Book Read Free

Royal Flush

Page 27

by Ella Goode


  The air in the GT lounge drops ten degrees when Melody walks through the door. Not that I blame her for being pissed. Still, I pretend like there’s nothing wrong. “How’d class go?”

  “I got a 70. Thanks for nothing.” She chucks her backpack on the table with enough force that it would’ve slid off had I not put a hand up to stop it.

  A twinge of guilt spirals through me. I should’ve answered her call last night. “Why don’t you show me what you’re struggling with?”

  “Oh, so now you’re interested in helping me.”

  Defensively, I cross my arms over my chest. “I told you to text me.”

  “I wanted to talk it out. My brain doesn’t work like yours, obviously, because if it did, I wouldn’t need your help.”

  I rub a knuckle across my forehead. You’d think growing up in a household of women, I’d be better at dealing with Melody, but I keep fucking everything up.

  “Okay. Fair enough. We’re here together so let’s work it out.”

  “I don’t want to work with you at all.” She marches over to Ms. C’s desk and slaps an envelope on the desk.

  I don’t have to have x-ray vision to know that’s a request for a tutor change. This is my only chance to see Melody on a daily basis. Maybe I can’t have her like I want, but at least I can see her regularly. At least, I can be with her even a little bit. Moving faster than I ever have before, I leap from my seat and snatch up the envelope. I tear it in half and toss it aside.

  Melody screeches and lunges for the trash. “What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Nothing.” I block her path.

  “That was my tutor change request.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why did you tear it up?”

  “Because I’m your tutor.”

  “Not anymore.” She tries to snake past me but I kick the trash can out of reach.

  “Look. I don’t like you. In fact, I sort of hate you so why should I have to use you as a tutor?”

  “You didn’t act like you hated me last night when your tongue was down my throat.”

  She throws back her head and releases a bitter laugh. “Men are so dumb. You can kiss people you don’t like. You can have sex with people you don’t like. I know from personal experience.”

  The thought of her with another guy, having sex with someone that she doesn’t like or that doesn’t like her when I’m here ready to throw myself over any holes in the ground so that she doesn’t stumble even once is enraging. A fury grabs hold of me and burns through my good sense. The words fall out before I give them another thought. “Then you can fuck me, too.” I stand up, hands on the fastenings of my jeans.

  She slams two hands on the table and leans close. “I’d rather fuck a cow,” she spits.

  “Good thing you don’t have to. I’m right here.” Our noses are about an inch apart when Carter strolls in.

  “Am I interrupting something?” He arches his eyebrow.

  “Only Melody trying to scrape the inside of my guts out, so go ahead.”

  “Maybe we can talk later.”

  “Nah. I got nothing to hide.”

  “Fine.” He shrugs. “Principal Sweeney called my old man last night and said that the school has had a number of mainframe break-ins. They think they know who is behind it and are bringing in a white hat hacker to lay a trap.”

  I maintain a bored look but my mind’s racing. I haven’t done Mark’s grade yet and I need his cash. I already ordered Belle’s shoes and something else along with it. If I don’t have the money, I’m going to be in the hole.

  “Sounds like the system needs it,” I say laconically.

  Carter gives me a skeptical look. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “I appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

  He turns to leave but stops at the door and glances back. “Also, be nice to Melody. She’s a friend of a friend.”

  “What about me?” I declare. “Who’s gonna tell Melody to be nice to me?”

  “You don’t have friends so probably no one,” Carter replies as the door shuts behind him.

  “Why are you guys so mean to each other?” Melody says. Her anger seems to have left her. She sags against the table.

  “He’s not wrong.” It’s never bothered me before. I don’t like FU High and its stuck-up airheaded kids who are here because their parents fell into some cushy job or married well or were born with a gold spoon in their mouths, but I also don’t like looking like an outcast because Melody’s not the type to go for guys that her social circle doesn’t like.

  “Maybe if you weren’t an asshole and you came to school and stuff, you would have friends.”

  “Sounds like a lot of work and not very much fun.” I pull out a chair. I knew that trying for Melody was trying to bat in the major league when I didn’t even belong in the minors.

  “What are you going to do about Mark?” she asks.

  I jerk upright. “How do you know about that?”

  She rolls her eyes. “It’s not like you’re a super spy. You guys were talking about it on the sidewalk outside of Missy’s yesterday. Anyone could have heard you.”

  Fuck. I guess I should’ve been more careful.

  “So?” she prompts.

  “So what?”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “I don’t.”

  “Then why are you asking?”

  She thrusts two hands into her cotton candy, unicorn hair and screams quietly. “Why are you so difficult? No wonder you don’t have any friends!” She snatches her backpack up and marches for the door. “You’re dumb to do anything to help Mark. He’s an asshole and deserves to fail. If you save him and get caught, you’ll be as dumb as him.”

  That sounds suspiciously like concern. My heart beats a little faster. “And if I don’t get caught? Will you give me a prize?”

  Instead of a smart retort, though, a slightly sad smile crosses her lips. “No. You’ve gotten the last of my cookies.”

  Chapter Ten


  My phone vibrates as I exit out of the side door of school. I’m supposed to be heading to my tutoring session with Brad but I’m skipping out. I ultimately decided to go a different route and find someone else to help me. I checked with one of the local colleges and they found someone. They are actually meeting me at my house in fifteen minutes. I know I’m being a little bit of a brat but I can’t deal with Brad. Even more so now after the you can fuck me comment. Whatever. It’s easier if we stay away from one another at this point.

  I look at the screen thinking it’s the tutor sending another email but see it’s Belle.

  Belle: You hanging with my brother after school? If so we should all do something after.

  Me: Shouldn't you been in class?

  The middle school gets out about an hour after the high school so my guess is that she’s texting during class.

  Belle: Walking to stupid French now.

  I love French. It had been one of my favorite classes. I didn't get to take it this year because I’d already done all of the levels. I can speak it fluently now.

  Me: Nous devrions faire vos ongles pour assortir vos cheveux

  Belle: I’m terrible at it! I have no idea what you’re saying.

  I laugh as I open my car door, tossing my bag into the passenger seat. I need to get home so that I’m not late for my new tutor. My teacher is letting me redo the problems I messed up on my homework from last night. The thought of Brad ditching me still ruffles my feathers but I don’t have to deal with him anymore so I have to put it behind me. After my teacher saw the effort that I am trying to put in, he decided to give me another chance. Him allowing me to correct it will help bring my grade up. Something I desperately need.

  Me: Well, you’ll have to ask your French teacher and then we can hang. Tell Ms. Caron I said hi.

  I fire off the text before dropping my phone into the cup holder, head
ing toward my place. It’s not a far drive. When I pull in the driveway, I see a car already parked outside. I glance at the clock to see that I’m not late, they are just early. I have a thing for being on time. I think it’s rude to expect someone to spend their free time waiting on you. Unless they have it coming like Brad did. He can find someone to fuck while he waits for me to show up. My stomach clenches at the thought. This tutor is off to a great start already at least.

  I pull around the side, parking my car and grabbing my bag as well as my phone and head back toward the front of the house. When I come back around the tutor is getting out of their car. I pause for a moment because it’s a male. I’d assumed the name Taylor was for a girl. Damn it.

  He looks like your typical jock. Great, another jerk to deal with. This time, I put a smile on my face because if I’ve learned anything from meeting Brad, it’s to not judge a book by its cover. His eyes go wide when he sees me. He looks from me to my house then back to me again.

  “Are you Senator James’s daughter?” Just great. He knows who I am. I hope he’s not looking to see my father because he’s going to be sorely disappointed. He spends his time everywhere else but at home. He only comes here when he absolutely has to or to raise hell if Mom or I have stepped out of line. He couldn’t have us messing up his image.

  “Yeah.” I reach my hand out. “It’s nice to meet you, Taylor.”

  He smiles, taking my hand. “More than nice.” His voice drops. I have to pull my hand from his when he doesn't let go.

  “Let’s go inside.” I motion toward the front door. “My teacher is letting me do my homework over. I need to rework the problems that I got wrong in order to get a good grade. Maybe you can show me what I’m doing wrong?” I push open the door.

  “Doesn't look like you’re doing anything wrong,” he mumbles from behind me. Before I can say anything, Sarah is there. I tell myself that I only have to get through this one session with this jerk. I need to keep my mouth shut and play nice.

  “Are you hungry?” she asks, her eyes bouncing between Taylor and me. She gives him a glare.

  “No.” For once I’m actually not. I’m tired from the sleepless night I had and now I’m extra annoyed at this pompous jerk who thinks he can say whatever disrespectful thing pops into his tiny brain. Fine, his brain might not be tiny because he can obviously do trig, but he’s still an idiot in my book.

  “Why don’t you study at the counter in the kitchen? I can at least get you both something to drink.” She points towards the kitchen. She’s not really asking she’s telling. Sarah knows me so well. She can tell that this tutor guy is making me uncomfortable. She wants us to stay where she can keep an eye on him even though she knows that I can handle myself.

  “Thanks.” I give Sarah a kiss on the check as I pass her. My phone vibrates in my hand. I look down to see I have a few missed texts. I don’t bother to open Brad’s because I’m sure he’s wondering where I am. I click on his sister.

  Belle: You’ll really do my nails to match my hair?!!!?

  I smile at how excited she seems to be. Another text comes through.

  Belle: Ms. Caron says hi back!

  Belle: Can we do it today?

  Me: Yes, have your brother drop you off after school. I’ve got to do some homework. I’ll see you later if he’s okay with it.

  Belle: He’ll say yes. He’s the best big brother in the world.

  I figured. As much as I want to punch Brad and maybe kiss some more too, I know he loves his little sister.

  Me: See you soon.

  I put my phone down as I sit at one of the tall stools at the counter. I drop my bag, pulling out my homework and everything else I think we might need.

  “This place is killer!” Taylor is spinning in circles looking at everything. The house is pretty. That’s all it is, though. There is no life here or memories that you never want to forget. It is cold and lifeless. He wouldn't think the kitchen was so pretty if he had seen my mom inside of it shouting down the house. This kitchen has a wicked echo.

  Sarah puts two glasses of lemonade down on the counter, signaling to me that she’ll be in the next room. I know she doesn’t care for Taylor. She must have heard his mumbled comment too.

  My phone buzzes on the countertop. Brad’s name comes up. He’s calling now.

  “Boyfriend?” Taylor asks, taking the seat next to mine.

  “Nope, my last tutor.”

  “You go through them that quick?” He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows. Lovely. I change the subject to my homework.

  This is pretty much how the next hour goes. Everything I say Taylor has a flirty response to. At least we get our work done. I’m still not a hundred percent positive that I understand it but at least my makeup homework is done as well as today’s. I’ll get some sleep tonight and with a clear head tomorrow I’ll try to find another tutor.

  “I think that’s it for today.” I close my textbook before reaching into my bag and pulling out the cash, handing it to him. He pockets it as he stands.

  I follow suit so I can show him out. “So tomorrow again?” he asks as I open the door.

  “I’ll email you. Not sure what I’ve got going on.” It’s not a total lie. I have no idea what time I’ll be meeting my next tutor.

  “Why don’t you give me your number?” He pulls out his phone.

  “I’ll email you,” I say again.

  “Playing hard to get? I forget you’re in high school. College girls don’t play games.” He tries to chastise me.

  “You’re right. I was playing a game. I won’t be emailing you. I lied.”

  He mutters what I think is bitch. This time he makes sure that I hear him. How convenient. I roll my eyes at his back as he heads to his car, not wasting my time fighting with him. Why did I enjoy doing it with Brad though?

  At the same time, Brad and Belle pull up. He barely gets the car into park and they both are flying out of it. I think they’re both in a rush for two very different reasons. Brad’s face looks as though he’s going to murder someone. Is it wrong that I want to suggest Taylor?

  Chapter Eleven


  “Who are you?” I snarl at the frat boy with the punchable face.

  “I’m the tutor,” he declares. He takes in my jeans with the tears developed from wear, my black hoodie with the pocket half hanging off and my battered tennis shoes and dismisses me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” He makes a finger gun and winks at Melody.

  Beside me Belle makes a gagging noise. Melody doesn’t look thrilled either and that’s enough for me to stick my foot out. It’s not really my fault that the dude doesn’t watch where he’s going.

  “Careful,” I say. “Wouldn’t want you falling on Mel’s property and filing a fraudulent lawsuit or something.”

  Dude wrenches his arm out of my grip and straightens his shirt with a huff. “As if I would need to do that. I’m doing this tutoring as a favor, not because I need the money, unlike some people I know,” he sneers.

  “Wait. Why are you tutoring Melody? My brother’s her math tutor,” Belle pipes up.

  I haven’t told Belle I’d gotten the boot yet. I was going to but she was so adamant about me bringing her to Mel’s house, even going so far as to show me the texts the two exchanged. Because I was so desperate to see Mel again, I kept my mouth shut. Mel throws me a look I can’t really decipher. It’s not angry but...pensive. As if she’s thinking things through but hasn’t arrived at the answer yet.

  “No. That would be me,” the frat boy interjects.

  “Mel?” Belle raises a pair of hurt eyes to Mel’s face.

  Sensing that this could get out of hand and not wanting Mel to suffer because of my dumb actions, I take Belle by the arm and pull her up the stairs to the front door. “Mel and I decided she would be better off with a different tutor.”


  “Because”—I push her through the open door and jerk my head for Mel to go inside—“I’m not a good tut
or. I’m good with computers but not with people.” I slam the door shut, leaving frat boy outside. He can come back tomorrow if he wants but for today, his time with Mel is over. I’d likely be waiting for him at the bottom of her driveway. That way he can fall flat on his face off her property.

  “Then why am I here? I thought I’d hang out while you two did math stuff.” Belle wrings her hands.

  “I thought you wanted to do your nails,” Mel chirps, pulling Belle’s hands apart.

  “I did but … are you saying you just invited me over to hang out even though my brother isn’t tutoring you anymore?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Come on.” She begins to tug my sister toward the staircase. “I have all the supplies set out. I have this new home gel manicure kit that I’ve been dying to try out.”

  When Melody’s not looking, Belle turns back and mouths an apology in my direction. She thought Mel would drop her if I screwed things up. Well, I screwed things up and Melody still invited Belle over.

  Melody is better than both my sister and me.

  “Aren’t you coming?” Mel asks from the top of the stairs.

  “I’m going to forage in your kitchen.”

  A huge smile breaks across Mel’s face. “Get us something good, too.”

  It takes me a wrong turn or two until I find the kitchen again. The place is as big as a restaurant with two islands and two cooktops and what looks like four ovens. I don’t know why a family of three needs space like this, but I guess a senator puts on a lot of parties—when he’s home.

  I find the fixings for a grilled cheese sandwich and make three of them for us. There’s a machine that I think makes shakes but I don’t know how to run it so I heat up milk and add some chocolate syrup I find. I pile everything on a large silver tray and haul it up the stairs.

  “You need a kitchen closer to your room,” I say as I push the doors open.

  “There’s a dumb waiter,” Mel informs me, her head bent over my sister’s hands.

  “That’s not me?” I joke.


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