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The Wolf’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 1)

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by Layla Silver

  I was getting tired of having this kind of conversation over my pregnancy. My uncle and I had always enjoyed a good relationship. It was such a shame that the baby was all he ever talked about now.

  "Of course, because you signed a contract," my uncle retorted.

  I sighed, and thankfully my father cut in, preventing me from starting yet another fight with my uncle. But to be fair, he always started it.

  "Jeremiah, perhaps it's time to back off. April is old enough and more than capable of making her own decisions. Our place is just to support her," my father said.

  "Am I the only one who sees that this will end as a disaster?"

  I stood up and walked out before I said anything to upset my family even further. My father called after me but didn't try to stop me from leaving. I closed the door behind me but not before I heard my uncle speak again.

  "Have you met your daughter? She's the most loving person I know, and she won't survive giving that child away."

  Maybe he was right, or he could be wrong; I honestly didn't know anymore. I decided to take a hike to try and cool down while everything that had been happening hit me all at once. At least my college applications were going well, I didn't have to stress about that. I had sent out some applications already to colleges at the top of my list and was feeling confident about my chances. The child growing inside of me was another issue altogether, and it seemed as if I was going to start World War three at my house. The worst thing was that my uncle knew me well, and even though I might deny it until I turned blue in the face, I was getting attached to the baby.

  I couldn't go an hour without touching my belly or talking to the baby. I kept telling myself that it was only for a few more months, and I wasn't doing any harm, but the harm had already been done, and my uncle could see right through me. My biggest fear was that I would wonder what kind of life the child was leading for the rest of my life. Would I always look at children running in the street and wonder if it was mine?

  It didn't help matters that my growing feelings for Julian were making me think of what it would be like to have a family. It was silly, of course, because the two of us would never work together. I was pregnant and trying to get into college while he was a successful playboy. Whatever feelings I had were probably because I had known him for so long and had had a crush on him for the majority of those years. But people had crushes all the time; it didn't mean anything.

  'That's a lie, and you know it,' my inner voice quickly called me out.

  I remembered my little race with Julian a few days back and knew for certain that my crush definitely meant something.

  I had known from the moment that I saw Julian's Wolf that I was done for. He was one of the most beautiful Wolves I had ever seen, with shiny light fur all over save for a few streaks of gray around his snout and on his paws. He stood tall and strong, his hind legs positioned for a good chase. I'd just stood there for a moment, mesmerized. It took all I had to stop myself from shifting and letting my Wolf rub herself against Julian's Wolf.

  I had lost, of course, but I hadn't been sad about it. I'd had more fun running with Julian than any other time I'd run alone in the woods. It was very easy to forget that he was out my league when we were together like that, and I discovered there was more to him than what met the eye. He had a very interesting sense of humor; sarcastic one moment and annoyingly obnoxious in the next. But I enjoyed spending time with him, and I found myself craving more. Such thoughts were dangerous, however, and my little hike was clouding my mind more instead of clearing it, so I decided to head back.

  I turned around and started running back towards the house, loving the wind against my skin and the momentary freedom I had from my thoughts. I knew the woods like the back of my hand and wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings until I ran into Julian, literally. He caught me just in time, and I wanted to scowl at him for just coming out of nowhere and ruining my time alone. But when his eyes met mine I forgot about everything else and focused just on him.

  It was as if I had summoned him into being by sheer force of will, and he was right there for the taking. In black jeans, a red T-shirt, and a black leather jacket, he looked like he had just walked off the pages of a magazine. That's how beautiful he looked. I couldn't do anything except stare at him as my Wolf stirred and demanded that I put my nose on his skin and bask in his masculine scent. Stupid pregnancy hormones, I thought. Although I knew that this had nothing to do with my pregnancy and everything to do with the magnetic force that was Julian.

  "We have to stop bumping into each other like this, or someone will get hurt next time," he said in hardly more than a whisper, but every word caressed my skin like he had just told me he wanted to have his way with me.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "Your father told me you were out here," he replied, not exactly answering my question.

  He still hadn't let go of my arms, and I was aware of the heat from his hands seeping into my body. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what, or I just simply didn't remember how to speak.

  "You are so beautiful," he finally said, sounding as if he was in pain.

  I blinked once or twice before I felt as if I had been lifted off my feet. Probably the butterflies in my stomach had gotten strong enough to give me the power of flight, and I would become the only shifter in history to fly. That's how I felt when Julian leaned in and took my lips with his.


  It was exactly like I had imagined, but nothing like I had even begun to dream of yet. Like I was finally home, but I had to run away before I became addicted. So many thoughts were running through my head, and I tried to focus only on one. Julian was finally kissing me.

  I raised my hands and placed them on his hard chest, kissing him back with every ounce of passion I had in me. His mouth was soft and sweet, and he smelled divine. His arousal only made his scent stronger, and if I had been in my Wolf form I would have howled in pleasure. I had been missing this my entire life, and I had never known it. Such a shame.

  "Oh April," he moaned against my mouth before deepening the kiss.

  The first touch of his tongue against mine awakened something within me, and I almost purred. It made me grab his jacket and pull him closer, his arousal now firmly trapped between our bodies. I wanted to feel every hard angle and muscle on his body, but I also never wanted to move my hands and stop this moment. What's a girl to do when she has so much to explore?

  Julian took the decision out of my hands as he pressed harder against me and ran his hands down my body instead. His mouth left mine as he licked and kissed my neck, biting gently, and making my body tremble in his arms. I felt my teeth elongate the moment I felt his own scrap against my skin, and just like that, panic settled in.

  He moved away with my less than gentle push, looking dazed and confused as to what was happening. I knew I had to get out of here before we lost control and did something we would regret, or more specifically something I would regret. It was wrong timing, I had a lot going on, and I didn't want to be just another casual fling to him. I wouldn't be able to live with that, and it would hurt too much to have to give the baby up, and Julian as well.

  So with that thought, I turned and ran back towards the house, to the safest place I knew.

  Chapter 13 - Julian

  I looked at Natalie as she handed over color-coordinated files to me. As efficient as always, she never disappointed. But no matter how perfect an assistant she was, she could not assist me with my newest problem. How to get over kissing April. I couldn't think of anything else except that kiss, and it was taking over my entire life. Every time I closed my eyes, her green eyes were waiting for me, and I couldn't seem to get her scent off my skin no matter how many times I showered. At this rate, I was bound to lose my mind, and I couldn't afford that, not with the business preparations so close to fruition.

  "Will there be anything else, sir?"

  Yes, I thought. Could I get a tablet that e
rased memories? Or better yet, one that could erase feelings for a certain daughter of a certain friend?

  "Nothing else, Natalie. Thank you."

  "Are you feeling alright, sir?" she asked with a small frown, and I wondered if she could tell that I was under a spell.

  "Can I ask you a personal question, Natalie?" I asked, thinking that perhaps she could assist me after all in some small capacity. I had always wondered if she had an answer for everything anyway, and I was about to find out once and for all.

  "If you must," she responded flatly.

  I resisted the urge to smile and just said what was on my mind.

  "Do you think that I am a good man?"

  She frowned again. "That is your personal question?"

  I nodded before replying with a smirk. "I'm asking you what you personally think about me as a person."

  Her look told me I was probably trying her patience with my attempt at humor, but she answered anyway.

  "You are kind and fair, and your professionalism is admirable when you are not trying to be funny." She gave me a pointed look as she said that and I smiled. "But it's one of the things that everyone at work likes about you, plus the fact that you treat everyone with respect."

  "So what's your conclusion?"

  She sighed. "Are you fishing for compliments, sir?"

  "You know me better than that, Natalie. I own several mirrors."

  I laughed when she shook her head at me but quickly gave her my most serious look. "I know you will be honest with me if I ask, and that is why I ask."

  "You are not sick, are you? And trying to make amends or something?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

  "I promise you, I'm not," I replied.

  She gave me a firm nod and answered, "Then I would say I've known few better men, sir."

  I nodded and gave her a genuine smile. "Thank you, Natalie."

  She nodded and left.

  I leaned back into my office chair and tried to look at myself through April's eyes. Did she see a good man when she looked at me? Was I only good in the general human sense of the word, but not a good prospect for a relationship? With the way she had been avoiding me, I had to wonder what she thought of me. And I couldn't find out if she wouldn't talk to me. I took the files that Natalie had delivered and put my copies in the drawer before grabbing my keys. This gave me a perfect excuse to stop by April's house and try and talk to her. If she would let me.

  I rode to her house and found her outside, cleaning the windows. She looked quite the sight, in shorts and an oversized shirt. It made her look smaller than she already was, and I couldn't help but smile. As she leaned back, I noticed a small bump on her stomach, which looked incredibly sexy on her. Perhaps she'd eaten more than usual these past few days. She stopped and turned to look at me as I got off my bike, shaking my hair out when I took off my helmet.

  "Busy day?"

  "A little. You're here to see dad?" April asked quickly as if trying to get rid of me as fast as she could.

  I waited until she got off the chair that she was standing on and walked toward me.

  "You, actually," I replied, offering her a smile.

  She looked panicked for a second, and I had a feeling she would run away if she could. Unfortunately for April, I was not going to let her avoid this conversation. I was a man on a mission, and I would see that mission accomplished by the time I left.

  "Look, Julian, what happened," she paused and took a deep breath as if this was painful to say. "That kiss..."

  "Was amazing," I finished for her. Partly because I didn't want to hear her say the word 'mistake' in relation to that awesome moment we had shared and also because it was true and she knew it too. "I have never felt anything like that before."

  She gave me a skeptical look, and I just smiled as if I didn't even notice. If she was going to pretend that she hadn't enjoyed that kiss as much as I had, then I was definitely going to ignore her trying to discourage me. I was honest when I said I had never felt like that before, it was something so unique to April, and I wanted to find out why that was.

  "You can't deny that you enjoyed it a little bit," I smirked, spacing my thumb and index finger just a little.

  The corners of her mouth twitched, but she denied me the pleasure of seeing her smile. And what a glorious sight it was to behold. It lit up her features.

  "A lot, then?"

  She blushed and laughed, and I considered that to be a victory. If I succeeded in breaking through her armor just a little, then that was good enough for me.

  "You are a difficult one, aren't you?" She tilted her head and studied me as if I was a puzzle she couldn't figure out.

  "Only to people who don't know me well," I replied honestly. "But I want to remedy that with you."

  "Julian," she sighed, and I could sense the beginning of a very compelling argument.

  "April," I countered, "I know you felt it too."

  "Anyone kissing someone who knows what they're doing would feel the same, but it was a bad idea, and it really shouldn't happen again."

  "Is that why you ran away? Why didn't you just say it then?"

  She blinked like a deer caught in headlights. "Well... I um... I just didn't know what to say at the time."

  "Why, Julian caught your tongue, literally?" I said with a smirk.

  "You're not funny."

  I shrugged before responding. "Well, at least I'm a good kisser, certified by April Grant."

  That failed to get a smile.

  "You should just go, Julian. Whatever happened between us, it can't happen again. You should forget about it," she said.

  I took her hand in mine and held on gently until she stopped trying to take it away.

  "My father is in the house," she finally said, giving me a pointed look.

  "I won't let you go until you listen to what I have to say."

  She rolled her eyes and mouthed the word fine, which made me smile.

  "I really enjoyed our kiss, and no, I won't just forget about it," I said.

  She was asking me to forget probably the best kiss I'd ever had in my life? Not a chance. And it wasn't even only about the kiss, it was about us. There was something between us, something good.

  "Julian," she started, and I shook my head.

  "No, you promised to listen. Remember?" I said.

  "You are making me listen. There was no promising of any sort," she retorted, raising a brow.

  "Keep talking, and I'll kiss you again," I said smoothly, meaning every word.

  I didn't care that her father was in the house right now; if she said one more thing, I was going to kiss her. I would have kissed her anyway without the condition, but I was here to talk, not to lock lips. For now. She blushed, and I had a feeling my threat was more welcome than I thought.

  "As I was saying, that kiss was amazing. But it's not only about that, April. I like you whether we're kissing or not. You are smart and funny and a joy to be around."

  "You're just saying that," she interrupted again, this time managing to draw her hand away.

  She turned to walk away, but I stepped in front of her quickly, blocking her way. There was no way I was letting her run away again. I blocked her every attempt to walk away from me, and she sighed in exasperation.

  "You owe me, remember?"

  "Owe you what?" She looked at me like I was up to no good, which I probably was.

  "I won the race, and you have to do whatever I want," I reminded her.

  "Fine, what do you want?"

  That was a very loaded question, and I could have answered it in many different ways had I chosen to. But for some reason, I said something I hadn't planned on.

  "Have dinner with me." I tried not to look as confused as I felt. I really had no idea where that had come from, but I wouldn't take it back now that I'd said it. "Tonight."

  "Julian," she sighed again, "I can't."

  "Can't or won't? Because there's a really big difference there."

  "It's just not a good i
dea, okay? And I don't want to talk about this anymore."

  "Will you at least give me a chance? Just one date, and if you hate me after that, then I'll leave you alone."

  I had never worked this hard to get a date, and I found the whole experience refreshing. I just had to be honest with her and hope for the best. April bit the corner of her lip as she considered my proposal, and even though I was trying really hard to be a gentleman, that simple act threw me. I wanted nothing more than to kiss those beautiful lips again, and I had to clench my fists to stop myself from reaching for her.

  "I'm serious about you, April, and I promise you won't regret joining me for dinner."

  "I don't want you to expect anything from me," she said, slightly narrowing her eyes at me.

  I placed my hand over my chest and tried hard not to grin. "You have my word."

  "Okay, then."

  "Okay?" I asked, feeling excited.

  April nodded and said, "Yes. I'll have dinner with you."

  I grinned, and she laughed, shaking her head. I would have lifted her and swung her around if her father hadn't walked out at that moment. I had forgotten all about him, and that was dangerous because I had no idea what I would tell him if he'd caught me with his daughter in my arms. Should I even tell him that I was going to take her out on a date? I really had no idea what to say about that either, so I decided not to say anything for now.

  "Julian, how are you?" Kenneth said with a smile.

  I wondered if he would still smile at me if he knew that I had just asked out his only daughter, who was a little over half my age.

  "I'm alright, and yourself? Going somewhere?" I gestured to his travelling bag.

  "I'm going out of town for that final meeting with the distributor, remember?" he said.

  "Oh, that's today? Sorry, it must have slipped my mind. My assistant just dropped off copies of the proposed distribution channels today actually. I'm yet to thoroughly go through them."

  "No problem. I'm just hoping this meeting goes well so that we can make a few concrete decisions. But I might be away for a couple of days, I'll just keep you updated."


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