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Page 13

by Reynolds, Aurora Rose

  As his gaze licks over me from my hair that I decided to wear half down, to the nude heels on my feet, I take him in, feeling lightheaded. I thought he was beautiful before, but seeing him with his hair tied back in a tight man-bun away from his handsome face, his jaw more angular without the scruff normally covering it, and his muscular body incased in a black tux that looks like it was made for him, I know I was wrong. He’s not beautiful. He’s… he’s…. I have no word to describe what he is. I just know that it’s everything.

  “I thought.” His hand rubs down his mouth as he steps toward me. “I thought I knew you’d look beautiful tonight. I obviously had no fucking idea. Jesus, Aria, what the fuck?”

  “You like my dress?” I ask stupidly, and his hand curves around my hip so that he can bring our bodies together.

  “You could say that.” His eyes lock on mine, and my breath catches in my throat as he continues. “You could also say that I’m one lucky motherfucker. Not only do I get to look at you in this dress, but I’m the only one who will be taking it off you tonight so I can fuck you senseless.”

  “Tide.” I grasp the lapels of his jacket, needing to hold myself up, and he leans into me, placing his lips against mine.

  “No matter what happens at this party, Aria, I’m bending you over and fucking you in that dress and those shoes as soon as we get home.”

  “Okay,” I agree immediately, and I catch his grin right before he covers my mouth with his and thrusts his tongue between my lips. The kiss is wet, long, and deep, and when he pulls his mouth away, I’m completely breathless. My lashes flutter open, and I find him watching me with a look in his eyes that makes my chest feel funny. Positive that now isn’t the time to talk about the fact that I’m in love with him, I lift my hand and rub my thumb against his bottom lip. “You got my lipstick all over you.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” he rumbles, and I smile as I force him to let me go so I can clean him up. As I lean over the sink to fix my lipstick, his arms wrap around my waist, his big body cocooning me, making me feel safe and small. “I’m gonna warn you now, Aria, that I will lose my shit if your ex or anyone else comes at you tonight.”

  I meet his gaze in the mirror and nod once, because the look in his eyes doesn’t leave room for an argument or a conversation, and honestly, I won’t fight him on standing up for me if necessary. Not when my first instinct is to protect him the same way. I just hope it doesn’t come to that.

  Chapter 16


  I PULL UP in the long line of cars waiting to be parked in front of Aria’s childhood home and give her thigh a squeeze. Even if she hasn’t said it, I know she’s nervous about coming face-to-face with her ex and her parents in the same space tonight.

  “This is where you grew up?” Gia asks from the backseat, and I glance at her in the rearview mirror and see her eyes wide with wonder as she looks out the window. I’m not even a little surprised by her reaction, the house that Aria grew up in looks like something out of a movie. Bright lights showcase the two-story plantation home, and white columns line the front porch, making the house feel even more intimidating. It doesn’t look like the place where people live. It looks like a museum, a place people pay to visit for the day.

  “Unfortunately,” Aria says quietly, covering my hand with hers.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Looks can be deceiving,” she tells her as two of the guys who were hired to park cars tonight walk up to my truck, one coming around to the driver side, the other stopping next to Aria’s door.

  “Wait for me to come around to you,” I order softly as the doors are opened, and her head turns my way. When I get her nod, I get out, jog around to her side, and take her hand to help her out, then tuck her hand under my arm and lead her to the stairs to the front porch where other couples are entering the house.

  “As soon as we get inside this place, I need a fucking beer,” Colton grumbles behind us, and for the first time tonight, I hear Aria laugh, the sound making my gut tight. I love the sound of her happiness; I hate that her family makes it so fucking hard for her to be that way.

  The house as we enter is just like you’d expect it to be. The foyer is wide with two curved staircases leading up to the second-floor landing, and there is a straight shot into the back garden where you can see hanging lights and people gathered. Some are holding drinks, others with plates of food, as they chat and smile with music playing softly in the background. “I got you, baby,” I say quietly when Aria stumbles.

  “Thank you.” Her head turns my way, and I pull her close enough to touch my lips to her forehead, and only once I see that she’s okay do I continue walking us outside. When we get into the backyard, I do a quick scan, noticing her mom standing with a man who seems to be hanging on her every word and her father is standing with a group of men on the opposite side of the yard.

  “I say we all get drinks,” Aria suggests, so I let her lead the way to the bar that is placed in the middle of the yard under an arch of lights. The girls both order vodka soda’s while Colton and I order beers, which the bartender has to run inside to get, because it’s not something they have stocked. Once we have our drinks, we make our way to one of the many standing tables that are placed around the yard, and I can tell by the fake smile Aria is wearing that she’s uncomfortable and more than a little nervous being here.

  “Is it just me or are people looking at us?” Gia asks quietly, and I wrap my arm around Aria’s back and pull her into my side.

  “It’s not just you,” Aria says, her body against mine getting tight, and I look up, finding her mom and the man she was with when we came outside coming our way.

  “Aria, you made it,” her mom greets as her eyes scan our table. “And you’ve brought your friends.”

  “Mom,” Aria returns, sounding cold, and I give her hip a squeeze. “I’d like you to meet Gia, Colton, and my boyfriend Tide.”

  “Are you going to greet Josh?” her mom asks, ignoring the introduction while wrapping her arm around Josh’s bicep. My jaw clenches as I realize the man at her side is Aria’s ex-husband, the man who wasn’t man enough to keep her, the man she is still to this day giving money to, because instead of getting a job, he’s feeding off my woman. Sizing him up I can see why Aria got with him, he’s an attractive man even if he does look like a slime ball.

  “Josh,” Aria clips, and I watch a look in his eyes turn calculated before he quickly replaces the look with a charming smile.

  “You look fantastic, Aria.” His eyes wander over her face and cleavage, and my hands ball into fists. “And it’s nice to meet some of Aria’s friends.”

  “So nice,” her mother agrees, then her nose scrunches, and I know why a second later.

  “Honey.” Aria’s dad, who’s obviously been drinking, moves around the table so he can give Aria a kiss on her cheek and me a hard pat on my back. “I’m so glad you two could make it.” He focuses on Aria. “You look beautiful tonight, honey.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Aria says quietly before she motions to Colton and Gia. “You remember my friends, don’t you?”

  “Of course.” He grins, giving Gia a kiss to her cheek and Colton a pat on his back. “I’m glad you could all make it.”

  “Thanks for having us,” Colton says, and her dad nods before moving around the table to his wife and tossing his arm around her shoulders, causing her to stumble slightly to the side.

  “Really, George? You’re already drunk?” Beatrice removes his arm and takes a step away from him.

  “I’m not drunk. I’ve had a few drinks.” He shrugs, then adds, “I have some clients I want you to meet.” In an instant, her expression changes, and she wraps her hand around his bicep.

  “Of course.” She looks at Josh and holds out her hand. “You should come with us.”

  “I’ll be with you in just a moment,” Josh says, and Beatrice nods before her husband leads her across the yard to the group of men he was talking to earlier. With them out of earsh
ot, Josh turns his attention to Aria. “Can we talk?” He glances through our group. “Someplace private?”

  “No,” I answer for her, not giving a fuck, and he transfers his gaze to me.

  “Sorry, friend, but this has nothing to do with you.”

  “If it has to do with Aria, friend, it most definitely has something to fucking do with me.”

  “I beg to differ,” he dismisses me to focus on Aria—the pompous dick. “We need to talk, if not now, before I leave town on Tuesday.”

  “Like I said, that’s not happening.” I hold his glare when his eyes come to me and curl Aria deeper into my side.

  “Josh, we really have nothing to talk about.” Aria rests her hand against my stomach, and his jaw twitches. “Just go enjoy the party.”

  He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something more but stops when Beatrice calls his name. After looking over his shoulder, he straightens the lapels of his tux and adjusts the button on his jacket, giving Aria one last look before he walks off.

  “Well that guy’s a douche,” Colton mutters, and Gia giggles, her dancing eyes going to Aria.

  “Does your head hurt?”

  “What?” Aria asks, sounding confused.

  “I was just curious if it hurt when Tide bonked you over the head with his club to stake his claim on you.”

  “A little.” Aria laughs along with Gia, and Colton and I both shake our heads at the girls.

  With the mood a lot lighter than it was we finish our drinks, grab some food, then walk around to talk with a few people who we know before we go back to the bar to get topped up. Once we have fresh drinks, Aria leads us through an arched gate that leads to the pool that is cut off from the yard and the party. With no one else around, we settle in on a couple of loungers to enjoy our drinks and chat.

  “Do we need to cut you two off?” Colton asks, grinning at Gia and Aria, when both girls start to giggle. What the fuck they are laughing about is anyone’s guess, but I’m sure it has something to do with the four drinks they have both had in the last hour.

  “No.” Gia leans into her husband, grinning. “But you could dance with me.”

  “Dance with you?” Colton frowns, and she rolls her eyes.

  “Yes, you know, that thing you do standing close together while moving to music….”

  “Baby.” He shakes his head, and she holds her hands up in front of her like she’s praying.

  “Please.” She pops out her bottom lip. His eyes slide over her face. “I really want to dance.”

  “Fuck me. Fine, but you owe me as soon as we get home.”

  “Yay,” she says quietly, and Colton’s face softens as he wraps his arms around her and ducks his head to say something next to her ear, and when she nods and laughs, he looks at me.

  “We’ll be back.” He pulls her up with him, and I lift my chin, then watch them walk past the pool and head back through the gate.

  I drop my gaze to Aria, finding her chewing her bottom lip as she watches them go. “Do you wanna go dance?” I ask, even though I have no desire to step foot on the dance floor. I think the last time I danced I was probably fifteen.

  “Not really.” Her nose scrunches, making her look way too fucking cute.

  “You sure?” I turn her toward me and cup her jaw before moving my hand to the back of her neck.

  “Yes.” She licks her lips and meets my gaze. “But can I show you something?”

  “Yeah,” I say, and she stands and holds out her hand to me. I take it, and she leads me back through the gate and party, then a moment later, we are entering the house and going through the kitchen, bypassing the men and women who are still working away.

  We head up a dark staircase, then down a dimly lit hall, and she pushes open the door at the end and flips on the light. When we enter, I look around, a white iron-framed bed is set up in the middle of the room with fancy side tables and lamps on either side. Posters of boy bands from years past are mixed with framed quotes from authors. When she closes the door behind us, I turn to find her leaning against it. “This was my bedroom growing up.”

  “I guessed that,” I say as she steps toward me. “Your parents kept it like it was when you lived here.”

  “There’s about twenty rooms in this house. They didn’t keep it like this for sentimental reasons. It’s just a room they don’t need and have probably forgotten about.”

  “Baby.” My chest aches from the pain and disappointment I hear in her voice.

  “This is just a house, a place where people live. It’s not like the home you grew up in, a home filled with love and memories, most happy, some sad, all important.” She looks around. “I try to remember the good times here, but there aren’t many. Growing up, there was never a day I wasn’t expected to be perfect. Every memory I have here is filled with expectations.” She drags in a breath, shaking her head. “You’re the first person in my life who hasn’t ever expected anything from me.” Her hands land on my chest, and I grab hold of her hips. “You like me for me.”

  “Baby.” The word sounds gruff over the tightness in my throat, and I lift my hand to cup her jaw. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  “I know you believe that.” She leans up on her tiptoes so she can place her lips against mine, and I pull back just out of reach and lock my eyes on hers.

  “It’s true, Aria.” I slide my fingers through her hair and palm the back of her head. “You’re everything, baby, and I swear to God that one day you’ll see what everyone else does and realize the only thing I want from you is you.”

  “Tide.” Her eyes get wet, and I tip my head to the side so I can kiss her like she should be kissed. When I pull away, her fingers are grasping the front of my tux, my arms are around her, and we’re both panting. Shaking her head, she slides her hands up my chest, then wraps her arms around the back of my neck and drops her forehead to my chin. “I love you.”

  Hearing those words from her, my arms get tight and my chest gets warm. Fuck… I never expected her, never dreamed I could be this happy. Then again, everything good in my life has come when I’ve least expected it. “I love you too, baby.”

  “You love me?” she whispers, looking surprised, and I grin.

  “Baby, I said it to you first. You just weren’t paying attention.” I move my hand up her back to slide it through her hair.

  “I thought that was sex talk,” she says quietly, and I toss my head back and laugh. “It’s not funny.” She smacks my shoulder, and I shake my head and dip it to look at her, still chuckling.

  “Baby, men say a lot of shit when they are in bed with a beautiful woman, but I don’t know any who say I love you unless they mean that shit.”

  “How was I to know you were being serious?”

  “You should have known, because I show you every fucking day exactly what you mean to me,” I say, and her expression softens.

  “You’re right,” she agrees, and I spin her around and start walking her backward, moving my hands to her hips.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, and I glance around her bedroom.

  “You said you don’t have a lot of good memories here, but I figure it’s not too late to make some good ones, starting with making out with you on your bed,” I reply, and she smiles a smile that lights me up from the inside, then she giggles as I push her back onto her bed, coming down on top of her, the two of us bouncing. As I settle with my leg between hers, I cup her breast over her dress and listen to her whimper as I cover her mouth with mine. Then I make out with my woman on her childhood bed, with her parents and her ex downstairs.

  “We were looking for the two of you,” Colton says when he pulls his mouth off Gia’s, and his eyes meet mine over the top of her head that he’s tucked against his chest.

  “I can see you were really worried,” I say, and Aria giggles, pressing into my side.

  “I didn’t say we looked hard,” he mutters, and I take a seat on the lounger opposite him and Gia. I pull Aria down to sit on m
y lap, and her arm wraps around my shoulders.

  “Aria wanted to show me something upstairs.”

  “I bet she did.” Gia grins at Aria, and both girls start to laugh.

  “I think it’s time we get these two home,” I insert, and Colton flips his wrist to check the time, then gives Gia a squeeze.

  “If we go now, baby, we got another hour and a half before Mom’s supposed to drop off Gino.” He looks at Aria. “You cool with us leaving now?”

  “I’m ready to go if you guys are,” Aria answers quietly. “Thank you, guys, for coming with me tonight. It’s actually been fun.”

  “It has been so much fun,” Gia agrees, smiling.

  I stand, taking Aria with me, and Colton drags Gia up with him. As we head through the party that has thinned out and walk back through the house, I hold Aria a little closer to my side. Like Gia said, tonight has been good, fun even, with the four of us hanging out mostly away from the party, not leaving much room for her parents or her ex to fuck shit up or make Aria uncomfortable. I want to keep it that way. I want everything about tonight to be a good memory for Aria.

  After telling one of the kids who’s been running to get cars which one is mine, I watch him hurry off, then feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I look around, and that’s when I spot Josh standing a few feet away with his back to one of the pillars on the front porch, smoking a cigarette with his eyes on us. I hold his stare for a minute, then watch him smirk before he tosses his cigarette butt over the edge of the porch and head inside, tucking his hands in his pockets. As I watch him go, I know without a fucking doubt that he’s going to be a problem. The thing he doesn’t know is that Aria and I are strong enough to weather any storm he plans on bringing our way.

  Chapter 17


  TAKING OFF MY glasses, I rub my eyes while leaning back in my chair, and my stomach growls, reminding me that I haven’t eaten today. This morning, I got up at seven with Tide for the sole purpose of showering with him before he left for work, made myself a cup of coffee, and headed for my office, where I’ve been locked away all day. I learned early on as an author that if the words are flowing, you stick it out, because there are other days when you’ll sit in front of your computer rewriting the same sentence seven hundred billion times.


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