Mountain Man's Stranded Virgin

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Mountain Man's Stranded Virgin Page 4

by Kelsey King

  “Everything okay?”

  “What do you mean?” I try to keep my eyes on my books as though I'm trying to concentrate.

  “You seem distracted.”

  How can she pick up on that? Maybe I'm not as sly as I thought. "Nope. I'm good."

  “Oh okay.”

  She leaves it at that and continues to read. When I think she has her full attention back to her book, I sneak a slight glance in her direction. As soon as I do, her eyes lift and meet mine, and we sit there staring at each other for what seems like hours when it's only a few seconds. She sends a slight smile at me, then looks back down at her book. I can't help but smile too.

  What the hell is going on with me? I feel like a kid in school right now. I never thought I could feel like this again. Ever since she has been in my space, she has challenged my mindset and feelings, and she wasn't even aware of it. Wanting to get to know her and be close to her has surprised me. But at the same time, it has made me feel guilty. Should I feel this way? Is it too soon? I have never questioned myself on this. I haven’t been open to letting someone else in for a long time. Now, with Taylor here, I can feel myself starting to open up. Starting to want to open up. This could be nothing but trouble.

  She bites her lip again, and it's all over for me. What the hell? In that instant, I grow hard as a rock and need to get away from her. Had I waited a few more seconds, I would’ve possibly said something I regretted, but she was looking at me with such intensity that I needed to get away. I needed to cool off and to get rid of the evidence of the effect she has on me. When we were stuck in our moment, I saw her cheeks redden, which caused my heartbeat to quicken. Then, she bit her lip again, and I was a goner.

  Now, here I'm in my room, hiding. I'm a thirty-year-old man, hiding in his room from a beautiful woman who seems to have a small interest in me. Most would capitalize on this, but the truth is, I’m scared. It’s been too long. I’m rusty and at least ten years older than her. I had just decided to get to know her better, but I need to get to know her without jumping right between the sheets.

  I try to think of all the things I usually think of to get rid of an erection. To my surprise, nothing is working. She has me so worked up, and we haven’t even gotten close. She’s going to be trouble for sure. Without any other options, and not wanting to be in my room too much longer, I decide to take care of the…..issue. I quickly head to my bathroom.

  I shut the door behind me, not that I think she’d come in. Still. Never know. Unceremoniously, I drop my pants to my ankles, boxers with them, and sit on the edge of the tub. Damn, I'm rock hard. I can’t remember the last time a woman had me so worked up. I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I grab my shaft. I instantly see her sweet face. Her blue eyes stare up at me with the evidence of her desire showing on her cheeks. My breath quickens with every stroke, and my other hand braces me on the edge of the tub. I'm already so close to exploding. I don't imagine anything other than her, which is another new for me. I imagine her perky tits in my mouth, tasting her sweet pissy, and then I see her bite her lower lip as her eyelids drop a little with the most seductive look I have ever seen, and with that, I come. Hard. It takes all I have not to let out a loud moan as my juices shoot onto the floor. My legs start to shake, and my body convulses as I come down from my intense release. Taking a few more deep breaths, I gather myself and clean up the evidence on the floor. I'm not new to this act, but this was different. I have never had that intense of a response to a woman, not even during sex. Now, I'm curious about what it’d be like to be inside of her and feel the need to come again. I’m harder than before and take myself into my palm, stroking faster and harder than before, and when I whisper her name, long trails of silver escape me along with deep grunts. Fuck.

  After I calm myself, I return my boxers and pants around my waist and leave the bathroom. I know she probably thinks she's done something wrong and I need her to know that's not the case. The longer I'm in my room, the longer she's made to sit, alone, with nothing but her thoughts. Now, all I want is to be close to her. To know her. To feel her. If I keep this up, I will end up jerking off more than I did when I was a teenager, and that's saying something.

  When I return to the living room, I'm surprised to see her still on the couch, reading. I half expected her to retreat to her room for the rest of the night. I suddenly felt nervous and wasn't sure what exactly to do. I didn't want to read anymore, that's for sure. I can't just stand here like a creep either.

  Not saying anything, I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass for some water. I drain the whole glass but still need something to help my nerves. I grab a bottle of whiskey and pour a double, swigging it back as fast as possible. It feels so good going down. Suddenly, I got an idea of a way to break the ice with her, and to have fun—if she’d play along. I grab another glass and the bottle and set them on the dining room table. Then, rummage through my drawers until I find the deck of cards I was in search of. With a deep breath, I walk into the living room, loudly, so she knew I was coming.

  “Hey, how about a game?”

  She looks up at me over her shoulder with a confused but amused expression.

  “What kind of game?”

  “How about poker?”

  She looks back at the fire, thinking about the proposition. I don't let her know my full intentions, yet. I need her to say yes to cards first; then we will work into the game I want to play.

  Finally, after what seems like hours, she responds.

  “Okay. But take it easy on me, it’s been awhile.”

  She sets her book aside, then the quilt. When she faces me, she has a smile that is a mixture of her shyness that I have seen more of, but also of some mischief. I'm not sure she will play to the extent I'm hoping for, but I'm hoping to be surprised. I let her lead the way to the table and pull out her chair for her.

  “What’s the whiskey for?”

  “You can’t play poker without whiskey.”

  “Oh yeah? Says who?”

  “Says me,” I say with a grin.

  I shoot her a sly smile and a wink as I sit across from her. I pour a double shot into each glass and then set them in front of us. Then, I get to work at shuffling the cards, trying to play it as cool as possible.

  “So, where are the chips?” She smirks.

  “What, are you hungry?”

  “No, silly. Poker chips. For betting.”

  “Oh, no. We’re playing for shots.”

  I look at her as I respond and watch as her eyes widen. I'm starting to doubt she will play the game I have planned next.

  “If we are playing for shots, I will be passed out within two hands!”

  “I’ll take it easy on you, princess. It will be fun, I promise.”

  “If you say so.”

  She laughs a little, but I can tell she's nervous. Hopefully, her first shot will loosen her up. I’m not the type of person who hopes on a girl to get drunk for us to have fun, but with Taylor, I'm hoping the liquor will open her up a little more to answer some questions. And to maybe have some innocent, naughty fun.

  After a few practice hands, I can tell she's not good at poker. At all. Once we start playing for shots, it becomes interesting. I don't hit her with any questions until she loses her third game in a row.

  “I told you I'm not good at this!” She laughs with everything she has and slaps the table. “Maybe we can change the game to Old Maid. I’d kick your ass with that one!”

  “I think not! But we can change the game if you’d like,” I say.

  “Okay. What do you have in mind?”

  "How about we leave the shots out of it for a few hands. I want you to stay awake for a little while longer," I admit.

  “Haha. But you have a point. I think we need to even the field though. You should take at least two shots to catch up a little. It’s no fun with only one of us drinking.”

  “Okay. I’ll agree with you there.”

  Trying to make her feel better, I shoot the origina
l double I poured at the beginning of the game, then pour another and shoot it down.

  “How’s that?” I ask.

  “Hmm. I think you can hold your liquor way better than me, so maybe you should take one more.”

  I give her a sly smile, but am delighted she's having fun and wanting to play. Then, she bites her lip again. Trying to avoid that awkwardness, I pour another shot that is slightly larger than before and takes it down welcoming the warm sting as it goes down.

  “Alright. So, how about now we play for answers. Sort of like truth or dare, only all truths.”

  "I don't know. If we keep playing poker, I will be the only one answering the questions, and that doesn't seem all that fair."

  “Okay, what do you suggest then?”

  She thinks for a moment, then holds her finger up indicating for me to give her a moment. She runs to her room then comes back with a different deck of cards.

  “What game is that?”


  She shows me the deck and is wearing a look of accomplishment on her face.

  “This game can go on forever. Are you sure there isn’t another game we can play?”

  "It's not as bad when there are only two players. It’ll be fun. I played poker for you, now you can play this for me.”

  “Okay, let’s do this. But since it can be a long game, let's change the rules a little. Instead of the winner getting to ask the questions, let’s say that anytime one of us gets a wild card, we get to ask a question.”

  “I think I can agree to that.”

  “Alright, princess. Let’s get this going.”

  I watch as her delicate hands work at shuffling the cards and see that she's a natural. She looks at me as she bridges the cards as if to challenge me. Challenge accepted, princess. Hope you’re ready. She deals the cards and arranges her hand as needed; I do the same. When I look up again, I see her beautiful blue eyes, which seem to be a shade darker, peaking at me over the top of her cards. Her left eyebrow raises slightly, and I'm smitten. This woman is gonna have me wrapped around her finger before she leaves. Here I thought I’d have the perfect way to learn more about her, but I may be setting myself up.

  Chapter Nine


  Usually, I’d be petrified to answer any questions, but seeing Maddox have fun plus having the whiskey gave me liquid courage to agree. I'm looking forward to our new game because this also gives me the chance to get some answers. Hopefully, we can avoid making it serious and ruin the mood. Well, hopefully, I can keep from making it too serious. This could be my chance to get to know him, no matter how small and unimportant the details may seem. This could open the door to the more pressing questions at a later time.

  Maddox killed me at poker, and I’m pretty sure that was his intention. Was he trying to get me drunk? For a moment, I start to think this may not be a good idea after all, but that thought is quickly quieted the moment I look at him. Maybe it's the liquor talking, but I could look at this hunk of a man all day. His dark hair is long enough to curl just right at the nape of his neck and the waves make him even sexier. His eyes are mesmerizing but also look as though they are hiding a lot of secrets.

  “Alright, He-man, are you ready to lose?”

  He chuckles. “He-man?”

  “Yeah. You keep calling me princess, so that’s your new nickname.”

  “Right. Well, princess, I'm ready when you are.”

  I feel confident with the first few cards, then get excited when I have a wildcard I can finally play. I look at him over my cards first, making sure he’s paying attention, then slam it down on the discard pile.

  “Wildcard! That means I get to ask a question.”

  “Yes, it does. You also get to pick what color we are going to continue with.”

  "I know. So, hmmm. What to ask." I honestly have no idea what to ask him. Racking my brain, I try to think of a good question that isn't too heavy, which is hard since right now I want to get down to the bottom of all the complicated stuff.

  “Any day, princess.”

  “I know, I know. Ummm. Screw it. Why are you all the way out here all alone?”

  “I like peace and quiet.”

  “That’s way too easy of an answer.”

  "No, it isn't. You were expecting a deep, philosophical answer, which I don't have. I like to have my own space that's not interrupted by anyone."

  That stings a little more than expected. Why is his answer bothering me? “So, me being here. You hate it.”

  “That sounds like another question. You’re going out of turn. What color?”

  “Are you seriously not going to answer?”

  “Get another wild card or win the hand and you can ask again. What color?” Maddox smirks and pops an eyebrow at me.

  I glare at him slightly, so he knows I'm not happy with his answer. Reluctantly, I look at my hand to see what color I want to continue with.


  “You may be in trouble now, princess.”

  “We will see.”

  He chuckles then lays down a wild card that also indicates I have to draw four cards. I shake my head and draw my cards.

  “Okay. What's your question?”

  “Well, I think you mean what are my four questions.”

  “Four? How do you figure?” I ask.

  “That wild card is also a draw four. Ergo, four questions.”

  All I can do is look at him. What a sly dog. “Okay, fine. Shoot.”

  “Okay. You’re in college. What are you studying?”

  “I'm an English major,” I say. That was easy peasy.

  “And what do you want to do with that?”

  “I want to write. And maybe one day, teach. I honestly haven’t made any final decisions on what I want to do.”

  "Do you have a boyfriend?" Maddox throws it out like it's no big deal.

  I'm taken back a little by his question, but in a good way. I suddenly felt the slight flutter of butterflies in my stomach at the mere thought that he may be interested in me. “No. No boyfriend.”

  “Do you want one?”

  “I guess I'm open to it if the right guy happens to come into my path. But that hasn’t happened in a while, so....”

  “You are making the question complicated,” he tells me, studying my face.

  “No, you just want an easy yes or no answer, which I don’t have.”

  Feeling like I just got a notch on my imaginary "win" column, I'm full of confidence. I can tell by the way he's looking at me that he was not expecting me to come back with his own smartass remark.

  “What color?”

  Maddox studies me for a moment as if I'm going to give him the color of my cards telepathically. Finally, he picks a color. “Yellow.”

  “Ha!” I slam down my yellow seven. “UNO! You’re about to lose, big boy.”

  He laughs, shakes his head and lays down a yellow three. We go back and forth with yellow for a while until I put down my last yellow card and clap my hands as I bounce in my seat. I know it's silly, but I don't care. I'm thoroughly happy I have beat him at the game.

  “Easy, killer. It’s only one game. And to be honest, I feel like I won since I was able to get four questions out of you.”

  “Look at it however you want. But when it comes down to the game and how it’s played, I won. And now I get to ask you a question.” Maddox holds up his hands and waves me on.

  “What about you? Do you have or want a girlfriend?”

  “I see what you did there. Trying to get two questions in. I will let you have it though. No, I don’t have a girlfriend or want one.”

  “Then what do you want?” I know I'm asking out of turn, but his answer instantly confuses me even more. I would’ve sworn he’d been showing signs of interest, and I felt his boyfriend questions solidified that thought. Now he’s saying he doesn’t want a girlfriend. Why the hell not?

  "That's three questions. Sorry toots, that's not in the rules."

I glare. “Screw the rules, just answer the question.”

  “You gotta earn it.”

  “What game are you playing? Are you trying to confuse me?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "Too many questions, princess. Let's keep playing. We were having fun."

  I look at him and can’t believe I'm letting him get to me. I went into this thinking I’d get answers, but right now I'm just full of more questions. Keeping the silence, I grab the bottle of whiskey that is still sitting on the table and pour me a triple. I look straight at his startled, curious face and down the drink with two gulps.

  “Easy there. That’ll be hitting you hard here shortly. Especially if you can’t hold your liquor.”

  “Don’t you worry about my liquor holding abilities. Just get on with the game.” I smile.

  “Want to raise the intensity a little?”

  “How do you mean?” I ask.

  “How about we play strip UNO.”

  I can’t help but laugh right in his face. Now with my new whiskey buzz, I want to come out of my shell and play. Maddox keeps a straight face and looks at me with such intensity that I agree, but I’m not ashamed by my body. Considering I just won, I know I can do it again, and maybe I’ll get to see those abs of steel or more.

  “Okay, fine. What are the rules?” I see a quick chink in his armor along with surprise in his eyes. Good.

  “Okay. Same rules apply. With a wildcard, we get to ask questions, but the person getting asked has to remove a piece of clothing. And to keep it interesting, I think we should double the number of cards we start with, to allow more time for questions, of course.”


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