a security guy and ushers them into my safe room in the basement. I’m kicking myself for not locking Cammie in there when I heard Micah was back. I look around and notice that all together with myself, Sam, Cameron and the rest of the Security team we have about twelve guys. “We can take them out, we can’t sit here and just wait for them to leave. Cammie is out there and Micah could already have her. We have to get to her.” Cameron nods. “Dad, he’s right. You know Micah isn’t gonna be so nice this time.” Sam runs his hands through his hair. “I know. Ok, let’s go. Everyone who’s comfortable shifting, do so now. If you’re more comfortable staying in human form than stay. Stay alive.” He looks at everyone but his eyes linger longer on me and I nod at him. I take a deep breath, I’m coming babe.

  We head out and the scene I see is a hit to my heart. I take in the men and wolves in front of me and notice that some of them belong to my own pack. I stagger a bit and notice that Cameron and Sam have stopped beside me. “I’m so sorry man. I know how hard this is to see but you can’t back down. We have to get to my sister.” Cameron looks at me and I stare at him and realize he’s right, my pack has betrayed me. I need to see them as the enemy not family. The moment they sided with Micah they lost my respect. I stand up straighter and call out in my Alpha voice. “Those of you of pack. This will be your only chance. Back down now and I will take your surrender in consideration. If you continue with this we will not hesitate to kill. As of this moment you are a threat to your Alpha and his mate. You are a kill on contact.” I stare down the five members of my pack and I see them struggle against the Alpha command that I’ve put out and then I feel a ripping in the pit of my stomach that makes me bend at the knees. I hunch over in pain and sweat breaks out on my forehead. “Shit, Mason. What’s wrong?” Cameron asks. Sam shakes his head. “They broke from the pack. They officially betrayed him and their pack.” I nodded. “It’s not just them, I felt more members break the bond.” I look at Sam. “Jacob was one of them. We have to get to Cammie. Now.” Sam nods. “Then we need to do this now.”

  We all shift and it’s a scene from hell. There’s growls and blood everywhere. The wolves that were from my pack are trained for war. As soon as I saw them standing with the other men, I knew that we wouldn’t get out of this unharmed. The fight lasted longer then I thought it would and we managed to keep a couple of them alive, two of my former pack members and three of Micah’s men. We l
ost four men in the process. “Get them tied up and hold them. I want them held for when this is over.” I order Matt, one of the guys in charge of watching over the house, he nods and walks to the other guys watching over them. Sam and Cameron are injured as I am but are holding up well. “You guys ok?” They nod. “Yeah, we’re good. We need to get going. Cammie and Izzy were at the gym, so that’s where we need to head to.” I nod. “Yeah, I’m thinking that’s where Jacob is heading to as well. Micah will probably try to grab her there. That Mother Fucker is going down today.” We shift to heal ourselves as we take off towards Cammie, my heart racing hoping we’re not too late.

  As we near the gym I notice that there are men standing around the entrance and see that Jacob is standing front and center. He’s barking orders and I let out a low growl. Sam turns towards me and let’s out a growl as well, warning me. I shake my head. We shift back and he glares at me. “Mason, I know this is your territory, your pack but this is my daughter and if you go in there all Alpha male you could get her and yourself killed. We have to be smart about this.” I take a deep breath and nod. He’s right, I see about three guys out front and we don’t know how many are inside. “Go and check the perimeter you idiot! God, are all of you dumbasses?” I snap my head at the sound of Jacob yelling. He’s screaming at Johnson and I growl. That asshole has been training Cammie! “What the fuck? That’s the guy that’s been training Cammie. He’s been working for the enemy?” Cameron is pissed. I shake my head.” I didn’t feel his bond break. It doesn’t make sense.” We move behind the building as he moves closer to us, ready to grab him. Cameron jumps out and grabs him as he rounds the corner and pins him to the ground when he turns the corner.

  “Stop! Don’t kill me! I’m on your side!” Cameron freezes and then looks at me. I nod and he eases his hold on him. “Talk.” I order. “Look, Jacob had us all convinced that you were becoming a weak Alpha and needed to go. He wanted to take over. I saw how you were with Cammie, it’s not true. You’re a great Alpha and I’m true to you. Jacob needs to go. He doesn’t know that I’m not with him anymore. I can help you get to Cammie.” I reach out my Alpha senses and sense that he’s telling the truth. “He’s telling the truth. Alright Johnson, let’s figure out how to get my mate back and kill those Mother Fuckers.” He nods and we set out a plan.


  I should feel bad for what I’m doing and for what I’m a part of. I try to feel for any feelings of guilt or anything else but I feel nothing but satisfaction. This is what has to be done. Mason has brought this on himself, bringing Cammie here has been nothing but trouble. He’s been distracted and distant since she’s been in the picture and not worth being called the pack’s Alpha. All he cares about is her and that makes him weak. He needs to be gone. When Micah called this morning and told me that his guys were heading in and to be ready on the West side, I was excited. It would be over soon and I would have what I wanted. Mason gone, Cammie gone and the pack would be mine. Micah’s guys came in strong and when they saw that some of the pack turned on them, they were in shock, they didn’t know what to do. At that point in time the pack bonds hadn’t been broken so they didn’t know that they had been betrayed. Once they fight had ended, we had lost a lot of good men but we also saved a couple. Yes, I will give them a chance to stay or they can leave. The choice will be theirs. The breaking of the pack bond from Mason was a Bitch, breaking away from an Alpha always is but it was something that had to be done. He now knows that his pack members have betrayed him, that and from the members that by now have confronted him at his house. What I would have done to see his face. I sent some of our best men there, so I hope they took care of him.

  I hear a couple of the guys with me arguing and I let out a sigh. “Go and check the perimeter you idiot! God, are all of you dumbasses?” I look around at the four guys I have with me and shake my head. Johnson is with me; he’s been training Cammie and been one of my biggest inside guys. Cammie talks a lot while training, although she hasn’t said much Johnson has a good idea of how much fight she will give Micah. We’re standing guard outside the gym while Micah and his guys are inside taking care of Cammie and her guards. Johnson mumbles under his breath and takes off, there are times I want to kill him but he’s one of the best. I pause and lean my head towards the door of the gym to see if I can hear anything and smile. Damn, that girl is giving them one hell of a fight in there. I hope Micah kills her slowly and painfully. “Hey Jacob? What are we doing out here?” Kayden, one of the pack members looks at me and asks. I glare at him. “We’re waiting on Micah to get what he came to get. Once he’s retrieved his prize, we will gather what is left of the pack and explain that the Alpha has been killed in battle and regroup.” He nods. “Have we received confirmation that Mason has been taken out? I growl, I haven’t heard yet and that’s what pisses me off. I need that confirmation. Just as I’m about to answer Johnson comes around the corner grinning.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Why are you so damn happy?” He grins even bigger. “Well boss, it looks like I’m about to make your day even better.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Yeah, and how is that?” He laughs. “Well, not only did they guys take out Mason when they hit up his house, they took out the Alpha of the Hallow pack and his son.” I grin and then throw my head back laughing, that’s the best news I’ve heard all day. “Johnson, that has definitely made my fucking day. Well boys, it looks like our pack just got a whole lot bigger.” Well fuck me. Two packs in one day. Thank you, Cammie, guess you’re more useful than I thought.


  My head turns as guys barge in the back door and I hear low growls. Fuck! This can’t be good. “I’m sorry Cammie, I didn’t know.” Johnson states as he looks at me and then turns and runs out the front door. Erick, Quinn and Izzy automatically go into defense mode and I’m right behind them. I grab the knife out of my bag. I know it’s not they way to fight fair but I have a feeling these guys aren’t really gonna be fighting fair either. As soon as they move towards us Erick and Izzy shift and go after the guys that are in wolf form and Quinn and I take on the others. It’s a gruesome and hard fight but it’s either them or us. I for one don’t want to end up in Micah’s hands again. My heart freezes when I hear a yelp from across the room, my head snaps towards the sound and I see a giant grey wolf on top of Izzy and she’s trying her best to wiggle from underneath him. “Izzy!” I scream and run towards her. I slam into the wolf and kneel next to her; she’s bleeding and whimpers when I reach for her wound. “Oh, Izzy. You need to shift so you can heal. I need you to shift and do it quick. I will keep them off of you while you heal.” She nods at me and I push away from her just in time to turn and see the wolf come at us. I take the knife out of my boot and slam it into his chest. I look back and see that Izzy has shifted and her wound is closing and breath a sigh of relief. “I’m ok.” She smiles at me and I nod. “Let’s go finish kicking some ass.” I laugh and we resume our ass kicking. I look over at Quinn and Eric and see that they’re holding their own so I take out the last of the guys that are guarding the back door. I hear Eric shift back and know that it’s over, at least for now. “Cammie, are you ok?” Eric rushes over to me and grabs my shoulders, looking me over. I nod. “Yeah, I’m good. Is everyone else ok?” Everyone else nods and mumbles a yeah. Then the front door opens and my moment of relief is shattered as the devil himself walks through. Bruno struts through the door with a smirk on his face and right behind him is Micah.

  My heart is pounding and my fear for my friends has taken over. I will not let anything happen to them. If this sorry Son of a Bitch thinks he’s gonna hurt the people I love, he’s got another thing coming. I stare at him, not letting either of them see the fear that I have show. “Hello Princess.” Micah purrs and it sends chills down my spine. “I see you’ve been having fun without me. Well, that just won’t do.” He looks behind us and shakes his head, all while holding his evil sinister smile on his face. “What do you want Micah? Why are you here?” Eric steps in fro
nt of me and takes charge of the confrontation. Micah laughs. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? You seem awful protective of my Princess, to bad it will cost you your life. It’s Eric, right? Well Eric, let’s just say that I’m here for my Princess and none of you will stop me for what I came for.” Eric growls and I see him ball his fists; I place my hand on his shoulder. “Micah, just give it up. Whatever you think is gonna happen today, it’s not. I will not let you hurt me or my friends.” I stare at him and refuse to back down. We held up against his guys that ambushed us and we will hold up against him. Bruno laughs and I cringe, I never thought I would hear that sound again. Oh, little wolf if you only knew what has happened already.” I narrow my eyes at him, refusing to fall for his tricks. “Let’s not reveal our hand to soon, Bruno. We don’t want to send our Princess into shock.” Micah winks at me. My throat goes dry and I can’t help but start to panic. What’s he talking about? What’s happened? Is everyone else ok? Izzy comes beside me and grabs my hand and squeezes it, giving me support. I notice that both Eric and Quinn have straightened and are more alert, they’re trying to figure out what they mean as well. “If you’ve got something to say Micah, then just say it and stop playing fucking games.” I spit out. I’m tired of being jerked around. I need to know what he’s talking about; my mind is going in all different directions and I don’t like it. He laughs and shakes his head. “Oh, I don’t think so Princess. I think I will keep you waiting, it’s more fun this way. In the mean time I think I’ve had enough chit chat.” He looks at Bruno and nods. I look at both of them and watch as Bruno heads towards the front door and lets in some guys that were waiting outside. Eric, Quinn and Izzy tighten their circle around me making me pissed off a little. But what pisses me off even more is who I see walk through the door.


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