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Savvy Negotiator (Untraceable Succubus Book 2)

Page 25

by Erin R Flynn

  “Sometimes,” he admitted after a moment. “I used to have more but not as many since meeting my wife. She keeps them away somehow. I tease her that it’s her cooking and her food that keeps the demons away, but it’s just her and the way she helps me.”

  I bit back a comment that she didn’t keep me away because I knew what he meant. It was also good insight. I’d never thought of having someone as being a benefit and only a weight, but mostly because I couldn’t have one. That had changed now, and I filed away what he said for later.

  There was too much work to be done and a takeover to finish now that the murderer was caught to let my mind wander. I shook Pine’s hand and thanked him for everything, him saying the same and giving me a curious look since he knew I was working other angles while in Denver.

  I headed to the club since I had to keep my cover up for another day and a half while more was put into place. For one, I had to talk the owner into calling an all employee meeting Sunday morning, which he’d never done before. After a bit of back and forth, I agreed to work with the other dancers to make nice and teach them how to do what I did so things didn’t escalate and show my tits after we were on the same page and I felt safe.

  It was a lot of bullshit, in other words.

  In reality, Kyle and a few of the guys had gone into other seedy clubs while glamoured as me and had gotten access to what we wanted. They’d done it right after the crazy with Hugh and that club was basically closed down and word would get around fast about what happened and maybe my involvement so others wouldn’t be so willing to open the door to me. Which was smart of Kyle and the others to work fast.

  We’d been so buried and busy they hadn’t even gotten a chance to tell me until after I confirmed the murderer was caught. Corporate had also bought the other two properties abutting the club and all the right permits to start construction and fast. Though after this one, we were thin on people to work temporarily at new places and build them up, so I really, really might get a break after Denver.

  Thank fuck!

  Badin still wanted my help, and I played nice because I wanted some of his, but I wasn’t luring out pimps and anything else for him. Why bother when I had some of the pimps nailed from what I’d gotten off the other clubs? There were a few drug dealers as well, and I spent Friday and Saturday besides when I worked packaging it all up nicely for them.

  Sunday morning I was ready to do battle, inviting my group of human friends to the fun along with Evan and Owen, though Dylan invited himself, and I had a feeling that meant Aidan would show up as well. I loved how they were partnering up to get more access to me or whatever. Brats.

  “Good morning, Travis,” I sang as I walked into his office, closing the door behind me. I tossed the sales contract on his desk, giving him the normal schtick about the note being the starting price and he’d lose five grand every time he was rude or annoyed me.

  I was shocked that he only lost twenty grand, but I had a feeling he’d already figured out I wasn’t just a dancer. Plus, I brought out all my aces—as there were more than one—earlier than normal, as I had a lot of people waiting. When he saw all the proof I had of him and his pricy attorney threatening people to drop assault charges and more, he quickly signed.

  Though he seemed not to understand the attorney was in trouble too, as I saw his desires for the attorney to nail my ass to the wall and fucking me while beating me with the contract. Which was a very specific type of derangement.

  I called Kyle and told them to come in, and it was done before I walked out of the office and focused on the employees. “All of you are fired.” I smiled at the two bartenders. “Besides you two. You guys can stay.” I looked back at the others. “This club no longer belongs to the owner, and all of you are shit employees and people and not worth even trying to help. Get out.”

  “You can’t just fire us,” Kitty snapped, jumping to her feet. “You’re just a stripper like us. This isn’t even funny, and if you’re trying to get us back for your car, you…” She trailed off as everyone came in from my side.

  I smirked at Kitty. “No, I don’t pull pranks, but I did report it to the police and I gave them all the photos I took.”

  “You said you wouldn’t call them if we let you take the pictures,” one yelled at me. “You can’t use them then!”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t call them. I walked right into the station and reported it, you idiot. Why would I want the photos if I wasn’t going to report you?”

  “For blackmail,” she muttered, glancing all around.

  “Which is illegal so I get how you assume that’s normal, but it’s not.” I glanced over to Badin as he came in with a bunch of officers. “He’s in the office, and I’ve got everyone else here ready for you.” I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and in a flash had my stun gun out and shot one of the security guys who’d been reaching for his gun. He dropped like a rock. “Why does someone always pick the stupid option when the jig is up?”

  “Because they’re stupid,” one of the officers chuckled as he hurried over there. “Thanks. I didn’t feel like getting shot today.”

  “Me either,” I drawled, tucking my taser back away. I thanked Kyle when he set down boxes of donuts, nodding for those not being arrested or tossed out on their asses to help themselves.

  “You fucking cunt!” the owner bellowed as he was dragged off in cuffs. “I’m going to fucking kill you. My lawyers are going to fuck you up, bitch. I could have made you rich if you’d just shut up and showed your goddamn tits.”

  “I am rich, you idiot,” I snapped, dying to use the taser on him, but that would have been big trouble when he was in police custody. It took several more minutes, and the shocked looks from both the bartenders I liked were seriously amusing. I smiled at them and my human friends. “This club and the surrounding properties are now owned by Heavenly Entertainment. I’m the—”

  “VP of Acquisitions and Expansions, Jasmine Stewart,” Jade whispered, her eyes going bug wide.

  I returned the look. “Damn, you really admire the company if you got that, as we keep it locked down. How? It’s not like I’m on the website.”

  “And she never tells the clubs that or admits she’s VP,” Kyle muttered, glancing between us. “She normally says expansion coordinator and scout.”

  Jade looked like she was having trouble finding words before Greg elbowed her. “Sorry, my friend just got promoted to assistant manager at the club in LA and said she’s going to train at corporate and someone told her she might get to actually meet the legend Jasmine Stewart and who she was.”

  “Well, please keep that quiet, like forget that name and I was here because it only works if I’m Acadia Collins and then whoever I am at the next place. She didn’t tell you I did this, right?”

  “No, sorry, I just… You act like you have money, and my mind went there, and like you fit at that swank place, and I blurted it out,” she admitted, looking embarrassed. “Why are we here though? We don’t work here.”

  “She’s going to change that,” Tomas surmised, giving me an amused look. “Did you sneak in to find who you want to snatch from other clubs?”

  “No, just to get the word on the owners as we gave information to the police about several and a few clubs will be closing down. But yes, I am.” I waved the new manager over. “Tessa will be managing the new club that construction starts on tomorrow. This place will be stripped and torn down along with the diner and condemned apartment building back over there. While construction is going on, Tessa will be hiring with Kyle’s help, as he is one of the security gurus and trainers.”

  “How do you know we’re any good?” one of the dancers asked me.

  “They’ve checked you out,” I answered, nodding to Kyle and the guys. “I said you were good people and we looked into you. From here Tessa will take recommendations and make offers. We’re renting out a dance studio of someone who’s on vacation for a month and she’ll be working out of there mostly until the club gets bui

  “Jade apparently already knows everything like she works for us, but the rest of you will get the chance to train at other clubs and see how things work. Our choreographers will be here in a few weeks to help you once they finish in Canada, but from what we’ve seen, you are already very talented.” I smiled at them. “If you want, you’ll be salaried performers, not just exotic dancers and strippers.

  “It comes with health insurance and tip share but also part ownership of this club. It’s a good career and with management and tons of travel potential. We have dancers trade apartments all the time for a few weeks and get the chance to be somewhere else.” I smiled at the guys. “You can too. There might be some language issues, but you can ask Kyle about all of that. If you have anyone you wish to recommend, let us know.”

  “And we could use some at other locations,” Kyle added. “Like we need a few temporary security at the new club in Canada until we can hire more and then train them. The company pays for those expenses, and it’s a nice, quiet area for a bit of a break from Denver’s faster pace.”

  “Love, I’m going to spank you for calling us here to steal our employee,” Evan called over, looking equal parts amused and like he might tie me to the bed until I gave him some answers.

  “Technically I didn’t ask Greg, I told Tomas to bring everyone for some fun. This was fun. I’m not sure how it would work with Jade and Greg dating. We don’t not allow it, but that’s up to Tessa.” I glanced at the other temp bartender. “We don’t allow working at other clubs, so you’d have to decide if you’re interested once you hear the whole package and what’s what, but I promise no one will hassle you or try to get you work topless.”

  She chuckled, nodding and still looking a bit shocked.

  I focused on my buddy bartender. “You need some training before you could be bar manager and your range is a bit limited, but Tessa will bring in one for now, and there’s still the opportunity later. There’s a lot of training chances and corporate support outside learning, which is how I know so much about cigars, scotch, and whiskey.”

  “Yeah, thanks, I’d love that and a real plan,” he whispered, looking overwhelmed but in a good way. “Wow, I so knew you were too good for this shithole, but I never fathomed you’d do all of this.”

  I nodded, grabbing another donut. “We sort of hate shitholes like this and do what we can to put them out of business. Not only were drugs being sold out of here, but the owner was requiring blow jobs for off stage fees and demanding the dancers got drunk and high so they let everyone do whatever to them. It was—that’s not what exotic dancing and entertaining is supposed to be, even in the areas where prostitution is legal.”

  Tessa cleared her throat and stepped up. “Just so we’re clear though, even if you’re all human and I am, Heavenly Entertainment is an equal opportunity employer, and we will have supes here.”

  “Sorry, I left that part out because they’re fine with the dark elves back there,” I told her. “And I know Elijah and Mindy are getting schooled in the pot laws and importing from the legal areas since it’s still federally a crime and I have no idea how that works in the world of logic, but okay then.”

  “If we know of any other shitty clubs or areas you might want to take over, do we tell you?” Jade asked.

  “No, you talk to Tessa.”

  She frowned. “You’re leaving.”

  “Yes, I’m heading out after I finish giving over the cops some more information and signing what I need to.” I sighed when several looked upset, including the twins. “Apparently I might have reason to visit now and again, but just remember that I’m Acadia. I was only here a little while.”

  “Yeah, but we like you, we adopted you,” Tomas argued. “And I didn’t get to sleep with you.”

  I burst out laughing while several people smacked him. “I did warn you that I don’t stick around. And it’s not fair to Tessa who’s worked really hard to get here if the acquisition coordinator is hanging out or in her way.”

  “Or you know, the big VP who has the boss’s ear, but sure, make it seem like you just go scout dancers,” Tessa drawled, giving me an amused look. “Can’t they just go visit you on whatever beach you’ll be on in between assignments instead of having a corporate big wig pop in here now and again?”

  “You’re ready, and you’ll do great,” I promised her. “Kiera never signs off on anyone who isn’t stellar. Do your thing, and everyone’s behind you if you need us.” I kissed her cheek and then went over to the others to say goodbye.

  “Wait, so you’re really leaving like right now?” Tomas muttered, giving me a shocked look.

  “Yeah, I just got a few dozen people arrested today and a few dozen the past week or so. It’s smart I get the fuck out of town after I start that much trouble. Thursday was my welcome and goodbye party since I was only here a few weeks.”

  “Thanks for this,” Jade whispered as she hugged me. “Thanks for still thinking of me even as I sounded like a stalker gushing about how awesome you guys are.”

  I chuckled as I kissed her cheek. “I attract all kinds of stalkers so I’m used to it.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the four men frowning since I’d said I was leaving and disappearing. “Yeah, good luck with that because honestly, I get the feeling they will hunt you down and drag you back from wherever you run to.”

  “Two already have, but yeah, I think I got two more. One I’ve not even slept with.”

  “Don’t remind me or I might chain you to my bed,” Evan grumbled.

  “That’s not a threat,” I purred, sticking my tongue out at him before hugging the others. I gave Kyle the passwords and codes they’d need to clean out the whole place before heading to the door, much to the surprise of the four men wanting to date me. Badin was waiting outside, looking seriously amused. “Aww, didn’t want me to leave without checking if there was a chance we could fuck now?”

  He laughed so hard he almost fell off his car. “Yeah, I’m still upset I put the job first and didn’t get a chance to be with you.” He smirked as he glanced behind me. “But I think your dance card is full.”

  “Yeah, they just keep coming around. I maybe shouldn’t have fed any of them,” I teased, leaning in like I was going to hug him. Instead I kissed him with all I had, moving his hands to my breasts and letting him get a good feel.

  “Thank fuck they’re real,” he moaned before kissing me again. “Shit, work will be so boring now without you.”

  I moved my knee to his car so I was half sprawled on him. “Don’t fuck up everything I gave you or you won’t be dreaming of fantasies of fucking me but me coming back and fucking you up.”

  “I might enjoy that too,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “Fine, go, we’ve got it from here. Everyone’s gathering to raid the other clubs next. Go before I risk the anger coming at me and try to get you naked.”

  “I’d ruin you for any other woman,” I teased as I pushed off of him.

  “You already have,” he grumbled, pouting at me as I headed to my car. “Just don’t tell me anything else to make it harder.”

  “She has no gag reflex and begs like you wouldn’t believe,” Dylan told him quietly just to be a shit. But I wouldn’t have heard it if I was human, so I had to pretend I had no idea what just happened.


  Badin took off, and that left me with the four of them as I opened the rental car of Kyle’s I was using since mine was in the shop. I leaned against it and bit back a smile at all the frowns. “If none of you are going to say anything, I have to get going.”

  “Let’s go to my apartment through the portal and talk for a while,” Aidan muttered, coming closer and leaning against the car next to me. “Go over some things and work out some of the tension you have to feel after this morning.”

  “That’s one idea,” I muttered, looking at the other three.

  “How about we go back to home base and wrap up there while you tell me or us about this vacation you’re planning
and have a nice soak in that hot tub?” Dylan tried next.

  “Another option.” I glanced between the twins, hoping they caught on better than the first two.

  Owen went next. “How about we see some of the sights and have a nice dinner before you have to head out?”

  I glanced at Evan, not even commenting after I told them why I needed to get going.

  Evan studied me a moment. “There’s probably a lot of crazy to handle with your cover and move on quickly. Your wardrobe to sort out, and put back that place from corporate the way it was, right? Can I help you pack and get this side settled so you don’t make more work for your team?”

  I looked at each of them in turn, seriously thinking about their answers before focusing on my dark elf. “I’d love some help, Evan. I normally have it done before this morning meeting so I roll right out of town, but this was a bit messy, plus the cover car is in the shop since the dancers did damage to it. I’ve got the supplies, but another set of hands helping me with it all would be great.” I used the fob to unlock the doors before waving at the other three. “See you around, boys.”

  “I feel like I should be learning something from this,” Dylan grumbled as Evan jogged around and slid in the passenger’s seat as I got in as well.

  Evan answered even if it wasn’t an actual question. “If you want to spend time with her and get to know her after all she’s been through, listen to her and be willing to move with her and at her pace, especially considering she does so much to please all of us, way over what most women would.”

  “Hmm, maybe I should punish men more often like I did you if it got such good results,” I teased as I started the car. I didn’t say anything else as I closed the door, Evan doing the same. I threw the car in drive and pulled away, ignoring the three shocked expressions that I’d truly just left. “So are you really still good with being friends for a bit longer, or are you planning to have sex while we pack?”

  He swallowed loudly. “I would very much love to have sex, but I think you need to get some things settled in your head, and I would like more than a quickie when I have you fully. I can wait until after your vacation. You did put a portal in our apartment.”


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