Book Read Free

Rhythm Bay Love

Page 13

by Patricia A. Bridewell

  “Pretty good. You make the coffee?”

  “I sure did. You know I can’t start my day without it.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Jada kept looking down the hall, which led to the studios where the DJs work. She wanted to speak with Antoine so badly to clarify why he didn’t call, and she wanted to ask about those doggone pictures. They’d talked every day for months, and now either he was upset, or something must have happened.

  “Is something wrong?” Denise asked.

  “No. Well, maybe.” She crossed her arms. “You free for lunch today?”

  Denise looked at her desk calendar. “I’m free ‘til one-thirty. Then I’ve got to be at Belkin’s Shoe Store. I need to catch up with the owner while business is good. Who knows when he’ll advertise again?” She sipped from her coffee cup.

  Jada chuckled and glanced down the hall again. “Funny. Is he still asking for discounts?”

  “Huh, are you serious? Mr. Belkin won’t advertise without a discount. When he’s on vacation, his daughter orders extra spots. Is 11:30 okay for lunch?”

  “Yeah, text me when you’re ready. See you then.”

  As she passed the employee mailboxes, she stopped when she saw a small piece of mail inside her box. She walked in and removed the small envelope addressed to her at the station, slipped it inside her jacket, and went to get coffee. Antoine must be at it again with these photos. Besides the hotel bill, this was another issue they clearly had to discuss. Why the photos and who and where had they been taken?

  Jada poured a cup of coffee and returned to her desk. Forgetting about the envelope in her jacket, she opened her computer and started working. A short time later, she dug in her pocket and opened the envelope. She gasped and covered her mouth to stifle a scream. There. Right in front of her eyes. Antoine lay asleep on the couch with a naked woman on his lap with her back to the camera. She ran to the door and locked it as she tried to keep it together. What is this all about? I have to get out of here. Her heart was beating rapidly, she inhaled and exhaled, fighting off tears that moistened her eyes. She snatched a tissue out the Kleenex box, picked up the phone, and dialed Denise’s extension.

  “Hi, Jada.”

  “Come to my office now.”

  “Girl, you all right?”

  “No. Come now,” Jada hung up the phone. She threw the envelope with the other two pictures on the desk. Someone twisted the doorknob; Jada ran to unlock the door and Denise walked in.

  “Hey, Hon. What happened?” Denise frowned.

  “I’ve gotta leave.”

  She handed Denise the pictures.

  Within seconds, smoke sailed from Denise’s nostrils. “What the freakin’… Where did you get these?”

  Jada shook her head. “In my mailbox. This one today; two others yesterday.”

  “Did you show Antoine these pictures?”

  “No, I haven’t talked to him. I’m too upset. I can’t stay here because my anxiety is up. Who knows how many people got those pictures.”

  “Give me a minute. I’ll check the mailroom to see if anybody else received mail today. Shamika lives close by, I’ll text Griff and tell him you got sick and had to leave. He can contact Shamika to relieve you. Let me get my purse and iPad, and we’re out.”

  “Good morning, ladies,” Antoine strutted in with a smile.

  Jada threw up a palm, wiped the corners of her eyes and rested her forehead over both arms. She was too upset to speak with Antoine.

  A frown crossed his face. “What happened?” He looked at Denise. “What’s wrong with her?”

  Denise blocked his access to Jada. “She’s leaving for the day.”

  “Hold up. That’s my girl. Let me by,” Antoine opened his palms as he tried to go around Denise.

  “Stop!” Denise held up one hand.

  “Jada, why’re you crying?” He said louder.

  “Antoine, listen to me, Hon,” Denise said calmly. “She’ll talk to you. Not now. Okay? Can we step outside for a minute?” She waved him to the door.

  He cast a quizzical gaze at Jada before nodding his head to Denise. “Babe, be sure to call me later.” He followed Denise out to the hallway, huffing out a sigh as he went.

  Jada lifted her head. “What am I doing?” she said, sniffling. She thought about how foolish she felt and made a quick effort to clean up the tears. She should be trying to find out which idiot left those filthy photos in her box or tell Antoine to track down the fan or person who sent them. But she was too anxious.

  She was thankful Denise had come in early and rapidly switched to superwoman mode. Girlfriend was on key; she’d stepped up and voluntarily worked out the potential malfunctions that could’ve occurred if Jada had to stay at work. The way Denise managed to calm Antoine down was brilliant. Jada knew Antoine had no filter when he got riled up; he would put anybody in their place. But she didn’t care about that.

  After Denise returned, Jada grabbed her purse and locked the door. The two of them skedaddled out of the radio station faster than a thief after robbing a bank. The rest of the office staff and administrators would be in soon, and the last thing Jada wanted to stir up was gossip related to tears and bloodshot eyes.

  Chapter 24



  “You’re too upset, I’m driving.” Denise told Jada as they walked to the parking lot.

  “You saved me in there. I can drive, and you won’t have to bring me back.”

  Peering over the rim of her shades, Denise shot Jada that familiar bulldog expression whenever she disagreed.

  “Okay, okay. You drive.” What would she do without her bossy friend?

  “Now you’re talking. Don’t want you bawling in the car. You might have an accident, and you sure don’t need another problem.” Denise hit the car alarm, and they both entered the car. She drove to the exit and stopped. Jada froze when Griff zoomed into the parking lot like he was driving in the Indianapolis Speedway Race.

  “Okay, did Griff see us?” Jada turned around and watched him park his car.

  “Fast as he was driving? No. Even if he did, you’re okay. Girl, I handled Griff.” I figured we should go to The Coffee Company since that’s not close to the station.”

  “I’m okay with that.” Jada did a quick calculation in her head of everything that had happened. When she left yesterday, nothing was inside her mailbox. The pictures. That woman sitting on her man’s lap was slowly eating away her trust.

  Inside the restaurant, the hostess seated them at a booth near the window, which streamed comforting rays of sunshine. The waitress brought them water and menus.

  “Now that I’ve considered this, all I can say is it’s crazy,” Denise said.

  “I agree. And I don’t have a clue of what’s going on. I keep trying to figure out who dropped off those pictures? One of Antoine’s fans? Somebody who has it out for me or him?” She rubbed her arms and glanced out the window.

  Denise dropped her menu on the table. “Girl, I don’t think we should stay here. Let’s order takeout and go to my place. We’ll have more privacy.”

  Jada rubbed her hands together. “Fine with me. I didn’t want to change your plans.”

  Once they received their orders, Denise paid the bill, and they left. Jada was relieved with their agreement to have breakfast at her friend’s apartment. In a distraught state of mind, a private conversation with her bestie would be helpful in case her anxiety escalated.

  Denise drove north on La Tijera Boulevard and made a right on Centinela until she reached Beach Street in North Inglewood. She pulled up to the carport gate and hit the remote that led to underground parking.

  “Okay, we’re here,” Denise said as they entered the elevator from the parking lot and rode to the second floor. Denise put her key in the door, and Jada walked in with her mouth open. Her eyes roamed her friend’s neatly kept apartment, admiring the large multicolored decorative pillows on the gray couch and loveseat.

  “You have new furniture.”
  “That’s right,” Denise beamed. “I forgot you haven’t been over here lately. Ervin bought the couch and loveseat for my birthday. Nice, huh?”

  “I love the color coordination.” Jada took a seat at the dining table and removed her food from the bag.

  “You want me to make coffee? I’ve also got orange juice or water.”

  “Water is fine. I don’t need any more coffee. I’m already jittery about this morning.”

  Denise placed her food on the table and removed two bottled waters from the refrigerator. She handed Jada one of the waters and took a seat next to her. “Hmmm…I’m wondering if a jealous woman left those pictures. And if so, which one?” Denise picked up her water bottle and sipped. “It could be any woman, but likely somebody at the station. Who else has access to roam the station and drop off pictures?”

  “I thought about that, too. We’ve been together for several months. So, why now? These pictures came out of nowhere. Really, who does that kinda stuff?” Jada opened a package of syrup and dribbled it over her pancakes.

  “A jealous woman. There’s plenty out there who’d love to sink their acrylic nails into Antoine. You really can’t blame anybody without proof, though. I say wait and see if it blows over. If not, meet with Toni and request an investigation and additional security.”

  Jada pressed two fingers against her chin. “No, that might impact Antoine’s career. He can’t lose his job because of somebody’s stupid pranks. Speaking of Antoine…he’s been acting different lately.”

  Denise looked at Jada. “Girl, men are unpredictable. You know he’s got a life outside of work and seeing you.” She cut up her sausage and added ketchup to her hash browns.

  “That’s not my concern. I know DJs can make pretty good bank, but recently he’s been spending a ton of money, and I’m sure he can’t afford it.”

  Denise smirked. “He’s your man, and you shouldn’t mind him spending money on you.”

  “Well, I don’t mind, but this was sudden, and he’s usually frugal.” Jada opened her purse and removed the ring box. She slid the ring on her finger and extended her left hand.

  “Whoa! When’d you get that?”

  “Sunday evening. We ate dinner and stayed at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills.” Jada glanced at Denise.

  “The Montage Hotel?” She lifted Jada’s left ring finger. “Beautiful ring. Don’t tell me he proposed already.”

  “No, he didn’t.” Jada pressed two fingers to her temples. “What I can’t figure out is why the diamond ring, flowers, nice stay at the Montage, and then his strange behavior and pornography?”

  Denise’s eyes widened. “Exactly. Why don’t you call and ask him?”

  “At the moment, I can’t. I’m afraid I might find out things I can’t handle.”

  “Jada, what kinda things?”

  “He can’t possibly be earning that much money. We stayed in a suite, and you wouldn’t believe the hotel bill. Plus, he offered to cover the attorney’s fees for the dress shop.” Jada stared at her food and remained quiet for several minutes. She leaned forward. “Where’s all the money coming from?”

  Denise waved her hand. “Forget it. We’re not going there. What you should do is have a conversation with him. Ask him about the pictures, the finances, whatever you’re not sure of.” She sighed. “Keep in mind, DJ’s pick up extra gigs.”

  Jada tilted her head. “I know. Maybe the pictures are tied into the money he’s making. I hope he’s not into porn. The naked woman in the photo bothers me.” Jada bit a piece of bacon while waiting for Denise’s response.

  Denise’s eyes drilled straight through Jada’s. She put her fork down and folded her arms. “Porn? Girl, use your head. If he was doing porn, he wouldn’t be asleep, and he sure wouldn’t be wearing clothes. I get your feelings over the raunchiness but stay rational. First, those pictures might be photoshopped. Look at what happened with the USC admission scandals.”

  “What if they’re not photoshopped?”

  “And what if they are?” Denise studied Jada for a moment. “Look. What I’m saying is… give the brother a break. Antoine is not like Gordan, Tyron, or other guys you’ve dated.”

  Jada pressed her lips together. She understood where Denise was coming from, but the past two days had stamped a huge question mark on her forehead. At times, people were not who they appeared to be. No way would she be a sucker for another man.

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  Jada caught Denise’s gaze, then shifted her focus away. “Yes, too much.”

  “And from what you’ve said, you know he’s over-the-moon in love with you.” Denise stuck a fork in a piece of sausage and lifted it to her mouth. She shook her fork at Jada, “And all the braggin’ about the way he makes you feel…”

  Fiddling with her charm bracelet, her friend’s comments reminded her of how much she talked about Antoine. “Shush, I wasn’t bragging,” Jada laughed quietly. If bragging is what she called the admiration she had for her man, that was okay. Antoine’s name flowed from her mouth in almost every conversation. She daydreamed of him, thought about the similarities they shared. Kindred spirit is what Antoine called their relationship. Jada didn’t know what it meant until he explained, and he made her believe in love again. She anticipated another escapade like the one they had this past Sunday. But now…

  “You already know this. Antoine’s a popular DJ, and like it or not, other women will be hitting on him. All the time.”

  “My friend, like I said, I’m not worried…Well, I should say I wasn’t until somebody put those photos in my mailbox. Honestly, I’m conflicted and angry. But the other red flags I’ve seen are worse.”

  “Hey, I may be wrong. Nobody’s perfect. From what you’ve told me, and his reaction in your office, I think another woman should be the last of your worries.”

  “I’m still not contacting him today. I haven’t slept well for weeks but Sunday night… I did. We made love; he held me until I fell asleep.” Jada shook her head. “Forget that for now. I need some me time; so I’m requesting vacation days for the rest of this week. Can I stay here a few days?”

  Denise looked at Jada. “Yes, you can. I’m just saying… it’s best that you communicate to eliminate the guessing and worrying. That’s not healthy for you.”

  “It wouldn’t make a difference. I’m overwhelmed and my anxiety is up. A lot of stuff is going on. The eviction, Kiley’s getting on my nerves, now Antoine and those pictures. I may contact Valerie about a few therapy sessions. I’m supposed to do that when I feel they’re needed.”

  “Really?” Denise folded her arms. “Hon, if it’s that bad why didn’t you talk to me? You know I got your back.”

  Jada pushed her plate aside, splayed her left hand and stared at the ring. “You’re my ace. I thought things would calm down. They’re not.”

  “Have you told Antoine about your anxiety? You know it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I understand, but I can’t. Now is not the right time.”

  Chapter 25


  Tuesday Morning

  Glancing at the studio wall clock, Antoine chewed his bottom lip and wagged his foot, anxiously wishing he could speed up the time. Lina had already arrived for her shift, and he’d be free to check on Jada soon. Watching Jada cry wasn’t cool. And what was up with Denise insisting that she needed her space? She must’ve OD’d on shopping and lost her mind to say something that off-beat. If Jada had a crisis, he should’ve been there by her side. Why wasn’t she answering his texts? Denise had made him angry, and he was inches away from telling her off. Then he realized she was trying to support Jada.

  Headset in place, he took a deep breath in preparation for his end-of-show remarks and leaned into the mic. Antoine rambled off the titles of the last three songs he’d played.

  “All right, L.A., it’s been a blast. You’ve been listening to 101.3 KTLM radio station. I’m DJ Ant, Prince of Romance, checking out for the day. List
en in tomorrow, same time, same place — six a.m. to ten a.m. Love and Peace. Ciao.” “September” by Earth, Wind, and Fire played, but he didn’t feel any kind of love and peace today, not after seeing Jada in emotional distress. He wondered if Kiley had upset her. Had she been bold enough to announce her pregnancy?

  His eyes shifted to Lina, who stood behind him ready to take his seat. After briefly updating her, he moved so she could sit down. “I’m out after I finish up.” He said, logging his playlist. He picked up his briefcase, put on his cap, and walked down the hall to Jada’s closed door. He knocked and opened the door to Shamika sitting at Jada’s desk.

  “She went home sick,” Shamika barely looked up.

  “Thanks.” Antoine was disappointed but still determined to see if Denise could update him on Jada’s condition. He started to close the door but paused. “Do you know if Jada’s all right?”

  Shamika stopped typing and gave Antoine an annoyed look. “I wasn’t here when she left.”

  “Okay.” He closed the door and walked to the Sales Department to see if Denise was there. No Denise.

  “Hey, Antoine. Can I see you for a sec?” Griff asked, walking from the breakroom with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  “Uh, I guess. I’m heading home.”

  “I won’t keep you long.”

  He followed Griff into his office, watched him roll up his shirtsleeves as if he had to dig ditches all day.

  Griff closed the door. “Take a seat.”

  “What did I do wrong?” Antoine chuckled lightly before setting his briefcase next to the chair. He crossed one leg over the other.

  “Nothing. Have you talked to Jada today?”

  He lifted his brows. “Briefly. Why?”

  “Well, it’s my understanding that she got sick this morning.”

  “Really? Is she okay? I’ve been trying to reach her.”

  Griff shot a suspicious stare at him as if he thought Antoine was lying. “This may be of comfort to you. I spoke to her.” Griff’s office phone rang. “I have to take this. Hi, Shamika. Yes, that’s right. Good, so she called? I’m in a meeting, but I’ll be there shortly. Bye.”


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