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Mountain Man's Stranded Virgin

Page 8

by Kelsey King

  When I finish with my story, I can’t look at Maddox. I don’t want him to look at me with pity. When I finally look up at him, there’s a mix of sadness and fire behind his eyes.

  “I want to rip that guy’s head off.” Maddox growls. “So, what happened to him? Anything?”

  "No. Luckily, I never really saw him after that. We weren't in the same classes or anything. I never told anyone that before. I was hurt for a really long time over it, but eventually I got through it.”

  “But that was a big deal, Taylor. You were ready to give yourself to someone who you thought was special and he took your trust and threw it out the window.” The sincerity in his eyes is so sweet. “I’m so sorry you went through that. College guys can be fucking assholes.”

  His cussing makes me laugh, but it’s nice that he cares so much.

  “It’s fine,” I tell him. “It all led me here to you.”

  Hoping my small declaration doesn’t scare Maddox, I look at him shyly. Telling the story brings some insecurities to the surface, and I desperately want him to stomp them out.

  “I'm the lucky one, princess. And honored that I'm the one you chose.” Maddox leans in and kisses me so soft and tender, I’m ready to wrap my arms around him and beg him to erase all those bad memories with new ones. I crawl into his lap and deepen the kiss, but to my disappointment, he stops our kiss and sits with his forehead to mine, rubbing my back slowly up and down.

  “If you recall, there’s a second side to our deal,” he reminds me.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to talk about it?” I search his face.

  "You were brave enough to tell me your story so it’s only fair I hold up my end of the deal."

  I start to move out of his lap to give him space, but he keeps me close. So, instead I run around and position myself between his legs and lean my back against his chest, wrapping his arms around me and placing his hands in my lap. When we’re settled back in, Maddox starts to tell me his story.

  "I won't go into details or draw out the story, but I’ll tell you the basics. Wendy is my ex-fiancé. She was the light of my life. I was happy and thought she was too. One of her dreams was to move out to the mountains where we’d spend most of our days just the two of us. I’d have a woodworking business, and she’d have her art and photography. When I found this place, I knew it was the one for us. I proposed to her the day we moved in. Everything was perfect, or so I thought. Three weeks later, she left. No note, no explanation, nothing. She was just gone. Of course I worried about her, thinking the worst, but when I realized she took all her clothes and belongings, I knew she wasn’t coming back. Still, I searched for her. After about a month, her brother finally reached out to me and let me know she was alive and well and living in New Orleans with her husband."

  “What?” My mouth falls open.

  "Come to find out she was already married. They had split up for a short time, but during our time together, they had been talking and planning on getting back together to work it out. I never knew. I thought we were happy. I had never been so hurt in my life. I was bitter and pissed for a really long time. The worst part was that I never had any closure. Never knew why she didn’t tell me or why she’d just leave without saying goodbye. I trusted her and she stomped on my heart. Eventually, time started to heal my wounds, but it didn’t feel the same. I still felt that abandonment. There was nothing to look forward to or happiness in my life. But that’s all changed now. I honestly haven't felt this happy in such a long time and you’re the reason for that. My heart feels whole again.”

  My chest aches for Maddox. His story of rejection on that level makes mine look insignificant. I can't believe anyone would do that to him. And to know it affected him enough to leave him with nightmares breaks my heart. Tears start to fall, and I try to swipe them away quickly, but he notices before I can.

  “Hey, why the tears?” he asks softly.

  “I just can’t believe someone would hurt you like that.”

  “I’m alright, princess. I have you now. We have each other.”

  I instantly turn around and crash my lips to his. This time Maddox doesn't push away. He pulls me in tighter and drives his tongue into my mouth, searching for mine. The passion between us sends lightning through my body, and I want him to take me, right here in front of the fire. I thrust my pussy against his growing erection, letting him know exactly what I want—what we both need right now.

  Maddox responds instantly by grabbing my ass and rocking our hips together. We quickly get each other's shirts off, and without effort, he takes my bra off with one hand. I love the feeling of my skin against his. His warmth is so inviting.

  He lays me back and quickly unbuttons my jeans and yanks them with my panties down my legs, kissing my belly and breasts once I’m completely naked. As he makes a trail of kisses back up to my lips, Maddox pulls off his sweats and boxers. There's no foreplay this time around—no sweetness, just passion, and fire.

  He licks his fingers and strokes his stiff cock, and before I can even say a thing, Maddox thrusts into my waiting, wet pussy to the hilt. I groan out in both shock and desire, instantly wrapping my legs around him. He sucks on my neck as he pounds into me, moaning my name into my skin. His need for me is desperate and hot. My moans grow louder as his pace quickens.

  “I want to take you from behind, princess.” His gravely voice has me wanting to give him anything he asks.

  As soon as I nod, Maddox quickly pulls out and flips me onto my belly. As soon as I'm turned, he widens my legs to settle between them and pulls my hips toward him. Maddox rubs the tip of his cock along my wet folds, sliding in just barely enough to have me begging for more. When he’s finally had enough, Maddox’s fingers dig into my hips and drives into me forcefully. I scream out with his movements, the sensation overwhelming and delicious.

  “Oh, God! Maddox! Yes!”

  My screams speeds up his thrusts, and I can feel myself tightening around him. My body feels like it’s about to convulse if I don’t release soon.

  “Maddox, I’m so close,” I tell him between ragged breaths.

  "Me too, baby. Come with me. Let me feel your tight pussy around my cock. I want your orgasm all over me.” His dirty words have my body going into overdrive. Holy shit, he has a filthy mouth, and I love it.

  “Yes, yes. Harder, Maddox. I want you. More. More,” I beg like a sultry vixen, which surprises the hell out of me. This is all so new to me, I had no idea he could pull this side out of me.

  “Fuck, yes, sweetheart. You’re a bad girl, aren’t you?” Maddox coaxes then I feel his hand smack against my ass and it’s like a trigger goes off. My body shakes and convulses, the orgasm hitting me so hard, I feel like I’m going to pass out.

  I hear him yell out my name as he comes with me. My arms give out, and I lay flat on my stomach, bringing him down with me. Maddox maneuvers himself so that he’s no longer inside me and is resting next to me with his arm draped over my back while both of us try and catch our breath.

  “Goddamn, princess.” He presses a chaste kiss to my shoulder. “What have you done to me?”

  We both laugh. Once we’re back to breathing normally, we pull ourselves off the floor and take a warm shower together, taking turns washing one another. We then settle in bed, gloriously naked, falling asleep in each other's arms. Not wanting the moment to be spoiled, we save the harder conversation of my departure for a later day.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The past few days with Taylor have opened my eyes. I never thought I could ever love again, and honestly, I didn't think I wanted to. But the universe put her in my path, and I feel like a different man. I already know I’m falling hard for Taylor. These feelings are undeniable and I just hope she’s feeling the same way. I don't want her to leave, and I don’t want to even think about her being with another man. In my mind, and my heart, she's mine. And I can't let her leave without knowing that.

  We've had an amazing time together. S
he even helped me plow the roads, and we made cookies. He parents were waiting for her to come home so they could see her before she went back to college. Today has been the hardest day of them all. She's in her room, getting ready to leave. I want to go to her and beg her to stay. Demand her to stay. But I know that wouldn't be fair. She has dreams and goals, and I need to support her. I'm just praying I fit into her plan, in some way.

  I walk into her room, and she's just finished packing everything into her purse. I see her wipe away a tear before I walk over toward her. All I can do is fold her into my arms to try to keep myself from crying as well.

  “You don’t have to go, princess. We can stay here forever, together.”

  “I would love nothing more, really. But I have a life I have to get back to. I have to finish school.”

  “I know. I’d never interfere with that,” I tell her honestly.

  She looks up at me, and there are still tears falling over her rosy cheeks. I wipe them away then wrap my arms back around her.

  “I’m not going away forever, you know. We can talk on the phone as often as possible. And when spring break hits, I’ll come back to visit.”

  “I don’t want to share you with anyone else. Especially any other guys.” I come out and say the words that have been haunting me all morning.

  “You won’t be sharing me,” she tells me.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  “You’re mine, princess. No one else’s.”

  “Ditto, Hulk.”

  I kiss her lips one last time before she goes. When she's ready, I help her into her truck and watch her pull away. Half of my heart feels as if it's following her on her journey. I know she’ll keep her word and that we aren’t saying goodbye forever. I hate I have to wait to have her again. I'm going to go crazy without her. But she's worth the wait, in every way.


  I'm in the middle of a project in my workshop when I hear a vehicle pull up. Not expecting anyone, I cautiously make my way to the door. A familiar truck sits in my driveway with a beautiful woman walking up to my house. Even though I want to wait it out and see if she looks for me, my excitement takes over, and I have to call out to her.

  Cupping my hands over my month, I shout, “Excuse me, miss! Can I help you with something?”

  Taylor turns around and gives me the biggest smile. She runs right over toward me. She doesn't slow down and jumps into my arms. I only hug her for a second then crush her lips to mine. When we finally take a breath, I set her down and hold her face in my hands.

  “What are you doing here, princess? I wasn’t expecting you until April.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t wait. I don’t want to be away from you like that. It physically hurts me to be away from you,” she says, and I can see the sadness brewing in her eyes as she speaks those words.

  “What are you saying?” I look over her face.

  “I enrolled in online classes. I can study from anywhere.”

  “Is that so? And where is it you plan to study from?” I arch a brow and smirk.

  “Your bed, of course!”

  I smile so big it hurts. She squeals as I lift her again and spin her around.

  She chose me.

  She truly chose me.

  I'm beside myself with happiness.

  I kiss her once more before taking her inside and welcoming her home.

  All night long.




  The leaves have changed colors and are starting to fall. I love the smells this time of year and hearing the crunch of the leaves under my boots except for right now. I try to be as quiet as possible as I make my way around the side of the house. I creep up to the corner and peek around to see if he’s there. To my disappointment, the yard is empty. I continue on my path to the back of the house, staying alert in case he jumps out at me. My attention is altered as I hear a rustling behind me and my body stills. Not sure what to expect, I'm frozen in place in anticipation. All of a sudden I hear a small "roar" before he pushes lightly on the back of my legs. I turn around and act scared and am rewarded with the cutest little laugh. I pick him up and twirl him around with me.

  “I got you, Mommy!” Jacob squeals.

  “You sure did, buddy. Where’s Daddy? Is he still hiding?”

  “Uh-huh. He’s in the workshop.”

  I can’t help but laugh.

  “I don’t think you were supposed to tell me that. But let’s go get him.”


  I put my three-year-old son down and let him lead the way. He dramatically sneaks into the workshop, making more noise than he realizes. Jacob squeals with joy as soon as Maddox jumps out and scares him.

  “You got me, Daddy! Now you have to come and find me!”

  He runs out of the shop to find his next hiding place. Maddox smiles after him and comes to kiss me. I was expecting a quick peck on the cheek, but he surprises me by wrapping me into his arms and giving me a long, deep kiss. When Maddox finally lets me up for air, he playfully rubs noses with me.

  “Hi, princess.”

  “Hi, husband.”

  He then squats down in front of my swollen belly and kisses it.

  “How’s our little princess doing in there?”

  My heart melts every time he talks to her. It amazes me to see my gentle giant be such an amazing dad to our son, and I know he’s going to spoil the hell out of our daughter with so much love.

  "Well, to give you a heads up, little one…mommy and I are gonna be getting frisky here in a few hours, so try to fall asleep now and forget everything you hear."

  “Ha ha. Although, it's a good thing she has no idea what’s going on. We’d have ruined her by now.”

  "Nah. She’d know exactly what love looks like. And sounds like. Now hurry up and have her so we can get to work on making another one."

  He kisses me one more time, then yells out to our son, letting him know he’s going to find him.

  I smile as I watch them. Rubbing a hand over my belly, I know life can’t get any better than this. Maddox and our little family is everything I’ve ever wanted and more. I’ve never been happier.

  Grab the next one!

  Mountain Man’s Baby Plan is coming soon!

  Find it here!

  Kelsey King loves hot coffee, wearing a top knot, and writing possessive alpha males. Reading and writing has been a part of her life for as long as she can remember. For the last few years, Kelsey has been writing short stories that have been stored away on her hard drive collecting dust. With a little courage and a push from friends, she decided to finally start sharing them. Happily ever afters and sexy scenes are an absolute must!

  Where to find Kelsey:






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  Co-Written titles with Jenika Snow

  Ruthless Mountain Man

  Savage Mountain Man - coming in 2019

  Mountain Man Series

  Mountain Man’s Fake Fiancée

  Mountain Man’s Nanny

  Mountain Man’s Mail Order Bride

  Mountain Man’s Stranded Virgin

  Mountain Man’s Baby Plan

  Mountain Man’s Stepsister

  Mountain Man’s Runaway Bride

  Mountain Man’s Royal Princess

  Forbidden Love Series

  Sinful Temptations

  Playing with Temptation

  Scandalous Temptations

  Flirting with Temptation

  His Ultimate Temptation

  Uncovering Temptations



  Chasing Cooper is a never been published short story available to newsletter subscribers only. To grab it, sign-up here!

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