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The Curse of Flight

Page 14

by R. G. Hendrickson

  “There was more to it than that.” It wasn’t just fucking. “You love me. You said so.”

  Steve worked his way down Josh’s torso to the legs. “But you do want to fuck me.”


  “I can’t.” Hands on Josh’s shoulders turned him around and dried his back.

  “You never said so. Why?” Josh asked. That wasn’t entirely true. Steve had made it known on his profile.

  “Let’s talk tomorrow.” Steve wiped the towel up Josh’s back to the head and dried his hair.

  “Why?” Josh asked. He grabbed the towel, pulled it out of Steve’s hands, and turned around to face him. So, Steve had his own secrets. “Why can’t we talk now? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You never asked.”

  “Did I have to? What else haven’t you told me?”

  “We only have today. I don’t want to spend it talking.”

  “But it’s talking about us. Don’t we have next week?”

  “I hope so.”

  “Then we need to talk today.” Josh stepped out of the tub.

  “Let’s do this instead.” Steve kneeled before him and kissed his cock, which responded on the spot. What followed, Josh recognized for a diversion. It was a good one though, so he didn’t complain.

  He watched as it slid in and out of Steve’s mouth, lips wrapped around. Where he couldn’t see, it glided by the tongue and glanced against the throat. Some guys had no gag reflex. Josh couldn’t say that for himself. He grasped at hair and ears, anything he could hold. Steve brushed his hands away. Steve’s head bobbed, and Josh wondered what was going on in it.

  As Steve sucked, he seemed to adore Josh and his cock, and so he should. Some were too hard, and others worse, too soft, but Josh’s own was firm while at the same time slightly giving to the touch, plump though not too big, and the head perfectly proportioned to the staff.

  Not only that, but it was his, which Steve seemed to appreciate, unless this was Josh’s imagination. He could see it in Steve’s eyes glancing up. He felt it in the kneading hands on his butt. Perhaps he read too much into these things. Maybe not, he hoped.

  Josh wondered how it would end, in or out. He hoped for the former, but when the time came, he planned to give proper notice. It was only polite since he hadn’t yet learned Steve’s taste in these things.

  So much for plans, thought gave way to passion, knowledge to experience, words to feelings beyond description. Comprehension succumbed to sensation. He lost himself in a flood of pleasure. It welled up from some deep place inside and washed him away. His knees buckled like sand. Steve’s arms bolstered them, while his head, still engaged, caught Josh’s fall and propped him up.

  Then over Steve’s shoulder he collapsed. Steve lifted him, carried him to bed, and dropped him on his back, from where he rolled on his side and curled, the way he liked to sleep. Kisses wet his neck as Steve spooned him, and the hot cock rested against his ass.

  Steve set a slow pace. He was talking now unlike the night before. “Is this okay?”

  Kisses graced Josh’s neck, and Steve’s cock gently probed between his cheeks.

  “Lube.” Josh murmured. “And condom please.”

  Steve sat up and took care of it with fingers meeting little resistance. Steve lay back down along Josh’s length. The cock slid on the crack and found the entrance. “Are you alright?”

  Josh bent his legs forward toward his chest and put a pillow between his knees.

  In it went, at least the tip.

  “Okay?” Steve asked.

  “Wait. Don’t move.” Waves of tension rolled by. A little pain passed. He relaxed. “Why were you in such a hurry last time?” Josh asked.

  “Was I?” Steve kissed his neck.

  “You didn’t even talk to me.”

  “I got carried away.” He made a gentle thrust. “Okay?”

  Josh’s breath escaped his throat with a moan. “Good now. It happened so fast. When I tried to get your attention, it was like I wasn’t there.”

  “You were there. I remember.”

  “It was like: Get out of the way! I’m coming in.”

  “Don’t say that.” Steve kissed his neck and pushed further.

  “And then when I tried to talk to you, it was like: Shut up. I’m busy.”

  Steve licked his neck. “I’m sorry. I was crazy, desperate. I don’t like feeling that way. This is better.” Steve probed deep inside him.

  “I can feel your balls against my ass. I want you to experience this with me like I have with you.” Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Steve’s shoulder behind his. Arm wrapped around his chest.

  “Talk tomorrow. Okay?” Steve thrusted.

  Josh’s muscles clenched. “I have a captive audience.” He glanced back as far as his head could turn and got a glimpse of Steve’s smile. “I’ve got you, so you have to listen.”

  “Okay, you’ve got me. Talk.” Steve kissed the top of his head.

  “Do you want to know what it feels like with you inside me?”

  “Uh. Okay.” Steve slipped an arm under Josh’s head for a pillow.

  “You don’t want to know?” It hadn’t sounded too convincing.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “You don’t care?” Josh asked.

  “I do. Tell me.” The pace picked up.

  “I can’t explain it. You have to be there. Don’t you want to know?”

  “I just want you happy. Aren’t you?” Steve kissed his ear.

  “Yes. Don’t you want to be happy?” Josh asked.

  “I am.” Steve thrusted deep.

  Josh’s breath turned to moan. “Not like this. Not like I am.”

  When Steve finished, he slept again, holding him. They must rest. It would be a long day.

  Chapter 29

  Morning sun through curtains stirred him. Josh struggled awake. Steve helped by rolling on top of him, face to face with that silly smirk.

  “I’ve got you.” Steve taunted. “You can’t get up.”

  He was wrong. To Josh’s understanding, Steve was taller and heavier but not as well trained and not as strong. “Get off me.”

  “Go ahead get up.” Not exactly easy to do as Steve pinned him down.

  “Get off me, please. I mean it.” Josh wasn’t amused.

  “You can get up.” Steve pressed. “What’s stopping you?”

  “If you don’t get off me, I’m going to put you off.” This was a threat.

  “Go ahead. Do it.” A challenge.

  Steve held down Josh’s shoulders but not his arms. Hands free, he could punch Steve in his pretty face but decided against it. He wouldn’t turn this into a fight. Steve played but not Josh’s game, which would toss Steve off.

  Josh rocked and rolled from side to side to gain momentum. Steve’s weight shifted, countering the force and holding him down. Josh put a hand on each of Steve’s shoulders, one on the back and the other on front, where he could push and pull to tip Steve at just the right moment but not yet.

  When the next time came to rock, he rolled instead. This surprised and threw Steve off balance. Then came the push and the pull which spun Steve’s shoulders, while Josh’s legs kicked, and hips bucked. The combined effort flipped Steve off the bed to the floor, where he landed with a heavy thud. Two, to be precise. Josh’s expectation had only been for one thud.

  Steve’s head popped up above the mattress. “Hot damn! What was that? Do it again.”

  A gasp escaped Josh’s mouth. “You’re bleeding!”

  A side of Steve’s face ran red. On the way down, he must have hit the drawer handle on the end table, also bloody, the first thud. Josh’s heart pounded against his ribs.

  Steve looked down on his spattered chest. “Where did that come from?”

  Josh jumped off the bed to Steve’s side and examined the wound. Blood covered his hands. “It’s a gash on your forehead by the hairline. How do you feel? Tell me your name.”

  “Charlie.” Steve laughe

  “Don’t do that. Any pain, dizziness, nausea?”

  “No. But maybe I should put something on it to stop the bleeding.”

  “I’ll get a towel!”

  Josh ran to the kitchen, threw some crushed ice in a plastic bag, and grabbed a clean towel. “I’m coming!”

  “Without me?”

  On the way back to the room, he heard Steve laugh. It wasn’t funny.

  “Here, put this on your head. Press hard as you can. I’ll do it for you if you want me too, but I don’t want to hurt you.” He sat on the floor with Steve, who looked at him askance.

  “I’ll do it myself.” Steve grabbed the ice, wrapped it in the towel, and applied it to his head. “Who knows what you might do?”

  Josh’s eyes welled up. “Steve, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Steve’s red hand, cold from the ice, chilled Josh’s cheek. “You’re crying. It’s not your fault. I had it coming. Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

  Josh wiped his face with his own hands, red too, mixed with the tears. “We’re going to the clinic, Urgent Care. It’s close. Where are your keys? Get dressed.”

  “I don’t want to.” Steve didn’t budge from the floor.

  “Come on. Where are they?” Josh waved his bloody hands.

  “It’ll stain my car.” Steve got up from the floor and sat on the bed.

  “Don’t be stupid.” Josh searched for the keys.

  “Take me on your bike. I’m not getting blood on my car.”

  He picked up Steve’s jeans from the floor and took the keys out of a pocket. “Here put these on.” He tossed the jeans at Steve’s lap.

  “I don’t want to.” Steve knocked the jeans to the floor.

  “Just…do…it.” Josh meant it.

  Steve sighed. “Maybe I better listen to you this time.” He set the towel down on the bed where it bloodied the sheet. Then he put on his pants. Fresh blood splattered them. He zipped. The towel went back to his head.

  Steve’s toes lifted a wrinkled T-shirt from the floor to his hand, which stained it, but not as much as the sniff test. Josh couldn’t believe the mess. Steve somehow put the shirt on while still holding the towel, which fit through the sleeve, leaving a streak.

  All the while Josh watched Steve dress, he dressed himself, and when finished, he helped Steve put on his tennis shoes.

  Josh walked him to the car and put him in the passenger seat. Surprised at how easy it went, Josh worried there was something wrong. He got in the driver’s seat and pulled out of the carport in a hurry to get to the clinic.

  Steve huffed. “How did you do that thing, toss me like a ragdoll? It was wild.”

  Though relieved to hear Steve speaking and alert, the question crushed Josh. “It’s something I learned in circus school.”

  “But how did you do it?”

  “It has to do with tumbling and acrobatics. It’s all about balance and momentum.”

  “I want to go to clown school too.” Steve smirked.

  The word clown didn’t go unnoticed by Josh. “And one other thing, I’m stronger than you. It wasn’t clown school. It was circus school. But if you want to go to clown school, it’s okay with me.”

  “Maybe I will.” Steve gave him a sheepish look. “Maybe I just did.”

  Josh drove a block in silence and didn’t mention how he really learned that trick, the maneuver that tossed Steve out of bed. It wasn’t in school, from an instructor, yes, but not as part of a formal class. As he slept in his private tent, by the time the man had broken and entered, it was too late to remove him. He would never let that happen again and for next time studied martial arts. He knew what to do.

  He had no doubt Steve just played around, childish as usual, and wouldn’t hurt him. It might have run its course. Maybe he should have let it. Maybe he overreacted, but maybe not. He might have enjoyed it if in the mood, but he wasn’t.

  “Did you go to college?” Josh asked.

  “Yeah, UNLV.”

  “Sometimes I think I’d like to go.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe gymnastics or French.”

  Steve mumbled. “Parlez-vous francais?”

  Josh laughed at the accent. “Qui. Je suis quebecois.” He imitated it, not that Steve would know the difference.

  When Josh parked in front of the clinic, he walked Steve in. A medical assistant at the front desk ushered them to an examination room without delay. Steve turned the towel to the last dry spot. Josh paced and stopped to take a selfie of the two of them in case something happened. Steve’s injury frightened Josh so much, he feared the picture were the last.

  “Well, hello.” A nurse walked in, a matronly woman with a southern accent. She took one look and got a grin on her face. “What has the cat dragged in now? Am I going to have to call your mothers? What have you boys been up to?”

  “Nothing.” Steve dropped the bloody towel on the counter as he folded his arms and pouted.

  “He fell,” Josh said wide-eyed.

  She raised her chin and pursed her lips as she stepped over to Steve and eyed the damage. “Honey, that’s what they all say. I’d like to see the story behind this one. Any dizziness, headache, nausea? Do you know your name?”

  “Charlie.” Steve didn’t hesitate.

  “Don’t do that!” Josh huffed at him and turned to the nurse. “He knows his name.”

  She put on latex gloves. “Let me see that cut. Yeah, it’s a bleeder. We’ll have to tape it up. No bump, that’s good. Let me look in those beautiful eyes, handsome.” She shined a light. Josh hung by her side and looked in too. Maybe too close, her elbow jabbed him in the ribs.

  “All good. I think he’s going to live.” Her hand patted Josh’s shoulder.

  Antiseptic, butterfly bandages, gauze, and tape appeared behind a cabinet door, and she applied them to Steve’s brow. Then she took Josh’s hand and pulled him aside as Steve seemed to take an interest and watched them.

  “You’re going to have to keep an eye on this one overnight…in case there’s swelling…on the brain.”

  Steve laughed, and the nurse winked at him.

  “If he starts acting strange or gets sick, go right away to the emergency room. You guys can leave now. You’ll get the bill.”

  “Thank you.” Josh exhaled a breath he’d held too long. When the nurse left, he glared at Steve. “What’s so damn funny? This was serious.”

  Steve shrugged and smirked.

  Josh pointed to the bloody towel on the counter. It was cold and drippy in his hand when he displayed it. “See this?” Then he threw it in the trash and washed in the sink. “Get up. Let’s go. Acts strange she says. Huh! How would I tell the difference?”

  Chapter 30

  Mid-morning famished, Josh made bacon and eggs and put the bloodied clothes in the washer. Steve was in the bathtub to keep the bandage dry. Josh yelled down the hall to him. Breakfast was ready.

  He set the table in the nook. Coffee poured. Toast popped up. Butter knife and forks came out of the drawer. Orange juice lived up to its name.

  Steve wore Josh’s robe and sat in the nook. He turned on the little television on the counter. Some Like It Hot appeared on the screen, one of his all-time favorites, Josh had learned, though he’d never seen it.

  Josh joined him with the food. “What’s that?” Two men dressed as women.

  “Watch it. You’ll love it.” Steve buttered the top of his toast.

  “Why should I? Do you see me as a woman?” Josh asked.

  “You don’t look like one.” Steve crunched his toast and took a forkful of egg, followed by a gulp of coffee.

  Maybe it was a mistake to cook breakfast for Steve. Josh pondered. He could have let Steve take care of himself…Josh wanted to be a man in Steve’s eyes. To make love to him like a man. To be his man. “I’m a man,” Josh said.

  Steve put down his coffee and looked him in the eye with the oddest expression. “You mean that you’re not
perfect?” Then Steve laughed like he’d heard a joke.

  “What’s so funny?” Josh asked.

  “It’s the last line!” Steve pointed at the screen and chuckled.

  Oh, great. Now he had to watch this stupid movie to find out what Steve was talking about. Josh ate a piece of bacon and sipped some orange juice. He didn’t understand what Steve saw in it, this film from the Stone Age. Funny guy, real funny.

  “Why won’t you let me touch your ass?” Josh asked. “I don’t have to go in. I’ll fuck you between the legs.”

  “What?” Steve put down his fork and squinted at him.

  “I want to fuck you between the legs, or don’t you do that either.”


  “You know. Back of the balls.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Steve shook his head and returned to his meal.

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” Josh was getting nowhere.

  Steve put down his fork. “I don’t like guys messing around back there.”

  “Why? What are you afraid off?” Josh didn’t need to ask. “Don’t you trust me? What do you think I’m going to do? Pull a fast one?” He might if he got a chance, but that wasn’t likely to happen with this guy.

  “I don’t know.” Steve took a sip of coffee. “It’s a slippery slope.”

  “I’m not going in. I told you.”

  “I’ve heard it before. Then they’re knocking on the door.”

  “I promise I won’t do that. Come on.”

  “Okay, we’ll see.” Steve took a bight of toast and emptied his juice glass.

  “When?” Josh reached across the table and grabbed Steve’s wrist.

  “We got all day.” Steve jerked away and picked up his coffee cup. “Jeez. Can I eat my breakfast?”

  When they finished eating, Josh cleared the table. On second thought, he should have let Steve do it, but Steve left the room. Josh found him in bed. He’d turned on the TV on the dresser and watched Some Like It Hot. Josh joined him for a cuddle.

  He saw what Steve meant about that movie. It was cute, and the last line priceless. Jack Lemmon, disguised as a woman, revealed the truth to her suitor, Joe E. Brown, the aging millionaire. She made all kinds of excuses why she couldn’t marry him. None dissuaded him. Finally, she whipped off her wig and proclaimed she was a man. Joe replied, “Well, nobody’s perfect.”


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