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Whatever Happens Next (Triplets Book 2)

Page 13

by Stacy Lane

  “I’m glad you’re here now, Alex. I wish you never had the injury, I would happily visit California if you were still playing hockey, but with the way things turned out, I’m just glad you’re in Tampa now.” Cam clinked his glass with mine, Brooks following after that.

  Cam was the sentimental one out of us three. He didn’t voice it often, but it was always in the little things he did for others that showed it.

  We drained the cups and poured seconds.

  “You rented this til tomorrow. Are we staying docked the whole time?”

  Brooks never answered once we heard laughter and voices carrying through the breeze off the water. At first, the sounds appeared to come from the bay, but then the wind shifted, and we all turned toward the docks.

  My gut tightened at Chelsea’s smiling face as she walked beside Jo. She was wearing another loose, off the shoulder blouse. This one was all white and lace, and knotted off at her midsection, showing a slither of smooth, tan skin. Her jean shorts were ripped and tiny. She had on a big, wide-brimmed straw hat and another pair of heels that strapped around her ankles.

  Her legs were long, sun-kissed, and softer than anything I’ve ever felt.

  I’ve grown an obsession to those legs.

  The young steward who stood at the stern of the yacht almost pissed himself when Chelsea delivered her gorgeous, sweet smile on him. He all but fell to his knees when he helped her on board.

  The poor sap.

  I knew how he felt.

  Sunday morning I woke up curled around her. I took her right as she was, on her side and back pressed against my front. I thought we’d stay in bed all day, make up for the short time we had left, but she kicked me out of her room. She had curtains to sew. I thought that was the lamest excuse until hours later I peeked inside her room to find her bent around a sewing machine with a bundle of fabric.

  I didn’t know much about her personal life. It was easy to forget that when she’s around all the time and friends with my family. After I learned about Cam hiring her at Triplets for the summer staff, I thought she was just looking for something to pass the time.

  She told me she was decorating a room for my mom’s friend Cheryl. She ran a blog too trying to gain new clients. The waitress job would help with her cash flow problem.

  I left her alone to get back to what she was doing despite wanting to ask more. This was a casual thing between us. If I got to know her, it would no longer be some fling to pass the time until we were out of each other’s lives. But I did want to ask more about her interests because that’s who I am. I date women. I’ve had a couple long relationships in my past.

  So Chelsea did her own thing, working most of the day and grabbing dinner while she was out. I ate alone at the apartment. When night fell, I saw her go into the bathroom with fresh clothes and a towel. I followed her inside.

  Casual was working out just fine.

  I forced my eyes away from the direction she was in. Nobody knew we hooked up. And nobody needed to know we were going to hook up again on this boat.

  She may not even know it.

  I had plans to sway her if she thought otherwise.

  Brooks said a couple of the players were coming too. I must be blinded by her glamour to risk getting caught.

  Jo jumped into Brooks’s arms, wrapping her legs around his hips.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I went through your things to bring you a change of clothes.” Chelsea set a travel bag—hers from the looks of it—next to the spot I dropped my coat. “Jo said you guys were coming straight here and it was a surprise. Didn’t think you’d want to sail around in a suit all night.”

  “Glad you were smart enough to figure that out. I asked Brooks, and his response was oops.”

  Chelsea laughs. “Guess we have to give him enough credit for putting all this together. A big yacht and a trip to the Keys.”

  “The Keys?”

  “Dammit. That was still a surprise.” Brooks pulls his face out of Jo’s neck long enough to shout at Chelsea.

  “Oops,” she says, but winks at me.

  More people arrived. Brooks invited the teammates he’s closest to—Marc, Claude, and Eddie. The three guys were single and big partiers. I have no doubt now this trip would have gotten out of hand with guests had there not been a limit.

  I assumed they were the last ones we were waiting on until a face I knew well appeared five minutes later.

  “Colt,” I grin at my longtime friend. He was with me this morning at the arena but quickly left to catch his flight back to California.

  “I couldn’t leave once I heard about Brooks’s short trip to the Keys, and his plans to get you to a drag show.”

  “Dammit. Will people stop ruining my surprises!”

  With everyone here, the Captain comes out to meet us. He gives the itinerary of our trip south. Heading out of the bay and into the Gulf of Mexico, we can be in Key West within five hours.

  But the yacht is loaded with jet skies and some other toys. We all agree to delay our arrival. The Captain is going to lay anchor in deeper water after we depart.

  From there we are free to stay on board through the night or on land, but he will be departing the marina in Key West at six in the morning.

  There are five cabins on the yacht. Not enough for all of us to have our own rooms, but some of us won’t be sleeping on board tonight anyway. Chelsea and the other girls wander off to the rooms. I wait an extra minute or two and then follow the path down the narrow hall.

  Four of the cabins are grouped together. Chelsea took the first door on the right, Jo and Brooks laid claim to the master suite, and their friend Taytum was in the far room on the left. I’m a short distance away from the one across from Chelsea’s when Cam appears from the opposite end of the hall.

  I don’t know how he found another way here when I thought I came through the only access, but he reaches the doorway before me to snag my cabin.

  “That’s my room.”

  Cam’s hand rests on the handle. He glances at me and then the room. Tossing his bag inside with a careless throw, he says, “It’s the last one on the port side. You know I hate rights.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since forever.” I’m not buying it, but leave it to Cam to come up with an elaborate excuse. “Why do you think I never fought you and Brooks on shotgun when Mom or Dad took us somewhere? Have you ever seen me sit on the passenger side of anything? Our teachers tried pushing me to write right handed, but I refused.”

  “We drive on the right side of the streets.”

  “It fucking drives me nuts. I’ve thought about moving to Europe.”

  I bore holes through his head with an intense glare.

  Cam just grins and steps inside the cabin.

  I continue onto the next room. It’s right beside Chelsea’s, so it really doesn’t matter. But when I open the door, I find a set of bunk beds.

  Cursing Cam while I open my borrowed blue and purple tote bag, I change into a tee shirt and boardshorts. Before walking out, I slide my toes between a pair of flip flops.

  All is quiet outside my room. Chelsea’s door sits ajar. Cam’s is open all the way, but I don’t see any sign of him inside.

  When I hear a rustling sound inside Chelsea’s cabin, I move quick and slip through the doorway. She spins around as I’m turning the lock.

  “Alex, what are you doing in here?” In three steps between the door and her, she understands what I’m here for. “Someone could catch us.”

  “They won’t.”

  “If this is one of those moments where the possibility of getting caught turns you on, that’s stupid. Because those people out there aren’t just anyone.”

  “You sound like me when you’re being logical.”

  “Well, you definitely aren’t acting like you.”

  “Chelsea, I want you while a boat full of people are out there and won’t even know it. Yes, I’m having one of those moments. You stepped on this boat with all that leg sh
owing and I can’t resist.”

  “I don’t want you to resist.” Her voice lowers. She places a delicate, lingering kiss on my mouth. “But I don’t want you to blame me if we get caught.”

  “I walked in here. That’d be all on me, not you.”

  Lowering her lashes, she hides her eyes, but I know the light is flickering. She’s talking about blame, and I have a hunch she was accused of a lot of things that weren’t her fault.

  I tip her chin up, making her look at me. “Chels, I may have said we shouldn’t be doing this and now here we are but don’t ever think it’s your fault I’ve given in. That’s why we have the terms of this week. No one will have to know that we gave into our weaknesses. And that’s not a bad thing. That’s human. That’s living life.”

  I watch as those dark brown eyes go from a dull brown to chocolatey. Her face softens and that glow that is all her returns.

  I close my mouth over hers. The giant hat falls to the floor.

  Chelsea’s fingers rake up my stomach from beneath my shirt. My palms circle her exposed waist.

  A knock sounds on the door.

  “Chels? You in there?” Jo stands on the other side.

  Her lips are swollen as they part with a freaked out gape. “Uh. Yeah. I’ll be right out.”

  “Let me in real quick. I want to tell you something.”

  I’m shaking my head, indicating she just needs to get rid of Jo. But Chelsea glances around the room, stopping on a door behind her.

  “Okay. One sec.”

  Chelsea grabs ahold of my hand and pulls me toward the door. She swings it open.

  Grimacing, I stare down at her with a hell no look.

  It’s a closet—another fucking closet—but this one is barely two feet wide. It’ll be like standing in a coffin.

  The little minx presses her lips together as laughter threatens to burst out.

  “Bathroom,” I mouth, pointing to that door.

  She shakes her head. “What if she has to go?”

  “Tell her to go to her own damn bathroom,” I whisper, hoping Jo doesn’t hear me, but kind of not giving a fuck at the same time.

  “Get in.” Chelsea grips my bicep and shoves me inside. She starts to close me in. I’m gifted with an ounce of hope when she opens the door back up. Then she kisses me. Hard and more than once. “Sorry. You can do whatever you’d like to me tonight to make up for this.”

  The door shuts in my face.

  I listen as Chelsea crosses the small cabin and lets Jo inside.

  “Oh. I thought you were changing into your bathing suit.”

  “I am. I will.” Chelsea sounds rattled. I’ve picked up on her terrible lying abilities, so this should be interesting.

  “Okay. Well, I just wanted to talk to you about Colt before we go back out there.”

  “What about him?”

  “He’s here. You can have that second chance to get to know him.”

  My head jerks with a silent scoff because…that’s not happening. But when I made the sudden movement, I rammed into a bundle of empty hangers.

  The commotion ricochets inside the tight space. I wait for the moment to unfold, knowing we’re about to be found out. Knowing there’s nowhere for me to hide like I did the last time we were almost caught.

  “What was that?” Jo asks.

  “Uh. Um.”

  She’s going to blow it. She wasn’t made for lying, and I like that about her, but I’m going to have to step out there and find a way to bribe my future sister-in-law to keep this from Brooks.

  I’m the general manager of the Fury now. I can get her an entire suite to every home game just for herself. I bet she’d keep a secret for that. She hates crowds only slightly more than she hates sports.

  “The Captain must be taking off. Didn’t you feel the engine start?”

  “No,” Jo mutters skeptically.

  “Oh. Well, I did. Hey, that’s good that you didn’t. You were worried about getting seasick for nothing.”

  “Guess you’re right. Anyway, back to Colt.” I almost throw my head back in relief. It’s a good thing I didn’t. I don’t know if Chelsea could have gotten away with another close one. “There’s nowhere to go for that romantic walk, but we’re surrounded by water, and there’s plenty of areas to sneak off to for some alone time.”

  Thanks, Jo. I’ll be looking for those areas. But Chelsea will be sneaking off with me.

  “Yeah. I kinda forgot about him,” Chelsea says.

  “I didn’t. Colt is Alex’s friend, so I know he’s here for him, but I asked Brooks to make sure he knew you were going to be here too.”

  “That was sweet, but you don’t have to set me up with anyone, Jo.”

  “If you’re no longer interested just say the word, and I’ll drop it. I don’t want to be one of those annoying friends who push you to see other people when you’re not ready.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Okay. Get changed. That pool is calling our names.”

  “I’ll be out there in a minute.”

  The door clicks shut, but I wait for Chelsea just in case. Seconds later, she’s opening the closet door.

  “No more closets,” I say as soon as I lay eyes on her.

  “Agreed,” she smiles.

  “I’m going to go before someone else decides to barge in here.”

  Chelsea peeks out to check the halls. “You’re clear.”

  I smack a kiss on her lips and step into the hallway.

  I head toward the galley. Stewards are just starting to bring out food and drinks when I join everyone. Some went up top. My brothers and Colt are here, though.

  I grab a beer and sit down on the white couches facing the stern of the boat. Cam and Colt take a seat with plates full of food. Jo descends the stairs leading to the upper deck and heads straight for Brooks, taking a seat in his lap.

  Someone turned music on. The wind kicks up as the yacht cuts across the Bay. Now that I’m out of the suit the weather feels terrific.

  Jo and Taytum jump in the hot tub before Chelsea has returned. The duel system was switched on, so the jacuzzi is basically a small pool on deck.

  Colt is showing me pictures of his son and the latest torment he’s putting his nanny through. We were laughing about it when Colt stilled altogether.

  I followed his gaze across the deck.

  I stopped breathing.

  “You have to say the words,” Colt said beneath his breath so only I could hear.

  “What words?” I was in a trance. Chelsea stripped out of a loose cover, revealing a hot pink bikini top, and a yellow, pink, and blue bottom that barely covered her ass.

  “Ones telling me to stay away because you’re into her. I’d never break code, but damn if I’m not tempted.”

  “She does that to a man,” I murmur.

  “How into her are you exactly?”

  “Stay the fuck away, Colt.”

  “Damn. I was afraid of that.”



  WHEN JO TOLD me about the yacht trip Brooks put together in celebration of Alex and the Fury’s announcement, I was ecstatic to be going. I’d been living in Florida for nine months and had not gone to any beaches or taken boat rides of any kind. After Vic and I settled into our new home, I went on a shopping spree for bathing suits, and then never put them to use other than my own pool and hot tub.

  But I was always alone or with Vic. As much as he liked to be flashy and materialistic, he did not like it when his wife garnered all the attention.

  The hard look on Alex’s face when I stripped down to my bikini brought old feelings back. And with that turmoil, I discovered how to let go.

  Alex’s expression was cloaked desire. We’ve been all over each other since the night of the gala, and now we couldn’t even touch. Not in the open, anyway. The risk of getting caught was too high and too crucial considering who was on the boat with us.

  The way Alex watched me with heated stares and longing gla
nces, how he turned my way every time my laugh was a little too loud or grinned when the young steward walking around on deck fumbled every time he was around me, all of that had a hand in fixing me.

  Piece by piece I was rebuilding.

  I was in the pool with Jo and Taytum, then the men decided to ruin our girl time. Taytum asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. I would be moved back to Vancouver by the wedding date, but that didn’t stop me from accepting.

  Brooks and his teammates jumped in with obnoxious splashes. Marc Laurent was a giant flirt, but harmless. He and Claude joked around with me and made me feel like a regular person and not their friend’s ex-wife. Eddie, however, was a bit salty. I just ignored him.

  The crew hustled around the boat before we anchored in the center of Tampa Bay. The mega yacht stored three jet skies. Taytum, Nick, and Colt opted out of joining. Jo wanted to as well, but Brooks wouldn’t let her shy away. The men were going to take turns, and Jo and I were hitching rides.

  We donned life vests. Alex, Brooks, and Marc were going out first. I was clicking myself into the fastenings down the front of my life jacket when I felt a presence behind me. But in front of me stood Marc.

  “Ready to ride, beautiful?” Marc asked with assumption.

  At the stern of the boat, the Sea-doos were set into the water near the swim deck. My hands paused over the last clip to look at him. But then I was spinning and facing a new person, leaving Marc forgotten.

  Alex took hold of the black straps, connecting and snapping me in snug, replying, “She’s riding with me, Laurent.”

  “Yessir, bossman.”

  I waited for Marc to hop on his blue jet ski and peel away.

  “It’s a good thing broody is your biggest personality trait. Someone who didn’t know you would have taken that sharp tone a little too territorial.” I smile into the bright sunlight, holding a hand up to block as much of it as I can.

  “I’m not broody.”

  I pressed a finger into the crease between his eyebrows. “Your grimace lines say otherwise.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you have enough people skills to balance us out.”


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