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Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1)

Page 13

by Liza Probz

  She finally got her system to settle enough to get dressed, the sound of someone giving Marek instructions on landing catching her attention. The voice was commanding but somehow seemed to hold respect for the soon to be king.

  “Soon to be king,” Jaz muttered and ran a brush through her hair before walking out to take her place beside him.

  He glanced over toward her, his lips a thin line. He was stressed or nervous maybe? “You ready?”

  “I guess. I’m not sure what we’re doing, but if it helps me eventually get Caleb back, then I’m more than ready.”

  “Good. Work to pull back your light. I don’t want anyone questioning who or what you are. Understood?”

  She nodded, not exactly thrilled with his hard demeanor and commanding voice. He was slipping back into his normal persona—the one he had when offering her a ride for a roll in the sheets. It was almost insane how far they had come in only a few days.

  She guessed that happened when fate was involved.

  He pulled the ship into the docking station. A tall handsome male walked toward them, a younger version of Marek, no doubt.

  “There’s Nojan. Come on. Let’s get off this damn ship.” He reached for her hand and moved toward the exit.

  Jazmine followed him, her stomach fluttering more and more. She worked hard not to let her discomfort show on her face. Having her own room didn’t seem like such a bad idea all of a sudden. Something was jacking with her system and she needed to find out what or simply reject it completely. Neither was going to be attractive.

  Chapter 25

  Marek’s lips lifted in a smile as he released Jazmine’s hand and moved out to hug his younger brother. Nojan let out a deep laugh and pulled him in tightly, squeezing until Marek heard his back pop.

  “I’ve missed you. I get to be the co-pilot on the next great adventure.” Nojan smiled and released Marek.

  “You’ll have to wrestle that spot away from me.” Jazmine moved in front of Marek, surprising him. He knew her to be forward and ballsy, but she was feeling rather bad at the moment.

  He slid his hands onto her shoulders and squeezed softly before letting them fall. The look on his brother’s face gave credence to why Marek would have to stay close. The girl was everything the women of Vartik weren’t and most of the males would notice quickly.

  “I think wrestling you would be right up there with the rest of my fantasies. You should leave the old man and move to a younger version.” Nojan winked before turning and jogging down the platform.

  Marek moved around Jazmine quickly, jogging after his brother. “No the fuck you did not.”

  “He did.” Jazmine laughed, the sound of tension in her voice causing Marek to pause. He could play around with his brothers later. He needed to get her somewhere safe and take care of her.

  “Come on. Let’s get you something to drink and a cool bed to lay down in.” He moved back toward her, reaching for her hand.

  She took it and moved beside him, releasing his hold on her quickly, as if uncomfortable.

  Nojan turned from the bottom of the ramp and smiled. “Are we headed to eat or show the pretty lady the city or what? What’s up first?”

  “She’s not feeling well. I’m thinking it might be best to start with a cool room for her to take a nap in.” Marek glanced over at her, worry sitting on him at the tightness in her shoulders. She was pulling off her sickness well, but he knew how she looked when fully healthy. Something was terribly wrong.

  “Let me take you to the lab for a quick scan? It’s just a light that runs over the top of you, but it will tell us if you have an illness. Might be good anyway, just for the safety of everyone here if you’re carrying something.” Nojan smiled, his eyes kind.

  Marek was grateful for his brother. There was no one else that he would trust Jazmine with.

  “I would like that.” Jaz looked over at him. “Go do what you need to do and I’ll go with Nojan to the lab. I’ll find you later?”

  “I’ll bring her to the house when we wrap up. Like thirty minutes or so?” Nojan wagged his eyebrows.

  Marek growled softly, warning his brother as Jaz turned to Nojan with a look of question.

  “He’s the jealous type.” Nojan shook his head and moved toward a small white building just outside of the landing platform. The field was grassy but looked like an airport of sorts, or at least they appeared as such on Territh as he remembered it.

  “Don’t let her out of your sight and don’t touch her. Bring her to the house and find me. I’m going to check in with Mom and Dad.” Marek gave one more warning look to his brother and turned his attention back to his woman, his emotions softening as he watched her. “You okay to do this?”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you soon.” She turned and walked toward the building.

  A pang of regret rolled through him. He should have gone with her or should have kissed her or something before she walked away. She would expect him to be withdrawn and stuffy in front of his people and she was right. They expected him to marry his cousin and not break tradition. He was going to have hell fighting that, but if anyone could do it, it was him. The one thing he prided himself in most was that he was relentless when needed and ruthless if denied.

  He would know if she was with child soon and that would be a game changer if she was. He was willing to relent and let her go on two conditions—she wanted him to and she wasn’t pregnant.

  If the latter of those things held untrue, she wasn’t going anywhere. It would kill him if she left, but the knowledge that they shared life and didn’t hold tight together to raise the babe—unimaginable.

  Chapter 26

  “Jazmine is fine. Nojan is with her and everything is fine.” Marek mumbled under his breath to himself as he threw his leg over a small motorbike that sat with a hundred others just outside the platform. They moved around their world mostly on foot, but the bikes were meant for royalty, people of position or to get someone to their destination with expedience. He met all of those qualifications.

  The large hardwood forest rose up around him as he took the thin dirt road from the edge of Vartik into the center of it. Their buildings were far advanced, most of them made from a synthetic material that appeared to be glass but was lightweight and unbreakable. The panels in each structure would give the inhabitants the ability to shift the tinting on the walls to keep others from seeing in, but one could always see out.

  The land was too beautiful to hide its view for long.

  He needed Jazmine with him, wanted to show her everything he loved about his home, but now wasn’t the time. His parents would have been made aware of his arrival. He needed to greet them but wanted to change clothes first.

  The large palace sat in the distance, the structure rising more than five stories into the sky. All of his brothers and their extended family lived in various parts of the house, which would one day be filled with the sound of little feet once again. No one was expected to have children before him and the pressure was on.

  Nothing but forest surrounded the palace. It was more for security than anything else, but his mother always told everyone that it was more about her love for plant life.

  He scoffed at the thought. Her black thumb was legendary in the house, but the family kept that quiet among the other family secrets that the people of Vartik would never know.

  His mother had made sure to remind him of it almost daily before he broke free and went on his last adventure. A smile touched his mouth, the idea of having Jazmine giving way to daily adventure. The girl was wild and untamed, a treasure to behold and a wonder to explore.

  Growling softly as his body hardened, Marek got off the bike and moved from it as one of the house servants ran toward him. The boy was human and one of Marek’s favorite members of their household.

  “Gromel, how are you, boy?” Marek hugged the kid and pulled back, ruffling his hair. “You’ve grown in the last six months.”

  “That’s what us men do, Mar.” He smiled and mov
ed to the bike. “Want me to put this up for you?”

  “Yes, but could you ride it around the block? One of the tires seemed low.” Marek winked as Gromel nodded, a soft laugh leaving him. He wasn’t more than ten. Marek’s youngest brother had brought him back several years ago on the last trade mission that Marek was aware of. The boy was wandering around Killian, very out of place. He had been a slave to someone before, and due to his small size and immature stature, the creature had left him to fend for himself.

  Marek watched as the boy jumped on the bike and took off, the tire leaving a mark on the white-brick drive.

  A laugh left Marek as he turned and jogged up the long column of steps. The large bright green trees that rose up all around the house left it looking much more daunting than it was.

  Jaz was going to love it but perhaps would be a little overwhelmed by it all at the same time. He breathed in deeply, the feeling of adoration sweeping over him as he thought about her. He hoped like hell she would want to stay with him. The girl had far more burdens in her life than anyone should. He wanted to help alleviate all of that.

  Marek made a quick turn to his left and slipped into the elevator as it opened, pressing the fourth-floor button. He was hoping for a quick stop by his room before getting spotted by anyone in particular.

  The door opened and he moved off quickly, jogging toward his bedroom. He was gifted with half of the fourth floor. Three of his brothers took the rest of it. He pushed the door open and walked in, turning to shut and lock it just in case anyone thought to join him. No one was aware of his return just yet, unless of course his mother made it known.

  She was one to plan a huge dinner and gathering in his honor. He sighed at the thought and changed into a pair of slacks and a pressed black shirt. Marek combed his hair and brushed his teeth before slipping into a pair of polished black shoes.

  “There. Much better.” He turned in the mirror, a smirk touching his mouth. Jaz would either love his more businesslike attire or hate it. Either way, he didn’t plan on wearing too terribly much when she was around.

  A knock at the door resounded behind him and he turned, walking to open it. Zelup, his younger brother, stood at the door, a huge smile on his face. Marek pulled him into a quick hug, and both of them patted the other on the back in exaggerated slaps.

  “I almost thought you weren’t coming back.” Zelup smiled and shook his head. He looked nothing like the rest of the group, the only one with black hair and dark features. Their grandfather had looked much like Zelup, but most of the other Vartik boys were close replicas of Marek and his father, Zuch.

  “And leave you to rule in your infancy? Come on now, man. I’m selfish, but not so much as to leave these poor unsuspecting people in your hands.” Marek chuckled as his brother pushed at his chest.

  “Whatever. Mom and Dad know you’re here. I was sent to gather you up. Come now or I’ll carry you over my shoulder.” Zelup lifted his eyebrows and Marek laughed.

  “Go fuck yourself. There’s no way I’m getting toted anywhere.” He pushed his brother in the chest softly and moved out into the large ornate hallway.

  “Fucking myself sounds better than anything else I’ve been doing today.”

  “Oh yeah? That bad?” Marek smirked and moved toward the elevator with his brother. They got in and Zelup pressed the button for the top floor, the whole thing belonging to their parents.

  “Yes. Father is far beyond excited about this specimen you’ve brought home with you. He believes her to be—”

  Marek cut him off. “The twin daughter of the light goddess. I know.”

  “And? Is she?”

  “I’m not sure honestly. I didn’t think she was anything more than a human girl when we first met, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “What did you see that changed your mind?”

  Zelup never ceased to amaze him. Nojan wanted to talk about her tits. The rest of his other brothers would have asked about whether he had taken her and in what position, but not Zelup. He was far too interested in the things of Vartik to even contemplate life or love outside of the large lost planet.

  “She glows with a brilliant blue light around her. Nojan looked into it for us and that’s where he and Father came up with this myth that she is the goddess’s daughter.”

  “And if she’s a twin, where is her sister?”

  “Why? You interested?” Marek winked at his brother as they got off the elevator and walked to the golden doors at the end of the hall.

  “Fuck no. I’m going to marry whomever Mom and Dad plan for me to marry. It’s simple really. You complicate things, but I guess that’s just part of being the oldest and the most defiant.”

  “She has a brother, not a sister, so rest easy there.” Marek paused outside of the door, knocking loudly. His father’s voice called for them to enter. “You coming?”

  “No, I’m not. I’ve had enough of both of them for one day. Find me later. I want to see the creature.”

  “The woman.” Marek lifted his brow in warning.

  “Whatever it is. I want to see what the fuss is all about.”

  Marek walked into the room and closed the door.

  His mother moved toward him. She let off a high-pitched squeal and reached for him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Oh, my baby is home. Thank the gods. I didn’t know if we would ever see you again.”

  “Silvia. Don’t smother the boy. Let him breathe.”

  Marek returned the warmth of her hug and kissed her cheek softly. “It’s all right, Dad. Being called a boy makes it all worth it.”

  “I do like it when she calls me a boy too.” His father shifted his gaze to Marek’s mother and wagged his eyebrows as she chuckled.

  “Come on, guys. I just got home. No need to make me lose my lunch.”

  “Breakfast, dear. They are making a large breakfast in the dining room downstairs on the first floor. You look thin. You need to eat.” His mother glanced around him. “Where is the girl?”

  “Yes, where is she?” The king moved toward Marek, stopping in front of him and reaching out. He squeezed Marek’s shoulders and smiled.

  “She’s with Nojan. He’s running a few tests on her to ensure that she’s safe. The last part of the trip was rough on her and I wanted to make sure it was simply the jerking of the aircraft and not anything to be concerned with.”

  “She went willingly with your brother to have him scan her?” His father lifted his eyebrow as if curious.

  “She did. You’ll like her. She’s cheeky and quite brilliant, talented, and her gifts?” Marek walked to a small table near the open window and pulled a few grapes from the vine just outside the window.

  “You’ve seen them?” his father asked, walking to join him.

  “Only a few of them, but she was able to start the ship in the middle of the black hole just outside of here.” He smiled, proud of his woman and willing to show it.

  “Incredible,” his father spoke softly, his eyes darkening as his emotions changed.

  “Well, she’s part human, so let’s not treat her like a science experiment. I assume she looks human, son?” Marek’s mother moved toward the door and reached for the knob.

  “She does. Where are you going?” Marek moved toward his mother.

  Her long blue ball gown left no question whether she was royalty or not. “I’m going to find her. I want to welcome her to Vartik.”

  “No, you’re not. She’s tired and I’m going to have her take a nap before she has to sing and dance before you and Dad. I’ll go get her now and we’ll see you just before lunch. How about that?”

  “Go get her and take her to lie down. I’ll send someone to gather you both shortly.” His father leaned out the window, pulling the vine in with him and busying himself with plucking large purple grapes from the twisted branches.

  “Fine, but remember. She’s my keep and no one touches her or tests her unless I say it is to be so.” Marek opened the door and glanced toward his father.

sp; “As you wish, son. As you wish.”

  Chapter 27

  “So talk to me about your symptoms. Just feeling a little lightheaded or what?” Nojan glanced at her, his eyes light brown, his expression caring.

  “I can’t seem to keep anything down either.” Jazmine reached up and pulled her long blond hair into a messy bun. The temperature in Vartik was a little warmer than she had expected. The large yellow sun sat low in the sky, but it did its job well.

  “We’ll check for various known viruses or bacteria as well as food poisoning.”

  “Wow. We have doctors and medicine men on Territh, but I’m not sure if they have scans that are that advanced.” She smiled, glad to finally talk to the younger male in person. He reminded her so much of Marek that it was almost uncanny.

  “We’re far more advanced in technology and medicine than anyone in all of the galaxy. I think it has something to do with our extended lifespans. Kinda helps to have more than a hundred years to figure everything out.” He chuckled and held the door open as Jazmine moved in front of him.

  A number of elevator doors lined the walls, but nothing else existed. No chairs or rooms, no people or pictures on the walls.

  “Interesting. I assume this is just a portal to take us to the lab?”

  “You assume right, pretty lady.” Nojan moved toward one of the doors and tapped a series of buttons. He leaned down and opened his eye with his fingers as a laser moved in front of him. A computerized voice responded, causing Jazmine to jump.

  “Accepted, Dr. Nojan Vartik.”

  He glanced over at her and tilted his head to the side as if studying her. Jazmine felt the need to speak for some reason.

  “Marek said that you were the one that researched the light ring that hovers around me.” She smiled and moved onto the elevator as Nojan walked in beside her. She almost expected the contraption to shoot into the sky, as most did, but this one shot toward the ground. The air around her chilled and she took a step to Nojan.


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